Become a revolutionary mentor from a pirate

Chapter 43 Human Trafficking Shop

In my memory, many things in this world are not shown.

It’s a passionate anime, and even the protagonist only knocks away enemies from beginning to end, and death rarely appears.

But when this world becomes real, all the ugliness in it, those that are more unbearable than death, are clearly revealed.

In the Shampoo Islands, the bubbles formed by resin and the bustle of the commercial atmosphere will give you a feeling of a dream world.

But the premise is that the place where you stay is not in the unreachable zone from No. 1 to No. 29, nor is it attracted by the Celestial Dragons who are interested in looking for slaves or the tenth wife.

In the largest human trafficking shop, Kevin saw all kinds of races.

According to the note given by Lai Tezzolo, this human trafficking shop contacted the person above. Whenever there are good items, I will contact them first, and then the rest will be sent to the auction house.

For them, the above relationship is more important than the extra money from the auction, and most of the time, the price given by the Draco will far exceed the auction price.

It’s already the third one.

Kevin, who was still wearing a cloak, was a little helpless. This was already the third human trafficking shop, but he still didn't encounter those maggots.

And as long as he sees these things, the three views he developed in his previous life will make him ready to move.

The auction one month ago was like this, but it saved many people from going to the Bardigo Revolutionary Army.

"Does the customer like it? This is a young woman we just caught from the West Sea. If you buy it back, you can do whatever you want."

An old man with a smile on his face had his eyes narrowed to a slit, with little enthusiasm, and his tone contained connotations that could only be understood.

Kevin looked along.

A young woman with blond hair was trapped in a cage. She must have been dressed up and looked beautiful, but her eyes were dull.

Kevin has seen too much in this month. Needless to say, you can guess the reasons for this situation.

So as long as the Celestial Dragons are still there, as long as people who are willing to pay big prices to buy slaves are still there, there will be countless people who will arrest innocent people for money or to please.

"Guests, please rest assured. Although these slaves have been trained, they are still original and unopened. After all, many customers don't like things that have been used by others."

Kevin said nothing.

But today's three human trafficking shops have all been recorded on his list.

The sin value of the wretched old man in front of him alone has reached 1,600.

This is just a salesperson, not the boss behind the store. And this store has six salespeople.


There was a soft sound, and a whimper came from the distant compartment.


"Please, can you let me go?"

"I just want to see the real sun. I will never come to land again. Please..."

"I want to go back to Fishman Island, please let me go? Please, wuwu..."

The sound in the cubicle made Kevin look at the old man: "Fishmen? Or mermaids? Female mermaids?"

The old man squinted his eyes with some pride: "The customer is very knowledgeable. This is a female mermaid that was finally caught. You must know that since the Fishman Island began to know how precious they are, there have been fewer and fewer mermaids."

"And you also know that the price of female mermaids is very high, and many of them will be taken to Mary Joa. But no matter how precious the things are, in the eyes of the Dracos, they are just toys."

"When toys are worn out, they need to be replenished. So the price of female mermaids is getting higher and higher, and they also have added value."

Kevin asked directly: "How many Baileys?"

The old man shook his head slightly: "This is not for sale. As I made it clear just now, she has a certain value attached and is reserved for adults."

By this time, the whimpering in the cubicle was gone.

Obviously, she would continue to fall asleep before being taken away by the Celestial Dragons.

The old man continued proudly: "Compared to ordinary slaves, the preciousness of female mermaids is that they cannot be trained. The adults on Mariejoia like to train them themselves and make them obedient."

Kevin was silent for a moment.

The three views are different, the heart energy is not smooth, and the chest is really blocked.

"If you say that, then some Tianlong people will come here to pick up the goods soon?"

The old man nodded: "The owner of our store has been preparing since the morning. The red carpet is stepping on the ground to isolate the untouchables, and there is also a grand welcome to kneel down and show that one is as humble as dust."

As low as dust?

This kind of self-understanding really allowed Kevin to refresh his understanding again.

After thinking about it, Kevin smiled and replied: "I have never seen the noble descendant of God. I wonder if I can wait here to take a look?"

The old man was stunned for a moment: "You should know what will happen if Lord Tianlong takes a fancy to you, right?"

Kevin was surprised: "Can men like it too?"

The old man pointed at it: "Slave Arena. And it's not necessarily a hobby like that, right? But I can't agree to it. I don't have such power. If that adult is offended..."

Do you want money?

Kevin shrugged and left.

Just kidding, Tianlong people travel the same as Jingjiehu, whether they are here or not.

As for money, what the Revolutionary Army lacked the most was Baileys. Even Hikoichiro only gave him 200,000 Baileys.

It's impossible to steal your own money.

After leaving the largest human trafficking shop in District 6, Kevin temporarily blocked what he had just seen and heard.

One sells for a thousand and six, there are six of them, the sin value is different but not much different.

That's nearly 10,000.

In addition, there will be a boss soon and there are two other companies, so I can earn almost 46,000 yuan tonight.

Wait, there's another big fish.

If you have one million, wouldn't you be able to open a diamond treasure chest?

The Navy Headquarters is a treasure. It has a great alibi. It is close to the Chambord Islands and the physical consumption of flying the Thunder God is low.

If you really want to be able to open a diamond, you have to get your mind right first.

The thoughts in the heart correspond to the skills or attribute cards opened from the treasure box, and physical strength is the basis for using skills.

Android No. 17 and No. 18?

It can directly match Mariejoia's power to destroy the world, but a million sin points may still be a bit unreliable.


If you use the sword like fire, I'm afraid that if you drain out your physical strength, you won't be able to reach the core temperature of 10,000 degrees, right?

Two hours passed quickly, and Kevin yawned a few times out of boredom. He kept spinning for two days and felt a little sleepy.

At this time, on the street not far away, a large area of ​​​​night time was kneeling.

Kneel down and beg to pursue reading, kneel down and beg to pursue reading.

Last round on Sunday, I am very grateful.

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