A river in the island divides the classes into two. The half close to the royal city are temporarily humans, while the residents of the other half may be inferior to livestock in their eyes.

In one day, Kevin understood that the country actually had the power to resist the pirates, but the king did not choose to do so.

As for why...

Kuzan knew it, and so did Kevin.

The collection of heavenly gold is calculated based on the number of people in the kingdom. Eliminating the old, weak and young who cannot produce benefits is a very cost-effective deal for the king.

This group of old, weak and young sons and fathers were the guards who died in the past wars, as well as the civilians who were killed, and they were completely screened.

[Note: The calculation of gold in the sky based on heads comes from the Kingdom of Sorbey in the Bear Memories chapter. 】

Two days later, the Juli Pirates still did not show up, and it was impossible for the Navy Headquarters to allow a combat force like Kuzan to stay here.

And the intelligence department also reported the movements of the Juli Pirates, so the navy's warships set sail to pursue the Juli Pirates.

It was a boring time during the cruise and Kevin was sleeping on the deck chair.


Kevin, who yawned, rubbed his eyes: "The intelligence department is such a waste. It's been two days. Those guys know that the Navy will definitely show off, so they must have run away long ago."

Kuzan frowned: "Just for show?"

Kevin glanced at him: "Lieutenant Admiral Kuzan, do you think the Naval Intelligence Department, which communicates with the World Government's intelligence, is really such a waste?"

Seeing Kuzan looking over, Kevin squinted his eyes to cover up the sharpness in his eyes, and said in an unhurried tone: "If the dog starts to protect its food, the owner must let the dog know who is its Owner."

"You can only take what is given to you. If it is not given to you, you have to hand it over obediently. Otherwise... you may be slaughtered and eaten as dog meat at any time."

Kuzan was stunned: "Mary Joa..."


Kevin interrupted him: "It's just a small franchise country, and those five adults are not interested in personally ordering such a small matter. I can tell you because this is just a convention, and the world government's response to such incidents is Convention."

"The king didn't care about the old, weak, sick and disabled people on the other side of the river, and even cooperated with the pirates in a tacit massacre. But what about the people on this side of the river? Those are the foundation for him to maintain his rule. If part of the guard army is lost, he will have no money. If you pay a heavenly fee, you can’t join the country to keep an eye on him.”

After the words fell, Kuzan was a little lost.

Compared to Sakaski and Porusalino, he is much younger than these two colleagues.

He had only been out of the youth training camp for a few years, so he really didn't know much about the twists and turns in the Navy and the World Government.

But he's not stupid.

After the South China Sea incident and the O'Hara incident, he instinctively felt that what Kevin said was the truth of the matter.

The time for the giant pirate group to die is not now, but when they invade that kingdom again and make the king understand that he is just a dog. This is when the pirate group loses its role and is slaughtered.

"Why are you suddenly explaining this to me?"

Kevin reached out and pulled off the blindfold again: "I'm bored, I just want to tell you a story."

At the same time, the second half of the Grand Line is in the new world, offshore of the Kingdom of Olga.

Only half a day after the navy warship left, the giant pirate group appeared nearby, speeding towards the port.

"Young ones!"


"Did you enjoy the last time you grabbed it?"


"How does it feel to be a little woman?"


"Does blood taste good?"


"Then let's do it again! This time our target is the palace! Robbing that coward king and getting all his women back!"

For a time, the morale on the pirate ship was unprecedented.

The pirates, who had tasted the sweetness last time, just thought about being able to do whatever they wanted for a while, and they roared with excitement.

It was a country with no resistance at all. What could those old men, old women and little guys do with sticks?

It's just prey that comes to your door.

The little girl's scream last time was really nice...

However, at this time, there was a burst of sound on the sea level.


A kunai was nailed to the mast, and the next moment a figure stood on it.

"I've been waiting for you for a long time."

Kevin's eyes looked calmly at everyone in the Juli Pirates, and finally settled on the fat man who was obviously the captain.

From the occasional chat with Spangdine, he knew many of the world government's practices, including things like this.

After the initial emotional ups and downs, Olga's Kingdom also became part of Kevin's plan, which took only two days to form.

"Wearing masks, World Government people?"

Kevin didn't answer him. He took out six kunai and threw them out, nailing them to various locations on the pirate ship.


The moment the figure disappeared, the captain of the giant pirate ship woke up suddenly. He recognized Kevin wearing a mask and a cloak.

"Cloaked Man?!"


What answered him was the blood from a cadre's neck. The shallow armor-colored covering could not block the black kunai at all. Half of his neck was exposed to the air, and blood sprayed out.

"who is it?"

"Asshole, kill him!"

"The teleportation fruit is the cloaked man!"

The sudden reminder silenced all the clamoring pirates, and panic began to spread the next moment.

To be able to reach the new world from the first half, armed and domineering is the standard. It is born out of the desire in the heart, but it is not firm.

For example, this time...

"Run away!"

"Escape, 830 million cloaked men!"


For a time, no one even paid attention to their captain in the chaos.

They have more or less seen the world, and they know very well that even the captain of a power fruit user will not be an 800 million-level opponent.

However... a pirate's throat was cut as soon as he approached the backup boat.

He didn't even see anyone. When he fell, he could only see a black light flashing on the deck.

Every flash was accompanied by a splatter of blood and death.

"Asshole! Stop it, asshole!"

The captain of the Giant Pirates, whose arms were covered with armed domineering energy and had a strong and fat body, roared angrily, but with his knowledge and color, he simply couldn't keep up with Kevin's speed.

Waving randomly can only open a hole in the deck, which is of no use at all.

Five minutes later, there were already pirates lying on the deck of the pirate ship with their necks severed, and no one was left alive.

