Become Aquaman from Black Robe

Chapter 306 Wen Yi's Past

Let’s not talk about the issue of nutrients for now.

Anyway, it’s not just ‘nutrients’ that can make you grow.

Don’t forget that the power of destiny that can be transformed into skill points can also improve Kevin’s strength.

And now, Kevin can feel the existence of the power of destiny.

It is in everyone and around every plot mission.

It is everywhere.

But at this stage, Kevin can no longer obtain more power of destiny in this world.

The power of destiny in the black robe world has been integrated with the world’s cognition of Kevin.

It has become another kind of power.

That is the power of the gods.

Or according to Ancient One, it is the power of the Lord of Dimensions.

Becoming the Lord of Dimensions, Kevin can do everything in the black robe world.

So it is not an exaggeration to say that he is a god.

But this is only the case in the black robe world.

“Alas, the power of destiny…”

Kevin muttered to himself, and his figure disappeared from the black robe world while he was thinking.

When he appeared again, he had come to the void.

He looked at the timelines that had been twisted into a ball, his eyes flickered slightly, and then he turned his sight left and right, landing on a Marvel timeline that had not yet come into contact with the Black Robe Universe.

That timeline was extremely thick, and it should be one of the main timelines of Marvel.

He thought for a moment and flew towards the timeline over there.

With Kevin's current strength, even if the Marvel world and the Black Robe world have not yet merged, he can forcefully pass through.

Not to mention that the Marvel parallel universe is now shining in front of Kevin.

Therefore, it didn't take much effort at all. Kevin, who came to the side of the timeline, just stretched out his hands and pulled to both sides, and a crack appeared in the timeline that was large enough for him to pass through.

Then, Kevin entered it.

Colored streams of light passed by him, and Kevin strolled in a special corridor with colored glass on both sides.

Although this strange place is part of the Marvel Universe, in terms of dimension, it is actually higher than the Marvel Universe.

Because this is the residence of the observer.

It was the place where the owner of the voice that kept chattering in Kevin's ear when he first went to the Marvel world lived.

This place connects all the possibilities of the Marvel universe. From the stained glass, you can see what's happening in all parallel universes.

That's why the Observer is called the Observer, because he can really observe everything.

But at this moment.

There was no one here.

The corridor composed of stained glass seemed to have no end. After the sacred timeline was destroyed and countless time tributaries were generated, the world here became endless.

Kevin walked in it, looking to both sides, looking for a world that might provide him with a lot of destiny power.

But as he walked, Kevin's footsteps suddenly stopped.

He felt like he touched something at his feet.

Looking up at his feet, he saw a head.

That was the head of the Observer.

He died.


Looking at the head under his feet, Kevin was silent.

The Observer was very powerful.

He could see the past and future of countless worlds, including the infinite Ultron, and his future could also be seen clearly by the Observer.

Kevin never thought that the Observer would die here.

He originally thought that when everything settled down, he would go to the Observer to settle the accounts of this guy chattering in his ears.

But he didn't expect that the first meeting would be in this form.

After a slight breath, Kevin passed the Observer's head and continued to move forward. Not long after walking, he saw another amazing thing.

Infinite Ultron.

His body was lying on the broken glass mirror, his eyes lost their expression, his body turned black, and six Infinity Stones were scattered around him casually.

"Infinite Ultron... How could it be here?"

Kevin remembered that he stood between Ultron and Infinite Ultron, so he stopped him and made him his research material.

Why did this guy's body appear in front of him now?

If the Infinite Ultron in front of him was the one who fought with the Observer in "What If", then which Ultron was Kevin fighting against?

Or, no matter how Kevin tried to stop it, there would definitely be an Infinite Ultron in the multiverse?

Kevin felt something was wrong.

He subconsciously stopped and looked back, looking at the road behind him, always feeling that he had overlooked something.

It was not until he turned around again and saw a man in a red cloak standing in the light and shadow in the distance that Kevin remembered what he had forgotten.

Dark Doctor Strange.

This core character throughout the first and second seasons of "What If" should have appeared here.

After all, the death of Infinite Ultron and the death of the Observer were such big things, how could he, who was also a multiverse-level figure, not come to see.

As a result, from the time Kevin entered here until now, he has not been able to see him.

Even now, the red cloak Kevin saw was not the Dark Doctor Strange he imagined.

But another person.

