Ruby as bones, vines as muscles.

Chen Mu has now turned into a huge humanoid monster.

But even with muscles, Chen Mu found that he still couldn't move.

Unless Chen Mu used his ability to control trees to control the actions of these vines.

But this is completely different from the gem creatures that Chen Mu thought of.

If Chen Mu really did that, then Chen Mu would be a puppet made of pieces together, and he couldn't be considered a life.

At this moment.

Chen Mu felt something released from the position of his brain.

He opened his consciousness and looked at his body.

At first glance, Chen Mu was a little curious. He found that there was an extra brain in his skull.

And this brain is purely made of ruby, but in the ruby, you can see nerves.

Under the ruby ​​brain, there are things as thin as tree roots. They also look like rubies, but they are made up of countless extremely tiny rubies.

Those small things like "tree roots" spread down along the cervical vertebrae made of rubies, and then along the bones of the spine, distributed to the limbs.

Then it continued to grow, stretching along the vines.

This is... nerves?

Chen Mu realized what this was all of a sudden.

This is a nerve.

In the human body, the brain controls nerves, nerves control muscles, and muscles control bones.

Only when the bones move can it move.

At this time, Chen Mu began to grow.

The internal organs began to be constructed.

It seemed that after Chen Mu used the vines to make his own muscles, the system began to actively help Chen Mu perfect this failed creature.

Through his conscious vision, Chen Mu could see that the rubies were constructed into small things by the system, just like small things like cells.

Then these small things began to construct a brand new body.

The vines were turned into rubies, and the internal organs, muscles, and skin were constructed one after another.

Chen Mu's skull was also covered with rubies, turning into a face made of rubies, and a pair of red pupils lit up.

Chen Mu could see what was around him.

He found that his hands could move, and he raised his hands.

Muscles made of rubies can be seen on the hand, and these muscles are beginning to be covered by a layer of skin made of rubies.

Chen Mu subconsciously raised his hand and touched his cheek with his fingers.

"Bang bang." A hard sound came.

It seems that it is not what he imagined.

Chen Mu thought that the creature after the fusion of humans and gems should be the same as the fusion of tigers and gems, except that there are more gems in the head.

"Proportion..." Chen Mu suddenly understood.

It's a matter of proportion.

Before, he used the tiger template to fuse with the gem, and the tiger template was obviously much larger than the small gem, so after the fusion, the tiger's body occupied most of the body of the new creature, and now, humans are just a little bit, and the mass of the gem is extremely large.

Naturally, the material of the new life will be mainly ruby.

The construction is completed.

Chen Mu's skin and everything else are red, and the texture is extremely hard.

The hardness of ruby ​​is second only to diamond. In this world, without human influence, only diamond can leave scratches on ruby.

This is the terrifying hardness of ruby.

Of course, hardness does not mean that it will not be damaged.

There is a saying called "Nine out of ten reds will crack", that is, as long as it is a ruby, no matter where it is produced, as long as it is not artificially faked, there must be cracks in the ruby.

Rubies without cracks are very rare, and it can even be said that they do not exist.

Rubies are very hard, but there is no direct connection between hardness and whether it is easy to break.

Just like glass and steel, in terms of hardness, glass is harder than steel, but a large piece of glass can be crushed by a step as long as it is slightly thinner, while steel of the same thickness cannot be crushed at all, and at most it will bend the steel a little.

Chen Mu is currently two hundred meters tall. Under normal circumstances, his legs made of rubies cannot withstand such a force at all, and it is estimated that they will break in an instant.

The reason for supporting like this is that he naturally adapts instantly.

Of course, Chen Mu does not know this for the time being because he has not thought about this problem.

"Then the question is, how can I continue to evolve?" Thinking about it, Chen Mu subconsciously asked: "System, what should I devour next to continue to evolve?"

However, the system did not respond to him at all.

Seeing the system silent.

Chen Mu was not surprised, after all, this guy is like this.

For the use of ability, it will be like a machine, as for the rest, it will ignore Chen Mu.

It seems that I have to figure it out by myself.

"So far, the devouring ability, as long as it can be devoured, can be exchanged for evolutionary energy. I can devour rubies, which means..." Thinking of this, Chen Mu suddenly felt goose bumps... Although he didn't have goose bumps.

He frowned.

Isn't it true?

You want devour rubies to obtain evolutionary evolve? !

"Why not kill me then."

Ruby, how rare is that? It is estimated that even if the entire earth is emptied, it is estimated that there will not be enough rubies for Chen Mu to evolve.

But from the current point of view, it seems that this is the only way..., it seems that this is it.

Chen Mu raised his hands and covered his face.

What should I do?

A voice in Chen Mu's mind asked himself.

Wait a minute.

Suddenly, Chen Mu's eyes lit up slightly: "By the way, even if there are not enough rubies on the earth for me to devour, I can also use artificially synthesized rubies to devour them for me."

That's enough!

I'm really too smart.

But I don't know how to use artificially synthesized gems.

In other words, I have to find a human to learn about it?

Well..., okay.

Chen Mu has no other choice at the moment.

Chen Mu took a step.

As soon as he took this step.

Chen Mu stopped.

Now Chen Mu doesn't know where he is. Now, if he wants to find humans, he has to fly first.

Of course, Chen Mu can turn into a dragon to fly.

But the problem is....

"Since you want me to create a gem life, then just create a perfect gem life. Why create a garbage, a new life that doesn't even have the ability to fly?"

This life needs to be further optimized.

First of all, you have to be able to fly.

But the problem is that my current body is too heavy. Even if I add wings, it will be difficult to fly.

Although instant adaptation can allow Chen Mu to adapt to gravity, it does not mean that Chen Mu can get rid of gravity directly. So if Chen Mu wants to fly, he has to rely on his own strength to get rid of gravity.

Since we are going to do it, let's make it the most perfect and handsome one.

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