As a candidate admiral, Borsalino now regrets taking this job, although he has no choice.

Who let his fruit ability reach the fastest speed from Marinford to Sabaody Archipelago?

At this moment, Admiral Sengoku is still floating on the sea, and the bodies of the Celestial Dragons are almost cold.

But because of this, he is the only one who is facing the murderer head-on.

And these people from the World Government CP are clearly trying to pass the blame at this moment, and their reasons are ready.

What the guy said before leaving just now, coupled with the ability he showed and the appearance he deliberately revealed, is to put the shit pot on Kuzan...

At this time, the navy that followed Borsalino also arrived.

For a time, the navy and the people from the World Government CP formed a confrontation in front of the human trafficking shop that was pierced into ruins by Yasakani no Magatama.

"What do you want to do? Is the navy going to rebel?"

Calgary shouted angrily, but his eyes were full of eagerness to try.

The navy couldn't dare to rebel, and a vice admiral who was still a candidate for admiral didn't have such power. Now, as long as he put the blame on himself, he could save his life if he was held accountable afterwards.

Thinking of this, he spoke more righteously: "Or does the navy want to kill people to silence them? My team saw the appearance of the murderer, including his ability. And the explanation given by your navy, two fruit abilities are simply impossible!"

Borsalino exhaled and was about to say something, when a golden light rushed from a distance with moon steps.

"No one said that those are two devil fruit abilities. Appearance can be fake, and abilities can be similar."

As soon as the voice fell, the golden Buddha form of Warring States fell to the ground.


The force coming on the road collapsed the ground.

Warring States looked around, the battle was obviously over, and the Buddha form returned to normal.

Then he looked down at Calgary as a general: "What you see is not necessarily true. Vice Admiral Kuzan is currently in the West Sea, and everyone on the warship can testify."

"As for the appearance and ability of the murderer who killed the Celestial Dragon, it may be an unknown mythical beast, or it may be a disguise with a similar freezing ability."

Calgary still wanted to argue, but Zhan Guo did not give him a chance.

"Clean up the battlefield, preserve the bodies of the Celestial Dragons and return them to Mary Geoise. This is what you should do most now."

"I explain this to you just to hope that you can understand the truth. You have no say in the final conclusion. The Navy will naturally have Marshal Kong talk to the higher-ups."

"Do you understand?"

In the deep voice, a momentum loomed, but it made Calgary unable to speak again.

That kind of oppressive feeling, as if there was a huge mountain on his body, and he would faint at any time.


The news of the death of Saint Samit was blocked. The descendant of the high-ranking God was killed, and no one knew who the murderer was.

In this case, the World Government will not allow the news to leak, which will reduce the transcendence of the world's nobles and make some guys have ulterior motives.

In Marinford, after Sengoku reported to Steel Bone Kong, an emergency meeting of the top leaders began.

"Tell me about it."

Kong's voice sounded, and Borsalino scratched his scalp in distress and began to explain the previous events in detail.

After he sat down, everyone in the conference room was thinking.

Until Kong said: "Where is that bastard Garp? Hasn't his vacation ended yet?"

Zhan Guo hurriedly explained to his old friend: "Because I rarely went back to the East China Sea before, I stayed longer this time."

Kong frowned: "Notify him to come back as soon as possible. At present, the influence of Roger's words has become increasingly greater. Pirates are pouring into the sea every day, and the pressure is already forming."

Zhan Guo nodded: "I understand."

After asking Garp, Kong looked at Borsalino: "So during the whole fight, you couldn't determine his identity?"

Borsalino sighed: "The observation Haki is very strong. He noticed it before I arrived and killed the Celestial Dragon directly. In addition, the Armament Haki is not weak either , the technique has been mastered, but the quality is still a little lacking. "

"After a probing attack, the opponent realized his shortcomings and began to delay time."

The Crane on the side had just put down the record file at this time and said directly: "After investigation, all the slaves in the human trafficking shop where the incident occurred disappeared. Combined with the teleportation ability judged by Borsalino, they should have been transferred away by him."

"In addition... during the battle, the last ability similar to Kuzan, the opponent seemed to make some gestures, right?"

The Crane looked at Kuzan: "Can you demonstrate it? That strange gesture."

Borsalino's face was full of sorrow, but facing the eyes of the boss Kong, he could only start to recall.

After demonstrating a few seals, Sengoku and Crane looked at each other.


The voices of the two sounded at the same time.

Then Sengoku pondered and said, "Although there has always been talk of ninjutsu, they are too rare in this sea. And the Wano Country in the New World has been under blockade, and we know very little about ninjutsu."

He then said, "These are not important. The important thing is to prevent Kuzan and our navy from being misunderstood by those people above. It makes sense if we use ninjutsu to explain it."

"In addition, there is also the identity of the other party. If it is determined to be a ninja, will the higher-ups send someone to Wano Country? That position is currently under Kaido's command."

Warring States frowned: "The trainee kid on the Rocks pirate ship, Queen of the Valley of Gods, has grown to this point! If that fruit..."

Before he finished speaking, Sora interrupted him.

"There has never been a Valley of the Gods."

"In addition, I will personally explain this matter to the Five Old Stars. The ninjas of Wano are the only murderers of the Tianlong people."

Now that the words have been spoken, everyone understands that this is to unify the caliber. The explanation given by everyone in the navy is all done by the ninjas of Wano.

Especially for Porusalino, the World Government will definitely ask about the incident after this, trying to find this person.


After getting the answer, the memory ends.

After everyone left, Kong looked at Sengoku: "You don't need to think too much about the Tianlong people. I will give an explanation to the World Government."

Patting Seng Guo's shoulder, Kong said in a deep voice: "The document appointing you to be the marshal of the navy should be coming soon. To maintain the stability of this sea, the future will be left to you, Seng Guo."

Behind him, Sengoku was stunned. It was obvious that he understood Sora's words.

Protecting the Celestial Dragons is one of the responsibilities of a general. Coupled with Kuzan's problem, the five people in power will be held accountable.

So that’s all.

Kneel down and beg to pursue reading, kneel down and beg to pursue reading! Thank you!

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