Become Aquaman from Black Robe

Chapter 271 Just Playing

Becoming a bad guy is a very novel experience for Barry.

Of course, Barry also knows that this "bad guy" of his is actually just a good guy in bad guy's skin, and he is still a hero in essence.

But at least in the eyes of others, he is a bad guy.

What should a bad guy do?

Barry doesn't know, but he is sure that saving people is definitely not what a bad guy should do.

"No, or can I say saving companions? Oh, God, I really don't want to do bad things in this suit."

Wearing the clothes of the Flash, but doing things that only villains would do, Barry feels a little sorry for the uniform he is wearing.

He is also sorry for Bruce who funded the production of this uniform for him.

Not Bruce in the Flashpoint world, but Bruce in Barry's own world.

But think about it carefully. They are not in this world now. Barry seems to be able to do whatever he wants without worrying about them...

It seems not very good. Barry can't guarantee that when he meets Wonder Woman Diana, he can keep his mouth shut under her Lasso of Truth.

"I must have been crazy to agree to be a villain with Kevin..."

Thinking of Diana, Barry finally realized that he seemed to have done something wrong.

Even if no one knew what he was doing in this world, when he returned to his own world and was trapped by Diana with the Lasso of Truth, he would still say what he was most reluctant to face.

Barry certainly believed that his companions would not think that he had really become a villain, but this matter would definitely become a joke among them.

He could even guess how Aquaman Arthur would tease him.

Just thinking of this scene, Barry felt his face getting hot.

"Why don't we just leave after saving people?"

After getting over the excitement, Barry began to back off, thinking about leaving here after saving people.

But as soon as he looked up, he saw a guy covered in black.

At that moment, Barry thought he saw Batman.


Barry, who almost screamed, covered his mouth and looked closely to see that the man was not Batman, but Black from the Seven.

This guy who has always been taciturn in the seven-man team stood on the road that Barry had to pass through, looking at him silently.


Barry, who was a little guilty because of doing bad things, didn't know what to do when he saw Xuanse standing in front of him.

Should he go around and ignore him? Or knock him out first?

He is a bad guy now, so he should choose the latter. The fewer witnesses see him, the more convenient it will be for him to act.

But... taking the initiative to attack others, or taking the initiative to attack as a superhero, Barry is a little bit confused about the hurdle in his heart.

Barry is still hesitating, but Xuanse doesn't hesitate. He looks at Barry's red hero suit, looks at Barry again, and then runs towards Barry in a running posture.

"You want to fight? Although I'm sorry, I don't want to be caught as a bad guy."

Confirming that Xuanse has no intention of communicating, Barry saw Xuanse coming towards him, and golden lightning appeared all over his body.

Then there was a crackling sound of electric current flashing, and Xuan Se flew back, his body fell heavily on the wall, unable to get up again.

Facing the speedster from the DC world, the superhumans of the black robe world seemed to have no power to fight back.

Not to mention that Xuan Se had no other skills except his excellent self-healing ability and the steel bones that most superhumans have.

As for fighting skills and gun skills, they were useless in front of Barry.

Barry only needed to enter the speed state, and then push the opponent away with a light push.

Just like what he did to those demons when Steppenwolf invaded.

Xuan Se was pushed away by Barry, because he was sure that Xuan Se's body was very strong, Barry also used a little strength, resulting in Xuan Se being killed in one hit and completely fainted.

"Sorry, I don't think I should have used too much strength..."

"Did you kill him?"

"I didn't... Wow! Wow! Wow!"

A sudden crisp sound rang in Barry's ears.

Barry responded subconsciously and turned his head to look, and as soon as he turned his head, he saw a blue head popping out of the ground.

Blue, transparent, illusory...

Just seeing this guy, Barry thought of a ghost, and the remaining words to answer all turned into a terrified cry.

The transparent ghost appeared from the ground, and seeing Barry was frightened, she rolled her eyes:

"Stop making noise, do you want to call all the security personnel of the Vought Group?"


Hearing the ghost girl say this, Barry immediately covered his mouth with both hands, and then removed his hands after a while, and asked in a low voice:

" you you...are you...a superhuman or..."

"I'm a ghost."

The ghost, whose body completely emerged from the ground, smiled and introduced himself.

When Barry saw her body, he blinked, and then quickly turned around and didn't look at her:

"Ghosts don't wear clothes?!"

The girl who called herself Ghost was wearing nothing, and her female body appeared in front of Barry.

Barry, who was still a virgin, couldn't stand this scene. Even though the girl was blue and didn't look like a human at all, Barry turned his head subconsciously.


The Ghost, who originally wanted to scare Barry, was stunned by his reaction.

To be honest, in this country with an extremely open and chaotic concept of "sex", Barry's innocent reaction was as rare as ice in the desert.

Ghost couldn't continue to scare Barry, mainly because she heard the footsteps of the Vought Group security.

"This is my ability. I can't carry clothes, so I can only appear in front of others in this way."

"Does that mean you are a superhuman?"

"Of course, otherwise do you think there are really ghosts in this world?"

"...That's hard to say."

Barry muttered.

There are even gods in the DC world, so it's not surprising to have ghosts and the god of death.

Ghost had a speechless expression on her face. Not knowing Barry's identity, she just thought that this guy might have some problems with his brain.

