Become a sea squirt larva and eat a brain first

Chapter 99 The fourth prey, the lion

The social system of lions is somewhat similar to that of wolves. The wolf king will expel male wolves from the pack, and the lion king will also expel adult male lions from the pack.

A male lion that is expelled from the pride will become a lone ranger.

The lone male lion can be said to be at the top of the food chain on the grassland.

According to theory, when a lioness faces three hyenas, she will choose to run away, but a male lion can easily kill three hyenas. Some male lions will be slightly in danger when facing four hyenas. Disadvantages.

But if the lion is hungry, he can win even if he faces four hyenas.

There were even cases where two male lions scared away twenty hyenas on the grassland. Sometimes momentum is also crucial.

Simply put, among grassland predators, lions can be said to be the top ones.

Naturally, vultures would not dare to provoke such things.

"Lion?" Chen Mu slowly walked down the tree trunk, then stepped closer to the male lion.

"Zebra, hyena, vulture, this lion is my fourth prey." Chen Mu muttered.

As a leopard, Chen Mu's actions attracted the attention of the nearby vultures.

The vultures looked at Chen Mu from a distance.

The lion was biting the hyena, and its mouth was full of blood.

Hyena meat is not delicious. Compared with those of herbivores, the taste of hyena meat can be considered very unpleasant.

A lion will not eat hyena meat if it has enough food, and it is clear that the male lion has been hungry for some time.

The lion also saw Chen Mu. It opened its mouth, put down the hyena's body, and stared at Chen Mu.

I have to say that seeing a male lion up close is terrifying.

The height of an adult leopard on all fours is about 0.8 meters, while the height of a male lion on all fours is generally 1.2 meters.

The leopard's body is stronger than that of the cheetah, but compared to the male lion, it is not on the same level.

Chen Mu looked at the lion in front of him and felt a sense of oppression.

Seeing that Chen Mu was still approaching, the male lion seemed unhappy and rushed towards Chen Mu.

Lions are very territorial and will kill any predator that enters their territory.

Of course, a stray lion does not have its own territory, but when a leopard approaches while it is eating, even as a stray lion, it is impossible for it to tolerate this happening.

It wants to kill the leopard in front of it and make the leopard in front of it feel what fear is.

"Bio-mechanization." Chen Mu put on his silver armor.

The lion's claws slapped against Chen Mu's silver armor, and the claws couldn't even leave any scratches on the silver armor.

The lion opened its mouth suddenly and bit Chen Mu's neck.

Chen Mu did not dodge and allowed the lion to bite him.

He bit Chen Mu directly on his neck, which was of course covered with silver armor.

A lion's teeth cannot penetrate silver armor at all.

Chen Mu said calmly: "You want to kill me?"

He raised his paw and waved.


The lion let go of Chen Mu and took a few steps back. There was a claw mark on its body that was as deep as the bone. The blood suddenly stained its body red.

The lion stared at Chen Mu in front of him.

Chen Mu looked at the blood on his paws, looked away and looked at the lion.

The lion suddenly turned around and ran away.

Male lions are social animals, and their IQs are still online. Although they don't know what is going on with Chen Mu, they can be sure that if they continue to stay here, they will definitely be killed.

Chen Mu looked at the lion trying to escape and said, "Run? Can you run away?"

If it were hyenas, Chen Mu could let them go. After all, Chen Mu had already killed one of those things, so he had no interest in killing a second one.

But this male lion was different. It was Chen Mu's fourth prey.

Chen Mu moved and chased the lion fiercely.

With triple the speed, it was impossible for the lion to outrun Chen Mu.

Soon Chen Mu rushed over.

The male lion heard the movement and looked towards Chen Mu.

Its pupils condensed slightly.

Chen Mu raised his sharp claws and waved.

There was a deep claw mark on the lion's neck, and blood splattered everywhere.

"Ouch." Accompanied by the lion's cry.

Chen Mu regained his footing, and the lion's body flew out and fell to the ground with a bang.

Blood spilled from the lion's wounds.

It struggled to get up, but its head and throat had been torn. As the blood drained, its body became extremely weak. After struggling to get up, it fell down because it could not support itself.

It struggled to get up again and fell down again.

When it wanted to get up again, it could no longer do so. It could only lie on the ground, twitching and struggling, and then gradually became silent.

Chen Mu strolled up to the lion, and he removed the biological armor.

After looking at the dead lion, he brought his mouth closer, bit the lion's throat, and pulled again, tearing off the lion's throat that had not been completely broken.

The lion's body and head were immediately separated.

Chen Mu was not interested in the lion's body.

According to Chen Mu’s experience, the meat of carnivores is far less delicious than that of herbivores.

The reason why he wanted to bite the lion's throat completely was to be able to hunt and kill the male lion for sure.

If it is determined that the male lion is completely dead, then the fourth hunting goal has been completed.

Chen Mu let go of the flesh and blood on his mouth, turned around and left, walking in the direction of the zebra.

If he wants to eat, he should eat zebra meat. Lions are really not interested.

Chen Mu climbed up the tree, returned to the zebra's body, and began to eat.

The vultures pounced on the lion's body to enjoy the taste of lion meat.

Chen Mu watched this scene.

"Even if it is the king of the grassland, after death, it can only become food for vultures..."

To be precise, in the wild, as long as there are vultures, basically all dead animal bodies will become food for vultures.

There are several roles in organisms.

Producers, consumers, and decomposers.

Producers mainly refer to green plants, such as green grass on the grassland.

Consumers are organisms that eat plants or animals, such as sheep and tigers.

Decomposers mostly refer to organisms that can decompose corpses, such as bacteria, fungi, certain protozoa, and scavengers.

Although vultures are animals, they are also decomposers.

They can clean up corpses in time to avoid the occurrence of various diseases.

From a certain perspective, although vultures look annoying and behave annoyingly, they are beneficial to the environment.

After Chen Mu finished eating the zebra, he got down from the tree and started walking in one direction.

At the moment, Chen Mu didn't know where to go, so he just had to find prey first.

Africa is very large, and it is also a large natural zoo. It is obviously not difficult to find five kinds of prey in such a place.

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