Magneto looked up at the people in front of him.

He didn't know these people, and didn't know where they came from.

In his eyes now, he just felt that the appearance of these people in front of him was inexplicable.

And the surrounding environment also made him a little confused.

He had followed Apocalypse to the basement of X Academy the second before, and was about to get Charles, but he ran here the next second.

He was also surrounded by several guys who claimed to be superheroes.

These people who claimed to be superheroes had special abilities. Eric thought they were mutants at first.

But gradually, Eric found something wrong.

The "mutants" here seemed to be generally very tough, and the most important thing was that the "mutants" here didn't seem to be hated by humans at all.

There were even many people around cheering for these "mutants", shouting something like "beat these super villains".

What is a super villain? Is it referring to himself?

If so, it fits his current image quite well.

What Magneto is doing now is to trigger the earth's magnetic field, destroy the entire human world, and build a mutant kingdom.

For the human side, he is really a super villain.

It's just that Eric's evil to humans comes from humans' malice towards him and mutants.

And if humans can stop targeting mutants, Eric won't have to destroy the world.

So, facing the "mutants" worshipped by humans, Eric was a little confused for a while.

"Eric! What are you doing!?"

Eric's brief loss of consciousness was seen by Psylocke on the side.

Psylocke, holding a samurai sword made by her own ability, kicked Xuanse away and shouted at the stunned Eric.

Eric came back to his senses instantly, and then saw the woman who could release lasers in her hands not far away, releasing laser "cannonballs" at him again.

The light formed a basketball-sized ball of light, which attacked Eric at a very fast speed.

Eric raised his hand, controlled the surrounding metal to block in front of him, blocked the light ball, and then said to Psylocke:

"Leave this to you, I will do what I should do."

Concentrating his mind, Eric was not going to continue thinking.

No matter what the attitude of the people here is towards mutants, it is an indisputable fact that humans killed his wife and daughter.

Eric doesn't care about mutants or humans now.

He just wants revenge.

Revenge against humans.

So Eric decided to do what he should do now, according to Apocalypse's order, to create a "natural disaster" that destroys the world and completely exterminates humans!

That's what Eric thought.

However, before he left, a familiar voice directly fixed him in place:



Eric stopped in the air and turned to look at the source of the sound.

Sure enough, he saw his old friend Charles.

Charles was sitting in a wheelchair, behind him were Mystique Raven, Beast and Alex.

They were the first generation of X-Men.

At the same time, Eric also saw Logan, who had met him once before, a little girl who also had steel claws in her body, and several X-Men he had never seen before.

They walked out of the portal and stood in front of Eric.

Mystique Raven pushed Charles' wheelchair and came to Eric:

"Eric, stop!"


Looking at this old friend, Eric's eyes were full of complex emotions.

The two looked at each other for a long time without speaking.

At this time, the young boy standing next to Charles suddenly said:

"Charles, Logan, this is up to you, I believe you can convince him."

"Where are you going?" Logan turned to look at the boy.

The boy looked at the battlefield in the sky and said:

"I'm going to stop Apocalypse."

As he said that, the boy opened the portal and disappeared from everyone's sight.


"Who are these guys who suddenly appeared?"

Butcher, who originally planned to deal with Magneto, was forced back by Psylocke with an energy whip, turned his head and asked Starlight.

Although he didn't know who these guys who suddenly came out of the portal were, Butcher could see that they were friendly forces.

So he chose to wait and see, and at the same time confirm whether these people were the reinforcements that Starlight had found.

But Starlight ignored him.

She looked at the boy who suddenly opened the portal, and then watched the boy open the portal and leave, and felt an inexplicable throbbing in her heart.

To be honest, Starlight didn't know the boy who opened the portal.

But she remembered the portal.

The portal that Kevin made when he was teleporting was exactly the same as the one the boy made now.

Of course, even if Starlight had a big imagination, she would not think that the boy was Kevin.

Starlight just thought that the boy might have some relationship with Kevin.

It might be a teacher-student relationship, or even a closer relationship...

Starlight didn't want to think about it anymore, and she didn't have time to think about it.

Because in the sky, a bolt of lightning struck from the sky, and the target was her!


The blue-white lightning was released from Storm's hands and hit Starlight's feet.

She did not choose to hit Starlight's body, and seemed to just want to drive Starlight away.

