Become Aquaman from Black Robe

Chapter 141 Such a weak god

Egg's strength slightly exceeded Kevin's estimate.

Originally, Kevin thought that with his Reality Stone, even if he couldn't completely destroy Ego, he could at least suppress him easily.

But when the actual battle took place, Kevin discovered that there was a gap between reality and his thoughts.

Not only is Egg's power far greater than expected, the use of the Reality Stone is also becoming difficult.

Using the power of gems comes at a cost.

No matter what kind of gem it is, if there is no special carrier for transfer, ordinary people will definitely cause irreversible damage to the body when using it.

Even if you have a carrier, when the force used exceeds the limit that the carrier can withstand, it will also cause harm to the user's body.

Before this, Kevin could use the Reality Gem without any scruples because the Uru Ring on his hand served as a medium and bore a lot of the cost of using the gem for Kevin.

But no matter how much you endure, there is a limit.

When Kevin fought with Thanos, he used an ability similar to the 'Law of Heaven and Earth', which reached the limit of the Uru Ring, causing a certain degree of wear and tear on the ring.

Then he went to Ultron and used the Reality Stone to prevent the nuclear bomb cleansing of the earth, and let the Uru Ring bear a lot of responsibility.

Therefore, when fighting with Egg now, the power Kevin can use has reached the limit that he can bear now.

If you exceed this limit, the Uru ring on your hand may break.

The Reality Stone may once again transform into ether particles and burrow into nearby living beings.

Even if Kevin can use the Reality Stone, his body will bear the price, which is something Kevin doesn't want to see.

That's why he met with the Guardians of the Galaxy at this moment, wanting to cooperate with the Guardians of the Galaxy and eliminate Egg in front of him.

The plan is this.

It's up to Kevin to hold back Ego so that he can't devote his energy to dealing with the Guardians of the Galaxy.

As for the Guardians of the Galaxy, Star-Lord swallowed part of Ego's body tissue and gained the power to break the outer shell of Ego's brain that is located at the core of the planet.

In the end, it was up to the Guardians of the Galaxy to destroy Ego's core, the sparkling blue brain, thereby annihilating Ego in one fell swoop.

"Can you gain his power by swallowing this?"

Star-Lord looked at Ego's clone who had been transformed back into a flower by Kevin, his face wrinkled like a rag.

Before Kevin could say anything, Rocket jumped over and slapped him on the back of the head:

"If you don't want us to wander around the universe in the future, then you'd better swallow this thing for me!"

"...I didn't say I wouldn't eat! Can't you just prepare yourself mentally!"

"Just eat it for me!"

Gamora also couldn't stand Star-Lord's ink stains. She directly picked up the flower in Kevin's hand and stuffed a whole flower into Star-Lord's mouth before Star-Lord could react.


Star-Lord didn't react in time, and his throat was blocked by a fist-sized flower.

Rocket beside him kept patting his back, and while patting, he was still chanting:

"Eat it, eat it!"

Seeing this group of live treasures performing a 'forced swallowing of .avi' in front of him, Kevin's expression twisted directly.

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He couldn't stand it and said:

"Uh... I mean guys..."

"Cough cough cough cough...I...I've already swallowed it...Rocket, that's okay! I said I've swallowed it!!"

Star-Lord straightened up with difficulty, grabbed the rocket that was still jumping on his back, coughed and roared.

Then he raised his head and asked:

"…What did you want to say just now?"

"I want to say...actually it doesn't matter if you swallow it. What I say 'swallow' is a metaphor...but forget it, as long as the result is good."

Kevin blinked at Star-Lord and said something that made Star-Lord collapse.

"You...couldn't you have said it earlier!!!!"

Star-Lord, who was forced to swallow such a large amount of stuff, didn't know whether to say a dirty word or not.

Kevin, who gave up his clone and returned his consciousness to his original body in an instant, decided to selectively ignore Star-Lord's displeasure and began to deal with Egg seriously.

Egg is indeed very strong. Even if Kevin uses the Reality Stone, he can only compete with him.

But in this duel between the two, the winner will definitely not be Ego.

Because Kevin still has helpers here, but Egg doesn't.

Never mind how careless the Guardians of the Galaxy are at ordinary times, but they are very reliable in times of crisis.

Kevin, who escaped from prison with them, has a lot to say about this.

Kevin was relieved to let Yinhuo destroy Egg's brain. Unless something happened again in this hypothetical universe, Yinhuo would basically be fine.

As for whether Kevin can get skill points when Silver Guard kills Egg, Kevin doesn't need to worry about this.

Kevin discovered in the black robe world that although Kevin was nominally the leader of the team to destroy the Super Villain Alliance, Kevin did not do much.

The people who really take action are the people of the motherland.

But even so, Kevin still gained skill points.

This means that the acquisition of skill points has little to do with whether Kevin does it himself.

As long as the incident is related to Kevin and he is next to the incident caused by it, he will gain new skill points.

Kevin even speculated that the acquisition of skill points may not simply change the plot. The cause of the skill points should be derived from something that is not clear.

Kevin tentatively calls it ‘destiny’.

Everyone's destiny is different in their respective plots. When Kevin changes his destiny, the changed destiny will fluctuate and be absorbed by the skill tree into skill points.

