Become a sea squirt larva and eat a brain first

Chapter 353: Evolutionary energy progress is full, start the next evolution

"Why is this? The coordinates are correct. This should be the Red Galaxy, but why did it become the Chen Mu Galaxy?" The commander-in-chief was a little unbelievable.

The deputy commander said: "Unless... the Red Galaxy is currently a galaxy that the Chen Mu Galaxy is about to swallow."

"No, no no..., this is impossible." The commander-in-chief said: "We are flying in the opposite direction. According to the research of the Chen Mu Galaxy by our ancestors of the Porter civilization, the Chen Mu Galaxy will make space jumps and devour nearby areas. For other galaxies, it seems that he has always been moving in the opposite direction to the Red Galaxy, and it is impossible for him to suddenly change the direction."

The commander-in-chief looked at the three-dimensional map of the galaxy in front of him. He still couldn't imagine what was happening.

"You zoom in on the map. I want to look at this galaxy group." The commander-in-chief suddenly said as if he had thought of something.

The deputy commander hummed, she raised her frog-claw-like hand and operated on the screen.

The galaxy has been shrunk and continues to be shrunk.

But there are no other galaxies nearby….

"No." The deputy commander said, "I remember that there is a galaxy about one million light-years away from the Red Galaxy. Why is that galaxy gone?"

As she spoke, she continued to zoom in.

When the diameter of the picture exceeds 10 million light-years.

The sight that caught his eye made all the Potters on the field stunned.

This galaxy group spans about 10 million light-years. Within this galaxy group with a diameter of 10 million light-years, there were more than 70 galaxies before Chen Mu Galaxy entered this galaxy.

When the Porter civilization left the Porter star, there were still more than forty galaxies.

Now, there are only three galaxies left within 100 million light-years in diameter.

One is the Chen Mu galaxy, the other is the Red galaxy that is being swallowed by the Chen Mu galaxy, and the other is a galaxy located three million light years away from the Red galaxy.

None of them spoke.

Because they all know what's going on.

The entire galaxy group is like an elliptical sphere made up of many galaxies.

There was indeed a before and after when Chen Mu was devoured, but whether he was in front of him or behind him, he could not change the fate of being devoured by Chen Mu. The only difference was the length of time.

In the more than three hundred years that the Porter civilization has spent in the space-time channel, Chen Mu has swallowed up the entire other galaxies in the galaxy group, and now only two are left.

And it just so happened that the Red Galaxy was exactly the target he wanted to devour.

And they happened to arrive at Chen Mu's location.

Can't escape.

It is impossible to escape from the Chen Mu Galaxy.

If you want to escape, unless technology breaks through to a certain level, it will be impossible to escape.

This galaxy group is about to be swallowed up entirely.

The next galaxy can only be found in other galaxy groups, and the distance between galaxy groups is at least 20 million light-years away.

You know, it is difficult to find other celestial bodies between galaxies. Without celestial bodies, there would be no resources.

This is also the reason why the Potter civilization did not choose to travel in segmented time and space, because segmenting has no meaning, and it is useless to stop without resources.

There is a much scarier and longer distance between galaxy groups than between galaxies. There are no resources to supplement you within that distance.

If the development of science and technology does not exceed a certain limit, using warp engines to jump across galaxy clusters will only lead to death in the space-time channel due to exhaustion of resources.

In this deathly silence, all the Potters were silent for a long time.

"Go back to Potter." After a long time, the commander-in-chief broke the silence and issued this extremely helpless order.

After more than three hundred years of travel... this is the stupidest choice the Potter civilization has ever made.

at the same time.

Chen Mu stared at the Potter civilization that suddenly appeared in his body.

"Is this fleet... Potter civilized? They left for more than three hundred years and came back again?"

Chen Mu looked away: "What an idiot."

He didn't bother to pay attention to the useless efforts of these civilizations.

There are too many civilizations in Chen Mu's body, from low-level civilization to high-level civilization, there are countless.

He has no interest in taking care of it. They can do whatever they want, as long as the seven main civilizations develop technology well, fill their own knowledge base, and use it for themselves.

"This galaxy has been devoured." Chen Mu's body disappeared.

When he reappeared, his huge body appeared in the last galaxy of this galaxy group, which was directly engulfed by Chen Mu's galaxy group.

Chen Mu started a new round of devouring.

If you look from a distance, you can see a super giant galaxy with a diameter of one million light-years emitting bright light, slowly rotating in the dark void.

You know, like the Milky Way, the diameter of a galaxy is only 100,000 light-years, and the diameter of the Local Group of galaxies in which the Milky Way is located is only 10 million light-years.

After Chen Mu devoured two galaxy groups, the galaxy groups accumulated together.

Spanning a full million light-years, it is almost one-tenth the size of the Local Group of Galaxies!

He is an astonishing behemoth.

Chen Mu said: "System, what is my current evolution progress?"

The system said: "The current evolution progress is 51%."

Fifty-one already?

Chen Mu has forgotten how many galaxies he has swallowed since he turned into a galaxy, and how much time has passed.

He just kept swallowing, and then studied technology and researched technology.

Before I knew it, it was fifty-one percent.

That is to say, I need to spend so much time to evolve again?

"What will the next evolution be?"

To be honest, Chen Mu still has some expectations.

Although the system did not give Chen Mu any ability in the last evolution, it upgraded all of Chen Mu's abilities.

Currently, Chen Mu's control ability can not only control matter but also directly control consciousness, which is almost a BUG-level ability.

What about the next evolution?

What will happen if these abilities of his body evolve again?

While Chen Mu was thinking, he suddenly felt his eyes brighten.

Chen Mu came back to his senses and took a look.

What he saw made Chen Mu slightly stunned.

From a distance of five million light years, looking at Chen Mu at this moment, you can see that a super giant galaxy has emerged out of thin air next to Chen Mu's galaxy.

It is almost the same as Chen Mu, both are huge monsters with a diameter of one million light years.

This super giant galaxy looks almost exactly like Chen Mu, of course there are some differences.

Seeing this super giant galaxy, Chen Mu's pupils condensed slightly: "Doppelganger!"

Yes, the one in front of Chen Mu was Chen Mu's avatar.

After using Chen Mu's avatar ability, he threw the avatar out and let it help him collect evolutionary energy outside.

It was unknown how long it had been, and Chen Mu almost forgot about it.

This avatar is back.

Is it because the avatar judged that the energy possessed by the avatar and the main body has reached 100%?

Obviously, yes.

Chen Mu took the avatar back.

The avatar disappeared out of thin air.

At the moment when the avatar disappeared out of thin air, celestial bodies from other places appeared in Chen Mu's body one after another.

Chen Mu's body continued to grow at a speed visible to the naked eye.

At the same time, Chen Mu heard the voice from the system.

"The progress of evolutionary energy is being obtained. The current progress of evolutionary energy is 60%."





"Congratulations, your current energy evolution energy progress is 100%, start the next evolution"

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