Become invincible from genius

Chapter 646 Conversation

A sigh sounded in everyone's ears. Everyone looked up and saw a figure slowly walking out of the tombstone. His black hair was spread over his shoulders, looking extremely free and easy.

The gentle smile on that face made people feel like a spring breeze, and he looked at Xiao Chen with a touch of relief in his eyes. This figure was naturally the Xiao Xuan who met Xiao Yan back then!

Seeing Xiao Xuan appear, Xiao Chen's iron-like and unsmiling face suddenly collapsed, and he cried with tears in his eyes: "Cousin Xiao Xuan!!"

"Okay, okay, with so many family descendants looking at you crying, how can you still look like an ancestor?" Xiao Xuan shook his head helplessly. Looking at Xiao Chen's crying appearance, some past memories flashed through his mind. .

With a plop, Xiao Chen knelt directly on the ground and cried sadly: "If I hadn't been attached to the Pure Lotus Demon Fire, I wouldn't have been trapped in the demon fire space by it. I..."

Xiao Xuan shook his head, lifted Xiao Chen up with a wave of his hand, and said: "You were indeed prone to anger and had a paranoid personality. But even if you did not go to the demon fire space, the outcome of that battle would not change."

"Now you are a blessing in disguise. At least you have saved your life. With you protecting the Xiao clan, I feel more relieved."

The relationship between Xiao Xuan and Xiao Chen is that they were cousins ​​who grew up together. Xiao Chen once desperately wanted to refine the Pure Lotus Demon Fire, hoping to use the power of the Pure Lotus Demon Fire to change the situation of the Xiao clan being oppressed by the Soul clan. situation.

Xiao Xuan patted Xiao Chen's shoulder heavily and said seriously: "I will no longer be able to protect the family. The mission of protecting the family is left to you."

"Cousin." Xiao Chen said immediately: "Cousin Xiao Xuan, Xiao Yan is now the master of medicine refining, he must have a way to resurrect you."

Hearing Xiao Chen's words, Xiao Xuan just smiled faintly and said: "Now I am just a remnant soul, and even from a certain perspective, even the remnant soul is a bit insignificant. If it weren't for the strangeness of the sky tomb, , I disappeared between heaven and earth early, and as for resurrection, I’m afraid it’s really impossible.”

Hearing this, although Xiao Chen and others were mentally prepared, they still couldn't help but look disappointed. Xiao Xuan's strength was no less than that of Soul Emperor. If he could be resurrected, then the Xiao clan would have The ability to protect oneself.

"Is it really impossible?" Xiao Chen couldn't help turning his head to look at Xiao Yan, but Xiao Yan also sighed and shook his head and said: "I can now refine the ninth-grade Xuandan. When I enter the Heavenly Tomb, I Even after studying the Heavenly Tomb, given the current situation of ancestor Xiao Xuan, not to mention the ninth-grade Xuandan, even the Golden Pill, I am afraid that there is nothing we can do to save him."

"At least, with the medicine refining techniques I know now, there is no way to resurrect ancestor Xiao Xuan. Maybe the legendary Medicine Emperor can do it."

"Medicine Emperor."

This has ended almost all expectations. Now there is not even a Dou Emperor in this world, let alone a Medicine Emperor. Even in ancient times, when Dou Emperor was rampant and when Dou Emperor families were numerous, Medicine Emperors were extremely rare.

Otherwise, how could the Yao clan be so arrogant, because the Yao Emperor is more rare than the Dou Emperor.

Hearing this, Xiao Xuan smiled handsomely.

"Haha, don't worry about me, a dead person." Xiao Xuan smiled and shook his head, then looked at Xiao Yan and the dozen or so Xiao clan disciples behind Xiao Yan, and the smile on his face suddenly changed. Got to be softer.

This time, not only Xiao Yan and Xiao Zhan came, but also Xiao Ding, Xiao Li, Xiao Ning, Xiao Yu, Xiao Mei and other new generations of the Xiao clan. Although these people are far less talented than Xiao Yan, and the strongest ones are Xiao Li and Xiao Ning, they are only comparable to Dou Zun, and are far from the so-called geniuses of the Dou Emperor family.

Xiao Yu is still stuck in the Nine Star Douzong, and the others are even lower in cultivation. However, with the support of the huge Flame Alliance and Xiao Yan, even though he is an idiot, Xiao Yan can refine elixirs to help them reborn and improve their talents. Become a genius.

"The unworthy descendants of the Xiao clan, see ancestor Xiao Xuan."*N

With a snap, all the children of the Xiao clan knelt down and saluted. Even Xiao Yan and the three girls Cai Lin also saluted Xiao Xuan.

Regardless of what Xiao Xuan did for the Xiao clan or the unparalleled glory he once had, he could bear it.

Naturally, the strength and talent of Xiao Ning and others cannot catch Xiao Xuan's eyes, but at least, it is not what Xiao Yan told him when he first entered the Tomb of Heaven, that he is no longer the most powerful fighting master.

