Become Aquaman from Black Robe

Chapter 94 Arriving at the Land of Nothingness

The most indispensable thing in the prison is actually water.

Prisoners need water for bathing, eating, and daily cleaning.

In addition, the prison itself is very small, and the location where the water source is stored is not far from where everyone lives.

There is no distance beyond fifty meters.

Therefore, all the water sources in the prison are now weapons used by Kevin to deal with his enemies.

As long as there is water in this place, Kevin can be called 'invincible'.

"I go……"

Star-Lord covered his face with his hands, unable to utter a complete sigh.

Rocket stopped what he was doing and glanced outside:

"Tsk tsk, this has really become an 'aquarium'. In the future, this place can be changed from Klin Prison to 'Kevin's Happy Prison'."

"…What kind of weird name is that?"

Kevin, who controlled the water flow to engulf the guards, almost couldn't control the water that kept pouring out when he heard the name.

The Rockets continued their action, not forgetting to chat with Kevin:

"Then it's called a 'washing machine prison'? Or a 'prison that allows you to experience the same happiness as a fish'? Hmm... I'm fine here, Kevin, you'd better remove the water around you, otherwise the drones outside will be gone. Way to come in."

Rocket changed the subject mid-sentence and pointed at the drone circling outside the water flow.

"I see."

Kevin, who has watched the movie, naturally knows what the Rockets are going to do.

He immediately revoked the control of the water flow and poured all the water here into the sewer to prevent the water from floating around like uncontrolled dust after losing gravity.

Rocket turned off the artificial gravity in the prison the moment Kevin removed control of the water flow.

As soon as Kevin's water flow went away, the guards who had just experienced weightlessness experienced real weightlessness seamlessly.

They had been stunned by the water, and under such weightlessness, they could no longer stop the movements of Kevin and his party.

Taking this opportunity, Rocket cut off the connection between the main console and the control tower, controlled the surrounding drones as power sources, and pushed the main console straight to the nearest passage to crash into it.

The console crashed through the protective door and ran rampant in the long passage.

After the temporarily modified disposable 'ship' came to a complete stop, the rocket activated the backup protective door to completely isolate the group of guards from this place.

At this point, the jailbreak process is half complete.

"Look, let me just say my plan was perfect."

When the temporary spaceship stopped, Raccoon Rocket put his hands on his hips and asked everyone for credit.

But everyone ignored it.

The prison escape plan has not been completed yet. They are still inside the prison. If they want to really leave the prison, they must first find a spacecraft that can leave here.

Fortunately, this prison is quite humane in other aspects, and the criminal's boat is also impounded in this prison along with the criminal.

It didn't take long for Star-Lord to find his spaceship at the parking spot. Everyone changed their clothes and rushed towards the spacecraft immediately.

Kevin was the first to follow Rocket and others into Star-Lord's spaceship 'Milan'. Only after he had completely set foot inside the spacecraft, Kevin breathed a sigh of relief.

So far, except for Kevin's participation, the plot has not changed, and everyone still escaped from the prison smoothly.

The Cosmic Spirit Ball is also in Kevin's hands now.

We are now only one step away from completing the job transfer.

Go to the Collector to open the Cosmic Spirit Orb, and then take the opportunity to touch the Power Stone inside.

The job transfer was successful, and he finally returned to the black robe world to continue living a life of enjoyment.

This plan is almost as perfect as the Rockets' plan.

Everyone escaped from the prison successfully. Except for Star-Lord who wasted a little time looking for his Walkman, there were almost no other obstacles.

Kevin finally had some free time, and asked Star-Lord for a clean room, then sat by the window and looked at the endless sea of ​​stars in the universe.

"The universe... I didn't expect to come into contact with it so casually."

Sitting in the spaceship, looking at the boundless universe, Kevin's mood was a little subtle.

All the plots in the Black Robe World take place on that planet, and it can even be said that they only take place in the United States.

Kevin never thought that he would leave the planet and go to the stars in the universe. He always felt that these were far away from him.

Rather than flying into the sky and deep into the universe, Kevin feels that it is more practical to enter the deep sea and become the master of the ocean.

Unexpectedly, instead of becoming the master of the ocean, he first came to a universe with little water.

Although the stars and the sea are also seas, Kevin still feels that the jump in between is a bit big.

"But this is an opportunity. I just don't know how to transform after taking over the Vought Group. If it is alien technology...maybe it can help the Vought Group survive the painful period after the transformation?"

Kevin suddenly had other considerations.

The Walter Group in the black robe world is a behemoth in that world.

And there are no traces of superhuman beings among the higher-ups.

Therefore, Kevin suspected that even if he became vice president, Edgar might not really allow himself to enter the top decision-making level of the Walter Group.

He told Butcher this.

But Kevin would not be reconciled to such a result, so he contacted Butcher to temporarily appease the people of the motherland and stabilize his position as vice president first.

In the future, Kevin will use the hands of these two people to erode the Watt Group bit by bit, and eventually take the Watt Group into his hands.

