Become a sea squirt larva and eat a brain first

Chapter 351 What kind of existence is the ancestor?

Wu Xi was shocked by Chen Mu's power, but she had a question that she needed to know the answer to.

Wu Xi looked at Lena: "Lord God..."

When Lena heard Wu Xi's voice, she turned her head slightly and looked at Wu Xi behind her.

Wu Xi's eight spider eyes drooped, looking very respectful. She said, "Then how do you think the First Ancestor defeated the God of Destruction? The various technologies we currently have cannot find the location of the God of Destruction, and the God of Destruction is very cunning and doesn't give us any chance at all, but he was so easy. In an instant, he destroyed all the clones of the God of Destruction, including the main consciousness of the God of Destruction."

"What kind of power is this...? As far as I know, whether it is the so-called "God" or other beings who claim to be very powerful, they all have mastered more powerful technology, so... what technology did the First Ancestor use?"

Reina retracted her gaze, she thought for a while, she raised her face, looked at the blue sky and said, "Since you asked, then I will tell you about the First Ancestor, so that you don't know anything in the future."

"The First Ancestor is this entire galaxy. In this galaxy, everything is just a part of the First Ancestor..." At this point, Reina paused, then slightly turned sideways and looked at Wu Xi behind her.

She stared at Wu Xi and said slowly: "Including you and me."

Wu Xi was stunned. She felt a little strange. She subconsciously looked at Reina and said: "That adult is everything in this galaxy? Including us?" There was a hint of doubt in her voice, as if she didn't quite understand what Reina meant.

Reina crossed her arms and said: "I know what you are thinking. Do you think the ancestor is just the material of this galaxy?"

Wu Xi's pupils condensed, and she had a premonition that made her whole body cold..., is it not just material?

Reina said: "But you are wrong, we are just a part of him. In addition to our bodies, our consciousness is also a part of him. So, do you understand? The guy who calls himself the God of Destruction came from an alien galaxy, but after entering the body of the ancestor, he became a part of the ancestor."

Wu Xi was shocked when she heard this, and her face had a look of disbelief.

At this moment, she understood.

All the advanced civilizations that have stayed in this galaxy can infer that this galaxy is a life. All advanced civilizations believe that the body of this galaxy life is everything in this galaxy, but no one has thought that their own consciousness is actually part of the composition of this galaxy! !

"No wonder no advanced civilization can create a device that can detect the existence of the consciousness of the ancestor..." Wu Xi raised her hand again and looked at her hand.

It turns out that the consciousness of everyone in this galaxy is part of his consciousness!

His consciousness is themselves!

In this case, how can it be detected?

"That is to say, my body, my consciousness... is also part of this galaxy." Wu Xi murmured to herself, her eyes trembling slightly, with a hint of disbelief in her eyes.

Lena continued: "The guy who calls himself the God of Destruction is just a small cell in the eyes of the ancestor. It is just a thought for the ancestor to want to kill the God of Destruction."

"But... originally this task should be solved by me and Lu Yi, but this time the ancestor has to do it himself." Lena paused.

She seemed a little annoyed, annoyed at her own inadequacy.

But Reina's words made Wu Xi feel trembling all over.

Wu Xi was immersed in the impact of Reina's words.

She was actually just a part of this galaxy, this behemoth.

She was Wu Xi, the queen of the Zerg civilization among the seven civilizations!

She was high above, and in the Zerg civilization she was second only to the Zerg creator Reina.

But at this moment, she knew that she was just a giant life form, a small cell inside.

This gap made Wu Xi feel a strong sense of panic and uneasiness.

At the same time, she also felt insignificant.

She was so small, even smaller than a grain of sand.

At the same time, she also felt the size of Chen Mu.

That existence was completely on a different level from her.

Unconsciously, Wu Xi left Reina's room in this shocking feeling and returned to her residence.

She met her assistant Wuyin.

After Wuyin heard the information Wuxi got from Reina.

Wuyin was stunned for a moment, and she said: "If according to our Lord God, then... the ancestor is so powerful, why did he still take action to kill the God of Destruction? For him, the attack of the God of Destruction is just a tickle."

"He can completely not take action. Besides, what does the destruction of those civilizations have to do with him?"

Wuxi heard this, she glanced at Wu Ying: "Do you want to know why the ancestor took action?"

Wuyin said: "Yes, the ancestor is so huge and such a high-level existence. Why does he need to create civilization? Why does he need to protect the civilization in his body? Kill all the civilizations in his body, so that there will be no such thing as the God of Destruction, isn't it better?"

Wuxi heard this, she couldn't help but stare at Wuyin and said: "You mean the ancestor protects us and creates us for a reason."

Wu Yin hummed and said, "Yes, there are no gods in this world. In ancient times, our ancestors believed that there were gods in this world. But now, we all know that gods do not exist. These gods are just lives with more powerful technology. The seven main gods we know create civilization and life just like mortals. They regard these civilizations and lives as their own children, and they are the parents of their children."

"So, we trust and respect the main gods who created us."

Speaking of this, Wu Yin paused and looked at Wu Xi.

Wu Xi suddenly realized, and a smile appeared on her face: "You kid, are you comforting me?" She understood what Wu Yin meant.

Wuyin smiled slightly: "I'm just telling the truth. After the Lord God created us, he treated us as children. For the First Ancestor, although we are part of his body, we are also his children."

"This is why the First Ancestor protects us."

"The First Ancestor created our Lord God, and the Lord God created us, so for the First Ancestor, we are the children created by his children."

"That's why the First Ancestor protects us."

"Since the First Ancestor is our elder, then even if we are just a small cell in the body of the First Ancestor, what does it matter?" Wuyin smiled and said, "As long as we continue to live our own lives, that's it."

Wu Xi nodded slightly when she heard this.

After listening to Wu Xi's words, she came back to her senses from the panic.

She smiled: "You are right, the Lord God is great, and the existence of the creator of the Lord God is even greater."

"With him, we have us."

She only thought so.

If she didn't think so, she couldn't convince herself.

Chen Mu, the ancestor, the galaxy giant, was a place that completely surpassed her cognition.

In the past, Wu Xi thought that as long as she was given time, the galaxy giant might also be surpassed by her civilization, but at this moment, she realized that she could not surpass the other party no matter what, because she herself was a part of the other party.

That kind of fear surpassed everything.

As long as she believed that the ancestor was kind to her, Wu Xi could soothe her inner anxiety and not be crushed to death by that fear.

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