Become Aquaman from Black Robe

Chapter 172 Don’t talk about martial ethics at first

If only one TV station came over, Sandel gritted his teeth and dared to block the live signal, first use firepower to cover the threat, then turn back to control the reporters, and finally have a good 'talk' with these reporters.

But now there are two TV stations.

The reporters brought by the two TV stations competed with each other and at the same time became each other's 'protectors'.

If Sandel takes action against a company, Alkali Group's public relations team can still handle it.

But if we attack reporters from two TV stations at the same time, or reporters from well-known TV stations, the public opinion on the Internet will crush them to death!

"Damn! Why are they coming here at this time?!"

The biggest threat to the Alkali Group was about to be eliminated, but the TV station appeared in the middle and made it impossible to continue the plan. Sandel was of course angry.

The new security director Mohawk responded hesitantly:

"Maybe... the mutant came here? He posted a new video online before. Perhaps it was because this video revealed the location that these TV stations rushed here."

In fact, it was Kevin who asked Paul to inform them, and now Paul is even being interviewed on a TV station's plane.

But they don't know this yet as there is no TV to watch here.

Mohawk was making guesses, while Sandel stared at the surveillance picture on the screen without speaking for a long time.

After a long moment of silence, Mohawk asked:

"Now...what do we do?"



Mohawk widened his eyes:

"They are all surrounded now..."

"I said retreat!! Don't make me repeat it a third time!!"

Sandor yelled at the new security chief.

In just a few minutes, Sandel had made a wise decision.

Since there is a TV station here, it proves that the public has determined where the New Mutants are hiding.

During the live broadcast on the TV station, in full view of the public, if Sandor still insists on carrying out the tasks assigned by the Alkali Group, then the Alkali Group will be condemned by public opinion.

After all, they were attacking a group of underage children with heavy weapons.

Regardless of whether they are mutants or not, those who do such things can be slapped on the pillar of shame by the public.

At that time, the Alkali Group will have even less room to turn around.

All enemies will use this as an excuse to attack them.

On the contrary, if these children are allowed to leave, the Alkali Group will not suffer much loss for the time being.

Indeed, their very existence is proof of the inhumane things they did to the Alkali Group.

But Alkali Group also has a public relations department. As long as the public relations department starts a war of words online, within a few months, the popularity will subside and not many people will pay attention to this matter.

By then Alkali Group will have more options to solve the problem.

Sandel's decision was very smart. If anyone else had come here, he might not have had a better solution.

This may be the best solution in the current situation.

But unfortunately... rational judgment cannot defeat cheats.

Someone was not going to delay any longer with them, let alone allow them to retreat like this.

Just when Sandel was about to retreat, among the military armed forces on standby in the rear, the missile launcher on a missile launch vehicle suddenly rose and, under everyone's shocked eyes, directed towards the distant observation tower. direction, missiles were launched in unison.

The missiles flew together, flying into the distance with tail flames. Under Sandel's shocked and desperate eyes, they landed in the uninhabited valley below the watchtower.


In an instant, flames shot into the sky.

Time goes back slightly to three minutes before the missile was launched.

Kevin held the mobile phone in one hand and the device given by Rocket in the other hand. He connected the mobile phone with a data cable and invaded the military console not far away.

Through the surveillance of the seabirds he bought in the market, Kevin had already discovered the Alkali Group and his party who were waiting in the distance.

At the same time, I also discovered the TV station coming here.

The actors are already in place and the camera is pointed. At such a critical moment, wouldn't it be a pity if the Alkali Group retreated and retreated?

So Kevin decided to 'help' them a little.

"The hero is ready. It would be rude for the villain to leave..."

Kevin muttered in his heart, and successfully invaded a military missile launch pad with his handheld device.

But just as he was about to launch the missile, Logan walked over to him and said to him:

"We have already agreed that we will send them to a shelter over in Canada...

"But Charles suddenly remembered that you were planning to use the Internet to deal with Alkali, so he asked me to come over and ask you, are you going to follow us, or...continue to do your thing?"

"Before I answer your question, I need to confirm. Are you sure there is a shelter over there in Canada?"

Kevin stopped what he was doing, looked up and asked.

"This...that guy Rector said that, what? Do you suspect there is something wrong with the shelter?"

"It's not that I suspect there is a problem with the asylum, but I think there will be no results if they continue to escape. The Alkali Group has a wide range of influence, so what if they accept asylum from Canada?

"At that time, under the pressure of the Alkali Group, many people will probably choose to hand them over in exchange for benefits. Children do not understand these issues. I think you should understand, Logan."