When the time comes, Kevin will no longer let Compound No. 5 continue to leak out. He will stop the research of Compound No. 5 and let the Vought Group complete its transformation.

But Kevin has never known how Walter Group will transform.

This is a pharmaceutical company. After losing its most successful work, Compound No. 5, where will Vought Group get new ways to make profits?

Kevin didn't know it before, but now he has thought of it.

This vast universe, endless civilizations, and endless planets are Kevin's way of making money.

He will do his best to remember those high-tech things for the black-robed world and bring them back as the cornerstone for the development of the Vought Group.

Complete the change from a pharmaceutical company to an industrial group.

"It would be great if you can come back after changing jobs. If not, then you can only stay in this world for as long as possible. It's best to bring some blueprints back."

If Kevin can bring his backpack here, he can naturally bring it back.

He thought that maybe he could find some space compression devices and bring what he wanted to bring back to the black robe world.

This completes the ‘purchase’ from the Marvel Universe to the Black Robe World.

Gee, what do you mean by the protagonist of Two Worlds?

Kevin was dreaming about a better future, looking at the boundless starry sky, closing his eyes and dozing off.

Although the starry sky is beautiful, looking at it for a long time can make you sleepy.

Kevin had just had a fight with the guards in the prison. Although he was not very tired, he had consumed some energy.

Now that he is relaxed, he will naturally doze off easily.

Kevin seemed to have slept for a long time. When Kevin woke up, Star-Lord Peter Quill knocked on his door and walked in:

"Brother, it's time for you to wake up, we're here."

"Are you there? I'll be there right away."

Kevin, who happened to wake up, yawned, stretched and headed to the control room with Star-Lord.

Entering the control room, through the window of the control room, the first thing that caught Kevin's eyes was the remains of a huge skull.

The head was simply a small satellite. Its surface was covered with mist of different colors, and many buildings were built in the mist.

Its eye has been transformed into an inspection port and a parking space for spaceships. When you get closer, you can see many spacecrafts passing through it.

Kevin stared at the huge skull remains, his heart filled with shock.

It's one thing to see the head in a movie, but it's another thing to actually see it.

With a head as huge as the planet, anyone who looks at it will find it quite spectacular.

And this is just the remains of a dead Celestial Group. It’s really hard to imagine how huge the Celestial Group was in its heyday, and how powerful it would be.

How strong must be the guy who can cut off the head of this god group?

"We are going in now. Everyone, be prepared. The criminals here are much more vicious than the people in Klin Prison."

Gamora, who seemed to have been here once, reminded everyone, then turned and left.

Star-Lord glanced at Kevin subconsciously and said:

"What are you afraid of? We have Brother Kevin in our team. No matter how fierce we are, how can we be as fierce as Brother Kevin?"

"Don't count on me. I won't stay with you until the deal is completed."

Kevin deadpanned.

He never thought about joining the Guardians of the Galaxy, let alone becoming a partner with Star-Lord.

After successfully changing jobs, if he cannot stay any longer, Kevin will be directly sent back to the black robe world.

If he could continue to stay in the Marvel Universe, Kevin would not hang out with the Guardians of the Galaxy. He would collect as much alien technology as possible, and then find a suitable time to go back.

All in all, no matter what, Kevin will not stay in the Guardians of the Galaxy.

Before getting off the spacecraft, Kevin asked Rocket to help him get a data disk that stored most of the basic technological blueprints, and put it in his backpack.

In this way, even if Kevin goes back directly after his job transfer is successful, he doesn't have to worry about not having anything else to gain in the Marvel world.

When everything was ready, everyone got off the spacecraft and went straight to the Collector's cabin in the Void Land.

Collector, whose real name is Tanya Tiwan.

He is the founder and president of the famous Tiwan Group in the universe, responsible for providing rare raw materials to major forces.

Most of those rare raw materials come from this huge head of the Celestial God Group.

Bones, bone marrow, brain tissue...

This head created huge benefits for Tivan, and therefore became Tivan's base camp.

This is the setting of the movie universe.

After Tiwan made money, his only hobby was collecting.

He likes to collect all kinds of strange objects or creatures in the universe. No matter what they are, as long as they are orphans, he likes to add them to his collection.

The infinite gems are Tivan’s goal this time.

According to the Marvel timeline, Tivan already possesses the Reality Stone from Asgard at this moment. If he can obtain the Cosmic Spirit Ball and collect it himself, then Tivan will have two Infinity Stones.

This is Tivan’s ‘ambition’.

Although he just collected the gems for fun.

"Okay, here it is."

Gamora told everyone about the Tiwan Group, and after finishing speaking, she led everyone to stop in front of a building that looked like an entertainment venue.

Star-Lord looked around and saw that this place did not look like a trading place, so he couldn't help but asked in confusion:

"We're just going to do the deal right here?"

"The employer said he would have to wait for a while. We are here to wait for notification from his agent. In the meantime, you can have your own fun."

After Gamora finished speaking, she walked towards a secluded place.

It seemed like she really didn't want to be around everyone.

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