Become Aquaman from Black Robe

Chapter 79 What is a surprise?

Butcher's finger was on the trigger but he didn't press it.

Madeline, who was pointed at her head, was extremely frightened at this moment.

Her face was covered with dense beads of sweat on her forehead, her breathing was trembling, and she looked at Butcher with pleading eyes:

"I... am still useful, really, I can correct what the Water Group is doing for you, whatever you want to know, as long as I know it, I will definitely tell you, so..."

"Shut up, bitch."

Butcher pressed the muzzle of the gun against Madeline's forehead.

Madeline was silent immediately.

But perhaps Marvin and her words worked, although Butcher was angry, he still moved the muzzle of the gun away in the end and pulled the trigger behind Madeline.

Bang bang bang bang!

Four shots in a row, the sound of gunfire echoed in the air-raid shelter, and the smoke filled in front of Madeline.

Smelling the gunpowder so close and the gunshots that almost deafened her ears, Madeline was almost exhausted.

Marvin and Huey breathed a sigh of relief.

Because they knew that Madeline's life was saved at this moment.

Marvin walked forward slowly, getting closer to Butcher.

When he came to Butcher, he tentatively put his hand on the gun in Butcher's hand. When he was sure that Butcher had no intention of breaking free, Marvin snatched the gun from Butcher's hand and threw it to Huey beside him.


Huey took the gun from Marvin and put it away rather unfamiliarly. He soon thought of a very critical question:

"... How can we... let her be a witness? I mean, should this be considered illegal detention? Can evidence obtained by illegal means be used as evidence?"

Huey didn't know much about the law, but it was obvious that evidence obtained by kidnapping others should not convince the judge.

Marvin's idea is good, but if Madeline wants to testify in court, she must at least be "willing".

Never mind whether it is voluntary or forced, it is absolutely impossible to "obtain evidence" like now.

"I will contact Susan."

Butcher stared at Madeline, took a few steps back and sat on the chair, and said slowly.

What they did was indeed a crime, but if the CIA intervened, the nature of the matter would be different.

The CIA has also been keeping an eye on the Vought Group, like a wolf staring at a piece of meat.

As long as the Vought Group reveals a flaw, no matter whether the source of the evidence is legitimate or not, the CIA will definitely bite it tightly in its mouth.

Seeing that Butcher had his own arrangements, Huey was also relieved.

He looked at Madeline tied to the chair, and then at Butcher, and his expression was dazed for a while:

"So... so, we are about to succeed?"

"If nothing unexpected happens, for example, the guy who cooperates with us suddenly betrays us and tells our information."

Butcher, who calmed down, sneered at Huey.

Huey did not argue with Butcher, as he was used to Butcher's skeptical attitude towards any superhuman being.

In addition, the other party had just learned of the death of his wife, so Huey thought he should be more generous and pretend that he didn't hear it.

The atmosphere between the few people was much more relaxed. Madeline, knowing that her life was not in danger, relaxed her tense body and let out a long breath.

At this moment, two footsteps were heard at the entrance of the air-raid shelter.

Everyone looked over vigilantly at first, and only when they saw the figures of Frankie and his girlfriend Shirley did they feel relieved.

"It seems that you have decided how to deal with this woman? Very good, I just got the news that the Seven-Man Team has started to act. We'd better solve this matter as soon as possible, otherwise..."

Frankie put a bunch of food on the table, "We may be the first 'criminal' in history to be caught by all members of the Seven-Man Team."

The news of Madeline's disappearance has now been reported in the news, and the news that the Seven-Man Team has been fully dispatched is also reported on the news.

It can be seen that Butcher and his team have made a big deal this time. If they don't find a way to get rid of Madeline as soon as possible, they won't be able to hold on for long under the full search of the seven-member team.

Even if they are very good at hiding.

After calming down, Butcher immediately called Susan and told her what he had done and what he was going to do.

Susan on the other end of the phone was furious when she heard it. She yelled at Butcher angrily:

"Butcher! You are a lunatic! ! ! ! ! !"

"Okay, anyway, this is the case. Madeline is in my hands now. If you don't want anything to happen to this only witness, you'd better come quickly."

Butcher said calmly, told Susan his location, and then hung up the phone.

Susan will definitely come, she has to come, because Madeline is indeed a breakthrough for the Water Group.

But the question is when she will come, Butcher and others can't stay here for too long.

Under the full search of the seven-member team, they can't hide for long.

The black-robed people were waiting for the CIA to come, but the more time they had to wait, the more likely something would go wrong.

Frankie had been staring at the monitor in the air-raid shelter, which was connected to the outside surveillance, allowing him to see the situation around the air-raid shelter.

And suddenly, Frankie saw a black shadow.

It was the figure of Xuanse from the Seven Team.

"Fuck! It's Xuanse!"

Franky screamed.

Butcher and the others were suddenly startled. Except for Butcher, everyone else was a little flustered.