Listening to the footsteps getting closer, the ghost simply said:

"Okay, don't discuss such meaningless questions. You are here to cause trouble for Walter, right? You run very fast, right? What do you want to do? I can help you."

"I... I want to save Starlight..."

"Oh, what a coincidence."

The ghost blinked his eyes, and his body sank into the ground again. He walked to the wall in front of Barry and poked his head and one hand out, pointing to the stairs in the distance:

"Do you see the safety ladder over there? That is a special staircase that can only be opened with a special card. Go up to the 42nd floor from the stairs over there, and you will find Starlight."

"Is... that so? Thank you, wait... you just said you came to find Starlight too?"

"Of course, okay, don't ask so many questions, I'll go upstairs and wait for you first, no, you run very fast, maybe you are waiting for me... Anyway, let's talk about it later."

As the ghost said, his head also sank into the wall, leaving only one hand waving at Barry, and then completely disappeared.

Just the next second after she disappeared, the special staircase pointed by the ghost in the distance was kicked open with a bang.

A group of Vought Group security personnel appeared at the staircase with guns.

They pointed their guns at Barry, and some took out strange devices to release annoying ultrasonic waves.

But it didn't seem to work for Barry.

The moment he saw these people, golden arcs flashed on Barry's body, and in less than a blink of an eye, his figure disappeared.

At the same time, the security personnel surrounding the staircase all fell to the ground.

The group of security personnel who came to support Xuanse didn't even last a second, and were all dealt with by Barry.

Even during this period, Barry didn't forget Kevin's instructions. He took Xuanse's little notebook and wrote a sentence on it, "Mist God's companion Reverse Flash greets you" and threw it on the security personnel.

Perfectly completed the task assigned by Kevin.

Promote the existence of the Mist God and the new villain alliance.

Although Barry was mumbling in his heart, he didn't want Diana and the others to know about this.

But his movements were not slow at all, and he was very obedient, doing whatever Kevin asked him to do.

From this point of view, he was a qualified tool man.


It didn't take Kevin much time to bring Rebecca and her son back.

When the fog came, he dragged their legs with the fog and flew away from the air. In just over ten minutes, they could return to Mallory's villa from the secret place where the Water Group "protected" them.

During this period, Kevin also created a new skill through the fog.

Flying in the clouds!

Shaping the fog and water droplets under the feet, dragging the body into the air to fly, from the perspective of outsiders, this is the myth of flying in the clouds!

To be honest, it was not until this time that Kevin remembered that this skill was quite fairy-like for the Chinese people, which was somewhat incredible.

But Kevin has been in America since he traveled through time, and has been in contact with people with super powers, aliens, and Nordic gods...

They don't have the skill of flying in the clouds, so it's understandable that Kevin didn't expect to create this skill.

Anyway, the skill is created, it can be used, and it can fly, that's enough!

Maybe in the future, if he has the opportunity to run to the fantasy world, Kevin can also COS an immortal.

Using this skill with oriental fairy spirit to bring people back, Kevin happened to meet Butcher who had just returned.

Seeing Kevin come back with his wife and the little burden Ryan, Butcher, who was originally planning to ask Kevin something, was stunned on the spot. He looked at his wife Rebecca in a daze, and then looked up at Kevin in astonishment, and didn't say a word for a long time.

Kevin stepped aside, let Rebecca's figure go, and smiled at Butcher:

"Don't you want to hug your wife?"

Boucher's expression was stiff, and he tried to pull the corners of his mouth upwards, but failed.

After quietly looking at his wife for a long time, Butcher went forward to hug Rebecca as Kevin said, but after hugging for only a few seconds, Butcher let go of Rebecca and looked at Kevin:

"I think we should talk."

"It's rare for you to meet your wife, but you have to talk to me first. Aren't you afraid that your wife will misunderstand?"

"...Don't force me to say bad words in front of my wife, Kevin."

"Well, I thought our relationship was good enough to joke...Oh, I remember, the person who has a good relationship with me is not you, but another Butcher."

Kevin, who was in a good mood, joked with Butcher.

But seeing that Butcher had no intention of laughing, he shrugged in boredom:

"OK, let's talk."

Walking farther away with Kevin, Butcher looked back at his wife in front of the villa. After a while of silence, he asked Kevin:

"What do you want to do?"

"What do you mean?"

"Everything! Newman, the fog god, and now Rebecca! What is your purpose in coming to this world? Do you really want to bring down Walter?"

Butcher asked the key to the problem.

He couldn't figure out what Kevin wanted to do and why he wanted to do it. This ignorance made Butcher feel that things were gradually getting out of control.

This feeling was not good.

Butcher stared at Kevin, hoping to find the answer from him.

He was also ready to have a war of words with Kevin.

But what Butcher didn't expect was that Kevin actually gave the answer very straightforwardly.

But the answer given by the other party made Butcher a little difficult to accept.

Kevin spread his hands and said with a smile:

"I never said I wanted to overthrow Walter. I didn't have any special purpose in this world. I just wanted to go home, but now you have made various demands that I can't go back, so... I can only find ways to have fun on my own."

"...So you are playing?"

"Yes, I am playing, and I am having a lot of fun now."

Kevin grinned.

It feels really good to do things aimlessly, do whatever you want, and treat everything as a game.

At this moment, Kevin somewhat understands the feelings of his countrymen.

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