Become a sea squirt larva and eat a brain first

Chapter 329 The Creator of the Lord God, Galaxy-level Life Form

"Impossible." Wuyin frowned.

Wuxi also looked solemn. She looked at the warrior worm: "Crush it, are you seeing it right? The celestial worm has an extremely huge body, which is more than 5,000 kilometers long. It is a huge monster, not a small worm. How can you crush it to death?"

The warrior worm said: "I am not seeing it wrong."

Wuxi narrowed her eyes.

At this time, the girl next to her said: "Queen, don't we have satellites? We can take a look at the images recorded by the satellite."

Wuxi heard it and said: "Yes."

As soon as she thought about it, a three-dimensional picture appeared in the hall.

Through this three-dimensional map, you can see the three-dimensional picture of the entire blue giant star.

Wuxi waved her hand.

The picture was enlarged, and the field of vision focused on the giant nest near the insect star.

What he saw was a giant nest that had been twisted, broken and messy, and he could also see the debris and blue blood of the celestial worm that had merged with the nest.

"This..." Wuyin's pupils trembled slightly, he couldn't believe it.

Healing silver is an artificial material made by combining shield silver and nanorobots. It can resist various temperatures and pressures, and has an extremely strong self-healing ability. As long as it does not die instantly, it can heal itself.

But from the scene in front of us, it can be easily judged that the celestial worm has been directly crushed by someone, and it died instantly.

But you have to know that it is a celestial worm, which cannot be destroyed even by planetary cannons using plasma compression... What kind of power can crush such a celestial worm like this?

Wu Xi frowned: "Who the hell did this?"

She waved her hand.

The picture was like a video, moving backwards.

What Wu Xi just saw was a satellite live broadcast. The satellite will store what it shoots in the form of video.

In other words, what happened before can also be watched back.

As the three-dimensional video screen retreated, Wu Xi finally saw what happened outside the celestial body five minutes ago.

A golden giant appeared outside the insect star.

This giant exuded golden light all over his body, and his whole body was extremely huge. His figure was almost the same size as the insect star next to him.

You have to know that the Worm Star is a real planet!

This giant is as huge as a planet.

Seeing this incomparably huge giant, Wu Xi's eyes were wide open.

Under the gaze of everyone in the Queen's Palace, the golden giant stretched out his huge hand and directly crushed the nest and the celestial worms inside into dregs.

Wu Xi subconsciously looked at Wu Yin next to him.

But Wu Yin opened his mouth slightly, his face full of disbelief.

Wu Xi said: "Wu Yin, in this galaxy, is there any civilization that can create such a huge planetary creature?"

Wu Yin came back to his senses, he looked at Wu Xi, he shook his head and said: "Impossible..., studying the creation of giant celestial creatures is part of our god-making plan. This kind of giant celestial creature requires a lot of scientific and technological support to achieve it. Under normal circumstances, when the mass of an object reaches a certain level, the gravitational waves emitted from the body will forcibly pull the object back and eventually turn it into a sphere, which can't become life at all."

"In addition, we We still need more scientific and technological knowledge. As far as I know, there is no other civilization in the entire Chenmu galaxy that can create a celestial life with a body length of more than 5,000 kilometers like us. "

Wu Xi frowned and said, "There is something wrong with your information. If you really say so, then what about that giant?"

Wu Yin was confused. He shook his head and said, "I don't know either."

Wu Xi frowned: "What on earth is this guy... Elf civilization? Set civilization?"

As she said, Wu Xi continued to pull back the video in front of her.

Until later, she saw it.

Seeing that from the void where there was nothing, a skeleton appeared, then muscles appeared, and then a normal-sized Chen Mu appeared.

When she saw this scene, Wu Xi frowned.

Suddenly, Wu Xi saw Chen Mu being swallowed by the celestial worm.

After that, Chen Mu's figure appeared again.

The four people in the Queen's Palace saw the golden light.

Watching the normal-sized Chen Mu, he grew wildly at a speed visible to the naked eye and turned into a planetary giant.

When he saw the golden giant grow from nothing to something, as if it was rubbed out by someone.

The Queen's Palace became silent.

Especially Wuyin, his pupils were trembling and his mouth was wide open.

The Zerg civilization's god-making plan is divided into three steps.

The first step is to create a giant celestial life, which is extremely difficult because it requires superb scientific and technological support to achieve it.

Just this first step took more than a thousand years to create a satellite-level celestial life.

That is, the celestial worm, and the manufacture of the celestial worm took the Zerg civilization more than 60 years to create it.

It was a very difficult process.

And now, this planetary giant in front of him, from nothing to something, only took less than three minutes.

This is incomprehensible, a scene that no one on the field can understand, which completely exceeds their common sense.

"It's a god!" Wuyin said, "This guy is a god! Civilization can't achieve this level. Only a god, a real god, can do it."

"No, that's not right." Wu Xi said.

Wu Yin looked at Wu Xi.

Wu Xi crossed her arms and said, "As far as I know, the gods in the divine world can create planets, but I have never heard that they can create planetary life. Even the main god Qing, who created the ancestors of our Zerg civilization, has never created celestial life."

"But this... this is impossible." Wu Yin said, "This is completely against the technology we know. No matter what technology it is, it is impossible to create a planetary giant in such a short time."

Wu Yin said, "I can't understand it, I can't understand it..."

"Unless..." The girl standing next to Wu Xi suddenly spoke.

Hearing this, Wu Xi looked at the girl and said, "Wei Xiang, unless what?"

Wei Xiang heard it and said, "Unless he is a god higher than the main god..."

Wu Xi's expression suddenly changed, and she said, "It's it..."

Wei Xiang looked at Wu Xi: "It? "

Wu Xi looked at the golden giant in the satellite video.

She said solemnly: "The creator of the Lord God, a galaxy-level life form, the most supreme existence in this galaxy."

"Six thousand years ago, he transformed into a golden dragon, bit the Black Wing civilization and the planet together, and then disappeared. I didn't expect that he would come back six thousand years later."

After the voice fell, everyone was stunned.

Wei Xiang's face was full of shock. She slowly adjusted her emotions and said: "You mean, he is the main consciousness of the galaxy on which we depend for survival?"

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