Become Aquaman from Black Robe

Chapter 161 Go to the door in person

Several black cars were parked on the road a few kilometers away from the farm.

Inside one of the black trucks, several Alkali Group security personnel were staring at the surveillance screen in front of them.

In the surveillance screen, there are a total of four split screens. The four split screens respectively display pictures from different directions of the farm, so that the entire farm is visible to everyone in the car.

Among the security personnel, a black man was staring at the screen intently, while eating their dinner today.

A burger bought from a nearby fast food restaurant.

It is just surveillance work, which is not a difficult task for everyone. If it were not because the target to be monitored was too dangerous, they would not even bring a security team.

Although for the mutant they were monitoring, these security teams were almost nothing.

However, as long as they are not discovered or come to their door by that guy, their safety should still be guaranteed.

Yes, as long as it's not discovered.

"Paul, why is the screen here turned off?"

Another security member who was also on duty pointed at a corner of the screen and asked.

The black security member named Paul looked towards the pointed location and found that the corner was indeed dark.

Paul typed twice on the keyboard, and suddenly cold sweat broke out on his forehead:

"...the device is offline."


The security member was stunned for a moment, and then he reacted and immediately took out his walkie-talkie:

"Attention all members! We have been spotted by the target! Evacuate now!! Repeat, evacuate now!!!"

The device is offline, which means that the drone is malfunctioning.

While monitoring the target, if the drone malfunctions, there is a high probability that they have been discovered by the target, and the drone in the sky is destroyed by the target.

According to the order given by the scientific research director Sandel, when discovered by the target, the first priority should be to protect oneself, and the observation report of the target should be sent to the headquarters as soon as possible.

It's a pity that not long after they observed the target, they were discovered by the target.

There are no observation reports or data, but even so, they should run away now.

Otherwise... according to the report given by the investigation team, they are likely to end up in the same fate as the previous batch of teams, with their heads being turned into paste by unknown things.

Their response was swift, and could even be said to be a textbook-level emergency response.

But unfortunately, their speed is still a bit slow.

When they discovered that one of the drones had lost its signal, it meant that the 'target' was already near them.

Boom! !

There was a sudden loud bang from the back door of the truck.

The two people in the car looked at each other and subconsciously picked up the firearms they carried.

Of course they know that firearms cannot deal with the targets that come to them, but at least they have weapons in their hands, and they feel somewhat safe in their hearts.

With the gun pointed at the door, both of them held their breath, and cold sweat dripped from their foreheads.

Finally, the car door, which had been twisted due to an unknown impact, was opened with brute force by someone from outside.

Without enough time to see clearly who was coming, the two of them pulled the trigger decisively without hesitation.

But... they failed to pull the trigger in the end.

Because the moment they wanted to move their fingers, a sharp pain came from their heart.

The pain spread all over the body in a very short period of time, and even the body could not be controlled by themselves.

Severe pain and sudden body failure caused the two of them to fall to the ground, and the firearms in their hands also fell to the ground.

The gunshot fell to the ground with a crisp sound.

Along with the sound, there were footsteps walking in from outside the door.

Judging from the sound of footsteps, it was two people.

"It's really dangerous. You point a gun at people as soon as you come up. If I hadn't been somewhat capable, I would have been beaten to death by you."

One of the men came up to two security guards.

They couldn't see his appearance clearly, they could only see the shoes he was walking in front of the two of them, a pair of ordinary-looking white sneakers.

The black man Paul looked upward with difficulty, but his head was soon stepped on by the white sneaker:

"Don't move. You don't want your head to be crushed by my step, do you?"

The black security member's breathing stopped instantly. The power he felt on his head made him understand that the speaker did have the power to crush his head.

His body was shaking, whether from pain or fear.

At this moment, the speaker's companion murmured:

"If possible, don't make it so bloody, otherwise I won't be able to eat later."

"Don't worry, I won't let you see anything too bloody, um...probably."

The man who stepped on Paul's head said very insincerely, and Paul, who had regained some strength, took advantage of the gap between the two of them to talk and said quickly:

"Don't... don't kill me! We... we are a temporary security team sent here! We don't know anything at all! We are just following orders!!"

"I don't care about that."

The speaker put his foot down and threw the speech in front of Paul:

"You still have a team loaded with special 'weapons' on standby outside, right? Now, no matter what method you use, you have to call them over and let them come as quickly as possible. The more people who come, the better." The more the better, otherwise..."

