Become Aquaman from Black Robe

Chapter 249 Division of Labor and Cooperation

In addition to one set of Genesis Engine starting devices in Zod's hand, the space battleship on standby above also has one.

Zod can't get around to starting the Genesis Engine now, but the Kryptonian in the battleship above can.

Seeing that the Kryptonians are now unable to advance due to the delays of Atlanteans and humans, Zod can only let the standby personnel above control the Creation Engine to transform the earth.

Zod and the others, in turn, held back these earthlings who might stand in their way.

The Kryptonian spacecraft staying in Earth's space orbit split into two in the sky.

Part of it went straight to the Indian Ocean on the other side of the world, and the other part headed towards the metropolis.

God knows why Zod likes Metropolis so much. No matter what the circumstances and which parallel universe, he will choose one of the locations of the Creation Engine here.

The Genesis Engine was about to start, and Kevin had just used the trident to stabilize his body.

He looked at the Kryptonian spaceship above that was heading towards Metropolis, and Kevin suddenly whispered:

"Kara, I don't care where you are or what you are doing now, you must prevent the engine from entering the city! Find a way to destroy it!!"

Kara is not on the battlefield, but Kevin is sure that with Kara's current vision and hearing, she can see the situation on Kevin's side and hear what Kevin says.

After saying this to Kara, who didn't know where to recharge her batteries, Kevin raised his head and looked at Zod.

"And I... will take down Zod here, and Earth depends on you, Supergirl."

After finishing his words, Kevin turned the trident, holding the handle tightly with both hands so that the tip pointed upward.

Layers of invisible ripples emanated from the trident, and Kevin used all his strength to use water magic to control the sea to form a tsunami.

The waves on the sea were rough, and the tsunami almost covered Klassen's body.

Seeing that the thousand-meter-high wave wall was about to fall, he saw the wall rolling up to both sides.

In the blink of an eye, a waterspout reaching into the sky appeared on the battlefield!

Kevin controlled the waterspout to impact the Kryptonian battleship above, roll it up and throw it high into the sky to prevent them from attacking the human army on the ground.

At the same time, it also controls a part of the water flow to condense into ice, and it falls towards Zod like a heavy rain!


The ice rain formed almost instantly.

Before Zod could do anything to Kevin, those ice spikes had already landed on him!

With his hands in front of his mask, Zod welcomed the ice spikes that flew out like bullets.

Zod's suit is indeed very strong and can easily block even machine gun bullets.

But water droplets can penetrate stone, and no matter how strong the protective clothing is, it will have a limit.

Kevin's ice spikes were almost endless and had magical power attached to them. After hitting for more than ten seconds, some cracks finally appeared on Zod's armor.

The cracks were not obvious at first, but soon they spread from subtle places to the gauntlets of Zod's hands.

When more and more ice spikes fell on it, Zod's gauntlet finally shattered!


His hands were exposed to the air, and then were stabbed by more ice spikes, and blood flowed from the places where he was stabbed.

It's now! !

Kevin keenly captured the blood flowing from Zod's body.

His eyes suddenly lit up, and blue light flashed in his pupils.

The blood on Zod's hand began to float in one direction in violation of the laws of physics, and then more and more floated and flowed more and more.

In the end, the blood was like a faucet that couldn't be turned off, spraying out!

Because of the force field isolation of Zod's suit, Kevin could only control the blood through the gap in his arm.

This efficiency is indeed very low, but even so, at this flow rate, Zod will fall into coma due to excessive blood loss in less than a minute!

That's right, as long as Zod continues to bleed, he will die without being strengthened.

Kevin's goal has been half achieved.

But at this critical moment, Kevin's body suddenly shook, and he and the trident were hugged by someone, and he quickly left the original battlefield with Zod.


Kevin's eyes widened at the sudden attack.

He looked down at his waist and saw a pair of slender arms wrapped in armor tightly wrapped around him. He turned to look behind him and saw Zod's female adjutant.

Kevin remembers her name being...



Seeing that he was about to kill Zod, but was blocked by Fiora, Kevin couldn't help but cursed secretly.

Even though he knew it wasn't that easy to kill Zod, it still made people feel unhappy if someone disrupted his original plan.

But there was no time to think about this now. When Fiora hugged him and exposed the same arm blade as Zod, Kevin grabbed her wrist with one hand.

The other hand holding the trident did not launch a counterattack against Fiora, but instead pointed toward the sky.

Following Kevin's actions, in just a few seconds, the sky was covered with dark clouds, blocking the sunlight falling from above.

Being interrupted by Fiora from casting a spell was nothing.

The key is to keep Zod out of the sun.

Otherwise, with Zod's adaptability, in less than three seconds, he would be able to acquire the superpowers that originally took Superman more than ten years to adapt to.

Then Zod will be really difficult to defeat.

