Become Aquaman from Black Robe

Chapter 102 Death of Thanos

Thanos has never seen such a difficult opponent.

His own strength is mediocre, and his combat experience is weak, but with the Reality Stone in his hand, he can actually fight on a par with him.

When did such a weird guy appear in the universe?

Thanos doesn't understand this question and doesn't want to understand it.

Anyway, he only needs to know that the reality gem in the opponent's hand is what he needs, and that is enough.

After getting the Power Stone from Ronan and putting on the Infinity Gauntlet obtained from the dwarves in advance, Thanos has taken the first step towards his ideal.

And now, the reality gem in the hand of the boy opposite is the second step he is about to take.

So Thanos will not back down no matter what. Once the plan begins, there will be no turning back.

Faced with the opponents who suddenly came out to disrupt the situation, Thanos had no intention of caring about them, and destroyed the flying spaceship with one shot of the power gem.

"Ahhh!! Thanos!!!"

The gem holder on the opposite side saw his companion's spaceship being destroyed by Thanos, and was stunned for a moment before roaring.

His eyes were red, and he was no longer as calm as at first, and he angrily used the full power of the gem on Thanos.

The water filled the sky and poured down on Thanos.

But these seawater destroyers don't take it seriously.

The Power Stone gives Thanos the ability to control all the power in the world. The sea water in the sky seems powerful, but it is only a matter of Thanos' punch.

Purple power covered his fist, and his left hand holding the infinite gem struck hard forward.

boom! !

With one punch, all the seawater evaporated, and the energy rolled back engulfed the boy on the opposite side.

But that kid is also a tough guy.

He abruptly burst out of the majestic energy and attacked Thanos again.

He hugged Thanos' waist, and the two began to fight in the air with punches and kicks.

And fell from the sky to a small island below.

Hit it from the universe to the planet, and then hit it from the sky to the surface of the planet.

The battle between the two has lasted for a long time. Under the high-intensity battle, even though their physical fitness was already at the cosmic level, they still felt tired.

Thanos took a few breaths, but quickly recovered.

On the contrary, when I looked at the boy opposite, he seemed to be extremely tired, breathing rapidly and sweating all over.

"It looks like you can't beat me."

Thanos slowly walked towards him.

The kid who called himself Neptune, with a look of anger and unwillingness on his face, rushed towards Thanos again.

He used his fists and kicks against Thanos, using his unimpressive fighting skills.

Thanos punched him symbolically a few times, and finally grabbed the fist he was swinging and smashed it hard.


Thanos's powerful power made the boy opposite feel pain. Although his arm was not broken, he screamed in pain.

"You overestimate your capabilities, that's how you end up. But thank you for giving me the Reality Stone. I will give you a decent way to die."

Thanos forced the opponent to kneel down, and easily took off the ring on the opponent's right hand with his right hand.

But just when he took off the ring, Thanos heard a familiar voice:



At this moment, Thanos was stunned.

He turned his head and looked aside. Not far away, in the wreckage of the crashed Milan, Gamora was struggling to climb out of it and said to Thanos:

"...That's enough!"

"Oh, my daughter..."

Thanos looked at Gamora with compassion in his eyes, "You shouldn't betray me."

Gamora didn't speak, she just looked at Thanos with complex eyes full of hatred and some inexplicable emotions.

Thanos was about to talk to his daughter, but suddenly, an angry red figure ran out of the wreckage of the spaceship, holding a dagger and running towards Thanos:

"Thanos!!! Pay for the lives of my wife and daughter!!!"

"I do not know you."

Thanos whispered to the reckless man who rushed towards him, and punched the man.

He didn't use much strength, or even the Power Stone, and knocked the running Drax to the ground with just one punch.

Ignoring Drax, Thanos looked at his daughter and was about to continue walking towards her.

But troublemakers appear one after another.

"I'm Groot!"

Groot, the tree man, ran out of nowhere and created long vines at Thanos, trying to restrain Thanos.

The little raccoon carrying a jetpack and Star-Lord with a jet device on his feet attacked Thanos respectively. They grabbed Thanos' body and his gloves and tried to take off Thanos's gloves.

