Become Aquaman from Black Robe

Chapter 123 The long-lost seven-person meeting

Kevin can confirm and say with certainty that there has never been a similar alliance of villains in the overall plot of The Black Robe.

On the contrary, except for the Vought Group, other forces cannot produce a famous superhuman organization at all.

The only one that is more famous is the United Church, but the superhumans who join them are actually under the jurisdiction of the Watt Group.

They are all gathering places for superheroes who are not highly valued by the Vought Group, or who are no longer vigorously cultivated by the Vought Group for some reasons.

Highlights, superhero.

No matter how dirty the United Church is, the superhumans who join them are all superheroes.

Superheroes are not supervillains.

So this alliance of super villains definitely has another origin.

As soon as Kevin finished speaking, the shock wave of coming to the meeting on crutches weakly raised his hand.

Kevin motioned for him to speak, and Shockwave immediately said:

"...The super...super villain who attacked me, he...he said when he defeated me that he wanted to establish a kingdom for superhuman beings...and our death is the signal for them...their gathering."

"A country of superhuman beings?" The people of the motherland sneered: "They are just a bunch of clowns who dare not show their face openly. How dare they talk about establishing a country of superhuman beings?"

"How old is this? This villain's reason is too old..."

Listening to the information given by Shockwave, Kevin pinched the bridge of his nose and complained.

Originally, Kevin was a little unsure about the origins of this alliance of super villains.

But as soon as he heard this reason, Kevin was instantly sure that this was definitely the work of the Walter Group.

Behold, the Seven are attacked by a supervillain with an evil plan.

The Seven then bravely fought against the League of Super Villains. After some battles filled with special effects, the Seven won a thrilling victory and cultivated team spirit.

What a perfect script for a movie.

Kevin could even foresee that Director Burke from Walt Films would definitely write a hot new script based on this incident.

This kind of routine incident made Kevin lose his desire to deal with it.

Too cliche, no new ideas,

But having said that, Kevin still glanced at Storm inadvertently.

As a result, he found that Feng Feng was also looking at him. Seeing Kevin's gaze, Feng Feng showed a somewhat surprised expression.

And with Feng Feng's current personality, she certainly wouldn't say nothing.

"What are you looking at me for? I know I'm very attractive, but I'm sorry, I'm not interested in people with girlfriends..."

Feng Feng is indeed someone who has carefully studied the popularity of the Internet, and can arouse other people's emotions with just one sentence.

Emotions that raise blood pressure.

Kevin's expression remained unchanged and he said bluntly:

"Did the person who attacked you say anything?"

"No, as soon as I saw his disgusting face that made me want to vomit, I just used lightning to chop him into charcoal."

The one who attacked Storm was a black metahuman.

With how much Storm hates other races, it's certainly impossible for her to show mercy to her attackers.

Even because the super villains who attacked everyone included black people, Kevin suspected that this incident had nothing to do with the storm.

The reason couldn't be simpler.

Even if Storm was really producing superhuman beings in large quantities, she would never choose any race other than white people.

Especially black people.

Is that really Edgar?

Kevin rubbed his forehead and turned to Maeve.

Maeve immediately replied: "The enemy who attacked me also said similar things. She also called us traitors."


"Well, the one who attacked me was a girl who looked to be about seventeen or eighteen years old. Her ability was very strange. She seemed to be able to release invisible blades."

Invisible blade...?

Kevin thought of the attack he suffered yesterday. The gap on the billboard that fell from the building was very flat and smooth, as if it had been cut by some sharp blade that cut iron like mud.

Maybe the attacker who attacked Maeve today was the same one who attacked Kevin yesterday.

Kevin thought, Maeve was still complaining:

"Thanks to her, my uniform broke and is still being repaired."

"Then what you are doing now..."

"My old one."

"Oh, no wonder it looks a bit conservative."

Kevin was chatting with Maeve, but the topic went a little awry.

The motherland man sitting in the first place was a little impatient:

"Guys, can we get down to business? Starlight, did your attacker say anything?"

"He didn't say anything," Anne recalled. "He... was like a taciturn killer. His only target when he drove in was me."

That giant bear-like man's only target is Annie.

And his ability is very useful to Annie when she has no power or has no time to use her starlight ability.

Two steel-like fists were aimed at the head and struck down. I believe that even Annie would definitely be knocked unconscious.

As for whether he can be beaten to death, it depends on whether the guy's fist is harder than Annie's head.

"But he is also the only super villain we have 'captured alive' so far..."

"He's a villain!"

The motherland emphasized.

I don’t know why he is so insistent on calling him a super villain.

"Okay, okay, he's an evil person." Kevin rolled his eyes and didn't argue with him. "Although his eyes are blind, his mouth is not mute. I will find a way to get information from him."

"What are you going to do?"

Maeve asked doubtfully.

