Five days later, the ID user of the online account ‘Expose Alkali Conspiracy’ posted a new video.

The content of the video begins on the road leading to a certain place. The young man named Kevin in the video is facing the camera with a stubble and sunglasses.

"Long time no see. Everyone, I am Kevin, and I am also the mutant who is currently exposing Alkali's conspiracy. As you can see, I am now...well, I am slightly disguised."

Kevin took off his sunglasses and touched his stubble:

"There is no way, the Alkali Group must hate me now. If I appear openly in the city, they will definitely not let me go, so I can only disguise myself in the city.

"But don't worry, I won't pretend for long. After the video is released, I won't have to disguise myself, because by the time the video is released, I will probably have arrived in the Garden of Eden."

He paused for a moment when he said this, as if he had just thought of something, and said suddenly:

"Oh, by the way, I haven't told you what the Garden of Eden is yet, so I'll tell you slowly. I think everyone should still remember that I found a man named "X Weapon" in the office of the head of the Alkali branch. Plan" plan.

"Through my friend Paul's investigation, we found that what was said in the plan is true, and the Alkali Group is really trying to create their own mutants!"

While telling these words, Kevin's tone became excited, and his expression became angry with some mocking:

“It’s so ridiculous that on the one hand, you are achieving genocide against mutants, and on the other hand, you are still trying to create your own mutants.

"I finally understand, the words 'mutants are a threat' and 'mutants are dangerous' are all bullshit! They just don't want mutants not to be controlled by them! So they just want to create mutants they can control! Bah! Disgusting!”

Kevin spat on the ground, and it took him a while to calm down as much as possible.

"Sorry, I was a little excited just now. Let's get back to the point. In short, Paul and I did find out that they were making mutant 'weapons', and... we... or I, we also found the 'experimental subject' in their plan, look--"

Kevin said, turning the camera outside.

Outside the parked car, a little girl wearing a peaked cap and children's sunglasses could be vaguely seen.

The little girl was accompanied by a strong old man wearing a leather jacket.

He had a beard and looked rather decadent, like the little girl's father.

Kevin pointed the camera at them and then explained:

"Did you see the little girl over there? Her name is Laura Kinney. She may only be in her teens this year. The reason why it is possible is because she is an experimental subject of the Alkali Group. We don't know her specific birth. date……

"Yes, you heard it right. The cute little girl in front of you is one of the experimental subjects of the Alkali Group. Her code name is X23-23. Before this... everyone in the Alkali Group... Call her X23.”

Kevin briefly introduced the identity of the little girl and took a deep breath:

"She's cute, right, and she looks well-behaved, but she's just such a girl. She doesn't go to school or enjoy the pampering of her parents at home. Instead, she goes into exile with the former X-Men, hiding from Al The pursuit of the Cali cartel..."

Kevin was calm when he said these words, but there was anger hidden in his eyes in the video.

It was the anger against the Alkali group for doing these inhumane things.

"What's even more unacceptable is that she is a mutant born the day after tomorrow! In other words, she could have enjoyed the life she should have, stayed on campus like other children, and enjoyed the care of her parents!

"But now, she can only stay here, living a precarious life of sleeping in the open air!"

Kevin's expression became excited again, but everyone watching the video didn't think there was anything wrong with his excitement.

Yes, children of this age should not have to encounter this, let alone the girl named Laura. She is just an ordinary person. If it were not for the Alkali Group, she would not have become a mutant at all.

When Kevin said this in the video, his eyes were a little red, but he did not shed tears and quickly regained his composure.

Because someone was calling him, it was the man Kevin said was a former X-Men.

"Kevin, let's go!"

"I know, come here."

Kevin responded and said to the video:

"...I have gained their approval and can go with them...By the way, I don't think I have said what the 'Garden of Eden' is yet. I will slowly explain it to you during the rest of the journey."

When he said this, the video picture suddenly changed.

The original day turned into dusk, and Kevin was no longer where he was before. Judging from the time in the video, it seemed that they had been traveling all day.

Kevin was sitting in the passenger seat, looking very tired, and said to the camera:

“It’s five-fifty in the evening and we’re resting at a service station on the road.

"In addition... after my request, Laura and his current guardian agreed that I would send out part of the video they recorded. I will play the video later... Please note that the video may cause discomfort, so please watch with caution. "

Kevin reminded everyone in a decent manner, and the video also switched again during his words.

