Become a revolutionary mentor from a pirate

Chapter 33 A crushing situation

"Are you my roommate?"

Al was still confused.

And Kevin continued to ask: "So this is the traditional way of calling people at the Navy Headquarters? That's not right. At least that guy Lomi never told me that the youth academy welcomes new recruits so enthusiastically."

"Besides, someone must have given you permission to act so unscrupulously, right? It seems Kuzan has a good reputation in your navy."

As soon as he finished speaking, Orr, who was still in a state of shock and fear just now, had now recovered.

There was mud flowing on its body, and there were even bubbles. It was obvious that it was in a position to attack or dodge at any time.

"You are very domineering, but people like you are not worthy of being in the navy! Vice Admiral Kuzan is called by his first name. You should know very well how a villain like you got here."

After the words fell, Kevin, who covered his forehead with one hand, laughed, which was very harsh.

When he put down his hand, Kevin looked at Orr teasingly: "Then what? What do you want to say? Do you think that the Navy Headquarters should not follow the orders of the World Government? Do you think that Marshal Kong of the Headquarters should rebel? Or should we be like you? Spread the mud and hit Marie Joa together?”

"Shut up, you bastard!!"


As Orr roared, mud rose into the sky, trying to envelop Kevin in it.

However, Kevin did not dodge at all and slapped the mud back with a slap.

At this time, Kevin said with a headache: "I told you not to dirty my sheets, but I just bought them."

As he spoke, Kevin stood up, and the next moment he suddenly appeared directly in front of Al, and knocked him away from the door with a knee lift.


A mouthful of blood spurted out, and even Al, who was a natural type, still couldn't dodge this blow.

It was too fast. He had clearly noticed it just now and sensed the aura that he was about to be attacked, but he was still hit in the end.

Kevin yawned as he was sleepy after just waking up: "The effect of invalidating the physical attacks of natural ability users is based on the fact that the opponent does not have the weapon color."

"If the opponent has mastered the Armed Color Haki, then the comparison between the two battles will be between the Armed Color and the Wisdom Color. The moment before the attack hits, the area about to be hit will disperse and become hollow. It will neutralize the attack.”

At this point, Kevin had already walked up to Al and said condescendingly: "But obviously, your knowledge cannot keep up with my speed, and you can't even react. If you elementalize your body in advance, you will only be able to hit every blow." They were all captured by me, which makes no sense.”

The severe pain in his chest spread to his internal organs. Orr, who was born in the North Sea, could say that he had never experienced such pain since he ate the swamp fruit.

There are very few armed and domineering people in the Four Seas Society, and those with natural abilities are invincible there, but today...


Orr, who struggled to stand up, coughed up blood again: "A guy like you...why do you want to be those people's dogs? Kuzan, Lieutenant General Kuzan's future is to become an admiral with the highest combat power in the navy. ah!"

Amidst the roar, the entity's fist glowed with black luster, and it punched out violently.


The blow wrapped in the armed color was easily received by Kevin. It was also in the armed color, but Kevin was able to easily hold it and transform it.


Howling in pain, Al was thrown out and hit the corner.

Kevin walked forward slowly, his tone still full of ridicule: "The respect and belief in Kuzan have actually brought you to such a level that you have begun to awaken your domineering power... But do you know? The navy admiral is just the same. It’s just the dog of the Celestial Dragon.”

"I'm just a dog. Is there anything wrong with me? If I'm not loyal even if I'm a dog, am I worse than a dog?"

Leaning down, Kevin looked at him teasingly: "Don't question it. Capta has been unwilling to become a general from the beginning to the end. The fundamental reason is here. The navy is the navy of the World Government and the Celestial Dragons. To be a general, you must be a dog. Awakening!”


In desperation, Al coughed up blood again, tilted his head and fainted.

It was neat and tidy, but Kevin was a little dumbfounded.

A user with swamp fruit ability. In my memory, this fruit's ability can even store a large amount of materials. It is also a natural type, so of course it has to do something.

Plant the seeds, and by chance, you will become a member of the revolutionary army in the future.

Of course, for now, the faith lies with Kuzan. In this case, one must either instigate rebellion against Kuzan first, or destroy Kuzan's image in his mind and rebuild his belief in the revolutionary fire.

Let him know that the justice he wants does not exist here in the Navy.

Outdoor training ground.

The major who was taking the training records trotted up to Zefa and whispered: "The supervision records in the dormitory just came. Orr lost, and he lost completely."

Zefa raised his head slightly: "I remember that Kevin was only fifteen years old in the directory, right? At such an age, he can awaken his domineering energy, and can master such an armed color to capture natural entities. Then he can also master the knowledge color. "

Speaking of this, Zefa's expression showed a smile, which was a kind of joy from the bottom of his heart after discovering a good seedling.

Since his family was killed by pirates, this youth training camp was the place where he spent most of his time. The marines who came out of here were also an extension of his spiritual will.

This group of chicks that have not experienced the wind and rain is all he has now.

"Go tell him to come over."

Zefa stood up: "The young man who has awakened his domineering power must have the belief and will he wants to persevere in his heart. What he needs is different from the brats here."

The major's face was solemn. At this time, he also thought of the age of the young man named Kevin.


"Teacher, Lieutenant General Kuzan's incident can reveal his position. If this is the case, we may be training a CP person in the future."

Zefa replied in a deep voice: "The navy's duty has always been to eliminate pirates. I don't like what he did in the West Sea, but it also shows that he is a navy."

"As for the World Government and CP, the Navy has always been affiliated with the World Government. Don't say anything like this again."

After finishing his words, the major decided to go to the youth training camp dormitory in person this time.

And Zefa was a little distracted.

Isn’t that the same thing about that guy from the Warring States Period? He obeys the orders of the World Government and does his best to exterminate pirates to protect ordinary civilians.

Such people use themselves as bridges to maintain the balance of the world, which is equally correct in a sense.

So, is this a new generation like the Warring States Period?

Dear friends, the name of this book has been changed: [Start as a Pirate and Become a Revolutionary Mentor].

The red color is a bit...hahaha.

In addition, I kneel down and beg you all for your follow-up reading. I am very grateful.

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