The holder of the Reality Stone, who had regained some strength, immediately ran to Thanos and continued to wrestle with Thanos, trying to take off his gloves.

However... none of them are Thanos' opponents.



boom! ! ! !

One punch, two punches, three punches, just three or two, Thanos knocked these people to the ground one by one.

With no more obstacles, Thanos walked up to his daughter and stretched out his hand to her:

"Gamora, come back with me."

"Oh, I can never...never go back with you."

Standing in front of Thanos, Gamora suddenly smiled mockingly, and then turned into red ashes and disappeared from Thanos' eyes in his astonishment.


This scene stunned Thanos. He suddenly thought of something and immediately looked at his hand.

I saw that the Power Stone that was supposed to be there, and the Reality Stone that had just been taken away, all disappeared.

All that's left is an Infinity Gauntlet without any gems!


When Thanos discovered this, the 'Aquaman' who had been defeated by him showed a mocking smile, and then his body turned into red light and disappeared in front of Thanos' eyes.

Then, like him, everyone in the Silver Guard gradually disappeared under the red light.

Except Drax.


Not only the enemy in front of him turned into red light and dissipated, but everything around him, the sea water, the island, the sky... all turned into illusory red light.

When the red light completely dissipated, the surrounding scene appeared in front of Thanos.

This is not an island at all, this is a cliff by the sea.

The boy who originally fought with him stood with Thanos' daughter Gamora and the companions Gamora had found.

They hold a special sphere in their hands, and the light of the Power Stone is faintly visible inside the sphere.

The boy who calls himself Neptune is clenching his right fist, and the reality gem above him is emitting brilliant light.

Maintaining the power of the Reality Stone, he said something of unknown meaning to Thanos:

"Thanos, when did you have the illusion that I didn't use the Mirror Flower, Water Moon... ahem, the Reality Stone?"

Kevin crossed his arms and said to Thanos with a smile.

Then, he waved his right hand down, and endless soil poured out from the ground.

They formed a cage to tightly bind Thanos' body, and turned into metal the moment they touched Thanos' body, completely rendering him unable to move.

When seeing the water in the sky and the moon-like sunlight shining through the water, Kevin suddenly thought, in a sense, are the Reality Stones the same as Aizen's Kyoka Suigetsu?

Then can I also copy the opponent's classic operations?

Aizen's Kyoka Suigetsu controls the enemy's five senses. Of course, Kevin can't control Thanos's five senses, but he can create a scene that makes Thanos's five senses feel real.

Of course, everything created by the Reality Stone is real, not an illusion. This ability is even more powerful than the Mirror Flower, Water Moon.

Using the 'illusion' created by the Reality Stone, Kevin allowed himself and the Silver Guardians in the illusion to fight Thanos.

But the real self and the Silver Guardians tried to take away Thanos' power stone when Thanos was fighting in full swing.

It's not easy.

Because the powers between the gems cancel each other out, Kevin's Reality Stone cannot affect Thanos's Power Stone.

Getting close to it will be difficult, more difficult than imagined.

But luckily, luck was on their side.

Star-Lord is the world's top thief, assisted by Kevin, Groot helps, and Gamora, who understands Thanos' habits, is in charge of the command.

The power gem was stolen by Star-Lord as a matter of course.

To be honest, it was so smooth that it was incredible. Kevin even wondered if he had made a mistake. The result of obtaining the Power Stone was the fantasy created by Thanos.

But when I think about it, this is just the Thanos of the "What If" series, not the Thanos of the movie universe or the comic universe, so it doesn't seem surprising that I can do this.

After all, in the "What If" series, Thanos will still be defeated by his own Black Star Five. Is this possible in the movie universe?

Anyway, the plan was successful, the power stone in Thanos' hand was put into the ball, and Thanos himself was completely sealed by the strong metal created by Kevin, leaving only one head outside.

Thanos is not stupid. When he saw the special spirit ball in the hands of Kevin and his team, he understood everything instantly.

"It turns out... everything is fake."

Thanos muttered.

Kevin threw the spirit ball in his hand and slowly exhaled:

"You are very strong, really, but it's a pity that I have more means here, especially I have friends to help me, but you don't."