Moreover, they are all still young and have a bright future, and the most important thing is that Xiao Yan has a bright future.

"Haha, very good, very good." Xiao Xuan's eyes were filled with tears of relief. The Xiao clan was not destroyed, and it was getting better and better.

He had been waiting for six thousand years just to see this scene.

Xiao Chen stood next to Xiao Xuan and looked at the Xiao clan members in front of him. Although he knew what the Xiao clan was like now, but this time when he stood next to Xiao Xuan and looked at it, for some reason, he felt as if he was seeing each other from another life. .

"Cousin Xiao Xuan, now Xiao Yan has recovered the Xiao Realm. Although it is not as good as when it was at its peak, I believe that Xiao Yan can definitely bring the Xiao Clan back to its peak." Xiao Chen explained.

Xiao Xuan nodded, even if Xiao Chen didn't say it, Xiao Xuan knew it. Because he believed that what Xiao Yan said would be fulfilled. Xiao Yan was not a treacherous person.

When we talk about revitalizing the Xiao clan, we mean revitalizing the Xiao clan. When we talk about bringing the clan members to come to worship, we mean bringing the clan members to come to worship.

"Get up, no need to be polite."

"You are able to achieve such achievements without relying on the power of blood. To be honest, it makes me very happy. You have surpassed me by a lot. The men of my Xiao clan are always extraordinary."

Xiao Xuan naturally saw Xiao Yan's strength, and also saw that Xiao Yan possessed the Pure Lotus Demon Fire, and that his soul power had reached the half-step emperor level. In addition, Xiao Yan had just admitted that he could refine ninth-grade Xuandan. This configuration, except for the fact that his cultivation and soul power are not as good as what he once was, it can be said that he has surpassed him in every aspect.

Xiao Yan couldn't help but feel a little happy and embarrassed to be praised so highly by a person like Xiao Xuan.

Xiao Chen on the side was a little stunned at this time. He knew that although Xiao Xuan looked kind, he was actually a very stern and arrogant person, and he had never admitted anyone who surpassed him.

Now he actually has such a high opinion of Xiao Yan.

Immediately, Xiao Xuan looked at the three women beside Xiao Yan, nodded, and said: "Innate disaster poison body, nine-color sky-swallowing python, ancient tribe's divine bloodline, Xiao Yan, you are really far ahead in this regard. Surpass me."

"Hahaha, I, a man of the Xiao clan, should be like this. It seems that I don't have to worry about the expansion of the Xiao clan in the future." Xiao Xuan also laughed heartily. This Xiao Yan is impeccable even in this aspect. .

Even with Cai Lin's temperament, her pretty face was slightly red at this moment, but the three of them were relieved. If they could be recognized by Xiao Xuan, then the three of them would firmly occupy the position of mistress of the Xiao clan.

At this time, Xiao Yan coughed twice and changed the subject. After all, entering the Sky Tomb this time, in addition to informing Xiao Xuan of the revival of the Xiao Clan, it also allowed Xiao Xuan to witness the handover ceremony of the clan leader.

The Xiao Clan is no longer a small family in Wutan City. Now Xiao City has completely restored the status of the Dou Emperor Clan. It is also time for Xiao Yan to take over the position of clan leader from his father and become the first clan leader of the new Xiao Clan. Or should be called the Lord of ZTE.

The handover of the clan leader was naturally extremely grand. Under the witness of Xiao Xuan, Xiao Yan took off the young clan leader's token and took over the clan leader's clan order from his father.

In a sense, this can be regarded as a different kind of recognition of ancestors.

"Yan'er, from now on, you will be the true clan leader of the Xiao clan." Xiao Zhan looked at the extremely dazzling son in front of him, and his eyes could not help but be flooded with tears.

"Dad, don't worry, I will definitely not lose your face." Xiao Yan gently wiped away Xiao Zhan's tears and made a solemn promise.

"Hahaha, you have never lost my face. You are my proudest son, Xiao Zhan, at all times!"

After completing all the rituals, Xiao Xuan said with a smile: "Come in and tell me what happened over the years."

Xiao Yan nodded slightly and followed Xiao Xuan into his tomb. He began to sort out his memories, and then began to describe the many things he had encountered over the years and the current situation in a non-hurried tone. tell.

After hearing Xiao Yan's thrilling encounters, Xiao Xuan smiled, but his expression did not change due to anything.

It wasn't until Xiao Yan asked about Tuoshe Ancient Emperor and mentioned that the number one on the list of strange fires was the fusion of all different fires, Xiao Xuan frowned.

"I really didn't expect that Tuoshe Ancient Emperor would be a strange fire. No wonder according to the clan's historical records, the Dou Emperor family did not appear when Tuoshe Ancient Emperor became Dou Emperor. It turns out that Tuoshe Ancient Emperor turned out to be the spirit of heaven and earth." Xiao Xuan also found it strange at first. It had only been a few thousand years since Emperor Tuoshe became emperor. Logically speaking, a Dou Emperor family should be born.