Supreme Sorcerer Wen Yi.

"Hey, long time no see."

Wen Yi stood in front of Kevin, his voice became more hoarse, and his face became more weird.

The black eye shadow has become his skin color, soaking into his skin. The slightly raised corners of his mouth make him look like he has turned black, and he looks extremely evil.

Wen Yi stood in front of Kevin, greeted him, and then threw something in front of Kevin.

It was the head of Dark Doctor Strange.


Seeing that Dark Doctor Strange died at the hands of Wen Yi, Kevin took a step back.

He raised his head again and looked at Wen Yi vigilantly:

"...Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, very good, but... I suddenly realized that no matter how much we struggle, we can't escape the end of death in the end."

Wen Yi said in a free and easy tone, as if he had seen through it.

"So you killed them?"

Kevin looked down at Hei Qi's head, and was more vigilant to Wen Yi who seemed to be crazy.

Wen Yi grinned at Kevin:

"I'm going to die anyway, so what's wrong with letting me take a test?"

"Test? What test?"

"Test my strength, and test whether I can replace you. It's a pity that I can't replace you in the end."

Wen Yi said with regret.

He looked at Kevin with a complicated look in his eyes. When Wen Yi saw him, Kevin was ready to fight him.

But in the end, Wen Yi did nothing. He just smiled:

"Don't be nervous. I can't kill you, and I don't have the strength. You are already half a high-dimensional creature."


Kevin didn't say anything, but looked back at the head of the observer on the other side of the corridor.

In theory, the observer should also be a high-dimensional creature.

As if seeing through Kevin's mind, Wen Yi explained:

"It's not a half-baked observer like the observer, but a higher level, the world we are in when we travel through... No, it's the world you are in when you travel through."


"Yes, reality."

The real world is above everything else.

This is the conclusion that Wen Yi came to.

Whether it is the Marvel Universe, the Black Robe Universe, or the DC Universe, everything they have is just a piece of text, a comic book, or a movie in reality.

For the people here, the real world belongs to the creator's kingdom.

It is also a place they can never reach.

At this point, Wen Yi raised his head and looked up, as if looking directly at someone, and murmured to Kevin:

"I always thought that we, the variants, were a part of you, but I was wrong.

"If we are really a part of you, then no matter how small this part is, it should at least have the characteristics of a traverser and have power from a higher dimension.

"But we don't."

Wen Yi explained his theory to Kevin.

Take the traversers in other works as an example.

Most traversers will get the so-called golden fingers after they traverse.

This is already a convention.

But in fact, most of the golden fingers, including Kevin's skill tree, are actually part of their bodies.

That is the proof of falling from a higher dimension. Those powers that transcend this world and do not belong to this world have become the helpers of the travelers in order to better adapt to the world after crossing.

In other words, if Wen Yi is really a traveler, even if he is just a clone created by Kevin, he must have his own "plug-in".

But he doesn't.

Not only does he not have it, but all Kevin variants don't have it.

This proves that they are the natives of the Marvel world. They are not travelers. It's just that someone has injected Kevin's memory into their heads completely, making them think they are Kevin.

Even because of this memory, they have become Kevin's nourishment.

With the same memory, the soul frequency will gradually converge towards Kevin.

When Kevin kills them, those souls assimilated by the memory will instinctively approach Kevin, the soul body.

Finally, they will merge with Kevin and become a part of his body.

At that time, the same memory will be merged and assimilated by Kevin, and the memory that does not belong to Kevin will be erased and discharged like garbage.

Kevin himself will gain the purest power, which will drive his growth and make him stronger.

And more...


Wen Yi suddenly uttered a word, and the smile on his face became more and more weird:

"Kevin, you said... If we are the nutrients used to cultivate you, then who are you...?"


"Nutrients, nutrients... Normal creatures don't use the word "nutrients", only plants and animals! The things that cultivate them are called nutrients!"

Wen Yi stopped talking here.

Kevin also remained silent, looking at him indifferently.

What Wen Yi said was also what Kevin was thinking.

Normal intelligent creatures grow, and the things that make them grow will not use the word "nutrients".

Hearing this word, Kevin once felt that he seemed to be the fruit on the tree, and someone was using nutrients to cultivate himself.

Just wait for him to mature, and someone will "harvest" him.

But Kevin has never dared to think deeply.

Because if this is true, it would be too terrifying and too desperate.