But Xingguang didn't know clearly. She thought the thunder and lightning was coming towards her.

Facing the enemy's attack, Xingguang did not dare to be careless. She instantly raised her hand to release the light, which collided with the lightning in mid-air.


Lightning collided with starlight, making a roaring sound.

Butcher looked up at Storm and grinned:

"Can you use lightning? It reminds me of a nasty woman."

"Butcher, please pay attention, she is still a child!"

Starlight heard Butcher's words and said to him worriedly.

Storm, now one of Apocalypse's Four Horsemen, is still young and looks to be only fifteen or sixteen years old.

Starlight is still a superhero after all, and even though Storm is her enemy, she still has some compassion in her heart.

Starlight firmly believes that no child wants to be a bad guy from birth, and Storm must have been forced to follow Apocalypse.

Besides, she, Starlight, is a superhero. Since she is a superhero, she needs to be careful in her actions.

If something happened to Storm during the battle, even though she is now a popular superhero in the world, netizens would scold her as much as they should and would not let her get away with it.

"...She is still a woman after all."

After hearing Starlight's words, Butcher muttered to himself.

In his opinion, regardless of age, since you have superpowers and the intention to do evil, you should be prepared to be killed.

If Butcher was the only one here, he would definitely kill Storm without hesitation.

But since Starlight said so, and she is now the acting president of the Super Hero Association, it doesn't matter if he just listens to the order.

With this thought in mind, Butcher's laser, originally aimed at Storm's vitals, moved to her shoulders.

The golden laser shot out, but Storm didn't dodge in a hurry. She was hit by the laser and fell from the sky.

Upon seeing this, Starlight immediately rushed forward and was about to hold Storm down.

But when she got close to Storm, she realized that this little guy who had been making waves just now was lying motionless on the ground, looking straight ahead.

It was as if her time had been suspended.


"They won't cause any harm to you, just tie them up."

A voice interjected from the side.

Charles, who was pushed over by Laura, put his right hand on the side of his forehead.

While using his powers to control the other three except Magneto, he spoke to Starlight.

Only then did Starlight realize that it wasn't Storm's time that was paused, but someone's ability to control her.

Because he spent a lot of time with Kate, Starlight could probably tell what Storm was doing at the moment.

Her mind was fixed on the person in front of her.

The guy in the wheelchair in front of me is a psychic who is more powerful than Kate.

In the sky, Captain Marvel and Apocalypse are fighting inextricably.

Carol is very strong. As the leader of the Marvel Cinematic Universe in terms of combat power, in the Avengers series of movies, almost as soon as she appears, she can bring unparalleled confidence to people.

In the movie, Thanos is beaten, but in the movie, Ultron and Thor are beaten.

Even Kevin is a bit wary of Carol in the Marvel world.

After all, this woman is really powerful.

But Apocalypse is not weak either.

Despite the mediocre performance in the movie, it seems that the ability to control sand with only one hand is passable.

But in fact, his strength, reaction, speed, and recovery ability are all outstanding.

According to Marvel's power values, except for combat skills, Apocalypse's settings are almost all above 6.

In addition, the current Shock Team has just awakened its abilities and has not yet mastered its abilities.

Because of this, the two of them are now fighting back and forth.

Carol could only rely on her own fighting skills to barely defeat Apocalypse.

But Tianqi soon found an opportunity.

Chaos appears in the eyes, and Apocalypse controls molecules in the air to form sand and dust, entangling Carol's movements.

Then he raised his hand and knocked Carol away, thus putting some distance between him and the opponent.

"Who are you? You're not one of us!"

Because he had just arrived in this world not long ago, Apocalypse didn't know how this world was different from other worlds. At first, he thought it was powerful similar people who were looking for trouble for him.

But after fighting Carol, Apocalypse discovered that the opponent was not a mutant at all.

Since he is not a mutant, where does the opponent's strength come from?

"I don't think I'm the same as the blue guy."

Pulling away, Carol mocked.

When she was in the Kree Empire, she didn't like the blue-skinned Ronan very much.

And the Apocalypse in front of him was blue-skinned. Carol instantly connected him with Ronan, so his tone was naturally much worse.

Apocalypse frowned slightly, not satisfied with Carol's tone.

As a god in this world, Apocalypse couldn't bear someone insulting him like this.

But the apocalypse didn't happen.

