Become Aquaman from Black Robe

Chapter 236 New Skills

It turns out that the skill tree is not disappearing, but is just preparing for the revision.

It's just that the new version of the skill tree is not much different from the original version in terms of the number of skills.

At most, the color of the icon has changed, and the two skill lines of [Deep Sea Fighter] and [Ocean Mage] have been merged to a certain extent.

The Deep Sea Demon Pattern, which originally belonged to the fighter system, became something on the same line as the mage's transformation system.

The two systems are indistinguishable from each other. The icons of [Deep Sea Fighter] and [Deep Sea Mage] in front of them all disappeared and changed to another icon.

The deep-sea swordsmanship and other skills that Kevin had not lit up originally were all merged into new skills.

That is the new skill of [Ocean Lord].

After changing his profession, the Ocean Lord has a total of three large-scale basic skills.

The first one is what Kevin just mentioned, the passive skill that encompasses all fighting skills, [Lord's Martial Arts].

It doesn't sound like something Western-style, but that's not important. What's important is the actual ability of this skill.

From the description, Kevin can tell that this passive skill is very powerful.

This skill gives Kevin two fighting skills. One is that after lighting this skill, Kevin can acquire all types of fighting skills, including hot and cold weapons.

Another is that after this ability is turned on, when you obtain a famous weapon and touch the weapon, there is a certain probability of obtaining all the fighting skills of the weapon owner.

The former integrates Kevin's fighting skills, giving Kevin great potential in fighting.

The latter allows Kevin to learn other styles of fighting skills without a teacher, and this ability is not limited to cold weapons.

Some famous firearms can also give Kevin fighting skills.

For example...the art of gunfighting to bend bullets.

The second skill after changing to Ocean Lord is called [Lord’s Magic]. The name seems a bit difficult to understand.

But it’s easier to understand if we separate the word ‘magic theory’.

Magic, and understanding.

In short, it is the understanding of magic.

Mastering this skill, Kevin can start to create his own magic. At the same time, he can use [Shaping] magic to construct more realistic objects by understanding the various forms of water.

For example, when Kevin used water to shape extremely complex things such as pistols and vehicles, the most he could do was create an appearance. The internal structure was actually driven by Kevin's magic power.

But now that he has mastered [Lord's Magic], as long as Kevin understands the internal structure of the object, he can use shaping magic to accurately shape the entire object.

It doesn’t feel like it’s useful, but it adds a lot to Kevin’s breadth of skills.

For creations with a more sophisticated internal structure, Kevin does not have to expend too much energy to maintain the operation of the object. As long as it provides a little magic power, it can always exist.

This indirectly improves Kevin's battery life.

Moreover, this skill incorporates part of the magic patterns. When the level of this skill reaches a certain level, Kevin can create more magic patterns by combining the magic patterns.

It is not only limited to basic magic patterns such as 'strength' and 'defense', but there are more magic patterns that can be given abilities.

Maybe in the future he can create a true magic circle through various combinations of magic patterns!

Although the magic pattern requires Kevin to study and create it himself, it is obvious that... the future is promising!

These two skills are the advanced extensions of the two professions [Deep Sea Fighter] and [Ocean Mage]. They directly include all skills, allowing Kevin's previous skills to be completely integrated.

Apart from these two, the remaining skill has a little to do with space.

[Lord’s Treasure House].

is the name of this basic ability.

From the ability description, Kevin can tell that this is a special skill that can store items.

After getting the skill tree for so long, he finally got something that the male protagonist in ordinary novels would get, storage space!

If he had had storage space before, the things he brought would not have been crushed by the sea water...

Kevin was a little excited to get the storage space, but he soon discovered that he was happy too early.

Because this ability has a serious limitation, it does not accept non-treasures.

Things that can be thrown into the treasure house by Kevin must be rare items from the world, such as the Infinity Stones in the Marvel world, Thor's Meowth Hammer, Captain America's shield, and Iron Man's Mark series armor.

Or maybe it's the adamantium creation in the X-Men world, Magneto's helmet that can isolate psychic abilities, which can barely be regarded as a rare treasure.

In the DC world, the only thing that can be stored in the treasure house is the trident...

"Wait a minute...don't you really want to take it away?!"

Just as Kevin thought about the trident, he found that the trident that was supposed to be in his hand had disappeared.

It lay quietly in Kevin's [Lord's Treasure House], quietly emitting light.

Kevin was quite speechless when he saw this.

This is the treasure of Atlantis. Kevin never thought about taking this thing away at first. After all, this thing will not improve Kevin's combat power much. Apart from looking good, it doesn't seem to have any effect. Other functions.

And it will also make the ocean world of the Flashpoint universe a mess.

Kevin was thinking that after being exposed to the trident and changing jobs, he would let Mera hold the trident and make her the queen who rules the underwater world.

I will go to land to deal with Supergirl and Zod who will appear in the future, and use some skill points to light up my new skills.

Kevin has no intention of becoming the king of the sea in the DC world. If he really takes the trident away, Kevin will not be annoyed to death by those people in the Kingdom of Atlantis when he returns to the DC world.

But the result...

