Become Aquaman from Black Robe

Chapter 155 X-Men? No, it's Wolverine 3!

Above the endless wilderness, the scorching sun hangs high.

Kevin was walking in the wilderness wearing a sunshirt he took out of his backpack and sunglasses.

Because the sun in the wilderness is too hot, Kevin is now dressed like an Arab walking in the desert.

The difference is that there are no camels around him.

After walking like this for a while, Kevin stopped and sat down next to a boulder. Feeling the coolness under the boulder, he took out a kettle and poured the warm water into his belly.

Looking at the endless wilderness in front of him, and then looking at the same wilderness behind him, Kevin felt that he was lost for a moment because he couldn't find the direction at all.

"I said... the skill tree, let's discuss it. Next time I have a mission to change my job, can you teleport me to a place with people? Wasn't the teleportation on Xandar Star last time very good? Why did you just give it this time? Did I find a place where no one can poop?"

Kevin, who had been walking for a day and a night without seeing anyone, finally couldn't help but start talking to himself.

Only then did he realize that he was not a person who could endure loneliness at all.

He couldn't stand it when he couldn't see anyone, couldn't connect to the Internet, and couldn't communicate with others for a day.

The most important thing is that there is no water in this area of ​​more than ten kilometers. Even if it is hundreds of meters deep underground, Kevin does not feel that there is much water source.

If the task prompts in the skill tree hadn't told Kevin what kind of world this was, Kevin might have thought that no one existed in this world.

[Job change goal: Touch the power of the Phoenix]

This is a prerequisite for Kevin to obtain a second career.

Touch the Phoenix Force.

Generally speaking, when you hear something like the Phoenix Power, you usually think of a world like fairy tales and fantasy.

But according to Kevin's previous speculation, the skill tree will only transport Kevin to a world similar to the world view of Black Robe, that is, a world with 'superheroes', so the scope has suddenly shrunk a lot.

With the Phoenix Force, and superheroes.

Obviously, this world is the world of "X-Men", but I don't know what era we are in now.

Kevin had also taken out his mobile phone and tried to connect to the Internet before, but in this endless wasteland, his mobile phone had no signal and could not connect to the Internet.

Kevin didn't bring any devices that could connect to the satellites overhead because he thought the equipment was too bulky.

It turned out to be good now. After walking for a day, he couldn't see anyone. Kevin even felt that he might be lost and wandering around in circles. Otherwise, how could he not see anyone until now?

"X-Men is also the Marvel world, right? I can't use dimensional magic. Does this mean it's not...magic at all?"

The X-Men are also part of the Marvel Universe.

In the comic universe, the X-Men and Avengers are in the same world, so it stands to reason that Kevin should be able to use the dimensional magic learned from the Marvel world in this world.

But the fact is that Kevin can't even play a portal spark here.

I don’t know if it’s because the X-Men world has not been officially announced to return to Marvel, or because Kevin is really a loser and can’t use magic without the Reality Stone.

Kevin thinks it might be the latter.

After all, the elderly Professor

When it comes to the movie universe, X-Men has returned to Marvel.

Of course, there may be something wrong with this X-Men world, or Kevin may have guessed wrong. This is not the X-Men world at all, and the Phoenix Force mentioned in the skill tree may be something else.

"Forget it, let's keep going...I kind of regret turning reality gems into skill points so early..."

Kevin thought quietly as he hurried on.

If this was still the Marvel world, Kevin's Reality Stone might still be usable.

When the time comes to create a spaceship or other means of transportation, it will save Kevin the time to travel in the most primitive way.

Because he was unsure of the direction, Kevin did not dare to run quickly in the wilderness to consume his energy. Otherwise, at his speed, it would not take long to leave the wilderness.


Kevin was thinking quietly as he walked, and suddenly heard the sound of a train hooting from far away.

This sound made Kevin, who had been dozing off, instantly perk up. He suddenly looked in the direction of the sound of the train. Although he did not see the train, Kevin was sure that it was not his imagination.

Because he saw the telephone pole.

Standing on the wilderness, there are relatively sparse telephone poles.

The presence of telephone poles means that the world has entered the electrical age. Coupled with the sound of trains heard earlier, it can be confirmed that there are indeed people in this world, and technology should have developed to a certain extent.

I just don’t know what era it is in.

After all, the world view of the X-Men spans a long time, from 1845, when Wolverine first awakened his mutant powers, to 2029, which is considered the end of the X-Men movie universe.

A full 184 years can be counted within the plot of the X-Men universe.

If Kevin traveled back to the 1940s, he would not be able to obtain the Phoenix Power immediately.

The host of the Phoenix Force is Jean Grey. At that time, Jean's grandfather was probably a little brat wearing crotchless pants. Jean didn't even have a shadow, let alone the Phoenix Power that resided in Jean's body.

"No matter how you talk about skill trees, they can't be so outrageous..."

