Become Aquaman from Black Robe

Chapter 118 There are more girls in the family

Kevin had thought that things would develop smoothly and according to his ideas.

But Kevin really never thought about Kate deciding to live in his own home!

So when he heard Indira's words, Kevin's face was full of surprise:

"Wait a minute, Indira, you haven't forgotten that I'm a man, have you? Are you sure it would be a good thing to have a teenage girl living in my house?"

"Huh? Don't you live with Starlight?"


Kevin listened to Indira's doubts and breathed a sigh of relief.

It seemed that Indira sent Kate directly to her without any consideration.

She probably thought Kevin was living with Anne, thinking that with another girl at home, Kate would be much safer here.

But unexpectedly, Annie did not live with Kevin. She stayed in her own home because she took care of Kimiko.

Knowing that Kevin was living alone at home, Indira also looked at Kate with a little embarrassment.

After thinking for a while, Kate said softly:

"It's okay. I don't think Mr. Deepsea will do anything to me. I trust him."

Kevin: "..."

"Kevin, that's what she said, what about your decision?"

"You believe me, I'm very happy, but I don't believe in myself, and Annie's side... forget it, you guys come in first, and I'll think of a solution."

Kate personally delivered it to her door. This has to be said to be a good opportunity to establish a relationship with Kate.

But Kevin can't be too obvious, and it's hard to shut him out.

So after thinking about it, he came up with a way, which was to simply let Annie and Kimiko come over and live with Kevin.

The reason why the two of them were not allowed to live in Kevin's house before was because Kevin had not confirmed his relationship with Annie at that time. Being photographed with the two of them living in the same room would have a negative impact and would cause scandals to spread on the Internet.

And Kimiko didn't have a formal identity at that time.

But now, Kevin and Annie's relationship has been officially announced, and their joint fan base has exceeded 100,000.

Kimiko is also officially recognized as Kevin's sister.

It doesn't matter if a girlfriend and a sister live in the same room and are photographed.

Furthermore, if Kate is allowed to live here without telling Anne...

If Kevin really does this, there will probably be a big problem!

After letting Indira and Kate sit down, Kevin called Anne and asked her to come over when she was free.

Annie was currently resting, so she came to Kevin's home after receiving a call from Kevin.

When she saw Indira and Kate here, she was dumbfounded for a moment:

"Um, Kevin, are these two...?"

"Let me introduce, this is the current president of Godokin University, Indira Shetty, and this is Miss Kate Dunlap who is currently living in Indira's home."

Kevin first introduced the identities of the two people beside him to Anne, and then turned to face the two people next to him:

"This is my girlfriend, Anne Gianniuri. You must know her."

"Hello, Ms. Starlight."

Indira smiled and extended her hand to Anne.

Anne was still a little confused when she shook hands with Indira. After shaking hands with Indira, she approached Kevin and asked in a low voice:

"...What is going on? The president of Gordokin University? Why is she here?"

"Well, it's a long story. Didn't you know that I have a consultant position at Gordokin University?"

"There is such a thing..."

"Then...for some reason, this Miss Dunlap...wanted to live with me, so Principal Shetty brought her here."


Kevin briefly explained the cause and effect, and as expected, a bunch of question marks popped up on Annie's head.

There seems to be no logical connection between what Kevin said.

Why do female students want to live in his house when Kevin becomes a counselor at Gordokin University?

Are you sure this consultant is a serious consultant?

Are you sure your consultant didn't do anything inappropriate?

Annie had a lot of questions in her heart, and her look at Kevin became strange.

Her expression was also noticed by Indila.

As an excellent psychologist, Indira saw Anne's doubts and understood that Kevin's explanation was too concise and did not explain the key clearly. She immediately took over Kevin's words and explained to Anne:

"That's right, Kate's abilities are a bit special, because her abilities have hurt her own relatives, so I brought her to school and kept her under my care.

"Originally, I wanted to raise her like this until the day she can be independent, but... Mr. Kevin seems to have the ability to prevent Kate's abilities, so Kate proposed to live with him, at least so that she can live easier."

Indira explained further.

And explained Kate's ability in detail so that Anne could understand the cause and effect of this incident.

In fact, even if Kate didn't say it, Indira originally planned to let Kate live in a separate dormitory at school, instead of living in Indira's own home as in the plot.

The most critical reason is that Indira's husband and daughter are both at home.

Indira herself is not particularly discriminatory towards Kate. Under her psychological hints to herself, she can also hint that she loves Kate deeply and Kate will not find anything wrong.

But Indira's husband and daughter couldn't.

Kate's ability is too dangerous for ordinary people, if she inadvertently touches her husband or daughter, causing them to be injured.

No matter how much Indira hints that she likes Kate, she can't do it at all.

In order to prevent this from happening, Indira wanted to let Kate go out to live.

Before she mentioned this matter, Kate took the initiative to leave her home and come to stay at Kevin's house, which undoubtedly made Indira much more relaxed.

After all, Kevin is also a member of the woods. With Kevin taking care of Kate, Indira will also feel relieved.

After roughly understanding the cause and effect of this incident, Anne felt relieved a little.

It didn't look like Kevin had done anything bad to this pretty blonde girl.

