Become a sea squirt larva and eat a brain first

Chapter 78 Are there two evolutionary rewards?

"Congratulations on your successful evolution, and the reward of evolution, ability sharing."

Chen Mu heard it: "Ability granting?"

The system said in a mechanical voice without any emotion: "Ability sharing means that you can share the abilities you have currently acquired with other creatures, and you can share and take them back at any time."

After this explanation, Chen Mu understood.

That is to say, Chen Mu can share his abilities with the wolf pack in front of him, for example, doubling the speed or enlargement.

In this way, these wolves can also gain powerful abilities.

Chen Mu thought for a while, and he looked at the female wolf beside him.

Then he shared the enlargement with the female wolf.

The female wolf's body grew larger at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The female wolf was slightly stunned, and it looked at its gradually growing body in astonishment.

"Ah, mom has grown larger." The white tiger trotted over, looking at the enlarged female wolf, its eyes slightly lit up: "Mom, have you also learned dad's enlargement?"

It seemed very curious.

The female wolf was slightly stunned, then she raised her paw and looked at it, then looked at Chen Mu.

Chen Mu lifted the giantization of the female wolf.

The female wolf's body returned to normal size.

When Chen Mu saw this, he understood, so it was like this.

Chen Mu can use his abilities on others, so that others have the same abilities as himself.

This is the role of ability sharing.

However, the previous evolution into a tiger received two evolutionary rewards.

A common language, a shared ability.

It seems that not every evolution can only get one reward.

"Wang, what's wrong with me?" The female wolf looked at Chen Mu curiously.

Chen Mu retracted his gaze and said, "I just did an experiment and made you bigger. It's nothing, don't worry too much."

Chen Mu took the wolf pack to find food.

With the arrival of spring, the prey that left returned to the grassland again.

Chen Mu and the wild wolf ate fish for a whole winter, and he didn't want to eat fish again.

If there is meat to eat, you must eat meat first.

"Growing from a young tiger to an adult tiger at a normal development speed, the less abilities you use, the more task rewards you get, and there are no restrictions on language sharing and ability sharing."

When Chen Mu heard this, his heart moved.

No wonder the system turned him into a young tiger and gave him two such abilities. It turned out that it was because of this task.

These two ability rewards are simply paving the way for this task.

That's perfect.

Does the young tiger grow into an adult tiger according to normal development?

This is not difficult. Just do it the same way as last year.

But now that there are these restrictions, it means that you can't hunt in person.

However, if you have the ability to share, you don't have to worry so much.

It's just....

"So slow." Accustomed to the walking speed of large wild wolves, Chen Mu, who is now holding the young tiger, walks too slowly.

It's so slow that Chen Mu himself is a little disgusted.

Land is different from the sea. After getting used to swimming in the sea, you can swim a long distance at once with just a swing of your body.

But on this land, you need to walk step by step under the premise of resisting gravity, and the energy required is much more than in the sea.

Chen Mu subconsciously looked at the female wolf beside him.

The female wolf was looking at him.

Their eyes met.

The female wolf's eyes showed a trace of joy, and said: "King..."

Chen Mu said: "I'm too slow, I want to ride on your back, are you willing?"

The female wolf was slightly startled, her eyes lit up, and her expression became extremely excited: "Of course, whatever the king needs me to do, I can give it to the king even if the king wants my life."

The order of the wolf king is absolute. Under the extremely high prestige of the wolf king, no wolf can disobey the order of the wolf king, and even desire to be ordered by the wolf king.

The more useful the wolf is, the higher the status.

Generally speaking, the hierarchy of the wolf pack is strict, and the status of the wolf is mostly judged by age, except for the wolf king. The older the age, the higher the status. After all, in the wolf world, age also represents seniority.

Of course, if you are valued by the wolf king, your status will be even higher.

Chen Mu said: "It's not that exaggerated. I'm not interested in your life. I'll make you bigger first, and then you just lie down."


The female wolf doubled its size under Chen Mu's gigantic ability.

The female wolf's size is relatively normal, and it looks about the same as a domestic husky, but when it becomes gigantic, its size doubles.

At this moment, after the female wolf doubled its size, its height on all fours doubled, its body length also doubled, and its muscles all over its body also grew.

Now it looks like a giant wolf.

After it became bigger, it obeyed Chen Mu's order and lay down.

Chen Mu walked and came to the back of the female wolf and sat down.

Chen Mu's size at this moment is about the same as an adult cat.

Sitting on the back of the giant wolf, he can sit well.

"Get up, walk slowly, let's go find our prey." Chen Mu gave an order.

The mother wolf stood up, carried Chen Mu on her back, and walked towards the prey.

The wild wolves following behind saw this scene and looked at the mother wolf with envy.

After a year of getting along, Chen Mu's prestige in this wolf pack has already reached the sky.

The way for the wolf king to gain control of the wolf pack is nothing more than leading the wolf pack to get enough food so that the wild wolves in the wolf pack can survive.

If the wolf king cannot ensure that the wolf pack gets enough food, the other adult male wolves in the wolf pack will be eager to challenge the wolf king.

As long as they can successfully challenge the wolf king, they can become the new leader of the wolf pack.

But Chen Mu has led the pack until now, and he has almost fed the entire wolf pack with his own strength.

In the eyes of the wild wolves, Chen Mu's prestige has broken through the sky.

The wild wolves are very respectful when they see Chen Mu. Now Chen Mu, even if these wild wolves are asked to pay their lives for him, these wild wolves will not refuse.

Being able to feed a wolf pack of 71 wild wolves through their own abilities is very terrifying.

With Chen Mu's prestige at the moment, being able to help Chen Mu is enough to make the wild wolves proud.

Therefore, they envy the female wolf.

The female wolf was excited and walked forward carefully with Chen Mu on her back, fearing that Chen Mu would fall.

Chen Mu didn't care. Even though the mother wolf didn't walk fast, he opened his consciousness field of vision compared to him as a young tiger.

Through his consciousness field of vision, Chen Mu saw a lot of prey.

The closest to Chen Mu was a group of deer.

"Is that a sika deer?"

Chen Mu muttered.

He raised his paw, pointed in a direction, and said, "Go over there, the prey over there is closer to us."

"Okay." The mother wolf nodded.

Changed the direction and approached the sika deer group.

Groups of wolves walked in the direction of the sika deer.

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