Become Aquaman from Black Robe

Chapter 252 The decision is yours, Klassen!

The armor Kevin wears is the armor specially built for him by the Atlanteans.

The overall fit is relatively close-fitting, and except for the lack of a helmet, it is very similar to the armor worn by King Zebel.

Therefore, it is more conspicuous from a distance, especially now when the sun is high.

Zod saw a shining silver point from a distance, flying together with the golden trident.

Facing the oncoming golden trident, Zod dodged and accurately held the trident in his hand.

Zod, who grabbed Kevin's weapon, immediately took the enemy's weapon and swung it towards Kevin!

The thrown trident became Zod's weapon. Kevin, who flew over, not only did not panic, but acted as if he didn't see the trident that Zod threw at him. He raised his right fist and aimed at Zod. Virtue falls.

Zod's strength is not diminished. With his strength and the strength of the trident, if he is hit by him, Kevin will at least end up flying back.

However, what Zod never expected was that when the trident was about to fall on Kevin, this golden artifact disappeared from Zod's hands very suddenly!

A sudden change determines the outcome of this collision.

The trident in Zod's hand disappeared, and his attack fell into the air. Instead, Kevin's fist hit him firmly in the face.

Boom! !

Zod's body flew out, and Kevin landed where Zod originally stood. With a flip of his right hand, the golden trident that had disappeared reappeared in his hand.

The Lord series skills and the Lord's Treasure House play a role. They can give attributes such as 'loyalty' to the things collected by the treasure house.

No matter where it is or in whose hands, once Kevin calls, the weapon will return to the vault.

That's why the trident in Zod's hand disappeared.

"Kara! Destroy the Genesis Engine! I'll stop Zod!"

Upon arrival, Kevin assigned Kara a task.

The missiles fired by Batman just now not only failed to injure Zod, but actually caused Kara, who was already controlled by Zod, to faint briefly.

Now that Kevin had arrived, Kara shook her head and stood up from the ground.

After hearing Kevin's order, Kara looked at Zod with a reluctant expression:

"But he killed Carl!!"

"I'll deal with him!! Go and destroy the engine!!!"

The engine has already started. If it's a little later, countless people will die at both ends of the earth.

Kevin's harsh words finally made Kara temporarily put aside her hatred.

She turned around and flew high into the sky, heading straight for the Genesis Engine that was already located in the center of the metropolis.

On the other side, Zod tore off the armor on his body that seemed to be in the way, and roared at Kevin:

"Deal with me? Do you really think you can beat me!? Earthling!!"

As he spoke, Zod's body had already flown into the air. In a very short period of time, Zod had learned to use biological force fields!

As soon as he finished speaking, Zod flew out like a rocket. In just a blink of an eye, Kevin discovered that the other party's figure had come to him from a distance!

The power of Kryptonians is indeed unreasonably strong in the DC world.

Kevin thinks that with a level six physique, he should be able to withstand Zod's blows and keep up with Zod's speed.

But in fact, when Zod really gained superhuman strength, Kevin couldn't see clearly the trajectory of his fist.

When he realized that he had been hit by Zod, Kevin's body had been shot high into the sky.

Then, before he could dodge or block, he felt a pain in his back and his body shot straight to the ground like a cannonball.

In just two or three seconds of fighting, Kevin was forced to withstand Zod's attack!

boom! ! !

When Kevin's body hit the ground, making a huge hole in the solid ground, Zod stopped attacking.

He was flying in the sky, looking directly at Kevin below:

"Is this your strength! Do you want to use this strength to stop me? Earthling?"

Zod's words were filled with anger and sarcasm.

Zod has reason to be angry.

It was because of Kevin that the only remaining members of his clan were dead and wounded. It was because of his appearance that the remaining Kryptonians suffered such huge losses on Earth.

Even if Zod hadn't been taken away in time, Zod himself would have died at the opponent's hands!

He knew that the other party was a strong man and a hero on the earth. Zod also admired the guy who could stand up for his planet.

However, this does not mean that he will be merciful.

On the contrary, it is precisely because people like Kevin exist on this earth that Zod wants to destroy everyone on the earth.

The best way to eliminate resistance is to kill all ethnic groups that may resist!

As long as all these people die, as long as the Secret Book of Life is obtained, even if Zod is the only Kryptonian left in the future, he can rebuild Krypton on Earth!

But before that, Zod must kill Kevin first.

Now lies the greatest threat before him.

"This is really..."

Lying in the pothole, Kevin felt the pain that he had not seen for a long time, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

The physical fitness improved by the skill tree is a comprehensive and even improvement, including strength, speed, reaction ability, and recovery ability.

Especially the defense and recovery power are among the best.

But perhaps it is precisely because it is too even that Kevin cannot match Wolverine in terms of resilience, cannot match Kryptonians in terms of strength, and is more than a step slower than some speedsters.

Now facing the Kryptonians who almost completely crushed Kevin in addition to his own recovery and defense, he could only be beaten passively.

No fighting ability or magic can be unleashed!

Zod wouldn't give him a chance to react!

That is to say, relying on his strong physique, Kevin can guarantee that he will not be beaten to death, and he can barely be "50-50" with Zod.

