Become Aquaman from Black Robe

Chapter 273 Is there a bug in the world?

The disappearance of his own son made Homelander act surprisingly fast.

Storm called Edgar halfway through the trip and confirmed that Edgar was in the office of the Water Building. He then took Storm back to the Water Building and met Edgar.

When they arrived at Edgar's office, the current CEO of the Water Group was the first to stop Homelander from talking to Storm.

"Don't ask first, watch this."

Edgar turned on the TV.

The TV was broadcasting a broadcast from a certain place.

The location seemed to be a park near the home of Victoria Newman, a councillor that Homelander disliked recently.

Newman on TV was loudly promoting the slogan that superhumans need to be regulated.

The protesters and supporters below were arguing.

At this moment, Newman, who was giving an impassioned speech on the stands, suddenly flew backwards, and then the stage and the audience were in chaos, and the TV was full of people shouting.

The photographer in charge of the shooting quickly approached Newman, wanting to see her condition. As a result, after rushing onto the stage, he only saw Newman's body lying in a pool of blood with her skull opened.

The sound of retching appeared in the picture, which was probably made by the photographer.

Normal people rarely vomit when seeing this scene.

When Homelander saw this, he still didn't understand why Edgar showed him this. He asked impatiently:

"Why are you showing me this? Let me see that you have someone get rid of a competitor of the Water Group?"

"Keep looking down."

"Edgar! I've had enough--"

"I say!"

Edgar rarely interrupted Homelander's words. His eyes twitched and he said to Homelander with red eyes:

"...Keep looking down!"

Homelander raised his head slightly, with a little surprise in his eyes.

With his extraordinary eyesight and perspective, he could tell that Edgar was very sad at the moment.


Newman died, and the Water Group lost an opponent against them. Why should Edgar be sad?

Homelander didn't understand.

But he soon "saw" the answer.

A thick fog rose on the TV screen, and in the fog, a man in a suit walked out elegantly.

He walked to Newman's body, looked down at her, and then faced the camera, as if looking at someone on TV, and said softly:

"Edgar, I know you are watching here, I wonder how it feels to see your adopted daughter die in front of you?"


Homelander's eyes widened a little after this sentence came out.

He looked at Edgar in astonishment, and then looked at the superhuman who called himself "Fog God" on TV, and asked:

"Newman... is your adopted daughter?!"


Edgar glanced at Homelander, pressed the remote control, and switched the TV screen to another channel.

From recording to video.

It was a video near Rebecca's secluded cabin.

Homelander also instantly became energetic.

He was not in the mood to gossip about the relationship between Edgar and Newman, his eyes were fixed on the screen, wanting to see who took his son away.

Then...Homelander saw the fog.

Thick fog appeared on the sunny path at a time when fog would never appear.

The fog blocked the cabin and also blocked Rebecca and Ryan who were playing games together in front of the cabin.

The fog lasted for a long time, even if Edgar fast-forwarded the video, it lasted for three minutes.

After this time, the fog gradually dissipated.

And Rebecca and Ryan, who were in it, also disappeared.

"Fog God!!!"

There was a recording of Newman's death before, and now there is a recording of what happened in the cabin.

Thick fog appeared in both videos.

And through the self-introduction of the man who appeared in the previous video, as long as the people of the motherland are not stupid, they can guess that the person who killed Newman and kidnapped Ryan is the same person.

The superhuman who calls himself the God of Fog!

"Obviously, we have a new enemy, Homelander."

After showing Homelander everything, Edgar turned around and said seemingly normally:

"There is a troublesome guy among the super villains. He can control the fog, and perhaps has other superpowers, and even has his own power. Newman was killed by him, Ryan was taken away by him, and even Starlight was rescued by his people..."

"Wait, Starlight was rescued?!"

Homelander, who didn't know the news yet, widened his eyes a little more.

Edgar's tone was still calm:

"Today, while you were giving your speech, a speedster broke into the Water Building. He took Starlight and her mother away, leaving behind the name of 'Fog God's Reverse Flash', which proves that 'Fog God' is not fighting alone, he has his own team."

After Edgar finished speaking, Homelander suddenly became excited:

"I knew it, I knew it! I said a long time ago that Starlight should be killed directly! Just like killing Deep Sea!"

He was talking to Storm.

After Homelander captured Starlight, he had no intention of leaving Starlight alive.

He planned to kill Starlight and put an end to it.

But Storm said they needed a target to stand on, since the super villains had not yet launched a major attack on the Seven.

Or maybe it's just something they made up, and there won't be any super villains forming a team to attack superheroes.

But the existence of Starlight can prove to ordinary people that super villains are real, and even Starlight of the Seven has been brainwashed by them.