They are just a group of ordinary people, let alone the Black Seven, they may not be able to defeat any super human with extremely high mental quality.

Butcher and Marvin immediately picked up their guns and stood ready. Huey also hurriedly took out the pistol Marvin threw to him just now and stared at the entrance in confusion.

"Now...what should we do now?"

Huey looked at Butcher.

After a brief thought, Butcher immediately said to everyone:

"It doesn't matter, Susan and the CIA people will be here soon, we just need to delay."

"Jesus, you're telling us you're going to stall us for time at the hands of a metahuman?! Are you crazy, Butcher?!"

Marvin glared at Butcher.

Butcher did not answer, but turned to Frank and ordered:

"Didn't you prepare a lot of sprays to deal with superhumans? Use them all for me!"

"I'm not sure if those things will work on this guy, but I can try."

When Frankie mentioned his expertise, he immediately started to take action. He took out a bunch of bottles and cans from the corner of the air raid shelter and started tinkering with his girlfriend Shirley.

Butcher was still worried. Seeing Black who was already rushing towards the air raid shelter, he took out his mobile phone and dialed a secret number:

"Hey, Xuanzi has found us now, can you help find a way?"

"Oh? You finally remembered to call me?"

The voice of the deep sea came from the other end of the phone. Butcher glanced at Madeleine and said with a smile:

"Yes, Deep Sea, isn't there no other way out and I can only choose to inform you?"

deep sea?

Upon hearing this name, Madeline's eyes widened instantly, and she raised her head to look at Butcher in disbelief.

After all, she was also the vice president of the company, so she understood the whole story just by what Butcher called the person on the phone.

If it is really Deep Sea on the other end of the phone, it means that Madeleine will be kidnapped this time, all planned by Deep Sea!


Why does the deep sea do this?

It seems like he has no reason to do this!

Madeleine didn't understand.

She even suspected that it was a smoke bomb given to her by Butcher.

Until Butcher turned on the speakerphone and let the voice on the other end of the phone come out in person:

"...Butcher, if my guess is correct, Madeleine is next to you, right? You are really bad enough to call me that next to her."

At this moment Madeleine closed her eyes in despair.

She recognized that it was really the sound of the deep sea.

"Hehehe, at least we are on the same side, so I shouldn't go too far, right?"

Butcher responded with a chuckle, and Shenhai on the other end of the phone was not angry and replied with the same smile:

"It's not too much, of course it's not too much, but your calculation makes me very unhappy. Aren't you afraid that I will really kill you all?"

"Come on, if you wanted to do this, you would have done it a long time ago. You need us, right, Deep Sea, you need us to do something for you, so you also have to find a way to save us. Black is outside us now, You have to find a way to get him away."

"Hmm, you are quite good at finding opportunities." Shenhai smiled and suddenly asked a question that had nothing to do with the current topic:

"By the way, have you found any information about your wife?"

"Why do you ask?"

"Just asking, and I guess you know it, right? What did Madeleine say? Did she die in childbirth? Or did she die of severe bleeding after being disembowelled by a superhuman child?"


Two completely different answers were given from the other side of the deep sea. Butcher's pupils shrank, and he understood something instantly, and looked at Madeline who looked panicked.

Before Bucher could ask, Shenhai smiled and gave another answer:

"Let me tell you, the answer is no. According to my gossip, your wife is alive and well, but she doesn't know the specific location, so... you know how to do it, Butcher."

"...Deep Sea, I really underestimate you."

"Both and each other, okay, I will hold Xuan Zi for a while. As for what to do next, that is your business."

Shenhai hung up the phone, Bucher listened to the blind voice on the other end of the phone, and walked towards Madeline again.

Madeleine was extremely panicked at this moment:

"No, listen to me. He is just a make-up in the seven-man team. There is no way he knows so many things. He is lying!"

"Really? But I think you are the one telling lies now."

Butcher stared at Madeleine, grabbed her face with his hands, and squeezed her hard:

"In this life-and-death crisis, you dare to lie to us. It can be seen that even if you are handed over to the CIA, you will never be able to tell the dirty information about the Vought Group, right?"

"I...I can do it! I really can-well!"

Before Madeline finished speaking, Butcher covered her mouth and nose, and raised his other hand to her lips:

"Shh, let's give Black Color a surprise."

He said, turning to look at Frankie.

No one knows what happened in the air raid shelter that day, not even Kevin.

He just knew that not long after he ended the call with Butcher, he got a piece of news.

Madeleine was brutally murdered by terrorists, and a bomb was tied to her body.

The bomb was detonated when Black entered the air raid shelter and found her, catching Black by surprise.

Madeleine died with no bones left. Black was slightly injured, but the problem was not serious.

The group of people who kidnapped Madeleine also disappeared without a trace.

As for Kevin…

The cause of Madeleine's death is related to him, and his skill points +2.

Skill points are needed to change jobs, and there is only one left.

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