Kevin muttered and walked towards the direction where the sound of the train came from.

Based on his experience in the first mission world, Kevin guessed that the skill tree should send Kevin to the place where he can easily access the Phoenix Force.

Even if he doesn't teleport to the side of the Phoenix Force, he will at least teleport to the era when the Phoenix Force existed.

But no matter which one it is, Kevin must first contact humans.

Maybe it was Kevin's luck. When Kevin walked in the direction of the sound of the train, although he didn't see the train, he saw a motorcade driving not far away.

It was a convoy of black jeeps and modified vehicles, some of which were equipped with weapons such as machine guns.

Noting the convoy and the weapons carried above, Kevin's heart dropped to his stomach.

From what we see in front of us, we can judge that this is at least a modern society. There is no need to worry about not being able to see Jean Grey, and there is no need to worry about not being able to find the Phoenix Force.

"There is a convoy and a road. If you follow this road, you should be able to find someone..."

Standing in the distance and watching the black motorcade leave, Kevin looked towards the direction of the motorcade.

He had no intention of stopping the black motorcade.

Looking at the equipment of these people, you can tell that they are very difficult to mess with. They may be the personal thugs of some underworld or large groups in this world.

Kevin wasn't afraid of them, but there was no need to cause trouble.

They didn't see Kevin here, and they didn't mean to come over to cause trouble, so there was no need for Kevin to cause trouble.

The top priority is to find a city where people live, find out the current era, and then go to the school founded by Professor X, and find Jean Gray...

Wait, by the way, how do you touch the Phoenix Force?

Can I shake hands with Jean Grey?

Suddenly, Kevin realized this very serious issue.

If he rashly went to her school and shook hands with Jean Gray, would he be beaten to death by those X-Men?

Knowing that there are people, Kevin no longer chooses to save his energy.

He had had enough time in the wilderness. As soon as he knew where someone was, he immediately ran at full speed towards the town where there were people.

Although Kevin's speed on land is not as fast as underwater, his top speed is one thousand kilometers per hour.

This is very close to the speed of sound.

Even if Kevin is not running at full speed, he is still running at a speed of six to seven hundred kilometers per hour.

Moving forward at full speed at this speed, Kevin found the nearest town in no time.

Seeing the town and connecting to the Internet, the device Kevin took from Rocket came into use.

He first found a convenience store in the town, threw gold to the store owner to obtain the right to use the computer, and then used the device given by Rocket to connect to the Internet and create his own identity in this world.

For the rocket-made alien technology, invading the network and forging identities was a simple matter. It didn't even take three minutes for Kevin to successfully obtain a legal identity in this world.

At the same time, I also got myself an anonymous bank card and put a little money into it.

After finishing this, Kevin really started to investigate the world.

The first is the current era we live in.

The time now is 2029.

Kevin: "?"

Wait...2029! ?

When he learned about the current year, the relaxed expression on Kevin's face disappeared instantly.

I still remember that I just mentioned that the X-Men movie universe will officially end in 2029.

In this era, mutants were almost extinct, and the X-Men were completely wiped out by Professor X due to the onset of Alzheimer's disease.

Only Wolverine Logan is left, taking Professor X into exile.

Luo wanted to take Professor

A woman came to the door with a girl named Laura Kinney, and the girl named Laura was a new mutant, code-named X23. From a genetic point of view, she was Logan's daughter.

This led to an organization called Alkali Genetics Corporation, and Logan had to confront this organization.

In this process, Logan lost his last friend, the mutant Caliban, and also lost Professor X.

In the end, even he died in the battle with Alkali Company.

Passed away with Laura by his side.

This is the whole content of the movie "Wolverine 3", or in other words, "Logan".

To be honest, this is the Marvel movie that Kevin never dared to watch again after watching it once.

But surprisingly, he still remembered the plot clearly.

After sorting out the plot of "Wolverine 3", Kevin sat on the steps with his cell phone and continued to check the news with a heavy heart.

He wanted to find evidence that this was not the world of "Wolverine 3", but the more he searched, the more evidence Kevin found to prove that this was "Wolverine 3".

No new mutants have been born for 25 consecutive years.

A year ago a large number of civilians and several X-Men were killed.

Xavier College was banned by the government, and the property of Professor X's hometown belonged to the government...

Countless news proves that this is indeed the world of "Wolverine 3".

"Is it true..."

After confirming the world he was in now, Kevin exhaled and began to sort out the plot of the movie, trying to find a channel through which he could access the Phoenix Power.

But during the process of sorting out, Kevin suddenly stood up again.

"No...those convoys just now!!"

Recalling the plot of the movie, he suddenly remembered that at the beginning of the movie, when Wolverine and Laura met and were sent to his residence, Alkali Company did send a security team to capture Laura.

In other words, if nothing unexpected happens, the convoy that Kevin just saw was the convoy sent by Alkali Company to capture Laura!

He missed the perfect opportunity to meet Wolverine!

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