"With your strength, Lord God...can't you stop him?" Mulan looked at the killer whale.

The killer whale is the main deity of Pangu Star, and she protects Pangu Star.

Just because it is protected by killer whales, Pangu Star is qualified to establish itself among the seven major civilizations.

But now the killer whale said that if he offended that person, that person might destroy the entire Pangu planet.

This shocked Mulan, because it meant that the killer whale could not protect Pangu.

In fact, with current technology, it is possible for the seven major civilizations to destroy a planet, but it is not that simple to destroy a planet protected by civilization.

It was a collision of technology. Only the party with strong technology could destroy a planet.

The Lord God possesses extremely powerful technology, which is higher than the technology that all civilizations possess and can understand.

Even the biggest backer of Pangu Star, the killer whale, can't stop it. So... what kind of existence will the existence that the killer whale mentioned be like?

The killer whale said: "He is a being that you can't imagine. The technology you have is probably like a child playing with mud. Anyway, no matter what he does, you are not to disturb him. If he takes the initiative to come to you, you should do your best to The ability to work with, and support, whatever he has to do.”

When Mu Lan heard this, she was silent for a moment, then nodded seriously and said, "I understand..., then..."

Mulan looked at the killer whale: "Can you provide me with the appearance and information of that person? Although I know about it, others don't. I'm worried that others have offended him."

"Okay." The killer whale said happily.

After Mulan got some information from Chen Mu, she called the entire Pangu Alliance top management as quickly as possible to gather together.

Mulan stood in the headquarters, looking at the senior officials of the region in front of her. She put her hand on the table and pressed it.

A three-dimensional image appears on the table.

This three-dimensional picture is exactly what Chen Mu looks like.

"Who is this?"

"have no idea."

When the senior executives saw Chen Mu, they all showed doubts.

After so many years of development, the entire Pangea continent was divided into twelve regions.

The twelve representatives on the round table in front of you are the highest power representatives of these twelve regions.

These representatives have to deal with many things every day, and they are all very important.

But in the middle of the night, Mulan gave an urgent order that everyone must come to participate in the meeting.

After this tense atmosphere, Mulan released a three-dimensional picture of such a person.

Faced with the doubts of those representatives, she said: "No matter where this person goes or what he does, no matter what it is, you are not allowed to stop him. If he needs something, you will provide him with it."

"No matter what he does?" One of the female representatives expressed doubts: "Commander-in-Chief, is this order a little strange? If he does bad things in the region..."

Mulan said: "Let me declare once again, no matter what he does, we cannot stop or disturb him. If he takes the initiative to ask for something from us, we will provide it to him."

"No matter what happens, even if he kills someone or does something else, all we can do is deal with the aftermath and give him support."

Looking at the strange expressions of those representatives, Mulan said: "This is what Master Killer Whale told me. He looks like a human, but he is not a human. He only needs a thought, and our planetary civilization will directly Destruction. According to the behavior of the killer whale, the technology we have is just a child playing in the mud."

"Now, I need the help of twelve of you... No, I need the help of Pangu civilization, all civilizations!"

"This matter is very important, so important that it affects the survival of our civilization!"

Speaking of this, Mulan's face was solemn, and she didn't seem to be joking at all.

The expressions of the twelve representatives also became serious.

"If it was said by the Lord God Killer Whale, it's not a joke."

"But, one thought can destroy our entire planetary civilization. Are you saying that?" One representative still couldn't help but say.

Mulan looked at the man and said, "When our ancestors were primitive people, we also thought that destroying a planet was impossible."

The man was stunned for a moment, then nodded slightly: "I understand.

Mulan said: "Then execute it immediately! I believe I have expressed the importance of this matter clearly enough. This matter is related to the survival of our entire civilization. I hope you will all be energetic. Deal with it."



Twelve stood up and answered loudly in unison.

Mulan nodded: "Let's get started."

other side.

A region has its own regulations.

If the scope stipulates, then there will be sanctions.

And those who defend the rules and enforce sanctions against those who violate the rules are the sanctioners.

However, Chen Mu was not aware of these regulations.

After all, this Pangu planet is not the earth before Chen Mu, and Chen Mu is no longer the Chen Mu before.

Chen Mu flapped his white wings and flew in the air. He looked around.

However, Chen Mu didn't know.

At this moment, in Pangu Star, there is a fixed flight track in the sky.

Some tracks are not allowed to be parked without permission.

A sanctioner who was flying in mid-air on an aircraft and working saw Chen Mu flying in mid-air.

Seeing the wings behind Chen Mu, he said: "Male angel? Angel civilizations all have blond hair. This guy is not from the angel civilization. Are those wings... anti-angel wing aircraft?"

"Pretending to be an angel and then standing in front of the track, is there something wrong with your brain?" The sanctioner muttered. He operated the aircraft and flew in the direction of Chen Mu.

Suddenly, a hand was placed in front of the sanctioner.

The punisher was stunned for a moment, and he looked at the person who stopped him.

The other party pressed the device on his wrist, and a three-dimensional information proof appeared in front of him.

The other party said: "I am from the highest sanction group in Area Y, No. 08. I will be in charge of the air traffic here from now on. You don't need to direct it anymore. You go home first and I will call you later."

The sanctioner was stunned: "This..."

08 said: "Go."

He rubbed the back of his head in confusion, turned and left.

08 After driving away the traffic sanctioners, he looked back at Chen Mu in the distance and said, "Report to the headquarters. The problem has been solved and the target has not been disturbed."

Chen Mu looked around and flapped his wings while looking around.

The headquarters directly sent a team of more than 3,000 supreme sanctioners to stop all aircraft in the vicinity.

Avoid Chen Mu from being hit.

Along the way, Chen Mu could not see anyone else in the air.

Soon, Chen Mu found a spacious place. Seeing the spacious place, he said, "This is it."

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