Become Aquaman from Black Robe

Chapter 149 Vibranium Robot Get

Anne wasn't sure and decided to take another look.

So she rubbed her eyes and looked at Ultron again, first at his red, metallic skin, and then at his bald head without any hair.

None of this can be conclusive evidence that the other party is a robot. After all, some people with abilities also have strange skin.

It wasn't until Annie saw the data flashing in Ultron's eyes that she was completely convinced.

This is a robot.

"...I must still be dreaming."

Anne looked a little unawake.

Ultron looked at Annie's pajamas, seemed to understand something, and asked Kevin:

"Your wife?"

"Um...girlfriend to be precise, but do you still care about this kind of thing?"

"It doesn't matter if you don't care."

Ultron's remaining pupil was gradually turning golden, but perhaps unwilling to do so, at the end, Ultron said to Kevin:

"Perhaps, you won, but you will not win forever. As long as there are humans... intelligent life exists, the world will not have peace, and the universe will not be peaceful.

"When you lose a threat like me, to them, as an 'alien', you are also a threat, and the war will start again."

"But that has nothing to do with you."

Kevin didn't want to talk nonsense with Ultron, and he was not in the mood to talk trash in front of Ultron as a winner. He said indifferently and ended the conversation with Ultron.


Ultron stopped talking, its eyes were completely filled with golden data flow, and it quickly returned to normal.

When he spoke again, his voice was no longer as cold as before, and his core AI had been replaced.

"Sir, you succeeded."

Jarvis's voice came out of Ultron's body, which means that Ultron's body has been successfully occupied by Jarvis, and what stands here now is a brand-new individual, or it can be called... a vision.

Ultron became Vision, but Kevin's vigilance did not diminish.

He looked at Vision, or Jarvis, warily, and said:

"I did succeed, but you should still remember the last order Tony gave you."

"Yes, sir, the self-destruction program has been activated. After that, I will completely destroy the intelligent circuits of this body."

"...It won't explode, right?"

"No, it just destroys the AI ​​core that can run intelligently. And as long as you take away the Mind Stone, this body will no longer be worth repairing."

Jarvis said calmly.

Kevin was slightly relieved after hearing this. It seemed that compared to Ultron, Jarvis was more obedient.

However, a backup can destroy Ultron's intelligence. It seems that the Tony Stark of this hypothetical world has enhanced his intelligence in some aspects.

"Then it should be okay if I keep this body, right?"

Confirming that Jarvis had activated the self-destruct program, Kevin asked while relaxing.

Jarvis tilted his head slightly:

"In principle, I don't recommend you do this, but I know that the choice of whether to return me or not is in your hands, so it's up to you."

"Then I'll stay. After all, I have saved your world. At the most, I have saved the entire universe, and even... more universes. A small reward shouldn't be anything."

"This is your freedom, sir. The self-destruction process is about to end, five...four..."

Jarvis had a final conversation with Kevin and began to enter the countdown to the end of self-destruction.

When all five numbers were counted, the sparkle in his eyes disappeared, and the color of his body gradually faded, turning into gray and white metal.

When all the colors disappeared, its metallic body fell backwards and fell to the ground.


The sound of falling was very loud, and the echo spread throughout the underground garage, and it also woke up Annie, who had just been listening to a book from heaven, and her head was in chaos.

She shook her body as if startled, then looked at the colorless metal body that fell to the ground, and asked cautiously:


"Well, dead."

Kevin walked over to the soulless metal body.

The Mind Stone and Soul Stone originally embedded in Ultron's body began to loosen the moment he lost his life.

When he fell to the ground, the Soul Stone fell directly from his body. Kevin reached out to touch the Soul Stone on his forehead and took it off without much effort.

Ultron can change the density of his body, and Jarvis can do the same thing with this body.

It seems that at the end of his death, this backup Jarvis helped Kevin adjust the density of his body, so that Kevin could easily take away the two gems.

Kevin was completely relieved after receiving two Infinity Stones.

Not to mention anything else, the Mind Stone, the source of Ultron's life, was taken away. Even if Ultron's AI could be restored, he would definitely not be able to be resurrected.

Ultron is definitely dead, and it's not just the Mind Stone that's been confirmed.

The nine skill points Kevin received also prove this point.

Unlike BOSS such as Thanos and Egg, Ultron's death gave Kevin nine skill points. Although not many, it was enough to make up for Kevin's loss this time.

Before this, Kevin had determined through the skill tree that he could consume a certain amount of skill points and carry intelligent life through time.

The number of skill points consumed is fixed. An intelligent individual with a separate soul and body, regardless of size, will consume 3 skill points to carry it across.

And if you want to stay in the world where Kevin is, or in other worlds that do not belong to that intelligent life, you need to pay one skill point every day.

If Kevin does not pay, that life will be forcibly sent back to the original world by the skill tree.

This is also the reason why Kevin dared to bring Ultron back.