It establishes the fact that super villains really exist and are even hidden among ordinary people.

This is the effect of the starlight left behind by the storm.

But who would have thought that a super villain would actually appear and rescue Starlight?

Now it's better, what was originally fiction has become reality, and they are stronger than the people of the motherland imagined. They can break through Walter's blockade, take away Ryan, and rescue Starlight.

Compared with the excitement of the people of the motherland, the storm has more doubts:

"Are you sure these superhuman beings who appear suddenly have nothing to do with you?"

Storm asked Edgar.

All superhumans are derived from Compound No. 5, and the names of everyone injected with Compound No. 5 are basically recorded in the Vought Group's archives.

The Walt Group can clearly analyze who is suitable to be a hero and who is suitable to be a villain.

Even those who later became superhumans, such as those 'adults' who became superhumans through injection experiments, had their identity information recorded by Walt.

Logically speaking, there will never be a powerful superhuman who is not controlled by the Vought Group.

Therefore, Storm has reason to suspect that this matter has something to do with Edgar.

Even though she knew very well, it was impossible for Edgar to do something as unnecessary as kidnapping Ryan.

"I don't want to admit it, but... yes, I don't know the origin of these superhumans."

Edgar answered Storm's question by turning back to Storm:

"Whether it's the 'Fog God' or the 'Reverse Flash', they don't exist in the records of the Vought Group at all. I'm also very curious about where they came from."

"I'll find them."

The people of the motherland had a gloomy face, and their eyes were full of anger and murderous intent.

He looked at Edgar: "And if you let me know that this matter has something to do with you..."

"I'm not stupid enough to kill my adopted daughter for the sake of layout!"

Hearing the threat in the words of the motherland, Edgar's tone was also a little excited.

His feelings for Newman may not be as deep as others think, but Newman is also Edgar's hard work.

In order to train Newman, send her into the political situation, and completely separate from the Walter Group, Edgar spent countless thoughts on this.

But in the end it ended like this.

Newman was killed and he didn't even know who the murderer was!

I don’t even know how the relationship between him and Newman spread!

After so many years as CEO, Edgar felt passive and powerless for the first time.

The natives stared at Edgar seriously.

At that moment, Edgar's breath seemed to be a little older.

This is not pretending. People in the motherland have seen countless actors, and he can tell the difference between acting skills and sincerity, at least he thinks he can tell the difference.

So the people of the motherland are sure that Edgar did not lie.

"...I'll find him."

The motherland man repeated it again, but unlike the aggressive one just now, this time his words were a little calmer.

After all, Edgar is regarded as a 'father' by the people of his motherland.

As long as it is certain that Edgar is not up to something, the people of the motherland will be willing to sympathize with him.

But since this matter really has nothing to do with Edgar, it means that there is a superhuman villain in the world who is not controlled by the Walt Group.

If this matter is not handled well, Walter Group may be very passive.


While Edgar and others were preparing for the new fog god.

The God of Mist himself was standing in front of an abandoned cruise ship.

It should be in front of the cruise ship.

The reason why it should be is because the abandoned cruise ship in front of me is very strange.

Kevin has never seen any cruise ship that seems to have 'ghosting'!

From Kevin's perspective, there was a 'ghost' on the cruise ship in front of him. To use a game metaphor, the game model inside suddenly had a bug. It was obviously one model but turned into two, or even more, and And they overlap!

The key is that they overlap but don't overlap completely, and it allows people to see that there is a bug here.

This is what Kevin sees now.

There is a BUG in Earth ol! !

Kevin screamed in his heart, but he also knew that this was not a BUG. It was probably something wrong with the superhuman being beside the ghost who could exchange the two worlds.

And these are not the point. The point is that Kevin can't contact Barry at all now, and he doesn't know what the situation is on his side.

Anyway, judging from the position he gave me in the end, the location should be right here, but I don’t know why I couldn’t contact him.

"Want to go in and have a look...?"

To be honest, the situation in front of me is really weird. According to a more cautious idea, the best choice is not to go in and stay outside.

But thinking that Barry might be inside, and that what Kevin cared about most, the superhuman being who could exchange the two worlds, was there, Kevin felt that he should go in and take a look.

Anyway, there is nothing in this world that can threaten Kevin.


Should not exist.

Kevin wants to say confidently that he is invincible in this world and no one can beat him.

But if he really believed this, Kevin felt that he had set a great goal.

Isn't it common sense that people who claim to be invincible will be beaten in the end?

So Kevin was a little more modest and added a "should" before the modifier of invincible.

Thinking about these things outside, Kevin made some preparations before flying to the deck of the cruise ship.

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