"There are two loopholes found so far."

The first is to put time on the arm.

Time can indeed be displayed on the arm, but if the arm leaves the body, the time will disappear directly and cannot be seen.

Those robbers will even cut off human arms in order to grab time.

Before, the transaction method set by Chen Mu was to shake hands with others through the hand with time, and then conduct transactions.

After the robbers cut off the arm with time, they can grab other people's time by shaking hands.


It must be changed and the display of time is placed in another place.

The second is the child.

Because the time a child has after birth can be traded, some people plunder the time of newborn babies, treat those humans as reproductive tools, and treat newborn babies as gold mines.

The completely extinct humanity, even if this civilization develops, it is a deformed development.

This is not what Chen Mu wants to see.

How to solve it?

Chen Mu is thinking.

The first point.

If the arm doesn't work, it will definitely not work if the time is placed in other parts of the body.

What should I do?

Chen Mu thought about it.

Let's do this.

Chen Mu's thoughts moved.

In the void, bits of matter began to condense.

As the matter condensed, a huge celestial device was finally formed.

On a planet that had lost human civilization, a body slowly condensed and finally condensed into the appearance of Chen Mu.

Chen Mu's subconsciousness entered his body.

Chen Mu opened his eyes and said, "Turn on the time."

As Chen Mu's voice fell, the celestial device in the distance began to operate.

Then, a projection appeared in front of Chen Mu.

This is a string of time.


53 is the number of seconds, which is currently moving.

The current lifespan of the body that Chen Mu molded.

The million numbers are in hours, more than one million hours, which is more than 100 years.

Because the body that Chen Mu molded is the body of an ordinary person, it naturally has a lifespan.

Before, the time civilization on this planet was able to display time and trade time on the arm because it was driven by a giant celestial device.

It was just placed on the arm at that time.

Now Chen Mu re-entered the program and changed it to the current state.

As long as the words "open time" are spoken or said in the heart, the blue screen will be turned on.

As long as the other party is willing to trade, the celestial device can capture the signal and then trade.

At the beginning, life naturally does not know how to use these settings, but as wisdom develops, they will surely know, become familiar with, and then use them.

In this way, the first loophole disappears.

So what about the second one?

The second one is about the protection of newborn babies.


Chen Mu crossed his arms and fell into thought.

It is not only about the protection of the baby's time, but also the protection of the child's time.

When the child is born, the parents are the only ones they can rely on.

For the parents' words, those children will definitely do it.

In other words, if the baby is protected, but when the baby grows up, before he can be independent.

Under the coercion of some bad parents, time will definitely be handed over.

Some organizations can even take advantage of this and once again use the child's natural lifespan as a gold mine for harvesting.

In this case, the result will be the same as the baby of the previous civilization.

Find the problem, Chen Mu can find a solution.

Chen Mu's solution is to let the celestial device control all humans on this planet.

When humans are just born, prepare for twenty years of inability to trade.

In this way, these twenty years can protect humans until independence, and because they cannot trade during this time, those people cannot use children as gold mines.

There will be no second problem.

But with the solution of these two problems.

Chen Mu found another problem.


The biggest reason why the civilization created by Chen Mu before would treat children as gold mines, and even the highest organization of that civilization would treat children as gold mines, is that there is no new currency added.

At present, all civilizations that Chen Mu knows are civilizations with a currency system.

But there will be a situation.

That is, every once in a while, that civilization will create some new currencies.

Simply put, it is to create new money to balance market needs.

What Chen Mu has to do now is to use time as currency.

If a person gets a lot of time, he can get eternal life.

In this way, it means that human beings have an endless demand for time.

If this problem is not solved, then humans will inevitably slaughter each other.

Or, I can create a source of currency.

For a civilization that uses time as currency, there must be a source of time.

Chen Mu thought about it for a while, and his eyes accidentally saw the animals running in the distance.

Seeing those animals, Chen Mu's eyes lit up slightly.

"Okay, it's you."

Chen Mu used a giant celestial device to give these wild animals time currency.

The time these animals have is invisible. Only when other creatures kill them can they obtain the time owned by that creature.

Humans will not discover this at the beginning, but they will definitely discover it later and use it at the same time.

In this way, Chen Mu once again created millions of new humans and opened the next era of civilization.

Chen Mu used the time dimension to jump through time.

However, as time went by.

Chen Mu discovered a situation that made him a little unhappy.

The humans of this new civilization raised those animals with time currency.

Then kill them.

In this way, unlimited time can be obtained.

Then, more and more humans have unlimited lifespans.

There are more and more people, and soon all the animals and plants on a planet are eaten up.

In the end, the extremely hungry humans defined food as their own kind.

This new civilization began a crazy slaughter of its own kind.

This slaughter was extremely tragic, terrifying and bloody.

Some people even raised humans as livestock.

After seeing this.

Chen Mu was no longer happy.

With a thought.

All humans in that civilization disappeared.

Chen Mu pondered.

"If this is the case, after these humans discover this, they will start breeding these animals and gain unlimited time and lifespan, and the result... is the demise of civilization." Chen Mu thought for a while: "In other words, it is better to find a balance."

What to do?

Chen Mu found another solution.

Give animals time currency, but at the same time, give these animals powerful power, and only untamed animals can obtain time currency!

Humans can hunt these animals to obtain time currency, but they have to pay a price for it!

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