Become invincible from the explosion of the alchemy furnace

Chapter 1002: Severely Injuring Gu Yunyan

Gu Yunyan's face was gloomy and uncertain. She was punched in the abdomen by Chen Xuan, and she immediately felt that her internal organs were affected. Crimson bloody blood rose from her chest.

She then spat out blood mixed with minced meat. He walked backwards in embarrassment, and the ground under his feet was shattered and cracked.

Gu Yunyan was shocked! I really didn't expect that the weak Chen Xuan could hurt her. But at this moment, Gu Yunyan stared slightly in surprise and said, "Have you actually reached the early stage of foundation building?!"

From Qi condensation to foundation building, this is an essential leap! In the vast world of Baicao Realm, more than 50% of people will be stuck at this stage!

Anyone who can successfully cross over from this stage is truly talented and strong. Not everyone can easily cross this step.

But at this time, the slight surprise in the depths of Gu Yunyan's eyes was quickly replaced by a strong sense of teasing. She looked at Chen Xuan and said, "Haha, why do you look so arrogant now? It seems that you think you can fight me because you are a level substitute, right? It's just your ability. Compared with me, it seems a little too weak. Do you really think you can compete with me?"

Gu Yunyan laughed extremely. As she stepped forward, the dazzling spiritual energy fluctuations turned out to be dazzling colors. Her speed suddenly more than doubled, and she arrived at Chen Xuan's side like lightning.

She burst out in an instant and counterattacked!

The sharp spiritual power gathered in the white palm, and the astonishing weight, as heavy as a mountain, smashed the air into pieces.

At this time, Chen Xuan's body was completely controlled by this terrifying palm.


Chen Xuan fought back but was still hit. He grunted and retreated in embarrassment. It was obvious that his face looked a little pale at this time.

When he was dozens of meters away, he slowly raised his head. A faint light of sharpness appeared in the depths of his deep eyes. He waved his hand to wipe away the blood that spilled out of the corner of his mouth. It was obvious that he was really joking.

Gu Yunyan really didn't know what he could be so proud of at this point. She thought that coming here was nothing more than a bluff.

It didn't give him the slightest bit of good looks. She moved at lightning speed again, and a phoenix-like shadow appeared vaguely all over her body. Chen Xuan clearly felt the mysterious aura emerging in his mind.

He knew almost immediately that the amazing power in front of him was called "Huang Mang Jue."

This blow is really not weak to the original beast. The suppressive power makes people unable to breathe. The huge and powerful pressure made Chen Xuan feel like a mountain was falling all over his body at this time. It was unavoidable that this astonishing pressure made him feel uncomfortable all over.

The astonishing phoenix shadow was suppressed in the battlefield in front of him. Chen Xuan looked at this extremely powerful blow and knew that the time had come to decide the outcome.

It just takes some time!

The terrifying bombardment fell, and it was clear that the phoenix shadow, whose whole body was surging with brilliant light, impacted quickly and violently in front of the eyes. Chen Xuan's body was hit hard and flew backwards almost instantly.

His hands pierced the earth and two ferocious ravines emerged. Chen Xuan slowly raised his head, his eyes filled with laughter.

"Haozi, you are really persistent." Gu Yunyan pursed her lips and smiled. At this time, she shook her head helplessly. When the battle entered the current stage, the role she could mobilize and exert was almost to the extreme.

Now she hardly needs to use any abilities and strength to defeat him naturally. Slowly walking towards Chen Xuan, Gu Yunyan decided to use strong means to end the battle...

Arriving next to Chen Xuan, Gu Yunyan's eyes sharpened. The five fingers shot towards Chen Xuan like cold knives.

The result that should have directly ended the battle at the next moment did not occur. Her extremely white wrist was actually grasped by a hand that seemed to be in arrears. With a bang, the woman in front of her had her wrist firmly controlled and stood up, with no possibility of moving at all.

Chen Xuan slowly stood up. Everything in the depths of his eyes was joking at this time. He looked at the girl in front of him and said calmly: "Don't you want to harm me? Come on?"

Gu Yunyan struggled wildly. She wanted to escape from Chen Xuan's control, but unfortunately she didn't have such a chance.

After struggling hard for a while, it was clear that she was really weak now.


Chen Xuan swept down her palm with an astonishing light of spiritual energy and landed on her body very quickly. The powerful palm suddenly shattered her body into pieces.

Her face suddenly turned extremely pale. Crimson blood spit out from her mouth and Gu Yunyan flew out in embarrassment.

The body fell heavily to the ground and bounced back up. Gu Yunyan's whole body was extremely stiff.

"The effect of the Three Yuan Qi Condensing Pill is really good." Chen Xuan said with a smile.

Apparently he had devoured the Three Yuan Qi Condensing Pill during the most dangerous time. The power of this elixir rose up in his body as rapidly as a river, which gave Chen Xuan the ability and strength to fight against warriors in the late stage of foundation building.

Even if he fights across two or three levels, Chen Xuan has great confidence in defeating his opponent. Now that he has such a powerful elixir power, he can certainly exert greater strength.

Looking at Gu Yunyan and Chen Xuan, they were really joking. After a few steps, he reached Gu Yunyan's side and his big hand burst out with powerful force.

Layers of air exploded and instantly hit Gu Yunyan's body against Zheng Dong! The surprisingly heavy palm immediately smashed Gu Yunyan's body to pieces, and blood spurted out from the wound freely.

Gu Yunyan vomited blood and spun upside down and flew out. The extremely bright red blood spurted out continuously. Her whole body was extremely cold at this time, and her body made a big hole in the ground under her feet.

Gu Yunyan climbed out of it in a state of embarrassment. Now it can be seen that her face is pale and she is really embarrassed to a certain extent.

His red lips were trembling and he looked like he wanted to order something, but she still held back in the end, as if there was a sense of pride in her heart that refused to bow her head and admit defeat easily to Chen Xuan.

Chen Xuan wished that this woman could continue to be tough and come out slowly with a smile like a breeze. Arriving in front of him extremely quickly, the astonishing palm pierced out with great speed, and the palm surging with powerful spiritual energy fell hard on Gu Yunyan's shoulder.

Gu Yunyan's shoulder was instantly covered in blood and flesh. The extremely heavy blow sent Gu Yunyan flying backwards. She fell to the ground lifelessly and the sword ground collapsed immediately!

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