Become a revolutionary mentor from a pirate

Chapter 86 A person’s cry for help

After the high-level meeting of the Revolutionary Army, Kevin left Baldigo directly and returned to the navy headquarters.

The transfer of the five islands of Olga Kingdom does not require too many people this time. Uncle Xiong and Dorag plus Ginny are enough.

In Ginny's hands, the somersault cloud can be used as a commanding height for observation. Uncle Xiong and Dorag can start the transfer operation as soon as they clear the CPs to be monitored.

The ship will also be transported to that sea area by Floating Ability and Uncle Xiong first tonight. In addition, ideological work needs to be done for all members.

Including family members of members who don’t know the inside story.

Three days...

Since Marie Joa still laid a trap in the Shampoo Islands, and even used real Celestial Dragons as bait, it seemed that she wanted to catch herself first in the Shampoo Islands.

Three days should be enough.

Under the night, Kevin sat down cross-legged in the room and still put his Zanpakutō on his body.

But today I can't calm down anyway.

My mind was filled with the fat worms of Mary Joa and the Knights of God I saw in the Valley of Gods, that guy with hair like a hook.

The five monsters among the powers, and Im among the flowers, destroyed the kingdom of Lucia with one blow.

Until late at night, Kevin sighed, put down his laptop and chose to sleep directly.

It seems like this thing can only be left to chance.

The next morning, there was a knife skills class at the youth training camp.

As soon as he entered the door, Smoker, who was blocked here, followed and sat next to him.

"I found out yesterday that I had detected your attack. Let's do it again today!"

Kevin glanced at him: "Don't leave after class."

Smoker's bruised left eye has not healed yet, but he still nodded firmly: "Okay, I will definitely be able to avoid it this time."

The brief conversation between the two made Hinetina couldn't help but complain: "Smog, it's been more than ten times, and you say this every time."

As she spoke, she looked at Kevin, then approached Smoker and whispered: "Tina heard that in the entire youth training camp, there have only been four monsters since Teacher Zefa started coaching. The first three are currently all Alternate generals, there are even rumors that they will be promoted to generals soon.”

Speaking of this, Tina couldn't help but look at Smoker, whose left eye was swollen to a slit: "If he hits your right eye today, Tina feels that you won't be able to train tomorrow."

Smoker said indifferently: "I don't plan to use a knife anyway. I heard that our headquarters has the technology of inlaying sea tower stones. I'm going to..."

"Are you going to use Sea Tower Stone as a means to deal with ability users?"

Kevin on the side interrupted him and taunted directly: "It seems that your goal has changed from defeating me to evading my attack. So what do you think will happen after evading it? You can't even break me. "

"So the trash should stay in the trash bin. It's a waste of a natural fruit. It turns out that's all you have."

One sentence directly mocked Laman.

He was still a young man in his teens, his white hair almost exploded, his face was red from suppressing it, and his one-eyed look was really scary.

"What are you doing? Are you going to explode on the spot if you can't win? You can't even hurt me if you explode. You've just mastered Armed Color Haki and you're about to give up. Even if you say you're trash, you're being praised."

Kevin glanced at Bai Mao: "Trash can only be angry. I think you should just go back to the East China Sea and play house games with the pirates there. In that case, your Sea Tower Stone weapon can be used to confer gods, and you can also How do you feel about being able to kill everyone?"

This was the first time Kevin had said so much to Smoker, but this first time he almost had a heart attack.

Tina on the side thought for a moment and then added a blow: "Teacher Zefa said that domineering is the foundation of a strong man, and you can't rely too much on fruit abilities."

Kevin: "Even a little girl is better than you, idiot."

At this time, Taotu, who was explaining sword skills on the stage, glanced at this. Kevin smiled at her, while the other two newcomers just kept silent.

After a brief explanation, it was still chopping training, and Smoker also came up.

His right eye was swollen with one punch, and Kevin went straight to knife practice.

In the end, Tina helped him get up and go to the infirmary. Now he really couldn't open his eyes.

"Major General Kevin."

Kevin looked back, then continued to chop with all his strength, and said by the way: "Is there something wrong with Lieutenant General Peach Rabbit? If you have a date, you can wait for me."

