Become An Immortal From Hunter

Chapter 62 Drawing Lots 03

“First of all, I would like to congratulate everyone for completing the temporary test of the third test. A total of 25 people present passed the test.

Now, only the fourth and final test remains.

The venue for the fourth test is Guard Island. Now, this airship is on its way to Guard Island.

During this period, there are only 5 hours.

Before going to Seoul Island, we need a little activity. "After the candidates were gathered together, Libo began to speak directly.

As Li Bo's words fell, some exhausted candidates had to work hard to extract Li Bo's words.

And after Liber finished speaking, there were actually two more tests, and the next test seemed to be about to begin.

Those exhausted candidates showed "five-five-seven" very eagerly.

They want to sleep, they want to sleep now.

It only takes 5 hours, if you don't hurry up.

Then the time they can sleep will be even shorter.

But the problem is that they are now exhausted, and if they don't have enough sleep time, it will have a great impact on their combat status.


Li Bo also knew the eagerness of these candidates, so he did not waste time. He just snapped his fingers, and then someone came over with a box.

"Next, you need to draw lots in this box." Li Bofang pointed with his backhand and said with a grin.

"Drawing lots?" the candidates asked in confusion.

Oh, the plot is back again?

After hearing what Li Bo said, Wushen's eyes couldn't help but light up.

A familiar plot is always more reassuring than an unfamiliar plot.

Although, he doesn't really need these plots.

"Yes, drawing lots is used to decide the hunter and the prey." Libo said with a sinister expression.

As soon as these words came out, the candidates were slightly stunned, and then nodded in relief.

Finally, there is a test related to Hunter.

This is what most candidates have in mind.

Obviously, in their view, the previous tests were not Hunter tests at all.

After Li Bo's detailed explanation, everyone soon understood the general situation of the draw.

In that box, there are 25 number plates, and Wushen and his team need to draw a number plate from them.

The order of drawing lots is the order of arrival at the airship.

In other words, Wushen will be the first candidate to draw lots.

Without paying attention, Wushen walked directly to the box and stretched out his hand.

Suddenly Wushen paused, stopped his movements, looked up at Libo and asked, "There are 25 number plates in here, which means that my number plate is also in it."

Seriously, what would happen if I got my own number plate?"

"Yeah, what if you draw your own number?" Leorio shouted.

Although the other candidates did not shout, they looked at Li Bo with doubtful eyes, waiting for Li Bo's explanation.

"You'll know after we finish." Libo didn't explain, but smiled and motioned for Wushen to continue.

Seeing this, Wushen couldn't help curling his lips, and then reached out to the lottery restaurant again

This time, Wushen didn't ask any more questions, but quickly drew a number card.

Take a look!

Oh, good luck.

Looking at the number plate in his hand, Wushen couldn't help but grin.

Then, he hid his number plate and walked towards the group of candidates with a smile.

Although the others were very curious, they had no way of seeing the number plate on Wushen's hand and could only be anxious.

They could only hope that the number plate Wushen got was no longer theirs.

After all, the strength shown by Wushen in this Hunter test should not be underestimated.

Soon, the candidates all completed the drawing of number plates.

"Now, this machine has recorded the number plates you drew, so you can dispose of the number plates you want as you wish.

And the number on the license plate in your hand is exactly your hunting target. "Libber seemed to be very interested in the next test, and his tone of voice became much more lively.

After listening to Libo's words, the candidates' inner activities also became enriched...

Once you get a good number, you can breathe a sigh of relief.

And if you get a bad number, your heart will tighten or even stop!

Especially after hearing what Libo said next, the atmosphere among the candidates suddenly became tense.

"You need to get the number badge on the prey!"

The candidates quietly began to hide their number badges in an effort to reduce the exposure of their numbers.

And of course, some people are confident in their own strength.

He didn't pay any attention to his own number badge.

"Finally, your number badge is worth three points, your prey badge is worth three points, the badges of the other candidates are worth one point, and if you want to advance, you need six points.

If someone draws your number, then your badge is worth six points to you.

You need to maintain six points in your hand during the period of guarding against Er Island to be considered qualified. "Libo's explanation was finally finished.

After listening to the content of the fourth test, the candidates were very emotional.

However, this cannot delay the sound sleep of the candidates who have not yet slept.

After all, they haven't slept for a long time since they were woken up last night.

Moreover, I still rowed 0.3 for several hours today.

In order to have a better state in the fourth test, sleep is necessary.

Seeing these sleeping candidates, Wushen, the only candidate who was in good spirits, stood out.

In response, Wushen shrugged and joined in the sleeping process.

This is not the right time to practice chanting qi.

At this time, consuming your mind energy and making yourself tired is undoubtedly seeking death.

Of course, the most important thing is that he felt Hisoka's aura getting weirder and weirder.

In this case, Wushen can almost guarantee that this guy will find him in the fourth test.

Although I feel that I am not a coward for Hisoka, maintaining a good condition is not a bad thing. .

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