In the new video, the person filming the video is no longer Kevin, but a female nurse wearing white clothes.

She secretly recorded everything in the Alkali Group's laboratory, including the origins of the mutant children and what Alkali was doing.

Compared with Kevin's dry description, everything the nurse photographed was more impactful.

Because the experiences of Laura and other children are no longer just something described in words, but a bloody fact before them.

The video sent by the nurse was not long, only about three minutes, but to those who watched the video, these three minutes seemed as long as a century.

The nurse's video ended, and Kevin appeared in the video again. He looked tired, rubbing the bridge of his nose and saying:

“The nurse who shot the video, her name is Jabra Lopez, she risked her life to rescue these mutant children from the laboratory so that Laura could be here.

"Compared to what I'm doing now, she is the real hero... But I have to say one thing that is very sad, and that is this Ms. Lopez, she has passed away.

“He was shot dead in the hotel by people from the Alkali Group.

"I think everyone knows the reason. Yes, the Alkali Group does not allow this kind of thing to spread, including those mutant children. They also plan to clean up.

“That’s why they won’t let go of all the people related to the experimental subjects. This is the case for Ms. Lopez, the same is true for Laura’s current guardian, and the same is true for me...

"But I won't give up! At this point, I have no way out. I will do my best to expose everything about the Alkali Group! And now... I will go with Laura to Ms. Lopez's mention The Garden of Eden.

"A place... said to be the last pure land of mutants. This location is in North Dakota. Ms. Lopez said that as long as she gets there, Laura will be safe."

At this point, the video is coming to an end, and at the end of the video, Kevin says again:

"On the day when I meet Laura's friends, if I can get their consent, I will broadcast live around the clock. I will answer all your questions by then. Let's... see you then."

With a final farewell, the video ends.

And as expected, the second video released made the heat that had faded rise again.

The Alkali Group was once again put on fire.

By the way, this video, like the previous video, cannot be deleted at all.

"Okay, okay, another three skill points have been earned!"

Not long after posting the video, Kevin saw that his skill point count was +3 again, which made him rub his hands in excitement.

Flies rubbing hands.jpg

Perhaps it is because this video has hurt the foundation of Alkali Group that the skill tree is so generous. If so, Kevin really wants to thank Alkali Group.

However, the revenue that videos can gain probably only ends here.

Kevin will then replace the video with a live broadcast, and after the live broadcast, if done correctly, they will change from a state of escape to a state of protection.

By then, the Alkali Group will probably be able to think of a way to process the video. Even if Kevin releases the video, he probably won't be able to gain many skill points.

But by that time, the Alkali Group will probably be finished.

Kevin thought about his next plan and dialed Paul's phone number who was on standby in the distance:

"Hello? Have you contacted the TV station I asked you to contact?"

"...I have contacted them and have submitted all the video evidence you sent me. They said they will go to North Dakota for live broadcast as soon as possible..."

"Okay, you will come with them when the time comes, and we will put on a good show for the Alkali Group."

Hearing that Paul had successfully completed the task he assigned, Kevin nodded with satisfaction.

After thinking about it all night, Kevin didn't think of how to solve the signal problem of the live broadcast.

Even if he can get a live broadcast truck, as long as the Alkali Group comes up with a shielding device, his live broadcast will be useless.

So in the end, Kevin decided to directly contact the TV stations that had recently launched public attacks on the Alkali Group.

Let the hosts of these well-known TV stations come in person with live broadcast equipment for television broadcast.

Under the camera, the Alkali Group probably didn't dare to be so crazy as to kill everyone.

Unless they want to be listed as terrorists by the United Nations.

After hanging up the communication with Paul, Kevin raised his head and looked forward.

Now they have left the city and arrived near the coordinates given by Laura.

There is a valley all around, with almost no trees and only a few shrubs as embellishments on the wilderness, leaving a little life here.

In this valley, at the highest point, there is a simple watchtower made of wood.

The watchtower is far away from here, and with ordinary eyesight, only small black dots can be seen.

But apart from the black dot representing the watchtower, Kevin could also see several young children around the watchtower.

It was here that they made an appointment with Laura to gather other mutant children.

Seeing them means one thing.

The 'Garden of Eden' that Laura has been looking for has arrived, right in front of her.

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