The Sword of Order can cut off everything, including time.

The dimensional weapon 'Time Stop' operates using the time dimension, and the attack used is 'time'. Naturally, time can also be the target of the Sword of Order.

U76 looked a little more disbelieving.

Potian waved the sword of order in his hand and said, "Next, it's my turn."

As soon as he finished speaking, he moved his body and pounced on U76.

"Control ability." U76 tried to use the ability he always used, control ability.

In an instant, both Potian bodies stopped.

The Order Sword in Potian's hand has the material energy of a galaxy, but the current Order Sword is only one meter in length, and there are two mechanisms for judging control ability, one is body size and the other is mass.

Obviously, the Potian and Order Swords at this moment are not as good as U76 in terms of size, so naturally the control ability takes effect.

Seeing this, U76's pupils froze slightly, and he curled his lips disdainfully: "Following Z4, I thought the ability would have no effect on you, but now it seems that I thought too much."

As soon as he had a thought, the two Breaking Heavens turned into specks of dust and disappeared.

At the same moment when these two broke the sky disappeared.

Another door to time and space was opened.

Another Potian walked out of the Gate of Time and Space. He looked at the U76 in front of him with a more solemn look on his face: "Do you also have that guy's technology?"

U76 looked at Potian who suddenly appeared, and he said: "I said, I come from a parallel universe. What he has, I naturally have."

The control ability is used again, and the sky-breaking disappears instantly.

U76's eyes fell on Chen Mu.

"I said, your opponent is me." A voice slowly sounded.

When this sound sounded, countless time and space gates appeared around U76.

One after another, the Potians walked out of the gate of time and space, surrounding U76 in the middle.

U76 said: "You are so annoying."

As he spoke, he waved his hand.

Pieces of broken sky turned into dust bit by bit.


Suddenly, a voice sounded.

Hearing this sound, U76 and Potian looked at the source of the sound.

What you see is the huge galaxy.

It is the sound made by Chen Mu Galaxy.

"Are you awake?" Potian said calmly.

Upon hearing this, Chen Mu said: "I haven't slept. Okay, get out of the way. You are no match for me, even if that 'me' comes from a parallel universe."

Potian looked away and looked at U76: "I know."

What Chen Mu said was true, Po Tian could only retreat.

As Potian retreated, the field was left directly to Chen Mu and U76.

Chen Mu didn't wait for anything.

U76 held the 'Time Stop' in hand and directly hit Chen Mu with the 'Time Stop'.

In an instant, the entire Chen Mu galaxy stopped moving.

The entire galaxy stopped strangely, frozen in space.

This kind of dimensional weapon ignores the size of the target and the quality of the target. It only attacks the time dimension where the target is located.

This dimensional weapon was developed by the Chen Mu Alliance and was specially used to deal with the most evil Chen Mu.

Although Chen Mu was not eliminated after the 'Time Stop', it was actually equivalent to being eliminated.

Because the time dimension he is in will be static, and this static includes the carrier and consciousness.

Therefore, Chen Mu is equivalent to dead.

Chen Mu has many ways to save himself.

The first is the ability to adapt instantaneously, but instantaneous adaptation adapts to the environment. ‘Time Stop’ only tied a knot in the time dimension where Chen Mu was, setting up a cycle, and the environment did not change.

Therefore, the ability to adapt instantly is not effective for ‘time-stop’.

The second is extreme self-healing. Self-healing is about self-healing the body. The destruction of the time dimension is about dimensions. However, the dimensions have nothing to do with Chen Mu himself, so extreme self-healing is also ineffective.

Both passive abilities are ineffective.

However, U76 includes Chen Mu from other parallel universes.

They didn't know that Chen Mu also had another ability.

Manipulate time.

When Chen Mu was attacked by a time dimension weapon.

The ability to control time and operate automatically.

Chen Mu's consciousness was automatically pulled into the time dimension.

Chen Mu looked at his timeline.

That timeline, like the Skybreaking timeline we saw before, was tied into a knot.

As a galaxy behemoth, Chen Mu is fixed in a timeline.

See this scene.

Chen Mu uses the ability to control time.

Connect those sections and delete the excess timeline directly.

After the timeline is erased.

In the three-dimensional space, the Chen Mu Galaxy, which had been frozen, resumed action again.

Seeing this, U76's pupils froze slightly: "How did you do it?"

Dimensional weapons have no effect on Chen Mu? This was completely beyond U76's expectations.

Chen Mu said: "It's quite interesting."

"After being destroyed by me for so many years, the Chen Mu Alliance was restored. Its technology is more powerful than before, and now it can actually use dimensional weapons. It's just a pity that the dimension of time is within my control."

U76 frowned and said: "The most evil Chen Mu, is this the ability you gained from devouring so much material? In order to obtain these abilities, you really do whatever it takes!"

"You are so stupid." Chen Mu said slowly: "Holding this kind of unnecessary emotion is the reason why your alliance and countless Chen Mu are not my opponents."

"However, your dimensional weapon is still good. I'll try it too." Chen Mu muttered.

U76's face changed, he turned around and walked towards the time and space gate behind him.

But before he entered the time and space gate, a black sphere hit U76 directly.

In an instant, U76's body was frozen in place.

Chen Mu can see U76's timeline by manipulating time.

There is an extra time knot on U76's timeline. U76 is still alive, but he will repeat that freeze frame infinitely. Although he is alive, he is no different from being dead.

Chen Mu has atomic creation and knowledge base. As long as there is something in this universe, the knowledge base will analyze and back it up.

If Chen Mu needs it, he can use atomic creation to create that thing. Chen Mu can also create a dimensional weapon like "time stop".

Of course, no matter what technology it is, there is a limit.

There will definitely be weapons that the knowledge base cannot analyze in the future, but "time stop" is obviously not one of them.

Dimensional weapons are good things.

Chen Mu has a lot of time, but he doesn't know what to study.

Now he can study the so-called dimensional weapons.

Potian looked at Chen Mu who continued to devour. He raised the Order Sword in his hand, cut through the void, and revealed a time and space gate.

He put away the Order Sword, stepped into the time and space gate, and left.

Chen Mu didn't know where the guy went, and of course Chen Mu was not interested in knowing where he went.

Chen Mu began to study dimensional weapons.

There are many sources of knowledge and information about dimensions.

First, there are some lives in Chen Mu's consciousness, and some of them are also conducting research on dimensions, and their research will also become Chen Mu's source of knowledge.

Second, Chen Mu has a knowledge base, and the knowledge in the knowledge base comes from various parallel universes.

What Chen Mu needs to do is to understand all this knowledge and then develop brand new dimensional weapons.

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