In fact, Kevin doesn't know what the situation is like in the shelters in Canada.

But the best scenario Kevin can think of is that a group of mutants who escaped from the city gather together to form a shelter, which can provide some shelter to the mutants.

But facing the Alkali Group and the evil of the entire world, such a shelter is obviously of little use.

If we want to solve the mutant plight, I'm afraid we have to continue Kevin's method.

Use public opinion to make everyone realize that mutants are also living beings and are members of this world.

Logan, who has lived for so long, knows very well that what Kevin said, that Alkali will come to his door is not impossible.

But he was not the leader of those children, Rector was.

And Charles also wanted to follow them to the shelter, so after thinking for a while, Logan said:

"No matter what, we should go to the shelter first and take a look. Once we are sure that the situation there is really bad, we can think of other ways."

"That's what I said, but I'm afraid we don't have time anymore."

Kevin sighed.

Logan was puzzled:

"What's the meaning?"

Kevin pressed the button on his phone calmly, seemingly thinking about something to say to Logan.

But just then——

Boom! ! ! !

In the valley below the watchtower, there was a violent explosion, and violent vibrations and sound waves shattered the glass of the mountain hut.

Kevin and Logan were unable to stand still due to the shock and subconsciously grabbed the furniture beside them. Then they heard the screams of children coming from outside the wooden house.

The shock lasted for a while, and when it subsided, Kevin and Logan quickly rushed out of the cabin and looked outside.

After confirming that all the children and Charles Caliban were there, Logan hurriedly asked:

"What's wrong? What happened?!"

No one answered Logan's question, and the children were shocked by the sudden change and couldn't calm down for a long time.

Only Kevin patted Logan on the shoulder, pointed to the woods in the distance and said:

"Logan, look over there."

"...What's over there? I can't see clearly now!"

Logan now needs to wear reading glasses even to watch the video. It is really difficult for him to distinguish the people from the Alkali Group in the distance.

Kevin was speechless for a moment, then quickly said:

"It's people from the Alkali Group! And this is what I'm worried about, they won't let these children go, no matter where they go!"

"Are they crazy?! How dare they throw missiles here?!"

When he heard that the Alkali Group had done it and confirmed the type of weapons detonated in the valley below, Logan became surprisingly angry.

"Not only that... they brought the army."

Kevin used his five senses that were far beyond ordinary people to 'see' everything in the distance, and said to everyone with a solemn expression.

The children's leader, Rector, no longer hesitated when he heard this. He immediately said to everyone:

"We are leaving here, now, immediately! Everyone pack up their things and run to the border!!"

"You guys run first, I will try to help you hold them back!"

Kevin rolled up his sleeves and spoke to the children seriously. At the same time, he turned his phone into recording mode and put it in his chest pocket.

At this moment, his expression was serious and resolute, like a soldier about to go to the battlefield to die.

Of course, this is just acting, in order to better perform the drama he directed.

And perhaps because he knew what Kevin was going to do, Caliban actually cooperated and said:

"Your ability is to control water...but there is no water around here at all. What are you going to do to stop them?"

Kevin pointed at him with his finger, and then said helplessly:

"There will be a way, trust me."

"I'm here to help you." Logan said suddenly. He looked at Rector: "The potion you prepared before should still be there, right? Give it to me, and Kevin and I will help you hold them off."

The medicine Logan was talking about was a special medicine that enhanced the abilities of these mutants.

As mutants born the day after tomorrow, their abilities are actually not very strong. This may be because they have not grown up yet and their abilities have not been tempered.

But after being injected with the medicine cultivated by the Alkali Group, their abilities will be instantly enhanced.

And this potion is also effective on old mutants.

Rector took out the potion earlier as a reward for Logan and the others for sending Laura here, but Logan never thought of using it.

But now, the Alkali Group has come to the door. If Logan does not help, he can only watch these children being taken back by Alkali and cleaned up.

And it will also cause Kevin to die here, which is something Logan doesn't want to see.

So he now chooses to inject the medicine and face the people of the Alkali Group and the military with Kevin later.

"Things aren't that bad yet, Logan..."

Kevin wanted to persuade him. He knew that Logan was in poor health and forced himself to fight. In the end, he would only die on the battlefield.

But Logan didn't want to be verbose anymore. He stopped Kevin from continuing and said:

"Things are already bad now! Kevin, we have no other choice now."

He said, extending his hand towards Lector.

Rector looked at him for a long time, and finally chose to put the potion and syringe in Logan's hand.

Rector respects Logan's choice.

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