"A major in the Xihai branch, how did he master such a level of knowledge and armament?"

"Tsk! Don't forget that this guy is CP's dog. The owner only needs two bones to make him bite people better, right?"

"Who's on next?"

"Except for those few who want to compete for the title of monster, no one can be his opponent, even though I don't want to admit it."

Whispers appeared in small circles one after another, and the superhuman ability user Dibalu had just been defeated with one blow, which also made these newcomers who had just stepped into the headquarters a little unsure.

Among them are the top few people recognized by the new generation of the youth training camp before this. They can know that Kevin caught Dibaru with his sight color when he attacked, then covered his arms with armed color to hold the attack, and then broke through with a knee lift. opponent.

But they were a little hesitant about the extent of the knowledge and weaponry involved. After all, the power displayed by this arrogant brat was too easy.

"Yo? Everyone was shouting about beating and killing just now. Why did you stop now?"

Kevin's playful expression gradually subsided, and his eyes narrowed slightly as he said: "If that's the case, I think I can take back what I just said. Because the reason why garbage is garbage is because of the limitations of garbage itself. You... are not even as good as garbage. "


A slash flew forward.

But the next moment Kevin sidestepped and punched him.


When the armed forces collided, the huge impact caused dust to rise all around.

A long sword blocked the punch and was able to swing out a flying slash. The weapon-colored domineering energy wrapped around the blade was already capable of cutting through steel.

"Strength gained by betraying a benevolent person will only be a shame. Kevin, are you really determined?"

As soon as he finished speaking, he slashed with a long sword.

The weapon-covered palm slapped him back, but the opponent's swords continued continuously, each time with huge force.

Soon, the newlyweds who had originally surrounded them gradually dispersed, and the central area became a duel between the two.


"It's true that the Navy is affiliated with the World Government, and it's true that we should all obey orders! But from birth to now, you and I have also been people in the belly who have no power to resist!"


The long knife passed by, and the black light on the blade flickered.

"I once heard that among pirates, there is also a person who must repay his kindness, but a guy like you is not even as good as a pirate. What I think of the name of justice is definitely not like this!"



The long black knife collided with the black arm, and a stream of air was pushed outward.

This blow caused a gash on Kevin's arm.

The sword holder pays most attention to the inner spiritual will. Steel can also be cut, and a piece of tissue paper can be cut endlessly.

A glimmer of light flashed in Kevin's eyes, and he paid no attention to the frightening wounds on his arms.

What he really cares about is whether there are many people in the navy who are dissatisfied with the World Government as he expected.

The power of domineering will plummet after the original persistence in the heart is broken, and it will be mastered again after regaining confidence.

Crocodile was like this, and Moonlight Moria was like this after losing to Kaido in Wano Country.

The young swordsman in front of him was obviously the justice he wanted to see.

Bright light flashed and the black blade retreated.

After the fierce attack, his physical strength was somewhat unable to keep up.

The attack that broke through the opponent's defense just now was obviously not an ability he had already mastered, but a new power he had just experienced.

At the same time, people watching the battle from a distance also noticed this scene.

For the youth academy students, breaking the defense means that Kevin is not invincible to them.

But Zefa, who had been watching all this, now understood Kevin's intentions.

"The defense is broken. It seems that this boy's domineering power has not reached the top level. If he goes up one by one, he should have no problem winning."

As soon as the major on the side finished speaking, Zefa glanced at him.

"Do you think this counts as a win?"

Zefa frowned and said: "This brat won this issue one by one, do you think the name of monster will be pinned on his head?"

The major was stunned for a moment, then reacted.

But in that case, why would the teacher...

Zefa ignored him and focused his attention on the duel in the center again.

Using himself as the focal point, he made all the righteous and insistent students in the entire youth training camp use him as his enemy, and then simply used weapons and colors to delay him, and taunted him along the way.

So this kid really just wants to help selflessly?

Shinichi had mastered Haki before, but just now he even had a hint of the skill to show it off. Knowing such skills is the key to being able to defeat those big pirates.

From this point of view, the lackey argument is somewhat absurd.

At this time, the center of the duel had changed.

Kevin, who had been slowly colliding with Shinichi every time, now directly avoided the attack.

Whether it was a slash or a sword-style move, all of them failed and could not hit.

At the last moment, Kevin came directly behind Shinichi.

"A strong man in this sea requires more than just weapons and domineering power. Knowledge and knowledge are equally important. Otherwise, even if you can break through my skin, what can you do?"

Arriving with the sound was a roaring Dabi Tou.


Like a gourd rolling on the ground, Shinichi, who was still holding the long sword tightly, was knocked away and lost mobility.

Kevin shook his hand and turned to look at the newcomers in the youth training camp: "This time it's not bad. At least I know how to use the weapon color at the last moment to reduce the damage. But if that's the level you are at, I think it doesn't matter if you both go together."

These words were like poking a hornet's nest. Amid the anger of the crowd, those who were originally hesitant about whether they could win the fight were also rushed forward.

"This bastard is so arrogant!"

"Kill him, otherwise we will become the laughing stock of the entire headquarters this episode!"

"If you say something like this, we will become a laughing stock if we don't fight!"

"Then let's go together and teach him a lesson no matter what!"

"He who knows how to use iron blocks and armor-colored heads, is surrounded by people with abilities and chops him to death with swords!"


Holding the blade with his hand, Kevin kicked the guy behind him away.

"This level is far worse than that guy just now."

With one hand exerting force, the standard long knife shattered directly, and the backhand was shot out with a big bag.

At this time, a hand touched Kevin in confusion.

"Prepare to be defeated and beaten, you lackey!"

However, the next moment, the change he expected did not happen. Instead, a huge slap slapped him on the face.


The wooden table next to Zefa was smashed into pieces.

I kneel down and beg for reading, I kneel down and beg for reading, I’m so grateful.

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