Become a sea squirt larva and eat a brain first

Chapter 45: Losing your life for an egg?

"What's going on?" Chen Mu was stunned.

He was just protecting an egg, but he actually risked his life?

The breeding ground of emperor penguins is located in the hinterland of the Antarctic plate. In winter, there are often blizzards. During the blizzards, the temperature can drop to minus 50 degrees Celsius.

Even emperor penguins, which have a strong resistance to cold, can't stand it and die when facing such natural disasters.

Of course, the dead emperor penguins are only a small proportion compared to the surviving emperor penguins.

However, as a human, Chen Mu can't understand the behavior of creatures who don't care about their lives in order to reproduce.

This may be the difference between humans and ordinary animals.

Generally speaking, after the female emperor penguin lays eggs, it will give the eggs to the male emperor penguin to hatch, and it takes four months for it to go back to the sea to eat.

And at the end of these four months, it will be the time for the emperor penguin eggs to hatch.

Generally, emperor penguin eggs are incubated under the male emperor penguin's incubator. After hatching, even though the male emperor penguin has not eaten for four months, it will still leave a thick liquid called penguin milk in its body for the emperor penguin chicks to eat.

This can maintain the life of the emperor penguin chicks for a few more days, and the extra few days of life are the female emperor penguins racing against life. If the time is exceeded, the emperor penguin chicks will be starved to death.

However, due to Chen Mu's participation, these female emperor penguins came back many days faster.

This also led to the fact that when the female emperor penguins came back, the emperor penguin eggs had not yet hatched.

Chen Mu watched from the side. He looked at the female emperor penguins who came back and approached their partners.

It first looked at the slightly bulging abdomen of the male emperor penguin.

The male emperor penguin lifted his abdomen to reveal the egg placed on his feet.

When the male emperor penguin saw the egg, it moved closer and seemed to see it more clearly.

After watching, it raised its head and leaned against the male emperor penguin, slightly closing its eyes, as if enjoying the joy of reunion.

However, Chen Mu also saw that some of the female emperor penguins who rushed back could no longer find their spouses and the eggs they laid.

They were walking around in the emperor penguin group in confusion, with their round appearance and cute walking.

Chen Mu subconsciously glanced at the emperor penguin corpses and eggs lying on the ground not far away, covered with ice and snow.

"Although not many people died, this is not zero casualties. It is estimated that there is no way to make the evolutionary energy progress 100%."

"What is going on... Isn't it just protecting an egg? It even lost its life." Chen Mu muttered.

At this time.

The male emperor penguin handed the egg to the female emperor penguin.

The male emperor penguin, like the female emperor penguin, set out on the way back.

These male emperor penguins haven't eaten for more than three months. Now that the female emperor penguins are back, they naturally have to switch players. It's the female emperor penguins' turn to hatch eggs, while they catch fish to eat and make up for the fat they lost in the past three months.

Chen Mu was thinking, according to the speed of the emperor penguins, it would take nearly two months to reach the beach.

And Chen Mu's speed is blessed by the system, which is twice as fast as the emperor penguins. It only takes him nearly a month to get to the beach.

In other words, Chen Mu can let this group of cute emperor penguins go for more than 20 days, and he can catch up or even surpass these emperor penguins when he sets out.

"Don't leave with these emperor penguins first. I have to see what's going on here. Isn't it just protecting an egg? I can't even save my life. I planned to have zero casualties, but it was directly shattered."

Chen Mu planned to stay and observe for 20 days to see the situation.

This is related to the progress of his evolutionary energy.

It's just been two days.

Suddenly, Chen Mu noticed that the sky was pitch black.

A terrifying blizzard enveloped the surroundings.

Chen Mu saw that the emperor penguins began to gather together, leaning against the body of the emperor penguin in front of them, one next to the other, using the group's body temperature to keep themselves warm.

Chen Mu first stood outside for a while.

Then... .

Chen Mu moved his body, approached the group of emperor penguins, and hugged the group of emperor penguins.

"This damn weather is too cold."

Chen Mu hadn't felt so cold for a long time, but now as the blizzard whipped his body, the biting cold directly enveloped Chen Mu.

Chen Mu couldn't stand it at all.

It's just that Chen Mu is now on the periphery, with a warm group of emperor penguins in front of him, but the storms behind him are mercilessly whipping Chen Mu's body, and his back is very cold.

Chen Mu is not a fool. After realizing this, he immediately moved, changed his position, and ran to a place without wind.

Chen Mu observed the surroundings through his conscious vision while taking body temperature.

He could see that the emperor penguins on the periphery, which were ravaged by the blizzard, did not leave immediately, but let the storm continue to destroy their backs.

Until they could no longer bear it, the emperor penguins on the periphery began to line up in an orderly manner and began to move their bodies to the other side.

At first, there was nothing strange.

But suddenly, Chen Mu saw one of the emperor penguins lose his balance and fall to the ground.

Because it was round, when it fell, its round belly fell to the ground first, so that the eggs laid in its abdomen would not fall out.

It struggled to get up, but it was round and without hands, so it was not easy to get up in the smooth snow.

It used its beak as support and tried to bend up.

But it was difficult.

Because its feet had to remain motionless, otherwise if the egg fell out and landed on the snow, it would not take long for the egg to die.

Such restrictions made it even more difficult to get up.

It was struggling and trying, and time passed little by little.

And the blizzard was whipping its body.

If it continued like this, it would be frozen to death by the blizzard, and the egg would not survive.

Seeing this, Chen Mu understood.

No wonder so many emperor penguins and eggs died after he ran outside.

So that's it.

Facing this terrifying power of nature, coupled with the defects of the emperor penguin itself.

"It's too difficult to reproduce." Chen Mu was a little depressed.

But in order to complete his task.

Chen Mu had to get up.

He moved his clumsy body and walked to the side of the emperor penguin.

He subconsciously wanted to squat down and help the emperor penguin in front of him.

But he was surprised to find that he couldn't do it at all, because his body was too round and he had no hands, so he couldn't help it at all.

Chen Mu used his transformation ability directly.

He turned into a dolphin.

He lifted his tail fin and placed it under the emperor penguin, and with a little force, lifted the emperor penguin up.

The emperor penguin stood up again, and it looked at the dolphin beside it, and it was a little bit overwhelmed for a while.

The dolphin disappeared, and Chen Mu turned back into an emperor penguin again, ignoring the emperor penguin that had escaped danger, and approached the emperor penguin group on his own.

"I'm freezing..."

Chen Mu continued to hug the group.

Although the arrival of the blizzard occasionally caused the emperor penguins to fall down and find it difficult to get up.

For the sake of his own evolutionary energy progress, Chen Mu could only help.

After three days of raging, the blizzard finally retreated.

At this time, Chen Mu noticed the sound of the emperor penguin cubs.

He noticed that the eggs hidden under the female emperor penguin had a small hole pecked out.


Slowly, one emperor penguin chick after another broke free from the eggshell, and they replaced the eggs and stayed in the hatching bag.

The emperor penguin chicks were covered with fluff, so they couldn't keep warm yet, so they could only stay in their parents' hatching bags and rely on their parents' body temperature to keep warm.

The chicks raised their heads and cried.

At this time, the female emperor penguins opened their mouths, and the emperor penguin chicks put their mouths into the mouths of the female emperor penguins.

The female emperor penguins spit out the food again through rumination, and the chicks eat the food.

Looking at the emperor penguin chicks.

Chen Mu was like a miser looking at gold.

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