"Aren't you going to find the person you're looking for?"

"No, the most important thing now is not to find her, but to settle the matter in Atlantis first."

Kevin wants to find Supergirl because he is worried that when he enters the Trench Country to find the Trident, Zod will invade the earth, but there will be no superheroes to fight against it.

Especially Supergirl.

Although looking at the performance in movies and TV series, she was killed by Zod again and again. The other little Flash in Flashpoint almost became Savitar. I don’t know how many times I saved her, but she would eventually die at the hands of Zod. .

It looks like she is quite weak.

But don't forget, it hasn't been a day since she ran out of the underground!

In just one day, he could have a good fight with Zod after just getting some sun. If nothing else, his potential was at least not weak.

Kevin thought that maybe he could let Supergirl bask in the sun for a few more days. Even if she couldn't defeat Zod, at least she wouldn't die so easily.

As long as Kevin can be dragged back to support, it will be Supergirl's victory.

Originally, Kevin had similar thoughts and wanted to save Supergirl.

But now that Atlantis has declared war on land, this makes Kevin less anxious to find Supergirl.

After all, once Zod really comes to Earth, the first people he will face will be the Atlanteans.

Zod wants to transform the earth into Krypton, but he has to ask the Atlanteans if they agree.

Maybe I can drag Paradise Island into the water by then!

With Paradise Island plus Atlantis, it shouldn't be a problem to delay the Kryptonians for a few days.

Now that Zod's problem has been solved for the time being, Kevin must of course turn his attention to his main mission.

Hearing what Kevin said, Mera became hesitant again.

She thought Kevin was going to save people first, so she decided to go back to Atlantis to meet Arthur and Snake first.

But if Kevin wants to set off to find the trident now, Mera can't wait a few more days.

In a few days, Atlantis and the land people should not have developed into a full-scale war.

"The location of Trench Country is far away from here. Walking underwater... we will be easily discovered by Arthur's people. We need a boat."

"Or a plane."

Kevin added.

Going to the Trench Country, even from the sea, is not particularly safe, especially since Atlantis has declared war on land. Any ship walking on the sea is vulnerable to attack by the Atlanteans.

So if you don't want the Atlanteans to cause trouble, it's best to hire a private plane to get there.

But this requires a lot of money, and Kevin may not have enough money.

Unless someone sponsors it.

As soon as Kevin thought of this, the phone on the table vibrated.

The origin of the phone number was unknown, but Kevin had a guess as to who was calling.


Answering the call, Kevin asked the person on the other end of the phone.

Bruce's old voice came:

"...I think you should have seen the news."

"Well, so you're going to help us?"

"If things are really as you said, if you can help you get the trident and you can settle this dispute, then I will help you... Okay, it's not convenient to talk on the phone, so come to my house to meet up."

Bruce spoke in a low tone and hung up the phone after speaking.

Believe Kevin, it is definitely not an easy thing for Bruce.

Kevin's origins are unknown. From his conversation with Mera, Bruce can also tell that he and Mera are not the same people.

If Mera is the princess of Zebel, what is Kevin's identity?

Batman, who was already suspicious, really didn't want to believe Kevin, which was why he never called Kevin.

But the declaration of war between the sea and the land forced Batman to contact Kevin.

He is already old, and with limited information, there is no way to prevent the war between the ocean kingdom and the human kingdom.

They can only rely on Kevin and Mera, the two 'Atlanteans' who seem to be on the side of humanity.

Kevin could probably guess some of Batman's thoughts, but he didn't care.

As long as Batman is willing to help him and let him find the Trident as soon as possible, it doesn't matter to Kevin whether the other party is wary of Kevin or has simply formulated a strategy against Kevin and Mera.

After confirming Batman's help, Kevin said to Mera:

"Bruce has decided to help me. We should be able to take his plane to the Trench Country. So now...do you want to go back to Atlantis? Or do you want to continue to be with me?"

Mera took a deep breath, turned to look at the news on the TV, and made a decision:

"...I seem to have no other choice now?"

"Let's go then. Don't keep Bruce waiting too long. By the way... I'll put this on later."

Before leaving, Kevin picked up a random hat he bought on the roadside and threw it to Mera.

Fortunately, there were not many people when they ate at this fast food restaurant, and the location was relatively remote, so no one noticed that the Princess of Zebel Kingdom mentioned on TV was here.

But I will definitely not be so lucky when I get out.

So at least a certain amount of disguise is required to avoid provoking the human government when the time comes.

After meeting up with Batman, no one was talking nonsense.

After getting the address of the Trench Country from Mera, Batman shaved off his beard, put on his old suit, took Kevin and Mera, and took the Bat Fighter straight to the coordinates of the Trench Country.

On the plane, Mera, who was riding a vehicle flying in the sky for the first time, looked out the window with curiosity in her eyes.

She looked out the window at the land and ocean below, her eyes sparkling.

"It turns out that looking down at the sea from the sky is like this... it seems... everything has become smaller."

Mera murmured.

The closer you get to the sky and looking down at the ground from the sky, the smaller you feel.