The guy who attacked Anne is currently being held in prison by the police on charges of endangering public safety, intentionally causing injury, damaging other people's property, etc.

Although superheroes have the power to deal with criminals independently, they can kill whenever they want and catch them whenever they want.

However, the power to convict the arrested criminals still lies with the authorities.

As long as criminals are in prison, they will basically not be taken over by the Watt Group.

And even if Kevin conducted an interrogation, the guy would definitely not speak.

Is there any way Kevin can get that guy to talk?

"Of course I have my own ideas."

Kevin said with a smile and planned to end this temporary meeting of the seven-member team:

"Okay, let's discuss the details here first. You all go back and do your work first, but you must be careful as much as possible to avoid being attacked by super villains again."

"Are you planning to leave now?"

Seeing Kevin getting up, the natives frowned.

Kevin looked back at him:

"We don't have any information about these people, nor do we know their movement trajectory. If we continue to stay here, we won't get any results from the discussion. It's better to disband directly and do our own things first.

"As long as we don't panic, they will eventually reveal their tricks, well, that is, provided we can survive their attack."

Kevin said and inadvertently glanced at Shockwave, whose leg was broken.

I don’t know if breaking a leg is the fate of a speedster.

In the plot, the locomotive broke a leg, and now the shock wave also broke a leg.

In other worlds, Quicksilver's legs have also been broken, and Flash's legs have also suffered severe injuries.

All I can say is...this is probably a common weakness among speedsters.

Ending the meeting, Kevin left the Seven.

Seeing that nothing happened, Annie tentatively left the meeting room of the seven-member team.

The people from the motherland didn't say anything. She had Kevin's back. Even if the people from the motherland wanted to show off their dignity as captain and let her stay, they still had to look at Kevin's face.

After Annie left, among the remaining people, Storm finally spoke:

"Then we are just here to stare at it? How about we discuss the movie? In fact, I am not satisfied with some aspects of the new movie."

Storm said, changing the topic to work.

But the blue eyes of the people from the motherland who were listening to her words were getting colder and colder.

He was okay with Kevin speaking without his permission because Kevin was the vice president.

Can be stormy.

What is she?

"Wait, Kevin."

In the elevator, Annie called Kevin before the elevator door was about to close.

Kevin pressed the button to open the door and waited for Annie to come over.

He didn't let the elevator door close until Annie walked in.

"Is Kimiko okay?"

"She's fine, no injuries."

"I'm asking about her mental state."

Kimiko received psychological treatment, and the situation gradually improved. If she had another mental disorder because of this incident, Kevin would really not be able to bear it.

"Fortunately, she said that she had done similar things before. Compared to this... rumors on the Internet are more concerning."

"Online? What did you say?"

"I said that Kimiko has the potential to be a superhero. She is indeed the sister of Deep Sea. She is very powerful...most of them are positive, but there are also a few negative ones. I'm worried that Kimiko will think too much when she sees it."

There are many surveillance cameras in the mall. After this incident, the video of Annie and Kimiko fighting the super villain was also posted online.

In a world full of superheroes, Kimiko's bloody methods, far from being annoying, attracted the attention of a group of fans.

Only a small number of people felt that Kimiko's methods were too cruel.

"I understand. I will ask the public relations department to eliminate the negative remarks later."

These are just trivial matters. This is what the public relations department of the Watt Group does. Kevin has already become very good at using the public relations department. A trivial matter that changes the direction of the Internet is not worth mentioning.

After talking about Kimiko, Annie started to talk about the reason why she came to find Kevin.

She carefully looked inside the elevator, looked up at the surveillance camera in the elevator, then turned her back to the surveillance camera and asked Kevin in a very low voice:

"...Does this incident have anything to do with the above?"

Annie was referring to the group of people on the 82nd floor.

Annie has heard from Kevin that these people are creating super villains, so she suspects that this alliance of super villains may be related to these people.

"I have no idea."

Kevin's voice was as usual, telling the truth.

Annie looked confused: "You don't know either?"

"Yes, at least I don't know about this time."

"What are you going to do if it's really what they did?"

Anne remembered Kevin saying he would handle these things, but she didn't know how Kevin was going to handle them.

Kevin was silent, and the elevator became quiet for a moment.

After a while, when the elevator reached the first floor and stopped, with a 'ding' sound, Kevin turned his head and said to Annie:

"I will fight back in my own way and I won't let you suffer."

It was easy to do anything to Kevin, and Kevin was happy to see these so-called super villains only staring at him.

They couldn't break through Kevin's defense anyway.

But if Annie and Kimiko were hurt because of this, Kevin would not be able to forgive them under any circumstances.

After getting along for such a long time, Kevin has already regarded Annie and Kimiko as his family in the black robe world.

And Kevin will not let go of anyone who hurts his family.

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