Become Aquaman from Black Robe

Chapter 233 The Hidden Sea

The fish monsters no longer pose any threat to Kevin and Mera.

While Kevin used water magic, he took Mera to swim deeper into the trench. In this place, known as the place of death by the Atlanteans, the two of them were as leisurely as if they were on an outing.

Mera knew that the reason for all this was the man beside her.

His water magic has almost exceeded the scope of magic.

That's a miracle.

At least in Mera's impression, if you want to control thousands of meters of seawater, you need at least a few or even a dozen water magicians to unite.

But Kevin did it on his own.

Even if Kevin had the blood of Atlan, he would not be able to master such powerful water magic unless...

He still has the blood of God in his body.

At this moment, Mera is even more convinced that Kevin may be the son of a god and the Atlanteans.

Or some demigod and Atlantean.

But after all, the other half of Kevin's mother was definitely not an ordinary person. This man named Kevin definitely had the blood of a god in his body.

The reason why he can cast such powerful water magic must be because of that half of his blood!

Mera believed so firmly in her heart that otherwise, Mera really couldn't accept that a person with only half Atlantean blood could actually use water magic like a natural disaster.

Kevin didn't know the complicated emotions in Mera's heart.

Even if he knew, he might not care.

Because he only has the target in front of him now, the underwater portal that is located deep in the trench country and emits a faint light.

The portal was far away from Kevin, so the light was not obvious.

But as Kevin and the portal gradually got closer, the light became brighter and brighter until it illuminated the entire seabed, making all the Trench Country monsters afraid to take a step closer.

"It actually...really exists..."

Mera, who was following Kevin, murmured when she saw the portal leading to who knows where.

She no longer cares about Kevin's identity. The portal that does exist in front of her eyes occupies all of Mera's mind.

The man next to me, who had wanted to find the legendary trident from the beginning, did not lie.

The legendary trident may actually exist.

"Going in."

Kevin didn't hesitate, he had already reached his destination, and it would be too silly to stay outside.

And Kevin has not forgotten that Arthur, the king of the sea, is still watching outside. He may be able to come in. As the current king of Atlantis, he definitely does not lack the courage to break into the land of death.

Although Kevin doesn't think Arthur is his opponent, he is still one of the strongest fighters in the Justice League. If he can avoid fighting with him, Kevin feels that it is better not to fight with him.

Because of trouble.

After confirming the location of the portal, Kevin jumped towards the distant portal and swam.

"Wait a minute! It'll tear you apart-!"

But when Kevin was about to enter the portal, Mera's voice came from behind.

The portal, although Kevin called it that, was actually a vortex that was constantly rotating with flash points released inside.

The whirlpool was more violent than the one created by Kevin's water magic just now, and with the flash points flashing inside, any creature that entered it might be torn to pieces by the whirlpool.

Mera knew that Kevin's water magic might be powerful, but she didn't know how strong Kevin's body was.

If you go in so rashly, you will most likely die in the whirlpool.

"If you are afraid, stay outside, little princess."


Mera's kind reminder was met with Kevin's slightly sarcastic words.

After Kevin finished speaking, he swam towards the whirlpool without looking back.

After being silent for a second, Mera gritted her teeth and followed closely.

The two of them rushed into the whirlpool one after another, into the real place of death where any creature could easily die.

The closer you get, the greater the resistance of the sea water.

Under the bombardment of thunder in the sea, even Kevin's body felt a slight pain.

The Thunder Vortex was trying to keep Kevin out, or rather it was trying to keep everything out.

But Kevin went deep into the whirlpool against huge resistance! Facing this real 'natural disaster', Kevin's face not only showed no seriousness, but instead showed a smile.

"That's all."

He commented like this.

This whirlpool just looks dangerous.

In the original movie, Arthur and Mera were not harmed after they rushed in. There is no reason that Kevin, who is stronger than Arthur, would be injured here.

So there is no need to worry, just rush over.

Kevin thought so and continued forward until he was engulfed by lightning.


Seeing Kevin disappear in the light of thunder, Mera shouted Kevin's name loudly.

Then the next moment, like Kevin, she was wrapped in a dazzling lightning.


Then Mera felt a roar in her ears, her body seemed to be thrown somewhere, and then she lost consciousness.

The lightning flashed, and the familiar feeling of teleportation came. When the lightning dissipated from Kevin's eyes, he realized that he had been transported to another sea area.

Staying at the bottom of the sea for a while, thinking about the feeling when he was teleported just now, Kevin had some vague guesses about the ability of teleportation.

Be it teleportation across time and space, or teleportation within the world.

The essence of teleportation is the use of spatial ability, and Kevin's magic pattern seems to be able to do something similar.

For example, during the teleportation to the DC world this time, Kevin saw runes in the white light.

This time, when he teleported from the outer sea to this place known as the Hidden Sea, he also felt a similar feeling when traveling through the world.

