Become Aquaman from Black Robe

Chapter 126 It’s time for the ‘hero’ to appear

"...We now have reason to suspect that all superhuman beings in the world are manufactured by the Vought Group..."

Cutting table.

"What is the Vought Group doing? Do they think they are gods? Are they creating a new species?"

Cutting table.

"Superheroes and super villains are actually the same. They are all the Walt Group..."

Cutting table.

"Oh, you ask me what I think about this? What I want to say is, it's so cool to have such a potion that gives people super powers! I..."

In the seven-person team meeting room, Maeve turned off the TV impatiently and threw the remote control aside.

She sat down in her seat and rubbed her hair with her hands, her expression pained.

In the seven-member team, Maeve is one of the few people who doesn't know about compound No. 5.

Even though she had accepted the status quo and decided to 'collude' with the Walter Group, she never knew that her superpower was actually something brought by Compound No. 5.

So now that she knew the truth, Maeve couldn't accept it at all.

He was raised as a hero from a young age and received various fighting training every day. He thought he could join the Vought Group and become a hero, but in the end, he was severely beaten by reality and could only recognize reality and accept everything from the Vought Group.

After drifting with the tide for so long, Maeve has already accepted the status quo.

But now someone suddenly told her that she was not born like this, and that she could actually live a normal life.

How could Maeve not fall into chaos?

She doesn't even want to think about anything now. She forgets her current identity, her motherland, and the Vought Group and the Seven.

Leave the seven-member team and go find your ex-girlfriend to talk about your feelings at the moment.

But...leaving the Sevens isn't that simple either.

Moreover, Maeve left her girlfriend without saying a word and has not contacted her until now. If she contacts her now, can she still forgive her?

Maeve's thoughts were confused as she thought about this.

At this moment, she heard footsteps.

Xingguang, holding milk tea, walked in from the outside. Although her expression was a little heavy, it was also mixed with a bit of unexplainable joy.

Maeve didn't think much. Seeing Starlight approaching, she quickly calmed down her expression at the moment and turned her eyes aside.

She thought that this would prevent Starlight from seeing her predicament, but she didn't expect that Starlight was more perceptive than she imagined.

"Maeve, are you okay?"


Maeve didn't want to say more to Starlight, but when she noticed that Starlight didn't seem as confused as she was, she couldn't help but ask:

"...You already know what's on the news, right?"

It stands to reason that this is impossible.

As a newcomer who has only been in the team for less than a year, how could Starlight know such a secret thing.

But, who gave Xingguang a good boyfriend?

Even Maeve felt a little jealous when she mentioned this. Why didn't she have such a boyfriend to protect her when she joined the company?

On the contrary, it was with that bastard from the motherland...

Maeve was still thinking, but Starlight was already sitting next to her and said in a very sincere tone:

"Kevin told me. In fact, I have known about this for a long time, but...but because this matter is too important, I can't tell anyone."


Maeve snorted and didn't want to speak.

Seeing that Maeve was once the object of her admiration, Starlight could not help but comfort her:

"When I first learned the news, I was just as sad and angry as you. I even went to my mother to ask about the situation, and mother and I have..."

At this point, Xingguang paused.

She has no contact with her mother now, or she does not want to contact her mother until her mother truly realizes her mistake.

But that wasn't the right thing to say to Maeve.

So after thinking for a moment, Xingguang skipped this paragraph and continued:

"...What I want to say is that I understand how you feel, really."

"Why did you come to me to tell me this? Or do you think I would be like a little girl like you, hiding in a corner and crying because of such a trivial matter?"

Maeve's words were still so sharp.

She was like a hedgehog, wrapping herself in sharp barbs and not wanting anyone to get close to her.

Except for those she identified as 'companions'.

"No, why do you think so? I mean... we can be companions. You also want to be companions with us, don't you? In order to... in order to deal with Walter."


Question marks appeared over Maeve's head.

She seemed to find it hard to believe that Starlight had spoken these words.

After all, Xingguang's boyfriend is the senior vice president of Walter Group. I believe that Xingguang, who is with Shenhai, understands what this position represents.

But now Starlight says she wants to deal with Walter?

Is she planning to deal with her boyfriend?

Maeve couldn't figure out what Starlight was thinking.

Before that, Maeve did have the idea of ​​​​cooperating with Shen Hai. She believed that Shen Hai was someone who could work with her to deal with the people of the motherland.

But when Shenhai became the vice president and lived in peace with the people of her motherland, Maeve knew that she had been wrong after all.

No matter how Deep Sea performs in recent times, everything he does is ultimately for his own benefit.

Becoming the vice president and cooperating with the people of the motherland are all to clear the way for his 'money path'.

It is even more impossible for him to go with Maeve to deal with the people of the motherland.