Taotu frowned: "I just don't think it's a good thing to hit a child like that."

Kevin still didn't stop training: "I think if a natural ability user gives up the practice of armed domineering, then he can really go back to the East China Sea."

These words made Gion Momosa silent for a while.

This period of the youth training camp has returned to normal. There are no talented young people who can win the title of monster, but there are many second-level ones.

Among them, Smoker, who has natural devil fruit abilities, received a lot of attention from the beginning.

This is also the reason why she said the last sentence. After all, the reputation of the major general in front of her is well known in the headquarters.

But although what he just said was still harsh, it was not wrong.

Without armed domineering power, even those with natural abilities can only play house games all over the world. In the Grand Line, only natural abilities will only lead to death.

Thinking of this, Taotu didn't say anything and turned around to leave, but Kevin glanced at this person.

The name of Saber has another meaning. It calls General He Zhonggong his brother.

After Kuzan's side is completed, the target needs to be transferred, and this person's performance in memory tends to be positive. If possible, coupled with Crane's relationship, it will be a new source of intelligence.

This time the Revolutionary Army has attracted the attention of the World Government. If they had not gone to Judiciary Island on a whim, I am afraid that the five strongholds of the Olga Kingdom would have suffered heavy losses.

Among the older generation of the Navy, Garp has always had an unconventional character. During the Warring States Period, there was only one crane who could really discuss important matters.

Looking at the knife in his hand, Kevin sighed. It was in the same state as a light attack, but he could still take it out as a navy at this moment.

If this sword can be directly used for swastika, why should we consider these things?

Naval Headquarters, Marshal's Office.

"The World Government ordered the navy to cooperate with the action and specifically named Kuzan, but the time has not been determined yet. In addition, the Shampoo Islands have asked Porusalino to be on standby at all times."

Warring States handed the notice in his hand to He, and then spoke again: "In addition, intelligence shows that people from the World Government have gone to Beihai and seem to be in contact with people from the Germa Kingdom."


He raised his head and said: "Polusalino is guarding against the cloaked man. The notice asking the navy to cooperate with the action is most likely to contain him, but he doesn't know the target."

"As for the Germa Kingdom in the North Sea, I remember that they are also one of the joining countries. Although the power of the World Conference is activated, it is not yet time to pick up the kings of each country."

Speaking of this, Lieutenant General He was silent for a while.

After thinking for a moment: "Vegapunk's disappearance brought the research on bloodline factors to a standstill. At the beginning, there were two leading scientists in MADS, one was King Gaji of the Kingdom of Germa, and the other was Caesar. "

After clearing his thoughts, Warring States also breathed a sigh of relief.

The last time the demon-slaying order destroyed O'Hara, this time he asked the navy to cooperate. He originally thought which island would be destroyed.

Eighteen years ago, the Celestial Dragons would destroy a country in three years and use it as a hunting ground for school trips.

Compared to that time, it can be said to be much better now.

After Sengoku used a phone bug to notify Porusalino to be on standby, the office fell silent.

After a long time, Crane stood up and walked outside.

"Warring States, this sea seems to have not changed much over the years."

The words fell and the crane had left.

And Warring States was also sitting in his seat, frowning tightly.

He, Garp, Zefa, and He can be said to be the pillars of the navy of the previous generation.

When they joined the navy when they were young, they wanted to eliminate all criminals and change the world.

But decades have passed, and the great pirate era was set off by Roger, and the sea seems to have become more chaotic.


The office door was kicked open, and Zeng Guo, who was lost in memories, knew which old bastard it was without even trying to guess.

When he saw the senbei in his hand, his whole body exploded.

"Old bastard! How dare you steal my senbei!"

Garp directly threw the last piece into his mouth. After eating it, he tipped the bag over to indicate that there was no more piece.

"If nothing happens recently, I will go back to Donghai for vacation. It's been almost a year since I went back."

Sengoku almost crushed the armrest: "Don't even think about it! The number of pirates has increased countless times in the past year, and you are still thinking about taking a vacation?!"

"The World Government just came to inform you that you can't take a vacation!"