Fortunately, the sunlight had been cut off when the waves started, and now Kevin has blocked the sky again, so Zod did not get sunlight on the earth from beginning to end.

After confirming that the sky was blocked, Kevin took Fiora to stabilize his body and stay on land far away from the sea.

The trident was inserted into the ground. Kevin grabbed Fiora's arm with one hand and said coldly:

"I have to say that you made the wrong decision. You should not interrupt my duel with him."

"Really?" Looking at Kevin, Fiora provocatively said, "But I think your opponent should be me."

Their eyes collided in the air.

The next second, the two of them suddenly moved at the same time.

The blade on Fiora's right fist quickly stabbed Kevin, and Kevin also swung the trident and hit Fiora on the left side of the abdomen.

Kevin was holding a long weapon, so normally he should have the advantage in this battle.

But now it was Fiora who was fighting close to each other. Their limbs collided with each other and they were unable to distance themselves for the time being. They could only attack with fists and feet.

Fortunately, this situation did not last long.

The strength of the two of them was too strong. In just a few encounters, they were separated due to the collision of their powerful forces.

The shock wave spread out in all directions at the center of the collision between the two, blowing out craters with cracked patterns on the soft ground.

Facing Fiora who flew out, Kevin did not catch up immediately. Holding the trident, he used water magic again.

But this time he was not casting ice magic, but another variation of water magic.


In an instant, a thick fog covered the battlefield between him and Fiora.

The Genesis Engine flies toward Metropolis at extremely fast speeds.

Kara, who had already changed into combat clothes and was floating above the clouds to shine on the sun, stared at the Genesis Engine flying towards Metropolis. After a slight hesitation, she quickly approached the Genesis Engine.

The body of the Creation Engine is a spaceship, which is the technology left behind by Kryptonians found on other planets.

When it releases energy, it can simulate the environment of Krypton and transform the planet into a place similar to Krypton.

In other words, if the Genesis Engine is activated and Kara gets too close, she will temporarily lose her superpowers due to the environment similar to Krypton.

However, the current creation engine has not yet started.

It's just flying towards its destination.

"This is your chance, Kara."

Kara remembered what Kevin told her before leaving: "I will try my best to prevent the creation of the Genesis Engine, but Zod probably won't leave the creation of the Genesis Engine to him alone.

"So, once we fail and fail to stop the Creation Engine, it's time for you to appear. You have to use your fastest speed to destroy the Creation Engine before it starts, and then..."

Kevin paused for a moment when he said this, and Kara also asked cooperatively:

"Shall I help you?"

Now that the Creation Engine is destroyed, Kara's mission is completed. She is free to choose to participate in the battlefield or do something else.

But Kevin shook his head and said:

"No, you're going to destroy another Genesis Engine."


"Zod's Creation Engine is divided into two parts. Together they are the spacecraft that is currently in outer space. When the Creation Engine starts, the spacecraft will separate again.

"So destroying only one side will only avoid the risk of the earth being transformed. There is also another side that is destroying the environment on the other side of the earth. If you want to stop this, you can only destroy the two creation engines at the same time."

"So, when you asked me to help, you didn't actually want me to help you fight Zod. You just wanted me to help you destroy the Genesis Engine."

"Isn't it obvious?"

Kevin said to Kara with a smile.

Kara's memory ends here.

Her eyes reflected the Kryptonian ship heading towards Metropolis, and her mind was racing with thoughts.

Destroying the spaceship in front of you means destroying the Kryptonians still inside.

They are Kara's tribe, and unlike Karl, who has lived on Earth since childhood, Kara lived on Krypton at least from childhood to adolescence.

Her feelings for Krypton and her people are greater than Superman who is already considered a human on Earth.

So killing his own people personally made Kara feel depressed.


Thinking of rescuing Kevin and the others, as well as the billions of lives on earth, Kara threw away the hesitation in her mind.

People on Earth have done terrible things to Kara, and Kara doesn't like Earth people very much.

But there are not only earthlings on the earth.

While basking in the sun that day, I don’t know if it was Kevin’s intention, but he deliberately showed Kara many images and photos of animals.

Pets such as cats, dogs, hamsters, and beasts such as ligers, tigers, and bears running in the wilderness.

Diverse ecology makes up the entire earth.

Kara didn't like humans and didn't know much about the Atlanteans, but she did like those fuzzy things.

Humans, as well as the Atlanteans, Kara doesn't care about their life or death.

But they are not the only ones on earth.

There are all kinds of creatures, and their number together is much greater than the number of people on earth!

Not for humanity, but for the entire planet.

If Kara thought so, she would feel much better.

After arranging her breathing again, Kara began to see the white mist that would be produced by breaking the sound barrier. She sped up again and rushed towards the Genesis Engine. After approaching the Genesis Engine, her eyes shone with scarlet light, shooting towards the spaceship carrying the Genesis Engine in the distance!

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