Become a sea squirt larva and eat a brain first

Chapter 14 Shark's BUG Weakness

By the next morning.

Chen Mu finally caught up with the group of great white sharks.

A group of great white sharks are swimming in the sea.

Chen Mu followed behind the great white sharks, but the group of great white sharks did not notice Chen Mu's presence.

The great white shark is the apex predator in the ocean, and this thing has quite a bit of power.

When Chen Mu was still a swordfish, a great white shark could give Chen Mu 30% of his evolutionary energy.

And now there are seven great white sharks in front of us.

Even if Chen Mu has evolved into a dolphin, the evolutionary energy obtained will be reduced accordingly, but no matter what, this great white shark is definitely a good source of evolutionary energy.

At present, Chen Mu has swallowed a lot of hairtail fish, and his size has become so big that he can compete with an adult great white shark.

Among the seven adult great white sharks, Chen Mu was slightly larger than three of them, but smaller than the other four.

But that's enough.

Chen Mu followed the seven great white sharks.

"The ability to control."

Chen Mu used his control ability to control one of the great white sharks that was smaller than him.

Under Chen Mu's control, the great white shark suddenly turned its head and bit the larger great white shark next to it.

After biting it, he twisted his body wildly to tear off the meat from the great white shark.

The great white shark that was attacked struggled in pain, but the more it struggled, the more painful it became, and it was aroused to become ferocious and bit back.

Suddenly two great white sharks bite each other.

The other five great white sharks were stunned for a moment, as if they didn't know why this happened.

Chen Mu let go of the great white shark, but even if he had already let go.

The two great white sharks were enraged by the blood, and they bit into each other crazily.

Although the great white shark is small in size, it has a fierce personality.

The two great white sharks were biting each other as if they were desperate.

Chen Mu controlled another smaller great white shark to attack another great white shark watching the show.

As a result, the two great white sharks also began to attack each other.

Then he controlled a third great white shark smaller than Chen Mu to attack another great white shark.

All of a sudden the great white sharks started killing each other.

Six of the seven great white sharks are killing each other, and only one great white shark is left. It doesn't seem to know why it is like this.

Great white sharks have always been cannibalistic. They will attack or eat their own kind. Of course, there is a reason for this, either because they are too hungry, for territory, or for a mate.

And now the battle has begun.

Then it won't stop.

Chen Mu watched from the side.

When the battle was about to stop, he used his control ability to control the great white shark to continue attacking.

In this way, all six great white sharks died tragically.

Blood stained the surroundings red, and the six great white sharks were torn into pieces of meat.

When the remaining great white shark saw this, he immediately swam over, opened his mouth, bit off a piece of meat, and started eating.

Chen Muyou moved his body and leaned over: "Don't waste the fresh great white shark meat. Hey, these people are your companions. Why are you eating it? I should be allowed to eat it."

Chen Mu approached the pieces of meat. As soon as the pieces of meat touched Chen Mu, they turned into golden light and sank into Chen Mu's body.

When the seventh great white shark, which had been motionless, saw Chen Mu rushing towards him, it immediately became angry. Facing this guy who dared to snatch its food in front of it, it was also angered and ferocious.

The great white shark bared its teeth, opened its bloody mouth, and bit Chen Mu.

"Want to bite me? Just you?" Chen Mu curled his lips disdainfully.

With double the speed of a dolphin, he instantly evaded the attack of the great white shark. He quickly swallowed all the meat pieces of the six great white sharks and turned them into his own evolutionary energy.

While turning into evolutionary energy, Chen Mu's size also grew.

All the pieces of flesh from six great white sharks were swallowed.

Chen Mu's size was a whole circle bigger than that great white shark.

The great white shark was still chasing Chen Mu, trying to bite Chen Mu.

Chen Mu snorted lightly.

Now that Chen Mu is larger than the great white shark, he can completely swallow the great white shark directly through his devouring ability.

But the problem is that Chen Mu is hungry now. The six great white sharks he had previously used his devouring power to swallow.

Chen Mu had no intention of using his swallowing power on this great white shark.

Therefore, Chen Mu planned to kill it and then eat it!

Chen Mu swam quickly. After running far away, he swam back again at an extremely fast speed.

The great white shark rushed towards Chen Mu.

Chen Mu dodged and then slammed his dolphin body into the side of the great white shark.


The Great White Shark was knocked over directly by Chen Mu.

As soon as it turned over, the great white shark suddenly became quiet.

Seeing this, Chen Mu's eyes lit up slightly: "Succeeded."

There is a BUG in Jaws, which may be a BUG left by God when he designed Jaws.

As long as the great white shark is turned over with its belly facing up, it will fall into a coma, and it will stand upright and remain motionless.

Killer whales will prey on great white sharks, and the way killer whales prey on great white sharks is to hit the side of the great white shark, knocking the great white shark over, and then some killer whales will bite the fins of the great white shark to keep the great white shark The state of turning your stomach.

When a great white shark is belly up, its head emits a chemical that inhibits the secretion of serotonin in the brain, causing it to fall into a coma.

Of course, if you want to make the great white shark completely unconscious, a short belly-up is not enough.

The great white shark's body turned back slightly due to the waves.

The great white shark opened its eyes, regained its consciousness again, and bit Chen Mu.

Chen Mu frowned and dodged quickly.

"Is one time not enough?"

"One time is not enough, then come twice, and if two times are not enough, then three times!" Chen Mu pounced on the great white shark again.

Although Chen Mu is just a dolphin and it is not easy to bite the fins, Chen Mu can knock the great white shark over many times. As long as the great white shark does not move, it will suffocate because it cannot breathe. Because the great white shark needs to flow and filter through the gills to breathe to get oxygen.

The body hit the great white shark's body and knocked the great white shark over again.

This time the great white shark stayed still for a while, then turned over again, woke up, and attacked Chen Mu.

Chen Mu did the same as before.

After six repeated collisions.

The great white shark was lying on its belly, unable to move.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Chen Mu said, "Done."

This attack method is the attack method of killer whales hunting great white sharks. As long as they hit the great white shark and make it lie on its belly many times, it will be deprived of oxygen and eventually become too weak to move.

In fact, it is not only the great white shark, but many sharks have this phenomenon, called tonic immobility.

This is the fatal weakness of most sharks.

As long as their belly is facing up, their bodies will be straight and motionless.

Chen Mu knew that the great white shark had this bug, but before it was a swordfish, and the swordfish's sharp mouth made it impossible for him to hit it, but dolphins are different.

Dolphins have strong charging ability.

Chen Mu opened his mouth and bit open the belly of the great white shark and began to eat.

"This tastes okay, very delicious. But I'm eating raw meat now, how can it feel so delicious?" Chen Mu muttered, "I guess my taste has changed after I became a dolphin."

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