Become Aquaman from Black Robe

Chapter 108 Introduction

Before going to find Kama Taj, Kevin clicked on his skills first.

He received ten points for saving the earth, one point for meeting the Avengers, and Kevin received a total of eleven skill points.

Including the previous three points, there are a total of fourteen skill points, and Kevin has allocated them all.

First, he upgraded [Deep Sea Immortality] from level two to level four.

The level four [Deep Sea Immortality] really did not disappoint Kevin.

The prerequisite for resurrection has changed from "Only in the sea" to "As long as there is water source".

This means that from now on, as long as Kevin carries a bottle of water with him or there is water nearby, even if he dies in pieces, he will be reborn in the water.

This is really "the world is full of springs".

In addition, the cooldown time for resurrection has also been greatly shortened. The cooldown time for level three has been reduced from half a year to one month.

The fourth level is reduced even more, and the cooldown time becomes 72 hours.

That is three days.

With one life in three days, Kevin felt that this skill point was well spent.

As for the remaining two points, Kevin focused on [Fighting Skills].

The battle with Thanos and Ultron also made Kevin understand his current shortcomings.

His fighting skills are still theoretical things he learned at Godokin University, and they are a mess in actual combat.

Without the support of a strong physique, Kevin might not even be able to defeat Maeve when he returns to the world of black robes.

Therefore fighting skills are a top priority.

There are not many things that Kevin can master at the first level of fighting skills, but there are a lot of messy basic fighting skills that have entered Kevin's mind.

It seems like Kevin still needs to practice on his own to master this stuff.

With the remaining skill points, Kevin focused on [Fighter’s Dance].

[Dance of the Fighter: The exclusive combat skill of the Deep Sea Fighter. When used, water will surge. 】

The description is simple. In fact, during a fight, some automatically flowing water will appear around Kevin to help him attack and defend.

And Kevin can hold these streams of water in his hands and attack his enemies like a whip or other weapon.

The Level 1 Fighter's Dance doesn't have many abilities. When using the skill, two water lines will appear around the body, and the water lines will passively attack the enemy.

There is no way to perform automatic defense.

You probably need to wait until level two or three.

After clicking these two, Kevin's skill points were all used up, but he unlocked the subsequent skill routes.

Kevin can choose to learn swordsmanship or magic patterns.

"Swordsmanship is still...well, I don't need it anymore."

After hesitating for a while, Kevin finally decided to take the ‘magic pattern’ route in the future.

Kevin doesn't know how to use a sword, and he doesn't really like to use a sword. Rather than a sword, he prefers a powerful, heavy, and powerful weapon like a broadsword.

Or it may be a weapon that is very long and can give you a distance advantage.

The ideal weapon is Guan Erye's Qinglong Yanyue Sword. If there is a genuine trident in the future, it will not be impossible.

Moreover, most of Kevin's current systems are close combat, and he is really not used to using a sword.

On the other hand, the magic patterns that have some contact with magic are quite interesting.

Create magic patterns to attach to various things, or create magic patterns to shoot them away like cannonballs. You can also use magic patterns to use various strange abilities...

"...Fuck you, Douluo!?"

Kevin felt that this magic pattern system looked a bit familiar before, but now after carefully examining it, he realized that it was a bit like the battle mage system in DNF.

The magic pattern is the dazzling pattern.

Although there are many differences, Kevin can indeed understand it this way.

Magic patterns...sounded to be similar to magic. Kevin thought that if Karma Taj couldn't start a second career, he might start with magic patterns.

But put aside the issue of magic patterns for now. Without skill points, even if Kevin looks at the magic patterns with envy, there is no way to learn the above skills.

Finding Kama Taj is the top priority.

In fact, Kevin had originally thought about contacting the Karma Taj wizards at the New York Temple, but after thinking about it, Kevin felt that it would not be sincere to come directly to them and say, "I want to learn magic."

Going to someone else's temple with the Reality Stone in hand is more like someone who is here to cause trouble.

That’s why Kevin decided to be a little more ‘sincere’ and personally came to Kathmandu, Nepal, just like Doctor Strange in the movie, looking for Kama Taj in a pilgrimage mood.

But having said that, Kevin still felt quite relaxed.

In his opinion, it doesn't matter even if he can't find Kamal Taj. At worst, he will return to New York and go to the New York Temple to 'wreak havoc'.

Anyway, he didn't have much interest in Marvel's loan magic. He just wanted to see if he could start his second career through the magic here.

By the way, Kevin also wanted to relax.

Thinking about it carefully, Kevin seems to have never seriously relaxed since he came to the Marvel world.

First entering the prison, then escaping and fighting Ronan and Thanos, and then Ultron.

There was not much opportunity to relax and rest during this period.

Now I can truly travel the world as a traveler.

Become a true traveler.

Kevin was wandering around Kathmandu. Based on his own impressions, he went to places related to Buddhism and Tibet, trying his luck to see if he could enter Kama Taj.