Garp spread his hands: "I am just a lieutenant general. They are in charge of marshals and generals. They have nothing to do with me."

Garp, who obviously just came to inform, left immediately, leaving only Sengoku, who was losing his temper in the office.

"Bulu Bulu, Bulu Bulu..."

After answering the phone, Seng Guo's ugly face softened instantly.

"Is something wrong with Xiaomiguo?"

"Do you really want to go?"

"Your file in the Navy was extracted a long time ago. Currently, only Lieutenant General He, who is in charge of Doflamingo, and I know about it."

"If you insist."

"Your fruit ability is indeed good, but you must be careful. If there is any danger, I will allow you to withdraw."

After hanging up the phone, Seng Guo was worried.

This sea has been in chaos four years after the execution in Rogue Town, and careerists have become active.

After exhaling a breath, Warring States once again began to deal with the affairs in front of him.

Two days later, Ginny informed Kevin that the preliminary work for the transfer of the five islands had been completed and could be transferred at any time.

It was a day earlier than originally planned, which also made Kevin relieved.

As long as the trap of the Shampoo Islands appears to attract attention, the five island monitoring personnel of the Olga Kingdom here will be killed, and the transfer plan will not be blocked in a short time.

But this way, you can’t just kill and run this time.

It will take some time.

After the swordsmanship class in the morning, the shadow clone stayed behind, and the main body appeared directly on the Shampoo Islands wearing a mask and cloak.

After wandering around the illegal zone first and letting the World Government discover it, Kevin slowly walked to the auction.

Since Kevin's cleanup of the Shampoo Islands nearly two years ago, human trafficking organizations have ceased for a long time, but since the auction in Area 1 reopened, the human trafficking shops here have begun to flourish again.

But compared to the beginning, it is still much lower-key.

After all, it was okay to have a crab taster, so naturally everyone thought that the cloaked man was either missing or had been caught.

In Area 1 of the Shampoo Islands, all the Tianlong people knelt down wherever they passed. No one dared to raise their head, especially beautiful women.

This is a lawless area, but even pirates would choose to stay away from it.

"It's finally my turn to come down to play. My brother has come down twice, and I've only come down once. I must find some fun things this time. The two women last time were too brittle and died too quickly."

The Tianlong man wearing a hood was very angry when he said this, and he took out his gun and pointed it at both sides of the street.

Soon, a striking blond man was targeted by him.


The lead bullet was fired, but due to poor aim it hit the shoulder blade.

The woman on the street knelt on the ground, enduring the severe pain but not daring to move at all.

Life in the lawless zone is already very difficult, but why do the Draco people still come here every day? !

Will you die?

Obviously the child's father has almost saved enough money and will be able to move out of this area soon. Why...


"Mom, you are hurt, wuwuwu..."

"Mom, you're bleeding!"


The daughter was pushed down by the woman and covered her mouth regardless of the severe pain in her shoulder.

But it was obviously too late.

The Tianlong people who were very confident in their marksmanship were even more upset because they just missed the shot. However, there were still people who dared to stand up!


The lead bullet was fired again, but it was blocked by the girl's mother, who held the little girl tightly.

"You damn untouchable, how dare you take my shot!"

The even more angry Tianlong kept pulling the trigger, all hitting the woman's back, and blood was already flowing all over the floor.

Gradually, the woman lost the strength to hold the child.


The little girl whose face was covered with tears was released, and when she stretched out her hand, she saw that it was covered in blood.

"Kneel down...kneel down, no...don'"

The woman's pupils gradually became dilated and she fell limply to the ground.

The crying little girl rushed over and stretched out her hands to block the bullet holes, but there were too many places that were hit.

Kneeling down, she looked around. Everyone was kneeling, not daring to look up at all.

"Please, please save my mother. Is there a doctor? I have money, I have money..."

As she spoke, the girl found a few Baileys from her dress, which were the pocket money she had saved. Today she just wanted to buy a bouquet of flowers for her mother.

"Please, uncle, uncle, my mother..."

The little girl wanted to help the man next to her, but the man avoided her and pushed him out, still kneeling motionless.

Not only him, but everyone on both sides of the street knelt down and did not dare to move.

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