Master Chen Xuan?

What Master Chen Xuan?

Shen Fu, who was the first to react, looked at Chen Xuan beside him in shock.

Even the head of the family wants to call someone a master, who is this young man?

Chen Xuan raised his eyebrows when he heard Feng Yaoyang shouting respectfully.

"you know me?"

In my memory, Beishui City has never had any dealings with Baihe City. Although the troubles caused were not serious and a lot of money was made, it only gained a certain degree of popularity.

There is no need to spread your name and appearance so quickly.

"It's really you, Master Chen Xuan!"

"You idiots and fools, who on earth offended Master Chen Xuan, please kowtow to me and apologize!"

Feng Yaoyang seemed to become excited, pointing at Shen Fu and others and cursing.

Not only Shen Fu, but also Chen Xuan himself was confused as to what the situation was and why this old man who looked so awesome was so respectful to him.

"Hehe, Master Chen Xuan doesn't know something. I just came back from the meeting in Medicine Master City. Now the entire Medicine Master City or the alchemists of the Medicine Master Guild already know Master Chen Xuan's name."

Chen Xuan's deeds have been spread throughout Yaoshi City. Over the years, Yaoshi City's biggest enemy has been the Dan King Yufan, because Dan Wang Yufan simply looks down on the people of Yaoshi City and even thinks that the people of Yaoshi City are... A group of rabble-rousers invited the latter to give lectures several times, but they never lost face.

This resulted in Medicine Master City not being very friendly towards the Dan King Yufan.

The story of Chen Xuanling's fire that shook the Dan King has spread throughout Yaoshi City. Everyone knows that this young man has the courage to go against the Dan King Yufan, and is even the one who makes the Hou Dan King Yufan suffer. This is Chen Xuan Zhen was really scary, but Chen Xuan himself didn't feel much about it.

In the past, this Dan King Yufan was nothing. Even if he wanted to be his disciple, he was still several levels behind.

However, in the eyes of alchemists like Feng Yaoyang, Chen Xuan is simply the incarnation of God, a god-like existence, and most importantly, this mysterious and powerful young man agreed to serve as a lecturer in the Medicine City. Feng Yaoyang Qianxin Wan Ku asked a lot of people to find connections before enrolling himself as a candidate, and he was waiting for Chen Xuan to start classes.

But who knew that when he returned to his own territory in the blink of an eye, he saw Chen Xuan sitting in the inn he opened, with his two sons stepping on his feet, and sitting around him were his elder housekeepers. What happened to this world? For the first time Feng Yaoyang felt that the world was so crazy.

But he was the head of the family after all, so he quickly calmed down and had a general understanding of the situation here.

"So it turns out that the whole Medicine City knows my name? Lanshan is such a big mouth."

Chen Xuan couldn't help but shook his head.

Hearing Chen Xuan's words, Feng Yaoyang almost rolled off the table in fright. After all, Lanshan was the vice-president of the Alchemist Guild and a dignified fifth-grade alchemist. However, Chen Xuan's tone did not seem to regard the latter at all. Pay close attention to Zheng

"Okay, since you know me, I will give you a favor and give you a 20% discount. Count these heads yourself and how much they are worth."

Chen Xuan said calmly.

We know each other, but if you want to establish friendship at this time, I'm sorry, it won't work. I am in a hurry for money now.

"Money? Oh, no problem, no problem. If Master Chen Xuan needs it, just ask. These people have offended Master Chen Xuan before. I am not strict in discipline, so they should be severely punished!"

At this point, Feng Yaoyang's eyes also became stern.

"You idiots, this is Master Chen Xuan. What are you doing? Are you rebelling? Kneel down and admit your mistake!"

Shen Fu and others quickly knelt down and admitted their mistake.

"I'm sorry, Master Chen Xuan."

"I'm sorry, Master Chen Xuan."

This is what the head of the family said, how could he not listen, but the two sons were already seriously injured. Feng Xuan, who had just woken up, glanced at his father, thinking that his father could make the decision for him, but when he heard At his father's words, he immediately rolled his eyes and fainted again.