But unfortunately, Kevin found nothing.

Not only does he have no sense of energy at all, but it can also be said to be extremely weak.

Kevin basically can't sense energy, sense magic or other messy things.

He can only rely on the passive skill [Heart of the Deep Sea] to hear some special sounds and increase his perception of certain powers.

Therefore, it is basically impossible for him to find Kama Taj through some ethereal magic power.

So in the end Kevin had to resort to stupid methods.

Asked one by one.

Just like Doctor Strange.

Happily, it didn’t take long for Kevin to meet the wizard of Kama Taj.

"Are you looking for Karma Taj?"

At dusk, a black man found Kevin and asked Kevin this question.

This black man is a mage, a mage from Karma Taj.

Kevin asked a lot of people when he was looking for Kama Taj today. This is one of Kama Taj's strongholds. If someone asked for information about Kama Taj, it would naturally flow into the ears of mages like them.

The black man Mordo, or Baron Mordo, is the mage responsible for meeting Kevin.

He can be said to be the guide of all Dharma masters, and most of the Dharma seekers who come to Nepal will be taken to Kama Taj by him.

The same goes for Kevin now.

Seeing that the mage in front of him was a black man, Kevin guessed his identity.

He smiled slightly and said sincerely:

"Yes, it's me. I want to go to Karma Taj to learn magic."

"Then come with me."

Modu had no doubts, let alone any questions.

After knowing Kevin's purpose, he turned around and took Kevin out of the crowd and went straight to Kama Taj.

After passing through the crowd and several not-so-busy streets, in an alley, Kevin finally met the Karma Taj of this world.

Sure enough, it was just like in the movie, it was an inconspicuous little house that looked a little dilapidated.

"Is this here?"

Seeing Modu stop, Kevin looked at him.

Mo Du nodded, and suddenly said a little surprised:

"I thought you were going to ask me."


"Why does Kamal Taj look so shabby?"

Indeed, the facade of Kama Taj is indeed very shabby. Compared with this place, the more prosperous temple across the street looks more like Kama Taj.

Kevin, who already knew the plot, smiled slightly and said meaningfully:

"The mountain is not high, as long as there are immortals, there is a name. As long as there is a real magician here, what does Kama Taj look like on the surface and what can he do?"

"Well, this is the first time I've heard this. It seems like you are destined to be here. Please come in."

Facing Kevin's slightly pretentious words, Modu had no special reaction. He just praised him and led Kevin into the room.

Kevin, who pretended to be lonely, scratched the back of his head in embarrassment.

But he was not thin-skinned, and it didn't take long for him to return to his calm demeanor. He followed Modu and walked into Kama Taj.

After passing through a long corridor, Kevin was taken to a very clean room by Modu.

There are no walls on all sides, only grid-like wooden screens connected to the surrounding load-bearing columns.

The dim sunlight in the evening shines through the grid of the screen onto the ground, illuminating the ethereal shadow of smoke.

There were aromatherapy lights on both sides, and there were no more visible light sources around, but the lobby was extremely bright.

After Kevin walked into this monastery-like room, several people came up to him.

His coat was taken off and a teacup was handed to him.

A bald woman made tea for Kevin herself.


No, wait.

Gu Yi personally made tea for me? Nothing wrong?

Kevin, who looked back from the layout of the room, saw the bald woman in front of him at first sight and quickly recognized her identity.

It is none other than the current Supreme Mage, Ancient One.

She was actually making tea for Kevin herself.

This is the kind of treatment only Strange, the next Supreme Mage, will receive!

"What? Surprised?"

Kevin's surprised expression was so obvious that Gu Yi could easily see through it.

After pouring tea for Kevin, she asked with a smile, and stretched out her hand to motion for Kevin to sit on the chair in the center of the room.

"I'm really surprised. You...should know who I am."

Kevin took the tea, sat down on the chair, and asked confusedly.

Mordo doesn't know, but Ancient One, who has been monitoring the entire earth, should know very well that Kevin is an 'outsider'.

Even if Ancient One doesn't know that Kevin comes from another universe, he at least understands that Kevin is an alien.

Facing such an 'alien', Gu Yi's attitude was so kind, which really surprised Kevin.

"Of course I know, and I probably know who you are better than you do yourself."

Gu Yi waved his hand and asked Modu, who was confused, to leave, leaving him alone in the room to talk to Kevin face to face.

Seeing Gu Yi sitting down in front of him and wanting to chat with him, Kevin became interested:

"So, you are waiting for me?"

"It can be said that I also know that you want to come to me to learn spells, but I can tell you clearly that the spells here are not suitable for you."

After Gu Yi finished speaking, he suddenly laughed again,

"But if it's just an introduction, it's just right for you."


As soon as Gu Yi said these words, Kevin understood.

Let’s not mention whether Gu Yi really understands Kevin himself.

But at least one thing is certain.

Ancient One, she does know what Kevin needs now.

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