Become a revolutionary mentor from a pirate

Chapter 60 Seeds of the Future

In fact, O'Hara's scholars knew very well that the blank hundred years was taboo for the world government, and the study of ancient texts had always been kept in the dark.

[Note: Reference is made to Nico Robin’s memories. 】

But when they went out to sea to search for history, they still left too many traces.

Originally, the expedition team would be arrested soon, but then only Olvia was released by Sauro, and O'Hara also ushered in the Demon-Slaying Order.

Now this expedition team with ancient writing knowledge is intercepted by Kevin, and he needs to leave some people behind.

The revolutionary army is still growing, and he also needs to grow.

O'Hara's destruction cannot be stopped, and the scholars of the Tree of Knowledge will also not listen to advice and will only argue with reason.

It's just that they won't understand before they die that reasoning requires fists. If your fist is not strong enough, no one will sit down and talk to you calmly about who is right and who is wrong.

In the wooden house, all the scholars who were sitting stood up, and the crowd was furious.

"Stupid? Do you think history is stupid too?"

"I heard what those people said just now. You are their teacher, right? Is it stupid to pass on history and knowledge to the future?"

"You want to overthrow the world government, so will you be the next world government? The next twenty royal families? The next Celestial Dragon on Mariejoia?"

"Without historical records, you will also become evil dragons!"


"Let us go! We want to go back to O'Hara!"

Waiting until the angry shouts stopped, Kevin said: "So what are you going to do? Be destroyed together with the knowledge you cherish? Then no one in the world can decipher the knowledge left all over the world. Text, right?”

"One hundred years after the World Government noticed the gap in O'Hara's research, the fate of that island was already sealed. What are you trying to get away with? Are you standing in front of the artillery fire so that they can't attack?"

"You will all be killed, and the knowledge stored in the Tree of Omniscience will also be destroyed, so this is what you want to see?"

After the words fell, there was silence below.

Of course they know that their lives are insignificant to the world government, and they also know that in the end they will just die in vain.

But until then, they are unwilling to see the knowledge burned.

"What can we do?"

Olvia looked directly into Kevin's eyes under the mask: "We are just a group of scholars and have no power to fight against them. But we...we are still willing to use our lives to protect O'Hara's knowledge!"

Kevin stretched out his hand and tapped the side of his head: "Knowledge is stored in the brain, and that knowledge is recorded by you and compiled into books by you. They will be burned, but you are the ones who can reproduce them."

"I have never understood why you gathered in O'Hara. When you are not as powerful as others, you must be cautious about touching this taboo."

"Leave O'Hara and pass on your knowledge to the future. This is the choice I give you."

Kevin glanced at the big bear: "You have already experienced the way from the Capital of Seven Waters to here. This method can also transfer O'Hara's books, but I need to be able to understand these books and pass them to Future people.”

The big bear on the side kept frowning.

At this time, he stepped forward, hesitated and said: "Mr. Fire has always told us that revolution has always required bloodshed and sacrifice, and there has never been a revolution without death. But sacrifice and fighting with life must be valuable and meaningful. "

"The knowledge in your heads is important to the future, but your lives are insignificant to the world government. I am stupid, but I still feel that this is not worth it."

The conversation in the wooden house lasted for a long time. After the initial relaxation, the scholars asked questions one after another.

Among them, they are most concerned about the system and ideology of the revolutionary army.

The time lasted from day to night. In the end, the scholars selectively kept eight people with different research directions, including the bespectacled man Bielsa.

As for everyone else, it's back to O'Hara.

Big Bear will go with Dorag to see if they can convince Dr. Clover to move all the books and scholars.

In fact, Kevin felt that books were possible, but there must be many scholars who would not be willing to leave.

They will think that they are right and that they can preserve this knowledge.

The Tree of Omniscientness, perhaps this name represents the will inherited by that group of people.

Marine Headquarters Marinevando.

Warring States, who had just succeeded to the position of marshal, looked at the report and frowned more and more.

After a while, he put down the document in his hand and looked at He, who had just returned from the Capital of Seven Waters with Porusalino.

"No trace of the Golden Lion Shiki was found. But the ship floating in the sky, and the bubble that finally enveloped it in flight is the ability of the Meatball Fruit."

"Meat ball fruit..."

He's eyes were a little deep: "It was snatched away by pirates in the incident seventeen years ago, and it has disappeared since then. There was also a fantasy beast species obtained by the pirates that time, but it was acquired by Kaido in the second half. have eaten."

Warring States: "Levitation will reduce the weight, and the meat ball fruit will fly it away, giving huge objects the ability to fly. Such cooperation will cause a lot of trouble for them. In addition..."

A portrait was taken out.

Cloaks and white masks also appeared in the port.

"According to the portrait obtained through the investigation, this portrait obviously touched the nerves of the Celestial Dragons. The guy who appears to be a multi-ability person appears again in such a short period of time."

"In addition, the world government attaches great importance to the ship that flew away, and has just issued a notice to the navy to use the demon-slaying order."

Demon-slaying order? !

He's face tightened. Of course she knew what the demon-slaying order was. It was an order to destroy an entire island before stopping.

But at this time, who is the target of using the Demon-Slaying Order?

Warring States stood up and saw the confusion of his old partner: "I don't know, I just issued a notice. Obviously, the target doesn't want the navy to know."

At this time, He started reading the report in front of him.

She took out a report made by Kevin's warship.

Discovery team?

Suspected of falling in love with a certain woman and arresting them all?

If I remember correctly, this guy is less than twenty, right?

"Can you find out where this expedition team came from?"

"The CP side has blocked the news. Even the sailors on the youth training camp warship don't know about it. That Kevin didn't even know anything about it. He knew there was a beautiful woman with white hair inside..."


I beg you all to read it, and just read it to the end in your free time every day. Thank you very much!

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