Looking at the rather embarrassed girl Kate, Anne first showed her a gentle smile to reassure her, and then asked Kevin:

"Then what do you mean by coming here to me...?"

"It's a bit uncomfortable for Kate to live alone in my place. Besides, aren't we two already dating? So I was thinking, do you want to move to my place with Kimiko?"


As soon as Kevin said it, Annie understood what he meant.

Suddenly, her expression when facing Kevin became a little more narrow-minded, and she looked at Kevin slightly mischievously, which made Kevin a little confused.

But Anne didn't say anything next. After thinking for a moment, she said to Indira very gently:

"Okay, I probably understand. Principal Xie, I have no objection to letting Miss Dunlap live here. If Miss Dunlap thinks it's okay...then we can move here in a few days."

"Ms. Starlight, don't you think about it any more?"

Indira expressed surprise at Anne's decisiveness.

Annie smiled and shook her head:

"No, I believe Kevin. Since he thinks it's okay for Miss Dunlap to live here, I won't refuse."

"Well, thank you for being open-minded, thank you."

Indira thanked Anne, and Kate quietly said 'thank you' to Anne.

The chat ended happily, and with Anne's permission, Kate's residence officially changed from Indira's house to Kevin's house.

But she can't move in yet because Annie and Kimiko haven't moved here yet.

After Anne and Kimiko also move here, Kate can move here.

After discussing the time to move here, Indira and Kate said goodbye and left.

The two of them still have a lot of things to do. Not only them, but Kevin and Annie also have things to do. Everyone is very busy. Now that the matter has been settled, there is no need to waste time here.

After sending Indira and Kate away and closing the door, Anne pushed Kevin gently with her elbow:

"Have you thought about it a long time ago?"

"...What have you thought about?"

"This is why Kimiko and I came to stay."


Kevin wanted to say that it was just a last-minute idea. He had never thought about living with Anne before, but looking at Anne's vaguely expectant eyes, Kevin suddenly said seriously:

"Yes, I've wanted you to come live for a long time, but I've always been embarrassed to ask."

"Pfft, what are you sorry for? If you want me to come live, just say so. I won't be angry."

Hearing this, Kevin smiled and did not answer.

Indeed, even if Kevin asked Anne to live with him, Anne would not be angry, but if Anne knew that Kevin had no intention of living with her before, then she would not be sure whether she would be angry.

Kevin guessed that there was a high probability that it would happen, so he wisely chose to keep silent now.

Anyway, it is a foregone conclusion that Kate will live in her own home, and other details are not important.

But then again...why do you feel like there are suddenly more girls in your family?

This gave Kevin the illusion that he had become one of those dull male protagonists in some meat-selling dramas.'s really an illusion.

After all, Kevin didn't think he was slow.

Kate's incident was a sideshow, and Kevin's focus was still on his own work.

The work of the Watt Group is progressing smoothly. The new members of the Seven-Man Team are being promoted overwhelmingly, and Kevin is gradually fading out of the Seven-Man Team's vision.

Although his reputation is still very high, everyone already knows that the Seven-Man Deep Sea has plans to retire.

But because the Seven has just added new members and is in the running-in stage, Shenhai did not immediately withdraw from the Seven.

This is the speculation given by fans, and they firmly believe that this is what Kevin thinks.

The fans' thoughts have undoubtedly reduced Kevin's workload a lot. He no longer has to ask Walt Group's public relations to devote too many resources to this matter to eliminate the impact, and can let the public relations team do other things.

For example, the ‘Super Villain’ thing that has become quite popular recently.

This is the official name currently set by the Watt Group.

Refers to criminals with super powers.

Originally it was 'Super Terrorist', but Kevin changed it to 'Super Criminal'.

But the people of the motherland insisted on emphasizing the name of this "super villain" and decided to use this name in the recent new movie jointly produced by the Seven.

That is, "Dawn of the Seven", which has recently started filming, is a super movie that describes the establishment of the Seven. It is the latest new film of the Vought Group.

By the way, "Deep Sea 3" filmed by Kevin is currently being screened in cinemas. It is said that the response has been very good, with a box office of US$60 million on the first day.

And that number is rising every day.

Hearing this astronomical figure, Kevin almost wanted to continue making movies.

After all, good movies really make money, especially if they don't require special effects.

Let’s move on from the subject and return to the subject of ‘super villains’.

There are currently not many super villains around the world. Except for a few that appear in the Middle East, the rest only cause riots in a small area.

We have never seen super villains causing trouble in New York City.

Actors arranged by the Vought Group do not count.

So so far, Kevin doesn't need to pay too much attention to this matter. After all, it has nothing to do with him.

That's what he originally thought.

Until he was driving smoothly on the road and was hit by a billboard that fell from above.

Thanks to 'Salted Fish Warrior' 'Master Mangshan' 'Envy Xu Xiancheng's Snake'' 'Steel Rod Master Lu' 534270 'Master Mangshan' 'I Dafei' 'Yannandu' Book Friends 20180204212704457'' Book Friends 161022120257421 Reward from ''Rabbit'' book friend 20180819110214702''The Light of Xiyue''''Scorching Point''.

and ‘Nightmare Called Reality’ for their continued support and rewards.


(づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭~

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