The captain, who was already out of breath, was helpless and furious. It wasn't until Kevin calmed down that he asked: "We have never offended you! Aren't you in the Chambord Islands? Why are you here?"

Kevin still ignored his question and waved the kunai in his hand casually, shaking off the remaining blood.

"Actually, if it had been before, I would have tied you up and cut your flesh slowly one by one. But now I understand that my method is far different from the black flames of the prison."

Kevin said to himself, then looked at the other party: "Your words are still effective, so you need to stay a little longer."


"Do you think I will cooperate with you? You have no intention of letting me go, and all my crew members were killed by you, bastard!"

Kevin picked his ears and said: "Maybe you have misunderstood. The role is necessary. Whether you cooperate or not does not depend on you."

After speaking, Kevin's figure disappeared, and a black space coordinate also climbed up the other person's neck at this moment.


There was a wound from his shoulder to his back, and blood was flowing down, but Kevin had disappeared.

It was only at this moment that a huge ax came back and swung.


Once again, new wounds appeared.

In just thirty seconds, a pool of blood had formed where the captain of the Giant Pirates stood.

There were nearly twenty injuries on his body, front and back, and blood was still dripping.

The loss of blood caused his vision to become blurry, and his fruit abilities also dissipated, leaving him no chance of making a comeback.

"In my case, a guy like you who has not reached the top of his knowledge, sex, and domineering power can only be a target."

Kevin stepped forward, flipped the kunai, and cut off one of his fingers.

"Ah!!! Bastard!"

The next second, another finger was cut off.

"It seems you are still very energetic after losing so much blood, so continue."

There are a total of twenty-eight finger bones in both hands. Pain strikes again and again, the bones are exposed, and a piece of flesh is peeled off each time.

"Does it hurt?"

"Actually, I think you've seen real pain for people before."

"The first time I saw those corpses on the coast, I was thinking how long it would take before I meet you. Then I remembered something and thought maybe I should wait, and then I waited."

"Do you think those old people holding your legs at the cost of their lives at that time would feel the same pain as you when their hands were cut off?"

Ten minutes later, Kevin took out a phone bug and pressed it.

"Bulu Bulu... Bulu Bulu..."


The voice on the other end of the phone was excited.

Kevin also said: "Captain Noel, you can start."

The inner city of Olga Kingdom.

Noelle, who is the leader of the Revolutionary Army in the second half of the Grand Line, is gathering a group of people together and looking at the projection phone bug in front of them.

As soon as the picture appeared, an old man stood up among the crowd gathered together: "It's him! The captain of the pirate group that invaded that day was him! I saw it from a distance!"

Noelle comforted him to sit down, and then the extremely miserable captain of the Mega Pirates in the picture began to talk about his short-lived deal with the World Government.

In the feeble voice, there are still dead bodies in the picture.

Soon, the communication ended.

Noelle stood up and looked at the silent crowd.

"Perhaps you are all thankful for your luck that day, because it is others who suffer misfortune, and you can live with a little compassion."

"But obviously, when you can no longer create value and the sons in the Guards die, their today is your tomorrow."

"And at that time, there will also be a group of people in the inner city, a group of people who are lucky enough that their relatives are not dead. They will look at you with a little pity and watch you being slaughtered and your relatives and children being insulted."

"So are you willing?"

In the crowd, an old man stood up.

His identity is very special, he is the father of a squad leader of the Guards.

It was also the first target that the revolutionary army conquered in the past few days.

"If we stand by and watch today, our pleas to others tomorrow will only be ignored."

"That bastard king never regarded us as his people. He is completely different from his father. Our lives and the lives of our loved ones are insignificant to him."

"Such a king... we can only overthrow him!"


Ten days later, a coup d'état took place in the New World Olga Kingdom, and the king was killed in the riot.

But after the World Government came, they found that the guards had quelled the riot, and a king's illegitimate son inherited the throne and said that the heavenly gold would be paid on time.

This attitude was in stark contrast to the previous King Olga. The World Government chose not to interfere after having a clear reason.

But in fact, Olga no longer has a king, and there is only a rotation system expansion meeting.


"Purchase control equipment as a member of the Kingdom of Olga, and remember to make up the purpose of the equipment. In addition, hide a kunai in the heavenly gold and wait for the next payment of heavenly gold."

Baldigo, Kevin and Dragon communicated the role of the Kingdom of Olga.

In addition, Kevin needs the Revolutionary Army to pay attention to countries with special circumstances like this. At this stage, it is still a stage of development. It is better to spread the points in his hands without making a sound.

"The captain of the Guard needs long-term observation and learning. If that guy's desire for power suppresses his past kindness, it will expose our existence."

"Once the number of member countries with the shadow of the Revolutionary Army behind them increases, then Mary Geoise will look at us."

"It is not time to go to the light yet. The time needs to see the harvest in a year."

After arranging a series of things, Kevin looked at Dragon and asked the most important thing: "How is the ideological class of Vegapunk?"

Dragon replied: "At present, the effect is good. The future we are planning is a future that can truly use the endless energy he expects for people's livelihood."

Hearing this, Kevin breathed a sigh of relief.

Just as he and Dragon said before, Vegapunk's role is too great, so great that neither Caesar nor Germa in this world can compare to a Vegapunk.

"As long as he is interested and agrees, he will not hide his subsequent research. Even if there is a secret door, it is harmless as long as the position is consistent." Kevin thought for a while and continued: "The progress of science and technology is related to the overall progress of the world. The Revolutionary Army cannot rely on him alone in terms of science and technology. If there are researchers among the members to be developed, after ensuring that their thoughts are advanced, they will be arranged to study in his research institute." Drago replied: "I have already arranged this. However, researchers are very scarce. Germa in the North Sea, the World Government, and here in the New World are all looking for these talents." New World?

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