Anyway, whether Ultron wants it or not, he can only stay in this world for one day at most.

Once the twenty-four hours have passed, he will be sent back to his original world.

Of course, this is in the face of living beings with minds and consciousness.

And if the person Kevin brought here dies in this world, he can stay in this world indefinitely from now on without paying extra skill points.

And this can also be used to confirm whether the dead person is still alive. After all, as long as the person is still alive, he will be forcibly repatriated when the time is up.

So if Kevin discovers that Ultron's body is missing one day, there will be a result: Ultron is resurrected and returns to the Marvel world.

But that kind of thing is impossible to happen.

Putting aside those problems, in short, from now on, Kevin alone has a black technology from another world.

The vibranium body left behind by Ultron.

Coming to sit next to Ultron's body, Kevin thought about how to deal with this body.

But just after thinking for a while, Annie came over and said to Kevin:

"Kevin, I think we need to... talk about what happened just now, what is that robot? What is the planet... the universe... you are talking about?"

"The situation...that's the situation...ahem, what, I have some other things to deal with, come on as soon as you go!"

"What? Wait-!"

Annie wanted to ask something else, but Kevin had already disappeared in front of her.

Returning from the Marvel world this time, there is no Ancient One Master on the other side to help Kevin stabilize time.

Kevin didn't forget that Carol and Wanda on the other side were still fighting with the Avengers. He didn't want to see these two people die at the hands of the Avengers and Silver Guard when he went back.

I paid four skill points again and returned to the Marvel world.

One is used to travel through time, and three are used to pause time.

Kevin returned to the crimson battlefield.

Fortunately, when time does not stand still, the flow rate of time on both sides is basically the same. Kevin's world in black robe lasts less than five minutes, and the time here does not last long.

And by coincidence, as soon as Kevin came back, he saw Thor's hammer flying towards Wanda, who was controlling everyone in the Avengers below.

Wanda is now suppressing everyone in Avengers + Yinhu alone.

Groot, Gamora, Hawkeye and Black Widow, as well as the Black Panther T'Challa, Yondu and Pietro who came for temporary support, were all pressed to the ground by Wanda using chaos magic alone.

She no longer had any extra energy to defend herself against Thor's hammer.

So if she was hit by Thor's hammer, at least it would be the result of a brain blossom.

Luckily Kevin is back.

"Give you back your hammer!"

Draw a circle with your right hand, and a blue portal appears next to Wanda.

Another portal opened next to Thor's head.

The hammer passed through the portal and hit Thor's head very accurately.

Boom! !

A very clear sound came. Thor, who was hit by his own hammer, tilted his head, fainted and fell from the air. He fell to the ground with a bang, creating a large human-shaped crater.

Wanda looked blankly at the portal that opened in front of her, still a little shocked.

When Kevin landed next to her, she cast a grateful look:


"You're welcome. You did a great job. Leave the rest to me."

Kevin did not hesitate to praise Wanda. Wanda, who had never been praised like this by an outsider, looked away slightly embarrassed.

While Kevin and Wanda were interacting, Carol slowly fell from the sky.

She looked around Kevin and asked doubtfully:

"I said, where is the 'Skynet robot'?"

"Skynet robot? Oh, Ultron, right? He's dead, and I also got the gems on him... It's just that I don't know how to use this thing."

I don’t know if it’s because the Reality Stone is in Kevin’s body. No matter how Kevin touches the Mind Stone, it can’t work.

Otherwise, Kevin would have released everyone's control the moment he returned to this world.

Kevin has no choice but to take out the Mind Stone and give it to Carol.

Carol took the gem from Kevin's hand and studied it for a while without figuring out how to use it. Then, like Kevin, she frowned and fell into thought.

The situation seems to be at an impasse, with Kevin and Carol at a loss as to how to use the Mind Stone.

However, after Wanda saw the Mind Stone, she hesitated and said:

"If it doesn't work...can you leave it to me to try?"

"You?" Kevin looked at Wanda, "It doesn't seem impossible?"

In addition to her telekinesis-like abilities, Wanda also has the ability to create illusions and control the minds of others.

This ability is close to the Mind Stone, and may resonate with the Mind Stone to relieve everyone's mind control.

But now Wanda is somewhat unable to take action, so before solving the problem of the Mind Stone, someone still needs to help suppress the remaining people.

This is best done by Kevin.

Who told him to use magic now?

"I'll help you deal with them. Just concentrate on studying gems."

Kevin stepped forward without hesitation, and scarlet chains emerged from the ground, wrapping around everyone under control, even the unconscious Thor, locking them firmly to the ground.

Even so, Kevin was not at ease, and even placed a mirror space to lock everyone in, and let Wanda concentrate on studying the Mind Stone.

Fortunately, Wanda lived up to his expectations.

In less than a minute, Wanda seemed to have achieved the results of her research, and a burst of spiritual light spread around her with her as the center.

The yellow light lingering in everyone's eyes gradually dissipated as they came into contact with the light.

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