After Bao Ku took the trident away, he didn't want to spit it out.

It's like Kevin must take this thing, he can't do it without it.

"I've never seen you have this problem before. Don't you even look at the Power Stone and the Phoenix Power? Why do you just hold on to this trident..."

Kevin was helpless, but there was nothing he could do with the skill tree.

Well, I've seen it all. This is a newly opened treasure trove in the skill tree. I don't want him to throw away the trident. Kevin has nothing to do with him.

Making excuses to himself mentally, Kevin quickly put the incident behind him.

He took out the trident again and waved it a little. Then his body suddenly froze, and scenes of scenes flowed from the trident into his mind.

That was the scene when King Atlan was practicing his trident.

[Lord's Martial Arts], this skill that Kevin had just upgraded to level 1 came into play. King Atlan's use of the trident and combat skills were injected into Kevin's mind through a special method.

Although these combat experiences were somewhat fragmented due to his low skill level, they made Kevin more comfortable using the trident.

Originally, Kevin was not particularly good at using tridents. He always used various methods to create tridents to fight with others, because this was more in line with the title of "Aquaman".

Even the title of ‘Poseidon’.

Didn’t you see that Poseidon, the god of the sea, uses a trident?

But in fact, Kevin knows nothing about the fighting skills of the trident. The best way to fight is to wave it and then... stick it through.

Just like Runtu looking for trouble in the ground.

But now, with King Atlan's experience in using the trident, Kevin can become a trident master in no time, at least he knows how to use it.

This legendary trident is not considered a dishonor to Kevin's reputation.

Kevin was playing with the trident there, and suddenly, an unbelievable shout sounded from a distance:

"This...impossible! Why...can you be recognized by the Trident!!"

It was Klassen who had fainted from the pain just now.

It had woken up at this moment, sensed the trident in Kevin's hand, and made an unacceptable sound.

There have been so many challengers with Atlan blood in the past. They all tried to pick up the Trident, but in the end they failed to get the Trident's recognition and became the food of Klassen.

It stands to reason that Kevin, who does not have any Atlan blood in his body, is even less likely to be recognized by the Trident.

But the fact that Kevin has obtained the trident is right in front of him.

This made Klassen's big head a little unable to turn around.

Doesn't it mean that only descendants recognized by Atlan can pick up the trident...?

Then why did he fight so hard just now?

Klassen was confused.

Kevin turned around and faced Klassen.

He stood the trident forward, and ripples emanated from the front of the trident, heading straight for the sea monster Clason in the distance.

"Kneel down and surrender!"

Kevin didn't waste any time and used the trident's ability to control marine life to control the sea monster Clasen in front of him.

Under the power of the trident and the order of the new King of the Sea, Klassen, who had lost his pliers, bent his six mountain-like legs and knelt down in front of Kevin.

"Meet...the new king——!"

The unruly Klassen has now become Kevin's subordinate, and he is still willing to do so.

It doesn’t matter if you don’t do it willingly.

I can't beat him. Now that the trident is in his hands, what else can he do except be obedient?

It would be too much of a loss to be beaten to death by the opponent and turned into a crab dinner.

"I actually still like your unruly look just now, please recover."

Facing Klassen's submission, Kevin smiled and joked.

But Klassen didn't find anything funny. His huge body knelt down in front of Kevin, not daring to speak.

There was no response to the memes thrown out, which made Kevin feel bored.

But seeing Klassen's body, Kevin suddenly thought of something, opened the skill tree and looked at the [Water Creature Summoning] skill.

Speaking of which... the giant sea monster in front of me can also be regarded as a water creature, right?

Mera hid behind the pillar, staring nervously at the waterfall in the distance.

The ground suddenly shook just now, and the rocks above and the shiny crystals all fell down due to the vibration.

This forced Mera to quickly hide to avoid being hit by things above.

But at the same time, she also became worried about Kevin.

Obviously, the abnormal vibration just now was most likely related to Kevin. Maybe Kevin encountered some trouble underwater.

Mera didn't know what was happening below. She didn't know what Kevin was going through, so she didn't dare to go down to confirm the situation. She could only stay outside and look toward the waterfall in fear, hoping that Kevin would come back.

But she was also prepared for Kevin not to come back.


Saying Kevin's name, Mera stared at the waterfall in a trance.

And suddenly, her eyes lit up, and the gloomy aura caused by worrying about Kevin was swept away, and her expression became clear again.

Because she saw the figure in the waterfall.

The figure came out of the waterfall holding a trident.

That was Kevin.

He successfully found the Trident and was recognized by the Trident, becoming the new generation of King of the Sea!

Mera didn't know how she felt at that moment.

There was excitement, reluctance, and some inexplicable joy and relaxation. She looked at Kevin holding the trident, and there was something unclear in her eyes.

Kevin's appearance gave her an extra dreamy filter.


Kevin walked up to her and 'broken' the filter with his own hands.

"Hey, you're looking at me like that and you're obsessed with me? But don't, I have a fiancée."


Well, when Kevin spoke, Mera realized that the filters just now were all fake.

Kevin is still the bastard who likes to tease her.

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