What a powerful existence this unknown creature must be that can treat a "god" like himself who has already transcended here as a fruit.

Anyway, that is definitely not a role Kevin can contend with.

Kevin felt desperate just by having similar thoughts.

So he never really thought about it, until now, Wen Yi said this guess that he dared not think about, in front of him!

"You dare not think about it? Dare not admit it? Well, it's not your fault."

Seeing Kevin silent, Wen Yi did not show any disappointment.

He slowly walked towards Kevin and stretched out his hand to him:

"I will help you, help you to transcend, help you to leave this world completely! We can cooperate!"

"So that's it, this is your purpose..."

Kevin seemed to have guessed something, he looked at Wen Yi's hand stretched out to him, and asked with a complicated expression:

"Are you sure you want to do this?"


This time it was Wen Yi who was silent.

Kevin continued: "...Maybe things are not the most desperate time yet, and you will not succeed."

"How can you know if you don't try?"

Wen Yi asked back with a meaningful smile on his face.

Kevin stopped trying to persuade her. He sighed and put his hand on Wen Yi's hand:

"Then... as you wish."


When the two hands touched each other, Kevin's head was filled with an explosion-like sound!

He closed his eyes, and Wen Yi also closed his eyes. The two held their right hands together with their eyes closed, as if they were asleep.

But in a place no one knew, in the depths of consciousness that no one could see, a deadly storm of the mind swept up!

Kevin and Wen Yi's consciousness collided and competed with each other.

The two people's thoughts, spirits, and soul powers were fighting desperately.

This was Wen Yi trying to occupy Kevin's soul, and Kevin was resisting.

Maybe Wen Yi really wanted to transcend and really wanted to save the universe.

But his mood of not wanting to die was also true, and he was unwilling to become Kevin's nourishment, and this mood was also extremely real.

So on the surface, he was inviting Kevin to cooperate, but in fact he wanted to take advantage of now to make the final struggle.

If he could defeat Kevin and assimilate Kevin's consciousness with his own, he could take everything Kevin has and go to a higher dimension.

And if he fails...

Wen Yi would take the countless souls of Kevin's variants that he had collected and become Kevin's nourishment.

Promote his growth.

Kevin sensed Wen Yi's thoughts.

The moment the other party invited him, he sensed the other party's true intentions.

This is not to say that Kevin suddenly became smart, but because his life level has become higher and his perception has been strengthened to a higher level.

He can vaguely perceive some future possibilities.

And a more sensitive premonition.

And he sensed Wen Yi's malice and what would happen next, so he said to Wen Yi, "You won't succeed."

If Kevin hadn't been prepared, it would be fine.

But now that Kevin is prepared, the person who loses in the end must be Wen Yi.

There is no doubt about this.


Wen Yi's voice roared in Kevin's mind.

The souls of Kevin's variants that he collected, along with his own soul, were all absorbed by Kevin and became part of his power.

"Why not!! Why!!!"

Before being completely absorbed by Kevin, Wen Yi asked unwillingly.

Why he had done this, but was still not Kevin's opponent.

Why he gathered the power of countless people, but in the end he still couldn't escape the fate of becoming Kevin's nourishment.

Wen Yi wanted to ask these questions and wanted to know the answers to these questions.

But unfortunately, until his consciousness completely dissipated, he couldn't figure out why.

Kevin didn't know the answer either, and even if he knew, he couldn't answer Wen Yi's questions.

Because the other party's memories were impacting his consciousness, those useless memories that should have been regarded as waste were scrambling to squeeze into his head.

Not only Wen Yi's, but also the memories of more people.

Those were the memories of the variant souls that Wen Yi absorbed.

It was not until this moment that Kevin figured out what great things Wen Yi had done during the time he was away.

He started the "Kevin War", which divided all the mutants into two... or even more forces to fight.

In this fight, he gathered the souls of the dead mutants, gathered them together, and strengthened Wen Yi's own power.

He wanted to rely on this power to transcend the predetermined fate.

But unfortunately, he still failed in the end.


Kevin sighed in his heart and whispered to himself.

He opened his eyes and was about to move forward, but suddenly his eyes were dazed.

Before Kevin could determine the source of this trance, the scene around him changed.

From the multiverse corridor where the observer was, it became a place that made him very familiar.


Turning his head and looking around, Kevin stretched out his hands and looked at his hands again, and suddenly understood something.