Everything, whether human or Atlantean, is just insignificant dust when viewed in the sky.

Not even as good as an ant.

"If you could go to space and look at the Earth from space orbit, the things you see would become smaller."


"Beyond the planet, you should have the concept of a planet."

"Yes, but we never left Earth."

Mera answered truthfully.

In the past, when Atlantis was still on land, it might have developed the power to travel beyond the planet.

But when the kingdom of Atlantis sank to the bottom of the sea and all members became undersea people, their gaze could no longer extend to the sky.

The vast seabed is everything to them.

So despite the fact that Atlantis' underwater technology is extremely advanced, if they really want to attack people on the ground or in the sky, what they can think of is to use ancient water magic to erode the ground.

Or let the continent sink into the sea.

But he never thought of attacking from the sky.

Because that's not their area of ​​expertise.

Of course, this does not mean that they are really unable to deal with enemies from the sky. They are not good at fighting in the sky and cannot shoot down enemies in the sky. These are two different things.

Mera and Kevin talked. Batman, who was acting as the driver, heard the conversation between the two and said to Kevin:

"Listen to what you said, have you ever been to space?"

"I have been. I have been to other planets and interacted with people on other planets."

Kevin made no secret of this.

Although the alien planet Kevin went to is the Marvel world and has nothing to do with the DC world, Kevin is also a person who has been to outer space and has a say in this aspect.

"So you're not Atlantean."

"That's not important, Batman. What's important is that I will help you get through this."

There are not many people Batman can rely on now. If he wants to solve the problem of Atlantis, he can only rely on Kevin and Mera.

In other words, Kevin can only rely on him.

After all, even if Mera is handed over now, Atlantis will not stop declaring war on humans. If you want Atlantis to lie dormant, you still need more powerful force to suppress them.

And if the legendary trident that Kevin mentioned really has the ability to rule the entire ocean world, Kevin can successfully obtain the trident.

There is no doubt that Kevin is the 'powerful force' that Batman needs.

The premise is that Kevin will really help mankind after getting the trident as he said.

Batman still doesn't trust Kevin.

Mera, the princess of Zebel Kingdom, also said that Kevin is full of lies and is really untrustworthy.

But there is no way, now Batman has no other choice except Kevin.

"High-energy reaction detected on the seafloor——"

After flying for an unknown amount of time, Batman in the Batfighter suddenly made a voice in the sky.

On the way to Trench Country, the Bat fighter's radar system detected a high-energy response on the seafloor.

This is undoubtedly technology from Atlantis.

Because it needs to detect the seabed route below, the fighter plane basically flies close to the sea and is not very far from the sea.

Therefore, the Atlanteans discovered the Bat fighter in the sky, and as if they had confirmed something, they launched an attack without even saying hello!

High-power water cannons shot through the sea into the sky. Batman only had time to remind Mera and Kevin behind him before he had to control the fighter plane to maneuver in the sky to avoid attacks from the bottom of the sea.

"How far is it from Trench Country now?"

Kevin turned to ask Mera. Mera looked at the submarine map specially designed for her on the fighter plane and spoke very quickly:

"It's not far! But the problem is that we can't go down to the Trench Country at all!"

"No need to worry about this problem! We can just jump down when the time comes!"

"Jump down?!" Mera was shocked: "Do you know what you are talking about! Going straight into the hinterland of the Trench Country without sufficient preparation is risking death!"

"Then do you have any other options now?"


Mera suddenly fell silent.

Batman heard the brief quarrel between the two and knew that the two had reached a 'consensus' to some extent, so he said to them:

"Now that I've decided, I'll speed up!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Batman pushed the power lever inside the fighter plane. With the huge pushing force, the fighter plane accelerated again, reaching the top speed of Mach 2 in a short time!

Atlantis' undersea technology is indeed fast, but compared to the Bat fighter that can fly in the air, their speed is still a bit slow.

In just a few seconds, the Bat Fighter, which reached its ultimate speed, had already thrown away the undersea aircraft below.

But despite getting rid of the high-tech devices from Atlantis, Batman's expression was not at all relaxed.

Because just a few seconds after the Bat Fighter picked up speed, a black spot gradually approached the fighter on the radar.

The black spot is so small that it can easily catch up with the Bat fighter that is already moving at full speed underwater!

Upon seeing this, Batman immediately asked Mera:

"Does Atlantis have any other secret weapons?"


"Something is catching up!"

"It's Arthur the Sea King!"

Kevin, who used deep sea perception to observe the bottom of the sea, also showed surprise:

"Is he so fast in the sea?"

The person who caught up under the water turned out to be the King of the Sea, Arthur himself.

He holds the pentadent of the Kingdom of Atlantis, his feet are pushed by the sea water, and he shuttles underwater at a speed that is not inferior to that of the Bat Fighter!

The speed of the Bat Fighter is now a little over Mach 2. Since Arthur can catch up with the Bat Fighter, it proves that his speed has also reached Mach 2!

Arthur in the movie has never shown such high speed!

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