Because of this, Maeve never came into contact with the deep sea during this period, and even stayed away from him and Starlight to avoid being caught by the people of her motherland.

She didn't want to be hurt anymore.

"I guess I didn't disturb you two?"

When Xingguang was about to say something, someone else came to the door.

A native of the country who had gone somewhere appeared at the door of the conference room, standing there looking at Maeve and Starlight.

It seems like it has been standing here for a long time.

After hearing the words of the motherland, Xingguang immediately closed his mouth and turned his eyes slightly panicked.

She asked Maeve with her eyes when the people from the motherland came and whether she heard the conversation between the two.

Seeing Maeve gently shaking her head, Starlight relaxed slightly and turned to face her motherland:

"Hey Captain, good afternoon?"

"Good afternoon... Maeve, what's wrong with you?"

The native asked Maeve as soon as she came in.

Maeve turned her eyes to the side and said casually:

"I just got some bad news and was feeling depressed. Xingguang happened to come over and enlighten me."

"Bad news? What news?"

"...don't you know? Where have you been?"

Maeve expressed surprise.

What was said in the news has spread throughout the world, if not the entire world, at least the entire United States.

But the people of the motherland seem to know nothing about it.

Where did he go?

The motherland frowned slightly.

He had just gone to the apartment of Dr. Wagbaum, who raised him.

Mainly to ask about Rebecca.

Because neither of them turned on the TV and had been exchanging Rebecca's 'story', the people of the motherland didn't know anything about Compound No. 5.

Back until now.

Seeing Maeve and Starlight looking at him in surprise, the native was about to ask what happened.

But then one after another members entered the meeting room of the seven-man team, causing the people of the motherland to shut up again.

When all the members of the seven-man team gathered together, something big must have happened.

The people of the motherland know that even if they don’t say it, someone who comes next will say it.

"Oh, is everyone here? That's good."

When Kevin came back from the 82nd floor, he saw everyone gathered together in the meeting room of the Team Seven, nodding slightly.

Maeve and Starlight originally stayed in the seven-man team.

Except for the people from the motherland whose whereabouts were unknown, everyone else was called back by Kevin.

Kevin originally thought he would have to wait a little longer for the people from his motherland, but when he came to the conference room, he saw that the other six people except himself had already gathered together.

This saves Kevin from having to go to the trouble of finding people from his motherland.

"Since everyone is here, let me say a few words. Everyone must be aware that Compound No. 5 has been announced. I think everyone here should not know what Compound No. 5 is, right? ?”

Kevin did not sit down, but stood in front of everyone and asked.

Everyone, including Feng Feng, who had always been 'straight forward', remained silent, acquiescing to Kevin's statement.

Kevin nodded and continued:

"Very good, then I won't say more. In short, Compound No. 5 is the foundation of the current Vought Group, and we all rely on the big ship 'Vote'.

"If Walter falls, our interests will also be damaged, so we can't let this matter ferment no matter what... The above are Mr. Edgar's exact words."

"Fuck Edgar."

The people of the motherland uttered a curse word.

Knowing the death of his wife and 'son', the people of the motherland are now very irritable. He said bluntly:

"Just tell me what you think."

Kevin looked at each other:

"Walter's ship cannot be sunk yet. It just so happens that an alliance of super villains has recently occupied the public eye. What's even more fitting is that the Crime Analysis Department found the headquarters of this alliance of super villains through some 'clues'.

"So what we have to do next is very simple. Find them, eliminate them, and let the world know that Compound No. 5 is not important. What is important is that Walter still has superheroes and can still protect them..."

"I said, fuck Walter!"

The motherland man interrupted Kevin before he could finish his words this time.

He stood up, pointed at Kevin and said:

"You, and we, are together! Not those losers on the 82nd floor who only know how to hide behind and point fingers! What does the Walter Group have to do with us? Who cares about their life and death?"

"I agree with this." Maeve unexpectedly echoed the words of her motherland, "We don't need to wipe the ass of the Walter Group."

"All right."

Seeing everyone's reaction, Kevin knew that he had said the wrong thing.

The people in front of him were not the senior Walt executives on the 82nd floor who only knew how to be obedient. What was here was a group of superhuman beings 'created' by Compound No. 5.

Kevin shouldn't be talking about this from Walt's perspective.

He should stand with the people of his motherland as they say.

"Then let me change my words." Kevin looked at everyone sincerely, "No matter what Walter is like, super villains are our enemies. Don't forget that they declared war on us some time ago. It was a provocation to us.

"As for heroes, defeating villains is something that children know in fairy tales, so... do you need me to continue? Companions? It's time for the superheroes who protect this world to appear."

Kevin said, staring closely at the people of his motherland.

It seems that the ‘superhero’ he calls is only a native of the motherland.

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