Become a sea squirt larva and eat a brain first

Chapter 43 How Emperor Penguins Reproduce with Difficulty

All the emperor penguins have finished mating...except of course Chen Mu.

The emperor penguins in front of him were all in pairs, and only Chen Mu was alone.

I have to say that Chen Mu found that these emperor penguins were quite affectionate and were together almost all the time.

Basically they won't be separated.

You can often see two emperor penguins standing together, with their round bodies touching each other, just like human tenderness.

Suddenly, Chen Mu noticed that the abdomen of one of the emperor penguins was slightly bulging.

Seeing this, Chen Mu couldn't help but pay more attention.

After emperor penguins lay eggs, they place the eggs on their insteps and cover them with their fat abdomen for incubation.

The emperor penguin's abdomen is slightly bulging, which means it hides its eggs in the hatching pouch on its feet and under its abdomen.

Could it be that the emperor penguin has laid eggs? But the other emperor penguins haven't laid eggs yet.

Its mate is also looking at the emperor penguin's belly.

At this time, the emperor penguin lifted its body slightly, exposing what was under its abdomen.

That's a piece of ice.

In order to familiarize themselves with the hatching process, emperor penguins will use something as a substitute. On top of the thick ice, it is obvious that only ice cubes are used as training materials.

over time.

Chen Mu saw that the female emperor penguins began to lay eggs.

Emperor penguin eggs fall on the ice one after another.

After the female emperor penguin came to her senses, she carefully moved the egg with her pecks, moved the egg to her feet, and then covered it with her belly.

Other female emperor penguins also started laying eggs.

"It's begun." Chen Mu suddenly became excited.

These are the things that wait for these guys to hatch the eggs, and then wait for the group of penguin chicks to grow up, then they can evolve.

What I have to do now is to ensure that these eggs can successfully grow emperor penguin chicks.

"What are these guys doing?" Suddenly, Chen Mu noticed that the female emperor penguins took out the eggs placed on their feet and under their bellies.

Saw the egg rolling down on the thick ice.

Chen Mu's eyes widened: "Are these guys looking for death? Aren't you afraid that the eggs will freeze?" The temperature is now estimated to be minus 25 degrees Celsius. If the eggs are placed on the ice, they will be frozen and unable to hatch. .

Thinking that this egg was related to the progress of his evolutionary energy acquisition, Chen Mu suddenly became a little anxious and wished he could stuff the egg into his hatching bag.

Yes, male emperor penguins also have hatching pouches.

At this time, Chen Mu saw the male emperor penguin approaching the egg, his feet close to it, and then he slowly pulled the egg this way with his pecks.

Pull it over its feet and cover the eggs with the hatching pouch inside its abdomen.

Chen Mu saw that the eggs thrown by other female emperor penguins were put into their hatching bags by their partners, the male emperor penguins.

Seeing this, Chen Mu understood.

These female emperor penguins do not intend to throw away their eggs, but intend to hand them over to male emperor penguins.

When female emperor penguins lay eggs, they need to expend a lot of energy. The emperor penguins who lay eggs must entrust the eggs to male emperor penguins for incubation, and he must travel to and from the coast very far away to eat and replenish energy.

Of course, Chen Mu didn't know much about emperor penguins, so he naturally didn't know this.

Chen Mu noticed that many female emperor penguins moved away from their partners.

At this time, Chen Mu also saw that after taking three steps, a female emperor penguin stopped for a moment, then turned back and looked at the hatching bag of her partner behind her.

It walked back slowly and looked at it carefully, as if it was afraid that the egg would be damaged.

Finally, it reluctantly turned around and left.

After seeing this, Chen Mu understood.

"Are they going to eat? If so, after laying the eggs, they really need to supplement their nutrition." Chen Mu looked at the male emperor penguins.

No, from this point of view, it should be more than just nutritional supplements.

All penguins have the ability to chew cud.

After these female emperor penguins go to the sea to eat, they are expected to rush back to feed the emperor penguin chicks that are about to be born.

In other words, if these female emperor penguins cannot come back, then... even if these emperor penguin eggs hatch successfully, the chicks will starve to death.

In this case, Chen Mu would have a headache.

You know, there are many seals and killer whales waiting to meet these female emperor penguins under the sea, waiting to eat.

Chen Mu set off, and he followed the female emperor penguins.

It is very important whether this group of female emperor penguins can survive.

However, what Chen Mu didn't know was...

After he left.

A blizzard created by nature hits a colony of emperor penguins.

In order to fight against these blizzards, the emperor penguin groups gathered together in groups, one against the other.

Use each other's body heat to resist the crazy snowstorm.

Those blizzards bombard the outer colonies of emperor penguins.

The emperor penguins on the periphery gradually couldn't bear it anymore and changed their positions, but before changing positions, they needed to pay attention to the eggs in the hatching bags.

The emperor penguins that withstood the blizzard changed their positions, so the emperor penguins on the inner layer became the new perimeter.

When they couldn't bear it anymore, the new peripheral emperor penguins changed their positions again.

In this way, the huge colony of emperor penguins began to move and change positions under the impact of the snowstorm.

It's winter now, and once a snowstorm appears, it will rage for several days.

Not everyone's emperor penguin can handle it.

Some of them could not withstand the attack of the blizzard and turned into corpses, while the eggs were left without protection and lay on the ground. Under the impact of the blizzard, they were already dead.

Time passed little by little.

This lasted for more than a month.

Chen Mu and the group of female emperor penguins came to the beach together.

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