The threatening words rang in his ears, and Paul could clearly realize what would happen in the end if he failed to do what he asked.

He will die, and it will be the worst way to die, with his head exploded.

Paul, who was originally brought in temporarily as a substitute, in order to save his own life, he picked up the walkie-talkie without hesitation, adjusted to the channel of another team, and racked his brains to think of ways to trick the other team into coming.

This team is not professional.

Kevin came to this conclusion after destroying the drones and killing the team members on the outside.

Perhaps the elite security team of the Alkali Group has been destroyed by the Kevin Group, or perhaps they want to retain their own high-level armed forces.

In short, the people who came here to monitor Kevin were far inferior to the team led by the robot Donald in terms of professionalism.

Kevin didn't use much effort at all. With the Caliban oil bottle in hand, he was able to kill everyone watching here silently.

Finally, after throwing a body into the surveillance vehicle, Kevin took Caliban to the surveillance room vehicle and made demands on the only two security personnel left inside.

Originally, Kevin thought he could see Uncle Wolf's clone, X24, here.

But after sensing a circle, Caliban said that the mutant was still far away from here.

This meant that the surveillance team and the assault team were not the same, so Kevin temporarily bypassed the two surveillance personnel and asked them to trick the assault team carrying X24 over.

Rather than taking the initiative, it is better to wait and see. Kevin also does not want to grab Caliban and run back and forth at a speed of 300 kilometers per hour.

Although Kevin can bear it, Caliban's old arms and legs are probably too heavy.

"It's useless even if you trick them here and kill them all. There are too many people in the Alkali Group, and we can't kill them all."

While waiting for X24 to arrive, Caliban persuaded Kevin.

Having once served the Alkali Group, he clearly knew what a behemoth it was.

The field of scientific research is just the tip of the iceberg of Alkali. For such a behemoth, scientific research will never become their main business.

Industry, medical care, arms... and more are the main business directions of Alkali Group.

In fact, this group is definitely the largest group in the United States... and even the world today.

Otherwise, why would there be genetic products of the Alkali Group all over the world? Without some strength and background, how could the Alkali Group spread its tentacles all over the world?

To fight against such a group, it is not enough to simply kill their security members.

After killing one batch, they can also cultivate a second batch.

In today's world where mutants are almost extinct and dominated by humans, Kevin's current approach will only drive him to a dead end.

Caliban has done many wrong things. He once betrayed mutants for profit, and also helped the Alkali Group track mutants in order to save his life.

Because of this, now that he is old, he is once again approached by the Alkali Group and rescued by Kevin. He does not want a young mutant like Kevin to become a wanted target around the world.

No matter how powerful Kevin is, so what?

Wasn’t the Apocalypse great in the past? Wasn't Magneto powerful in the past? But where are they now?

No matter how powerful a person is, he cannot be the enemy of the whole world.

Caliban wants to persuade Kevin to stop, as long as he can save his life and spend this life safely, there is really no need to cause trouble with the Alkali Group.

There is no need to avenge him.

Although Caliban also knew that avenging him was just an excuse to allow him to come with him.

"Then we can kill batch after batch until they are afraid."

Kevin smiled and said the cruel words.

In another world, Kevin doesn't have to hide anything or worry too much.

Especially in the X-Men world, where it is basically certain that there will be no powerful mutants, he can be even more unscrupulous.

The Alkali Group is indeed very powerful in this world.

But if Kevin causes a tsunami on the earth and forces the Alkali Group, how will they respond?

Kevin, who can control thousands of meters of water in the sea, can now easily trigger a huge tsunami.

Think about it, the sea water soared thousands of meters into the sky and crashed down like a mountain. How could the X-Men's human technology be able to withstand that kind of power?

So it's not Kevin who should be worried, but the Alkali Group.

They'd better hope things don't come to that. this mission world where you can leave at any time, Kevin won't care about so many messy things.

"They... they said they were heading this way..."

While Kevin and Caliban were thinking about it, the black security member carefully reported to Kevin with a walkie-talkie.

Because he was thinking about something just now, Kevin didn't hear clearly what the black security guard said to the other side.

But no matter what it is, since those people are coming here, it means that the black security guards have completed Kevin's order.

Kevin didn't mind keeping him alive for the time being.

"Very well, you stay in the car during this time and I will ask you to come down if necessary."

Patting the black security guard on the shoulder, Kevin's smile remained kind.

See, he is actually not a murderous person.

As long as he is obedient, he is actually very easy to talk to.

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