What kind of situation is this? It's obvious that you are the victim, okay?

"Okay, okay, get up. I'm not an unreasonable person. If you fall into my hands, I can't just let you walk out like this. That would be so shameless for me."

Chen Xuandao. ,

Compared with the violent murderer in his previous life, Chen Xuan has changed a lot. He is even more willing to accept the world and integrate into this society, instead of killing people just because he disagrees.

Chen Xuan also believes that this is an improvement. After all, strong strength can only make you a killing machine. Only emotion is the most powerful fist.

Ever since he met Wang Qianyu and others in Yangcheng there, Chen Xuan's mentality has been changing. Those guys often hung around in front of him, which also left a deep impression on Chen Xuan and influenced Chen Xuan little by little. Xuan's heart.

That's why I sit here and discuss with them. Otherwise, they would have been killed long ago, and there would be no living creatures anywhere.

How dare you bring so many people to surround you.

As a spiritual powerhouse, this in itself is a very strong offense.

"That's right, it's all my Feng family's fault. I'm sorry to bother Master Chen Xuan. It's better to choose a different day than to catch the sun. Why don't you invite Master Chen Xuan to your house to talk, treat me well, and keep me company."

Feng Yaoyang said.

"No need, I'm rushing to Medicine Master City. There are four heads here, each worth one million, so you can just give me five million gold coins."

Chen Xuandao.

"Master Chen Xuan, this is the Eternal Gold Card of Eternal Bank. The stored value is 10 million gold coins. Sir, just use it. You can even overdraw it by 10 million gold coins after use. It's disrespectful."

Feng Yaoyang said, there was also a golden card in his hand. Chen Xuan raised his eyebrows. Chen Xuan didn't know how many things like this he had in his previous life. Some powerful people gave some gold cards and platinum cards if they didn't understand. There are tens of billions and tens of billions for myself, but I can’t use them all.

"Can you swipe it wherever you go?" Chen Xuan took the card and asked.

"Of course, it is common among the three empires."

Chen Xuan has also heard of Eternal Bank. This is a very powerful bank. It can be found in almost the three empires, and the currencies of the three empires will be exchanged here. If you want to exchange the currencies of other empires, you can only go through Eternal Eternal. Bank.

The latter is said to have existed longer than the Qifeng Empire.

"Okay, I'll accept it. You can take it away."

Chen Xuan said happily, adding up to 20 million gold coins, how could the Feng family be so rich?

But when I think about holding an auction, my net worth is over 100 million. So the Feng family has existed in such a large city for such a long time, and there is still some accumulation.

"Take them all down and leave nothing behind." Feng Yaoyang said, and several Feng family guards carried the two young masters down.

"I have to teach your two sons a lesson from now on. It's so rude."

Chen Xuandao.

Is it polite to curse people directly on the street? However, Chen Xuan never considers himself. Hitting people on the street is not necessarily a polite behavior. However, Chen Xuan is like this. Anyone who dares to do it will just do it. Give you a taste of fist.

"Yes, yes, yes, two, come and serve the wine. I'll toast Master Chen Xuan."

"You still know how to be a good person."

Chen Xuan smiled and said, this Feng Yaoyang is worthy of being an old Jianghu and the dignified head of the Feng family, but he is so humble to himself. Although it was a very common thing in his previous life, it may not be the case in this life.

"Master, the master is not well. The third sister's illness has returned again. This time she vomited a lot of blood."

Unexpectedly, a maid from the Feng family rushed in hurriedly, crying.


"I'm...I'm sorry, Master Chen Xuan, my daughter is terminally ill, and I have to go back and take care of her..." Feng Yaoyang seemed to have been hit hard, and he looked a little helpless.

"Oh? What kind of terminal disease can make you so panicked? Take me to see it."

Chen Xuandao.

Feng Yaoyang was originally very worried, but when he heard Chen Xuan's words, he suddenly became excited.

"Really, Master Chen Xuan, please!"

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