So it doesn't matter whether Kevin kills people personally or saves people personally. What matters is whether Kevin is by the side of the person whose destiny is changed when he changes his destiny.

And now, Kevin is by Egg's side.

"who are you!!!"

Kevin's thoughts were interrupted by Egg's roar.

His huge rock-like fist shattered the giant's brain, which was condensed by water, and questioned Kevin.

The water flow re-condensed, and the ever-growing water once again formed a tall water giant that covered the sky and the sun, wrapping around the stone giant composed of soil and rocks.

"Didn't I tell you that I am also a god!"

While speaking, Kevin launched a counterattack against Egg.

The water breaks through the rock and flows inside the rock body, eroding every inch and centimeter of Egg's rock body.

Under the creation of the Reality Stone, water is everywhere.

And in this ubiquitous water, Kevin is a god.

The well-deserved God of Water!

"Are you a god too? Are you really a god?! Then why have I never seen you before!"

Egg seemed to believe Kevin's nonsense.

He seemed not to know about the Infinity Stones, or even if he did, he didn't care. He thought it was Kevin's own power.

So he had to believe that after all, the power Kevin was showing now was indeed far beyond any intelligent life he had ever seen.

In Yi Ge's view, only beings who are also gods can possess such powerful strength.

Egg admitted that the other party was a being of the same level as himself, but he didn't understand why a 'same kind' with such powerful power only appeared now.

If he could have appeared hundreds or thousands of years earlier, Yi Ge would not have had to give birth to offspring with other beings to create new gods.

"Why should I meet you?"

Kevin punched away the rock giant condensed by Yi Ge. As the water surged, the sound was amplified through the giant's mouth and sounded dull in Yi Ge's ears:

"You're just a defective product."

"Me? Defective product?! How dare you say that!"

The rock giant was broken by the current and scattered into more tiny pieces in the air.

These fragments gathered in the air, forming a fist almost the size of one-third of the planet, pressing down on the water giant.

Kevin's words angered Egg.

How could Igo, who thought he was a perfect life form and the god of the universe, allow others to call him a defective product?

Kevin's 'slander' and Peter's rebellion have repeatedly frustrated his plans, and Egg is already furious.

He could no longer suppress the anger in his heart and poured out his inner anger against the enemy in front of him.

The giant fist of rock in the sky looks like a meteor.

Through the friction of the atmosphere, the giant fist that produced scorching fire was pressed down on Kevin's head.

The water giant, which is no more than a hundred meters tall at most, is like an ant in the palm of ordinary people's hands under the giant fist of rock condensed by Yi Ge.

The water surface that was first in contact with the fist was evaporated, and endless steam enveloped the sky, forming thick pure white clouds in the sky.

The clouds and mist in the sky thickened as Kevin created more and more water to fight off the fists falling from the sky.

The clouds and mist condensed and gathered on the horizon, forming a large dark cloud.

Thunder and lightning are brewing in it, and amidst the roar of thunder, heavy rain pours down!

"I! I am perfect! God!!!!"

Egg growled at Kevin.

He controlled these clouds and mist that were part of his body in the sky, revealing a giant face covering the entire sky, roaring ferociously and crazily.

But before he could continue shouting, a long dragon made of rainwater pierced the clouds and mist, piercing his shaped face, and even the human form of Ego hidden in it was pulled out.

Rain and clouds wrapped around his limbs and body, wrapping him like a spider web.

The cocoon-like blue-white clouds, pulled by a long rope of water mist, pulled the created body of Ego and threw it to the other side of the planet.

Boom! ! !

The clouds and mist hit the ground, penetrated the rock surface, and broke through the protective layers set up by Yi Ge. They finally stopped until they were close to the core position.

The clouds dissipated, revealing the human form of Ego wrapped in it.

But at this moment, Egg's human body was already in tatters. The skin on his body was constantly damaged and restored by rain. Blue meridians and human flesh and blood kept appearing in front of Kevin.

There was a cloud of mist gathering, and Kevin appeared in front of Egg.

Kevin, who reappeared in front of Egg, looked at Egg up and down, with a mocking look on his face, and said something that made Egg's mentality explode:

"Haha, what a weak god."

"I want you to die!!!!"

Egg was surprisingly angry this time, and the whole planet trembled because of his anger.

The dust once again covered Egg's body, causing him to instantly return to his original appearance.

Then this ‘god’ who looked like a kind old man quickly flew towards Kevin with dust wrapped around his feet.

The two 'gods' who have returned to normal human size are about to fight again in this earth's crust.

Kevin was prepared for this, too.

But before Egg could get close to him, Kevin held the Judgment gesture with both hands and pushed forward gently.

Click click click——

The sound of glass rubbing against each other rang in his ears, and the ground under Egg's feet and the space around Kevin became strange, as if there were layers of glass forming a cage, surrounding them.

mirror space.

A favorite trick used by Kama Taj mages, it can prevent ordinary people from detecting the existence of the mage, and it can also effectively encircle the enemy so that the enemy cannot escape.

After mastering the teleportation spell, Kevin also mastered other basic spells without a teacher.

He learned to use the mirror space.

In order to prevent Star-Lord and the others from being disturbed by Ego, Kevin could only choose to temporarily use the mirror space to trap the body with most of Ego's consciousness here.

And waited for Star-Lord and the others to complete what they had told them to do.

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