Star-Lord and others risked being beaten to ashes by the Power Stone to help Kevin, which has been recognized by Kevin.

In this universe, Kevin is willing to be friends with them.

In other words, they have already been friends.

Thanos just sighed when he heard this, without the fear of facing death in his eyes.

He turned his eyes to Gamora in the crowd and asked:

"Are you going to oppose me too? My daughter."

"I was never your daughter! Never!"

Gamora drew out her metal sword and placed it on Thanos' neck:

"You are not my father at all. My father and mother were killed by you yourself! You are my enemy!!"

"Then why don't you do it? My daughter."

Even when Gamora held his vital points with weapons, Thanos remained calm.

Kneeling on the ground, he raised his head and looked at Gamora, with a bit of 'love' in his eyes.

Kindness that makes Gamora feel sick.

But it was this look in her eyes that prevented Gamora from killing Thanos immediately.

Yes, it's just that I can't do it right away.

"Because I want to see regret in your eyes, but now..."


Gamora put her hand hard, and the blade made of who knows what material, actually cut off Thanos' head in one fell swoop!

Kevin: "!!"

Kevin was shocked, and everyone in the Silver Guard also stared at this scene with wide eyes. he just dead?

Seeing the purple sweet potato spirit's head rolling on the ground in blood, Kevin had an unreal feeling.

Really, if he hadn't had the Reality Stone in his hands, Kevin would have thought it was an illusion created by Thanos.

Just like the illusion he created for Gamora in the movie.

(The overlord of the universe died in Kevin's hands, but this is not the end. There are more powerful enemies waiting for him on the earth.)


I heard you, thank you.

The observer's 'timely' narration made Kevin finally understand why Thanos died so easily.

Emotional Thanos is simply not the final BOSS of this universe at this stage. The final BOSS at this stage is on Earth!

Thanos...he is just a phased mini-boss!

That's right. This is the Thanos of the 'What If' series. The combat effectiveness of this series is inherently unscientific.

Ant-Man can destroy the Avengers together, Captain Carter can fight 50-50 with Infinite Ultron, and Thanos can be defeated by Infinite Ultron in one move.

So now, is it incomprehensible that Kevin led the Silver Guardians to kill Thanos?


Kevin looked at Thanos's body and struggled with his thoughts, but Gamora's cry could be heard in his ears.

The cry brought Kevin back to his senses and looked at Gamora.

Gamora, who had killed Thanos with her own hands, was kneeling on the ground, covering her face and crying.

Maybe Thanos is the enemy who killed Gamora's parents, but so many years of upbringing and so many years of family love are not false.

Gamora hates Thanos and wants to kill him with her own hands.

But somewhere deep down in my heart, I might also vaguely regard him as my father.

The feeling of killing one's own relatives with one's own hands is not pleasant. When the great revenge is avenged, when the obsession that has been suppressed in the heart completely disappears, it is not incomprehensible that Gamora will lose control of her emotions and cry bitterly.

Looking at Thanos' body on the ground, Kevin sighed softly. He turned to Star-Lord and said:

"Peter, go comfort her, Rocket, Groot, help me sort out Thanos' body. This is a bounty."

"Oh, I became interested when you said that."

At the mention of the bounty, Rocket's eyes suddenly lit up, and he immediately worked with Groot to help Kevin collect the body.

In the end, only Drax was left who didn't know what to do. He looked to the left and right, then to the dead Thanos, and returned to the Milan in silence.

His enemies were Ronan and Thanos. Originally, Drax wanted to kill these two enemies with his own hands, but they both died at the hands of Kevin.

The great revenge was avenged, and Drax didn't know what to do. Seeing that everyone had something to be busy with, he simply went back to the ship to wait for them.

The Silver Guard team packed up and prepared to return.

Kevin finally had time to sort out his skill points at the moment.

Ronan, Thanos, important characters in the Marvel world, even if this is a hypothetical world, Kevin can get corresponding skill points by killing them.

Although it wasn't much, the two of them together contributed seven skill points to Kevin.

Two for Ronan and five for Thanos.

And this is not the end, the Black Glory Five will include Nebula, and they should also be able to give him some skill points.

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