Because he knew very well that the person in front of him was an equal being to himself, at least in terms of strength, he was on par with him.

He is not a mutant, but he has power beyond any mutant. To be honest, Apocalypse is very curious about Carol now.

If possible, he would like to capture the opponent now and see if he can obtain Carol's power through his own ability.

But unfortunately, he doesn't have that much time now.

Looking down slightly, Apocalypse saw his current target, Professor X Charles.

Compared with Carol in front of him, Professor X Charles's power is more concerning to him.

So after a little thought, Apocalypse said softly:

"You shouldn't resist me, kid, you can become the god of this world like us."

"Relying on your own powerful power, you call yourself a god. I've seen a lot of such things. Don't you have other routines?"

Carol didn't care, with obvious disgust in her eyes.

Following the Kree Empire team to carry out missions for so long, Carol has been to countless planets and has seen many people who rely on their own high technology or special powers to go to remote and backward planets and call themselves gods to act tyrannically.

Carol has also seen gods like Apocalypse.

She even killed one!

So what Apocalypse said was really not tempting to her.

"Well, then it seems... the negotiation failed?"

"From the beginning, I didn't think about negotiating with you!"

As soon as Apocalypse finished speaking, Carol rushed towards Apocalypse again!

The human-shaped comet with a brilliant tail flame rushed towards Apocalypse with a momentum to smash anything into pieces.

But Apocalypse was unmoved.

Seeing that Carol was about to rush over, he just raised his hand slightly and created a black portal in front of him.


The timing of the portal's appearance was very clever, just when Carol came to Apocalypse.

Carol didn't react at all, and rushed directly into the portal.

Then Apocalypse quickly closed the portal, cutting off Carol's way back.

"I don't have time to waste time here."

After teleporting Carol to an unknown location, Apocalypse said indifferently.

Carol is a difficult opponent to deal with. If Apocalypse has nothing important to do now, he might still be able to play with him.

But now Charles is below. In order to prevent Charles from slipping away from him again, Apocalypse can only end the battle with Carol as soon as possible.

It doesn't matter if he defeats the opponent or sends him away.

As long as he doesn't delay his time here, it will be his victory!

When Apocalypse gets Charles' ability, he can be everywhere and enter everyone's mind to control them.

No matter how strong Carol is, she can't resist mental attacks.

After sending Carol away, Apocalypse will open the portal again and go to the ground to catch Charles.

But just when he was about to use his ability, Apocalypse found that he couldn't teleport away.

The space here was locked!

"Where are you going, blue-skinned?"

A childish voice came from behind Apocalypse.

He turned his head and saw a boy standing behind him.

The boy had a faint smile on his face, but there was no smile in his eyes. He stared at Apocalypse, making Apocalypse feel as if he was stared at by a beast.

Apocalypse turned his head and looked at the boy behind him.

I don't know if it was Apocalypse's own illusion.

He felt that all the cells in his body were saying one word to him.


Run quickly!

"Who are you...?"

Tianqi clenched his fists, stared at the boy in front of him, and asked his name.


The boy simply uttered a word, and Tianqi's blue face suddenly turned black.

Even though his intuition was warning him desperately, even though Tianqi knew very well that the boy in front of him might not be simple.

But Tianqi still got angry.

"I am the God!!"

Boom! ! !

As if in line with the anger of the weather, there was a thunderous explosion in the sky.

However, the weather's face became extremely ugly, because this thunder had nothing to do with him.

It was the boy in front of him, the thundercloud he created, and it was also him who used extremely strong telekinesis to pull Tianqi down from the sky in an instant.

Like a bird with broken wings, Tianqi fell straight from the sky.

In two seconds, he fell from the sky to the ground, hit the hard concrete road, and lay on the ground in a mess.

The boy in the sky did not move. He looked down at Apocalypse and took a slight step forward with his right foot.

He did not use any ability such as the portal, and he appeared in front of Apocalypse the next second.

"In front of me? You dare to call yourself a god?"

The boy's voice was indifferent, and his eyes, which exuded a deep blue glow, revealed his indifference to all life.

He looked down at Apocalypse, his eyes without any color.

Apocalypse saw him stretch out his hand and point it at himself.

"Just a mortal who can't even see his own status clearly."

The boy commented on Apocalypse in this way, and his right hand suddenly pressed down.


Anger and pain made Apocalypse roar.

