Become a sea squirt larva and eat a brain first

Chapter 66: Can wolves wag their tails? Next goal: catch baby wolves

Chen Mu sat under the tree, subconsciously shaking his tail and thinking.

For Chen Mu, the feeling of wagging his tail is the same as the feeling of shaking legs when humans relax.

Some people say that the wolf's tail is not as flexible as a dog's, and the wolf's tail is hard, so it can't wag its tail like a dog, but it's not true.

Wolves wag their tails.

For dogs, when their owners leave home for a while and come back, they will be very happy and wag their tails to their owners; and for wolves that hunt and survive in the wild, there are similar situations.

Wolves are not always together. There may be some hunting groups that temporarily leave the wolf pack to hunt outside. When these wolves come back, other wolves that have a good relationship with them will wag their tails to greet them.

So, wolves wag their tails.

Of course, for Chen Mu, wagging his tail is just like shaking legs, which is relaxing.

He is thinking.

"This time the system has only one task, that is, there is no choice."

"Since the system said that the more wolves a wolf pack has, the more evolutionary energy it can obtain, then it is best to expand its own wolf pack."

"What are the ways to expand the wolf pack?" Chen Mu muttered to himself.

Chen Mu did not understand wolves very well.

"King, do you want to expand the wolf pack?" A voice came from the side.

The adult female wolf approached Chen Mu and took the initiative to rub Chen Mu with her body.

Chen Mu said: "Well, do you know any way?"

The female wolf lay beside Chen Mu respectfully, looked at Chen Mu, and said: "King, you can choose a queen and give birth to children with the queen, so that we can expand the wolf pack."

..., Chen Mu was silent.

Indeed, this method is indeed a way to expand the wolf pack, but the problem is that Chen Mu has to reproduce.

Chen Mu would rather be a bachelor wolf!

The female wolf stood up slightly, looked at Chen Mu in awe and said: "King... Do you think I can do it?"

It approached Chen Mu intimately.

Chen Mu said, "Besides this?"

"Besides this." The mother wolf continued, "If a lone wolf wants to join us, we can first determine whether the lone wolf can be trusted. On the premise of confirming that the lone wolf can be trusted, we can let the lone wolf join us."

"At present, as far as I know, there are only these two ways." The mother wolf continued, "However, it is a very dangerous decision to let other wolves join our wolf pack in this way."

Wolf packs are generally composed of family members, or wolf packs composed of brothers and sisters, or wolf packs composed of a pair of spouses and their children.

Wolf packs have a very strict hierarchy and territory, and they are very exclusive of outsiders.

So generally speaking, wolf packs are wolves of their own family, and there are very few outsiders.

Wolves are generally either lone wolves, pairs of wolves, or wolf packs.

Under normal circumstances, in order to ensure that there is enough food, when the number of wolves reaches a certain level, the wolf king will start to lay off members.

Like some newly adult wolves and adult wolves that are not favored by the wolf king, these are generally male wolves, and they will be driven away from the wolf pack by the wolf king and leave the territory of the wolf pack.

Therefore, under normal circumstances, the number of wolves will not grow indefinitely, and the number of wolves will generally be maintained at seven.

The term "seven wolves" is not random, because the number of a normal wolf pack is seven.

Of course, if there is enough food, the number of wolves will be larger.

It ranges from 7 to 30, and rarely exceeds this range.

Chen Mu looked at the female wolf next to him: "If I kill the wolf king of other wolf packs, can I force other wolf packs to join us?"

The female wolf heard it and looked at Chen Mu: "If two wolf packs fight, the wolf king of one wolf pack kills the wolf king of another wolf pack, then the other wolves will run away."

Wolf packs are generally composed of families, and there is no situation in the wild where wolf packs merge.

When two wolf packs fight, it will soon be clear which of the two wolf packs is superior.

The inferior wolf pack will choose to run away.

If the wolf king is killed, other subordinate wolves will run faster, because if they don't run, they may be killed.

After all, wolves are different from humans, and it is not so reliable to integrate the wolf pack now.

Chen Mu slowly stood up, he looked at the female wolf beside him, and said: "Are there other wolf packs nearby?"

The female wolf said: "Yes."

It also stood up.

Chen Mu said: "Let's go, let's go to seize the territory, you lead the way."

The female wolf heard it, its eyes lit up slightly, and said: "Okay."

It ran, ran outside, leading Chen Mu.

Chen Mu followed the female wolf.

The other four wild wolves saw this, and they also stood up and followed Chen Mu.

Chen Mu subconsciously turned his head and looked at the four wild wolves following behind him, and he retracted his sight.

After these guys confirmed that Chen Mu was the wolf king, would they follow the wolf king to act together?

The identity of the wolf king is still quite useful.

Chen Mu opened his conscious vision.


With Chen Mu as the center, everything within 10,000 meters was imprinted in his eyes.

Look in the direction where the female wolf in front of him went.

Soon, Chen Mu saw it.

There was indeed a group of wild wolves over there.

There were nine wolves in total.

Two of them were very small, estimated to be less than a month old.

Seven of them were adults.

The nine wild wolves were gathered together under a big tree, surrounded by grass.

The tall grass was good for hiding the cubs.

Chen Mu retracted his gaze and stepped forward.

The female wolf saw Chen Mu's actions and showed doubts.

Chen Mu said: "I know where they are, you just follow them."

"Yes." The female wolf followed Chen Mu.

It looked at Chen Mu's figure.

Chen Mu was tall and strong, with a strong aura all over his body. His sharp eyes and majestic steps were enough to fascinate it.

Chen Mu was thinking about something else.

It was probably difficult to get other wolves to join him by killing the wolf king.

In other words, the only thing that can be done at present is to get lone wolves to join him.

In this case, the more lone wolves, the better.

If the wolf kings of other wolf packs are killed, the wolf packs will disperse. Wouldn't those wolf packs give birth to many lone wolves?

Since lone wolves will be born, as long as all the wolf packs nearby are dismantled and the number of lone wolves increases, won't there be more lone wolves joining your own wolf pack?

And there must be wolf babies in the wolf pack.

Capturing wolf babies and raising them yourself is also a means.

Chen Mu's mouth corners slightly raised.

I am really too smart.

Chen Mu admires himself a little.

"Their territory is further ahead." The mother wolf said.

Chen Mu hummed and walked forward.

"Giant." Chen Mu's body size increased, and a giant gray wolf appeared in front of the wild wolves.

Chen Mu raised his head.


A wolf howl resounded through the world.

This is the sound heard by human ears.

And this wolf howl translates to.

"The other side's little wolf dogs, all get out of here! I'm here to grab the territory!"

Under the gaze of Chen Mu's consciousness, the wild wolves who were resting opened their eyes one by one.

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