Kevin was thinking, if he could master this teleportation power, would he not need skill points to open the teleportation channel in the future, thus saving a skill point?

Furthermore, if he mastered the power to travel through the world without the skill tree, could Kevin take people to other worlds at will?

For example, an old wolf who wanted to retire.

"Well... let's study it later, now..."

Kevin thought for a while and stopped thinking about it.

Because now is not the time to think about these things, and Mera teleported not far from Kevin, but she was weak and had fainted at the moment, and was about to face the fate of being swallowed by a large creature on the seabed.

With the idea of ​​saving it, Kevin rushed to the large creature at a speed of Mach 1, knocking it over with a brutal collision.

Then he hugged Mera and took her to the island next to him.

Coming out of the water and arriving on the island of the Hidden Sea, Kevin casually threw Mera on the ground, as if treating her like a cargo, and then looked up at this "Lost Island".

This island doesn't look very big, but it is very beautiful.

On the towering peaks, surrounded by shade, water from nowhere falls from the top of the peaks to form waterfalls.

Around the peaks, special creations with crystal clear gem-like appearance are inlaid on them like lamps. The rainbow light generated by the mist reflects in these crystalline objects, making this place look like a fairyland.

And in this mountain, several pterosaur-like creatures swooped down and flew high. On the ground, more creatures that can only be seen in ancient times strolled leisurely.

For a moment, Kevin felt that he was not teleported to the Hidden Sea in the same era, but to an unknown distance in the past.

"King Atlan is quite good at finding a place for himself."

Kevin finally made such an evaluation.


When Kevin looked at the scenery in front of him, Mera, who was thrown to the ground by him, also woke up slowly at this moment.

She coughed twice and opened her eyes. When she noticed Kevin beside her, she asked a little blankly:

"...We...succeeded, or..."

"We are dead."

Kevin's tone suddenly became heavy.

Mera's eyes widened in an instant. She almost jumped up from the ground and asked loudly:

"What did you say!?"

Perhaps because she was too shocked, her voice was a little sharp.

Kevin looked regretful:

"Alas, I didn't expect the power of the vortex to be so strong. It tore us into pieces in the end. This is my miscalculation..."

"Dead...? We...are...dead?"

Kevin's words of apology went in Mera's left ear and ran out of the right ear. She didn't hear what Kevin said at all.

Mera was just confused. She died without doing anything and without any pain.

But... Having said that...

Can the dead still feel pain?

Mera felt a faint pain all over her body. It was the residual pain caused by the lightning when she was crossing the underwater whirlpool just now.

Although Mera was not very clear about the afterlife, generally speaking, after death, one should not feel anything.

Why can she still feel pain?

The pain in her body made Mera frown. She turned her head to look at Kevin. When she noticed the smile in Kevin's eyes that was about to be suppressed, Mera understood everything instantly.


She interrupted Kevin's "heavy" apology.


"You are a liar..."

"Pfft... It's okay, not as stupid as you think."

"Big liar!!"

Mera grabbed a stone on the ground and threw it at Kevin.

Kevin, who had teased Mera for a while, happily dodged the stones thrown by the other party and said with a smile:

"Okay, wake up quickly when you wake up, we are here, this is the location of the legendary trident."


Mera, who thought she was really dead and almost cried, stood up and glared at Kevin hatefully.

But soon her eyes were attracted by the beautiful scenery on the island, and her eyes could not move away from those shining crystal stones.

Kevin ignored her.

Anyway, with Mera's strength, as long as she didn't lose consciousness, there would be no problem walking sideways on this island, and there was no need to worry about her.

Compared with Mera, the trident is more important.

At this point, Kevin already knew that the legendary trident was under the waterfall not far away based on his impression in the movie.

Cross the waterfall and go to the deep sea below the waterfall. After passing the test of the sea monster Krasen, Kevin can touch the trident and successfully complete this job transfer task.

Kevin looked at the waterfall, and Mera also came back to her senses from the surrounding scenery.

She turned around and looked around, and asked:

"Are you sure the trident is here? Why can't I see the trident?"

"The trident is not something that is displayed outside in plain sight. See the waterfall over there? It's behind the waterfall."

Kevin pointed at the waterfall and turned to Mera and said:

"I know you came with me because you wanted the trident, and I can guarantee that if the trident is no longer useful to me, I will give it to you. Before that, you can't bother me to get it. Trident, otherwise..."

Kevin is giving Mera a vaccination in advance.

He knew the purpose of Mera coming here with him, and he didn't care what Mera wanted to do.

Anyway, according to the previous routine of the skill tree, he only needs to touch the trident to gain some kind of power inside. Even if the job transfer is completed, it is not impossible to throw the trident to Mera afterwards.

But the premise is that Mera cannot disturb him.

Otherwise, Kevin could save her or kill her.

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