He felt that everything on his body was gradually decomposing, and under great pressure, it became the purest fragments.

But because of his own self-healing ability, Apocalypse could not disappear and die immediately.

His body was repeating the process of disappearing and recovering, which was extremely painful, so he couldn't help but shout out.

Apocalypse wanted to fight back, but he was powerless.

All his abilities, including his ability to control dust and his ability to teleport away, disappeared at this moment.

At this moment, he was like the purest mortal, suffering unbearable torture under the boy's oppression.

Perhaps because Tianqi was very resistant to beating, the boy spoke again:

"Well, at most he is a mortal who is a little bit resistant to beating, but that's all."

As the boy said, he clenched his right fist, and Tianqi's body dissipated faster.

And it was at this time that Tianqi saw that the part of his body that dissipated was not turned into dust or other fragments.

His body was turning into drops of water, and the whole person began to dissipate as if it melted.

Anger, fear, regret.

All kinds of emotions appeared in Tianqi's mind.

He finally couldn't help but ask loudly:

"Who are you!!!!"

"I said it."

The light in the boy's eyes remained the same, even more vigorous, and then he clenched his right fist hard, and Tianqi's whole body turned into the purest water.

"I am God, the... God of this world!"

After the voice fell, Tianqi completely turned into a stream of water, and then turned into a thinner mist, dissipating in this world.

Apocalypse, who was invincible in the mutant world, turned into a ball of mist in the boy's hand and dissipated in this world.

The mutants and superheroes who noticed this scene all fell silent at this moment.

Their eyes were all focused on the boy standing in the distance, and all kinds of eyes gathered at one point.

The atmosphere in the field was quite solemn.

Although the mutants knew that the boy was on their side, they couldn't help but feel a little scared when they saw that the boy killed Apocalypse so easily.

Only Logan, Laura and Charles were able to maintain a calm state of mind.

Not to mention the superheroes.

They were extremely wary of these outsiders, and now they witnessed the boy's strength with their own eyes, they were even more vigilant.

If the boy hadn't helped them, they would probably have fought with him.

The scene became more and more solemn, but fortunately, this atmosphere did not last long.

Soon the boy spoke and eased the atmosphere on the scene.

"Annie, don't you recognize me? I'm Kevin."

The boy turned his head, the blue light with energy in his eyes dissipated, and he smiled and said to Xingguang.

After hearing the boy's self-introduction, all the people in the Super Hero Association widened their eyes in surprise.


The crisis brought by Apocalypse ended without any danger with the participation of the X-Men and Kevin.

However, because Apocalypse and others were not prepared when they came here, there were still many casualties.

The Hero Association and the government immediately began to organize rescue teams to provide assistance here.

After some explanations, Kevin finally made his identity clear and finally recognized Starlight.

But I don't know if it's because I look too immature now, which aroused Starlight's "motherly love". This guy has never let Kevin go since they recognized each other.

He has been holding him, making him lose his image at all.

"Annie, that's enough..."


Annie sat on the sofa with Kevin in her arms. She put her chin on top of Kevin's head and said in a muffled voice:

"You've been missing for so long, what's wrong with letting me hold you for a while?"

"But you've been holding you for almost two hours, aren't you tired of it?"

"No! I want to hold you for a day and a night!"

"...Ms. Anne, your idea is very dangerous now. I'm afraid my body is not yet an adult."

Kevin was helpless.

Although he had been separated from Anne for a while, Kevin also wanted to reminisce with Anne and do some things that unmarried couples should do.

But Kevin's physical age is probably around thirteen years old now.

Before he figured out why he looked like this, Kevin felt that it would be better to be safe.

After all, if he didn't grow tall in the future and always looked like a little boy because of what happened with Anne, Kevin would really cry to death.

So before that, Kevin had to give himself a complete and detailed physical examination to rest assured.

Kevin thought so in his heart, but after hearing Kevin's words, Annie's eyes brightened a little. She gently exerted force on Kevin's head and made Kevin face her.

After looking at him for a long time, Annie licked the corner of her mouth:

"It seems that it is not impossible?"

? ? ?

What does it mean that it is not impossible?

What are you thinking? !

What do you want to do? !

Looking at Annie's slightly dangerous eyes, Kevin shuddered.

At this moment, Kevin finally understood the true meaning of the sentence "Boys should protect themselves outside."

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