Become a sea squirt larva and eat a brain first

Chapter 412 Various life forms, various cards

Through the time dimension, Chen Mu saw the subsequent development of this civilization.

Because Chen Mu added a new setting to the celestial device, the ferocious beasts would become cards for people to use after being killed.

And this led to the human civilization realizing that they could improve their combat effectiveness by obtaining cards by killing ferocious beasts.

Slowly, the Great Wall, which took decades and was built with no manpower, opened its gates.

Those human countries began to form coalition forces and entered the territory of the ferocious beasts through the Great Wall gates to hunt.

Countless ferocious beasts turned into countless cards, and then became the largest ferocious beast weapons of these human countries.

Humans used the obtained ferocious beasts to match warriors and tactics to slaughter the ferocious beasts and obtain more powerful ferocious beasts as their own weapons.

In this way, the human side became stronger and stronger.

And the number of ferocious beasts began to decrease drastically.

After a full two hundred years.

Chen Mu discovered.

The ferocious beasts were gone.

Chen Mu looked at the pictures in the timeline through the timeline.

Indeed, the ferocious beasts were gone.

To be precise, those beasts did not disappear, but they became cards, became pets of humans, and lived in the human world.

As for the beasts in the wild, there was no one left, and they all disappeared.

Including those dragons.

Although it was not easy for humans to kill dragons, they used the beast sea tactics to grind the dragons to death by using the beasts they obtained.

In this way, wild beasts became history.

Seeing this.

Chen Mu was immediately happy.

"You are worthy of it."

Before, the beasts were too powerful and humans could not deal with them, so humans built the Great Wall.

When they knew that the beasts could be turned into cards for their own use, they realized that they could make themselves or their countries stronger by killing the beasts, so they began to slaughter.

Although humans also paid a lot of price in this process, and tens of millions of people died, under the temptation of obtaining powerful beast weapons, humans still relied on their strong perseverance to grind all the beasts to extinction.

After the beasts were extinct.

Humans continued to develop. This time, Chen Mu found that the wars between these countries were becoming more and more frequent.

On the battlefield, beasts roared and soldiers roared in anger.

But in this kind of war between countries, beasts participated in the war in the minority, and more soldiers participated in the war.

This made Chen Mu a little confused.

Now this civilization is still in the medieval civilization, there are no hot weapons, all cold weapons are steel.

When people fight with cold weapons, the battle is very tragic.

And these humans have killed so many beasts and obtained so many beast cards, why don't they use them on the battlefield? Why do they have to use the soldiers' bodies to participate in the war?

Chen Mu was puzzled and began to browse the thoughts of those people by browsing the dark consciousness.

After seeing the thoughts of those people.

Chen Mu frowned.

"So that's it."

By browsing the dark consciousness of the people of this civilization, Chen Mu found a situation that destroyed the balance.

Because when Chen Mu made the settings before, he did not set the setting of how many beast cards a person could have.

This led to the situation that a person could have countless beasts.

The more beast cards a person has, the more powerful he is.

At the same time, since the beasts transformed by cards cannot be transformed back into cards if they are killed again.

So the beast cards are very precious.

The reason why wars between countries in this civilization become frequent is that these kings have realized a problem.

That is, the more beast cards you get, the stronger you will be.

If you collect all the powerful beast cards, you can easily unify this continent.

Since the number of cards a person can have is unlimited, the king of each country will gather all the cards in the hands of everyone in the country in his own hands.

They will only be used when needed.

In more wars, people still use sustainable human lives to fill the gap and fight for themselves.

The beast cards are used sparingly.

Therefore, although there are tens of millions of beasts slaughtered by humans, even these beast cards can continue to give birth to other beast cubs through reproduction after they are transformed into beasts.

However, these cards are all gathered in the hands of some high-level officials in a country.

As for ordinary people or ordinary soldiers, they do not have these beast cards.

The reason for this situation is that the number of cards a person has is not limited, and the cards of people who get the beast card are not protected.

"We have to solve this problem." Chen Mu continued to modify the settings through the celestial device.

This problem is not that difficult to solve.

Because the entire planet, from a planet to a small quark, is calculated and controlled by the celestial device.

So basically, Chen Mu can do whatever he wants.

Chen Mu changed the settings.

Each person can only use three cards, and at the same time can set one as the natal card, which cannot be abandoned or transferred.

"That should be about it."

When this setting was enabled.

Chen Mu observed the changes of the planet through the time dimension.

Just as Chen Mu expected.

With this setting.

The frequent wars between countries began to decrease with the passage of time.

The situation where cards were originally highly concentrated in the upper class of humans is no longer as concentrated as before.

"This seems to be quite fun."

Chen Mu was very satisfied with the idea of ​​turning fierce beasts into cards.

But now the fierce beasts have become extinct. Without them, these humans seem to have nothing to pursue.

"Let's create something else."

With Chen Mu's thoughts, he stayed.

In the center of the continent, a tower appeared out of thin air.

This tower is circular, covering an area of ​​50 square kilometers and a height of more than 10,000 meters.

It is divided into 100 floors.

Each floor has a different environment.

Entering the first floor, people will appear on a small island.

Looking forward from this small island, there is an endless ocean, and you can also see a sun in the sky.

In the ocean, there are countless fish beasts.

In addition to fierce beasts, there are also special creatures that are a fusion of humans and fish, mermaids.

These fish beasts and mermaids can be turned into cards.

The second floor is a group of beast-like fierce beasts and a group of beast-like beasts formed by the fusion of human and beast genes.

It can also be turned into cards.

There are more different races above.

These special lives are all new life forms created by Chen Mu by fusing some life genes with the lives he encountered in the universe.

Chen Mu wants to see what these humans will do when they find this tower.

Will they continue to kill in order to obtain cards and become stronger?

Can they win?

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