This is Wen Yi's memory.


Wen Yi is actually Kevin without the golden finger and traveled to the Marvel Universe.

Unlike Kevin who has a skill tree, Wen Yi is a mage in Kamar-Taj, but his own talent is not very high.

Not to mention Doctor Strange, even Wong and Mordo are not as good as him.

Therefore, after realizing that he had traveled to the Marvel Universe, Wen Yi decided to leave Kamar-Taj and find ways to strengthen himself.

After all, this is the Marvel Universe, and he must become stronger.

Even though Wen Yi is a member of Kamar-Taj and a wizard, who is naturally much stronger than ordinary people, he can't compare with those big guys.

Just think about the disasters that the Marvel world has experienced.

Alien invasion, Age of Ultron, Ego's Flower of Life, Thanos snapping his fingers...

Oh, there is another crisis related to the wizard of Kamar-Taj.

The matter of Wanda coming to the door in the future.

So Kamar-Taj seems safe, but in the future, this place may be the most dangerous place.

For this reason, Wen Yi must become stronger.

At least he must have the power to protect himself, and he will not become the cannon fodder killed by Wanda in Kamar-Taj.

Wen Yi originally thought so.

However, after walking out of Kamar-Taj, he found that this universe was a little different from what he thought.

This is not just a movie universe.

Because in addition to the well-known Avengers, there are also X-Men, Fantastic Four, and even Inhumans.

But it doesn't look like a comic book world.

Because Wen Yi saw the news that Tony claimed to be Iron Man in the newspaper just a few days after he came out. That was the ending of the first Iron Man.

So, this is another new universe based on the movie universe.

Wen Yi, who knew the theory of parallel worlds, was a little surprised and stopped exploring.

Compared with these, Wen Yi wanted to know whether the things that originally existed in the movie universe still exist in this world.

Since then, Wen Yi has been wandering around the world.

He has been to New York, fought side by side with Daredevil, and fought with Kingpin.

He has also met the Avengers and helped them complete some tasks that do not need to appear in public as a "passerby wizard".

He has been to Kunlun to seek a master, and also used his relationship with Thor to visit Asgard.

Later, he used this as a springboard to travel into the universe.

During this period, Wen Yi also gained a lot of good things.

What super soldier serum, what Hulk serum, and Wolverine's self-healing factor, and he also touched the space gem of the cosmic cube.

He even imitated Captain Marvel and wanted to try whether he could use the space gem to gain super strength.

But unfortunately, Captain Marvel seems to be an unreproducible case. Although Wen Yi strengthened himself with an inferior version of the super serum and successfully possessed the youth version of the self-healing factor.

But he couldn't get the power of Captain Marvel.

However, after learning Kunlun's "qi" and having the physique of a super soldier, Wen Yi is already a very powerful existence on Earth.

But Wen Yi is still not satisfied.

After seeking to become stronger in the universe to no avail, Wen Yi returned to Earth again.

He opened another dimension and tried to pursue new power.

Unfortunately, he was stopped by Ancient One and was almost sealed by Ancient One.

At the critical moment, Casillas saved him. This "disciple" who was set by Ancient One as Doctor Strange's future opponent, although he didn't know his own fate.

But his desire to become stronger is the same as Wen Yi's.

Casillas saw Wen Yi's ambition and wanted to tempt Wen Yi to contact the dark dimension like him.

Wen Yi agreed on the surface, but in fact he secretly connected to another dimension.

And in the end, when Casillas fought with Doctor Strange, he successfully escaped and became one of the senior executives of Kamar-Taj.

After that, under Wen Yi's design, Doctor Strange and Thanos, who was full of gems, died together to save the world, and Wen Yi himself became the new Supreme Sorcerer.

Yes, unlike Kevin who was appointed by Ancient One.

All of Wen Yi's current status and power rely on himself.

Without the help of the skill tree, he became the Supreme Sorcerer of Kamar-Taj only by foreknowledge of the plot.

He became the top character in the Marvel Universe.

After becoming the Supreme Sorcerer, Wen Yi established the Illuminati with him as the main body, and used the wisdom of the Illuminati to strengthen himself.

Ten, twenty, thirty years passed like this...

As Wen Yi became stronger and stronger and knew more and more things, he discovered something terrifying.

That was his own memory.

It might not belong to him.

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