Become a sea squirt larva and eat a brain first

Chapter 21: Scaring the Great White Shark to Turn Up Its White Belly

Killer whales are the overlords of the ocean. It will take some time to turn killer whales into a killer whale buffet.

For now, it is better to be timid.

"The tuna group has been eaten almost, where to go next?"

Chen Mu was thinking about this question.

At this time, Chen Mu found a bunch of things through the great white shark's inductive ability.

The location of those things made Chen Mu a little curious.

Most of the creatures that Chen Mu sensed through inductance were located in the sea, but the location of those creatures was on the sea.

Above the sea surface.

At the same time, when Chen Mu paid attention to the group of creatures, he inexplicably had a different impulse, that is, the impulse to eat.

"In other words, those are food, are they familiar food for great white sharks?"

Chen Mu became interested.

Creatures of the size of great white sharks are not interested in those small fish and shrimps. If they are interested, it must be delicious food with high fat and high energy.

Compared with running around to find, of course, it is much better to go to these visible foods that great white sharks are interested in.

Chen Mu didn't think much and began to swim towards that direction.

On the way.

Chen Mu noticed the floating ice nearby through his conscious vision.

Floating ice?

"Am I at the South Pole or the North Pole? But why don't I feel cold?"

Not only did he not feel cold, but Chen Mu also felt very comfortable.

Floating ice can be seen on the sea surface, which means it is very cold.

In this case, Chen Mu didn't feel cold at all, which was incredible for Chen Mu, who was originally a human.

But in fact, Chen Mu didn't know.

The great white shark has a unique ability. The great white shark can keep itself warm. It has a way to control its body temperature at around 25 degrees Celsius, and its body temperature can be more than ten degrees higher than the water temperature.

The reason why it can do this is that the arteries and veins in the great white shark are distributed in parallel in various parts of its body. In this way, the heat generated by the muscles when the great white shark moves will be stored in the body instead of being lost to the ocean. This is why Chen Mu doesn't feel cold and feels very comfortable.

As time went by, Chen Mu finally saw his target this time through his conscious vision.

In front of Chen Mu was a snow-covered coast.

On the coast, groups of seals were lying on the coast to rest.

"So the creatures I sensed were seals." Chen Mu saw those plump seals.

His mind automatically thought of the fat in the seals' bodies, and he only felt an urge to eat.

Great white sharks prefer high-fat creatures. For high-fat creatures, for great white sharks, these seals in front of them are undoubtedly delicious.

"These seals look delicious, but the question is, how can I eat them." Chen Mu thought while swimming.

He can use his ability to change into other creatures, but the problem is that the only creatures that Chen Mu can go ashore are starfish.

It is estimated that turning into a starfish and going ashore is not to hunt seals, but to feed seals.

In other words, if you want to hunt these seals, you have to wait for these seals to come down to find food.

That's a waste of time.

Wait a minute!

That's right, the ability to control!

"I can control these seals and make them come down and feed themselves into my mouth. I'm so smart!" Chen Mu was suddenly excited.

"Something's wrong, wait a minute." Suddenly, when Chen Mu was about to eat, he suddenly sensed something approaching through the inductor.

He opened his consciousness and looked in that direction.

At first glance, he saw a group of six great white sharks patrolling nearby.

They seemed to have discovered Chen Mu, but they didn't care. Instead, they patrolled casually, probably waiting for the seals to go to the sea.

Seeing the six great white sharks, Chen Mu's eyes lit up.


Chen Mu swam impatiently and approached the group of great white sharks.

The group of great white sharks saw Chen Mu approaching here.

The leading great white shark said: "Brother, are you here to hunt seals too?"

Chen Mu heard it for the first time.

Each species has its own way of communicating.

The system obviously helped Chen Mu establish a unique way to communicate with other species.

It allowed Chen Mu to bypass those complex communication methods, directly understand the language of creatures, and let the creatures know what he wanted to convey.

However, since Chen Mu became a great white shark, he has not encountered a great white shark that greeted him.

Chen Mu said: "No."

The great white shark said: "No...? If not, what are you doing here?"

The great white shark looked at Chen Mu in confusion.

Chen Mu said: "I'm here to find food."

"Find food? We are also here to find food. Isn't the most delicious food here seals?" The great white shark said puzzledly.

Chen Mu swam while looking at the six great white sharks in front of him.

Among the six great white sharks, four are smaller than Chen Mu, and two are larger than Chen Mu. The great white shark that talked to Chen Mu is the largest one.

Chen Mu was thinking.

If the two great white sharks that are currently bigger than Chen Mu are only one circle bigger than Chen Mu, after Chen Mu swallows those four, he will be able to surpass them.

Thinking of this, Chen Mu said: "Of course not, seals are too difficult to catch, and it's too troublesome to catch them. I do know that there is a kind of food nearby. Although it's not so delicious, it's better in quantity."

"Oh?" The leading great white shark seemed a little interested: "Is there? Where?"

Chen Mu said: "You, aren't you?"

The great white shark was stunned for a moment, and its expression became a little angry: "Are you tired of living?!"

The other five great white sharks were also angry and immediately pounced on Chen Mu.

Chen Mu looked and turned around and ran.

These six great white sharks are hugging too tightly now.

If Chen Mu forced his way in, he would probably be broken into several pieces.

So, Chen Mu had to run first.

Six great white sharks chasing a great white shark, if this scene was seen by someone, it would probably be shocked.

While running.

Because the speeds of the six great white sharks were not even, some were fast and some were slow, and gaps began to appear.

Chen Mu could see this through his vision consciousness without looking back.

It suddenly changed its swimming direction and rushed towards the six great white sharks.

It avoided the attack of the great white shark in front and pounced on the four smaller great white sharks following behind.


As soon as their bodies touched each other.

The bodies of the great white sharks turned into a ball of golden light and sank into Chen Mu's body.

Chen Mu passed through the group of great white sharks, and the group of great white sharks naturally lost one.

Chen Mu turned around again and shuttled through the great white sharks again.

Under the astonished gaze of the leading great white shark.

The group of great white sharks that originally consisted of six great white sharks, only it was left.

And in front of it.

A great white shark that was much stronger than it stood in front of it, staring down at it.

The leading great white shark's mouth was wide open.

Suddenly, it turned over, its belly turned over, and it fainted.

Because it was scared, it forgot to move for a while. If it didn't move, it couldn't breathe. If it couldn't breathe, it would naturally lack oxygen and faint.

Seeing this scene, Chen Mu was slightly startled: "Did it get scared and turned upside down?"

"Never mind, I'm hungry too. This is a rare treat, so I'll just eat it first."

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