Become a sea squirt larva and eat a brain first

Chapter 137 Oh no? New food, crocodile

The first ray of sunlight came from the direction of the mountains to the east and fell in the woods.

The golden light emitted by the light ball located on the branch also slowly dissipated.

A brand new creature was revealed inside.

That's a little snake.

The only difference between this little snake and other little snakes is that it has a pair of wings on its back, and it also has a chest. The chest is obviously slightly more bulging than the snake's body, and you can feel the strong muscles in the chest.

There are two sharp claws on the left and right sides of the chest.

Behind the little snake, there is a pair of claws.

This is clearly a small snake with four claws and a pair of wings.

...Perhaps, it can no longer be called a snake at this moment.

But its body is still that of a snake, with snake scales, a snake body and a snake head.

Chen Mu looked at himself at this moment through his consciousness.

Chen Mu raised his paw and subconsciously touched his strong chest.

Snakes...have chests?

"What's going on?"

The mechanical voice of the system sounded: "In order to ensure that the genes can be used normally, some modifications will be made to the body structure when the gluttony evolution is combined. If you want the wings to be used normally, you must have corresponding muscles and for breathing. Strong lungs, and if you want muscles you have to have a sternum.”

Is this the special effect brought about by gene editing combined with gluttonous evolution?

Indeed, this reminded Chen Mu of the deaths of those creatures caused by his previous experiments.

If you want to have wings and give them the power to fly, then strong chest muscles and powerful lungs are indispensable.

Some mammals also have the ability to fly.

That is a bat, and a bat has well-developed chest muscles, but its lungs are different from those of birds. The lungs of birds can take two breaths, while the lungs of bats can only take one breath. Therefore, although bats can fly, they cannot fly. It can't fly high or far, and it can't take off from the same spot.

Therefore, the system automatically added these for Chen Mu.

"That's really smart." Chen Mu nodded with satisfaction.

He looked at his body again, and when he saw it, Chen Mu was slightly startled, and he realized something was wrong again.

"Wait a minute, this is wrong." Chen Mu said subconsciously: "My body... why is it so small?"

He looked at his body and found that his body was now the size of a normal little snake. Isn't this completely nonsense?

Didn't he just swallow the size gene?

"What you get through gene editing is genes. You already have a powerful body shape gene, but if you want to gain a huge body size, you need to get enough energy and grow up day by day." The system's emotionless voice came.

Chen Mu could only remain silent.

It seems that this gene editing has both good and bad aspects. This gene editing can only change the genes of one's body, but cannot make the body grow up instantly.

"Sure enough, gene editing is gene editing, just editing genes..."

However, it's normal. It's just gene editing. It doesn't swallow the other party directly. It's true that you can't get the other party's energy.

"Well, if I use my devouring ability now, can I make my body grow faster?" Chen Mu asked subconsciously.

"The phagocytosis ability allows you to increase your evolutionary energy progress while also growing in size, but that is the growth brought to you by the ability and has nothing to do with your own genes." The system said: "With what you have currently In terms of the required evolution energy progress, the size you can gain by acquiring evolution energy progress is far less rapid than the size you can gain by eating directly.”

In other words, if you want to get in shape quickly now, you still rely on eating, because it is fast after all.

"Gu Gu Gu Gu..."

Suddenly, Chen Mu heard a cooing sound.

I'm hungry.

Chen Mu flapped his wings, got down on all fours, jumped, and flew up.

He was flying in mid-air, muttering: "Find something to eat first."

Chen Mu opened his consciousness and observed the forest from a high position.

The area covered by this forest is very wide, and there is no human atmosphere at all.

This is obviously a deep mountain forest.

There is also a large river in the middle of this deep mountain and old forest. It is estimated to be a freshwater river.

"It's a pretty big river, I don't know where it goes." Chen Mu muttered.

Suddenly, Chen Mu's heart moved: "That's...?"

Chen Mu noticed that beside the long freshwater river, there was a creature lying on the riverside basking in the sun.


What does crocodile meat taste like?

Chen Mu suddenly became interested.

Chen Mu's body turned into a griffin and he pounced towards the crocodile.

At this moment, his speed tripled!

The whole body is covered with silver armor.

Lift up those sharp front paws.

The crocodile's pupils condensed slightly, and it moved, subconsciously wanting to run into the river.

"Puff!" The sharp claws directly pierced the crocodile's head.

As a griffon, Chen Mu stood beside the crocodile and held the crocodile down firmly.

The head of the crocodile body was directly pierced, and the body struggled for a while and then stopped moving.

Chen Mu used the sharp gryphon's beak to tear open the crocodile's body, exposing the meat inside.

Because the griffon is not Chen Mu's true body, if the griffin is allowed to eat, there will be no way to grow in size. So now the griffin can only do the preparations for breakfast. Those who want to enjoy breakfast can only enjoy it with the true body.

After getting it.

Chen Mu's body glowed with golden light, and his body turned into a snake with wings and limbs. He stood up and folded his wings.

He opened his mouth subconsciously, but when he opened his mouth, he did not move.

Chen Mu slowly closed his mouth and stood there for a long time.

"This... Fuck! Fuck you!"

Chen Mu couldn't help but jump up. He always had a good temper, but at this moment, he couldn't help but swear.

"Eat, eat shit..."

Even if Chen Mu killed the crocodile with a griffin, tore the skin and flesh of the crocodile, exposing the flesh and blood, and wanted the main body to eat.

But after turning into the main body, Chen Mu suddenly realized one thing.

Snake! It depends on swallowing!!!

Snakes are different from birds. Although birds, like snakes, also depend on swallowing, the edge of the bird's beak is like a blade, which can bite the meat and tear the meat into small pieces for swallowing, but what about snakes? Snakes have teeth, but they can't bite, that is, they can't bite meat into small pieces.

Snakes need to swallow their prey whole and digest it!

That's right, if Chen Mu wants to eat the crocodile in front of him, he needs to eat the whole crocodile. Isn't this nonsense?

Chen Mu's current body size is not as big as the tail of the adult crocodile in front of him, and his thickness and length are not as good as the tail of the adult crocodile.

Not to mention swallowing an adult crocodile.

Of course, there is another way, which is to use the griffin to tear the crocodile in front of him into pieces of meat bit by bit, and then he will change back to his original body and eat it bit by bit.

Chen Mu suddenly felt like vomiting, which was too troublesome.

Suddenly, Chen Mu sensed the movement, and he subconsciously looked back.

I saw a crocodile in the river not far away, with its head exposed, looking at this side.

See the crocodile.

Chen Mu's eyes lit up slightly, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly, spitting out his tongue.

"Since the snake's mouth can't eat, why don't I just change my head and mouth?"

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