But no Doudi family showed up.

"Old ancestors, it stands to reason that you should find it strange that the Dou Emperor family was not born when the ancient Tuoshe Emperor became emperor. Why doesn't anyone find it strange?" Xiao Yan asked curiously.

After Xiao Xuan was silent for a while, he said: "I was not born when the ancient Tuoshe emperor became emperor, and I don't know the details, but I speculate that it may be because the ancient emperor Tuoshe disappeared not long after he became the emperor, so at that time Everyone in the Doudi family thinks that Emperor Tuoshe did not give birth to the Doudi family because of this reason."

"He disappeared not long after he became emperor?!" Xiao Yan was shocked. What's going on? Tens of thousands of years ago, Dou Emperor all disappeared in one night. Tuoshe Ancient Emperor also disappeared not long after he became emperor? !

How dare you risk your life, Emperor Cheng! !

Strangeness has arrived!

Emperor Cheng is so terrifying!

Xiao Xuan sighed, shook his head and said: "After all, the Dou Emperor family has relied on the Dou Emperor bloodline since ancient times. Everyone born in the Dou Emperor family is proud of the Dou Emperor bloodline. At that time, the Dou Emperor family of the eight clans The bloodline is actually starting to dry up, and it is not as good as when it was at its most glorious. Only an emperor can inject new power into Dou Di's bloodline, so everyone has an inexplicable obsession with Dou Di."

"That's why I didn't pay attention to it."

"Even the Doudi family knows very little about the ancient Emperor Tuoshe. It is unknown when he appears and disappears."

Xiao Yan frowned. It seemed that even ancestor Xiao Xuan didn't know why Dou Emperor suddenly disappeared. What made Xiao Yan's heart sink was that the ancient Emperor Tuoshe disappeared after becoming the emperor.

The Tuoshe Ancient Emperor Jade was what was left after the Tuoshe Ancient Emperor disappeared, which caused the Dou Emperor family to fight for it, and was eventually divided into eight.

"Xiao Yan, according to what you said, Emperor Hun Tian has now collected half of the ancient jade." Xiao Xuan looked at Xiao Yan and asked. The ancient jade of the Xiao clan has also fallen into the hands of Emperor Hun Tian.

Xiao Yan nodded.

"The Soul Emperor needs your alchemy ability?"

Xiao Yan did not hide anything, nodded and said: "It is rumored that there is an emperor-grade young pill in the cave of Tuoshe Ancient Emperor, and there is a ray of origin energy in the young pill. The deal between Soul Emperor and me is to let me help He refined the Imperial Grade Young Pill into an Imperial Grade Pill to help him become emperor."

Xiao Yan didn't know how Xiao Xuan was feeling at this time. The Xiao clan was oppressed by the Soul clan and had no choice but to make a desperate move, and finally ended up like this.

As a result, a thousand years later, Xiao Xuan did not stop all this. Emperor Huntian still obtained the Tuoshe Ancient Emperor Jade from the Xiao clan, and it seemed that they were almost ready.

The final step to becoming emperor was the help of the current patriarch of the Xiao clan, which was definitely not what Xiao Xuan felt in his heart.

To Xiao Yan's surprise, Xiao Xuan was not surprised at all when he heard the news about Emperor Grade Young Pill.

"No need to be surprised. I also know about the presence of Emperor Grade Young Pills in Tuoshe Ancient Emperor's Cave."

"Do I know that there is an emperor-grade young elixir in the Na Tuo She Ancient Emperor's Cave, or I knew it when the Tuo She Ancient Emperor Jade was not separated, but before I can completely decipher the information in the ancient jade, the eight ancient tribes will Because of this, there was a commotion and a big fight, which finally led to Gu Yu's eight points." Xiao Xuan shook his head and said. [This paragraph is the original words of the original work. 】

"So, if you want to know the location of Tuoshe Ancient Emperor's cave, you still have to gather the Eight Yus, and to open the cave, you still need the Eight Yus."

"Old Ancestor, it's not that I have other people's ambitions, but... as the leader of the Xiao Clan, I don't want to be an enemy of the Soul Clan." Xiao Yan shrugged helplessly, unless Xiao Xuan can be resurrected to full health and join forces with the ancient clan and The other Doudi families will then instigate rebellion against the Void Swallowing Flame, otherwise the fight between the Xiao Clan and the Soul Clan will be a dead end.

Xiao Xuan was not angry, but nodded and said in agreement: "You are now the patriarch of the Xiao clan, and it is your mission to protect the clan. Maybe it was because I wanted to become an emperor back then because I had an obsession and refused to admit defeat, which ultimately led to Xiao Xuan's death. The family is in this situation.”

"Because you don't have the shackles of Dou Emperor's bloodline, you are alive and well. Maybe it's a good thing that you don't have Dou Emperor's bloodline and Tuoshe Ancient Emperor Jade."

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