Well, if you can't kill the other party, the other party can't kill you either. It's reasonable to say it's a 50-50 split.

Kevin thought to amuse himself, but he had no intention of giving up.

Before coming, Kevin had already thought of such an outcome. Zod could not be defeated by him so easily.

Therefore, Kevin was already prepared.

"Kryptonians are truly the strongest ethnic group in the universe..."

Reluctantly getting up from the ground, Kevin interrupted Zod's actions with words before he was about to attack.

Hearing Kevin's praise of the Kryptonians, Zod's expression did not change. He was still hovering in the air, looking down at Kevin.

The oppressive feeling was just like Vegeta facing Frieza in his final form in Dragon Ball.

It felt as if the other party could crush Kevin to death in the next second.

"Are you going to surrender?"

After listening to Kevin's words and seeing that Kevin seemed to have no intention of fighting back, Zod asked calmly.

Kevin shook his head slightly, looked at Zod and said:

"I'm just sighing at the power of the Kryptonians. Your technology is very high. You have colonized countless planets. You can have superhuman strength with your suit. Once you receive the radiation of the earth's sunlight, you can become a real superman... …

"This power is innate, it is really enviable."

Kevin is truly envious of the Kryptonians' power.

If he had the same strength as a Kryptonian, he could become stronger just by basking in the sun, and he wouldn't have to work so hard for skill points.


Zedd didn't know what Kevin meant by saying this. It sounded like he was complaining self-defeatingly as if he knew he was going to lose.

But looking at the smile on Kevin's face, Zedd felt that was not the case.

Sure enough, after Kevin finished saying this, he dusted himself off and threw away the flimsy armor he was wearing, revealing his muscular body wearing only a black tight-fitting shirt. He grinned at Zod and said:

"It's just that sometimes you rely too much on technology or your own strength and ignore one thing."



Kevin faintly uttered a word, and Zod felt something was wrong.

He didn't explore the meaning of the word 'magic', nor did he give Kevin a chance to ramble on.

When it was determined that Kevin had no intention of surrender, Zod instantly disappeared from the place, and in less than a millisecond, he came to Kevin and strangled his neck.

But Kevin's tricks have already been used.

In the sky, a huge blue magic circle suddenly appeared.

This is another ability that is completely different from the ability Kevin used before.

In the past, no matter whether it was the magic pattern of the fighting system or the three magics of ice, water and mist of the magic system, no magic circle appeared when Kevin cast it.

But now Kevin summoned a magic circle.

Moreover, the scope of the magic circle is so huge that it almost completely blocks the sky in this area!

This is not a fighting system or a magic system.

This is the summoning system.

Summoning system magic - water creature summoning!

In order to be able to use Clasen as his summon, Kevin had previously upgraded the level of water creature summoning and water creature affinity.

The affinity level for water creatures has been raised to level four, and the summoning of water creatures has been raised to level five by Kevin!

Because of this, Kevin can now summon the sea monster Klassen from the depths of the sea anywhere in the DC world!

In the future, he can even use the sea monster Clasen as a summoning object in other worlds and temporarily summon him to the place he designated.

The only drawback to this skill is.

Summoning takes time and has a large skill forward roll.

So Kevin seemed to be talking to Zod just now, but in fact he was using his summoning ability, trying to summon Klassen to him from the sea.

Kevin succeeded.

The large magic circle in the sky is Kevin's handiwork.

Only a magic circle of that level could allow Clason to pass through the magic circle.

Zedd squeezes Kevin's neck, but finds he can't break Kevin's neck.

The benefits of investing a lot of skill points to improve his physical fitness are now in front of him. Kevin's body is now as hard as a turtle shell. Even Zod can't kill Kevin for a while.

And that's not all.

Kevin also has another life-saving ability.

The ability to switch forms was quietly activated. Kane's body surface was covered with a layer of blue light, and his entire body turned into a liquid-like shape.

The moment Zod looked up at the magic circle, Kevin turned into a puddle of water and escaped from Zod's head.

The fourth-level form switching can already allow part of Kevin's body to mimic water elemental creatures.

In the water element form, Kevin's life-saving ability is enhanced, and his ability to control water flow will also be further improved.

Sliding away from Zod's hands, Klassen above also appeared from the magic circle.

Klassen, who was taller than a Kryptonian battleship, fell from the sky to the ground.

Zod looked at the giant sea monster Klassen, but laughed at Kevin:

"Do you really think that with its help, you can defeat me?!"

"To be honest, I don't think it can."

Kevin, in his water elemental state, tells the truth.

But then Kevin smiled at Zod:

"But who said I'm here to help him fight?"


"Klassen!! Squirting!!!"

At the end of the sentence, Kevin's expression changed and he shouted an order to Klassen.

Clason, who was falling above, opened his huge mouth and began to spit out a huge amount of sea water!

The sea water falls from high altitude like a waterfall pouring from the sky, and turns into fine mist in an instant, covering the sky.

In the blink of an eye, the battlefield was shrouded in thick fog.

And the thick fog this time was a bit thicker than the thick fog Kevin created when he dealt with Fiora before.

It's so rich that even breathing will choke you with a lot of seawater in your lungs!

And that's Kevin's purpose.

He wants to use the mist to invade Zod's body!

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