There was a fiery red elixir placed in front of Chen Xuan, and there were these five strange lines on the elixir.

This is called an elixir pattern, which is a very rare effect in elixirs. Generally speaking, if an elixir with an elixir pattern can be refined, the effect can be increased by 10%. On the original basis, the effect can be increased by 10%. Effect.

The Fire Essence Pill in Chen Xuan's hand is at the peak of the sixth grade, and it also has five pill patterns!

The effect of this elixir can be increased to at least 50%.

It is definitely the best among elixirs. Even Chen Xuan himself did not expect such an effect, and he was extremely happy.

"As expected of a second-level gem, the effect is so powerful."

The energy of gems is powerful and extremely precious. Even with Chen Xuan's strength in his previous life, he only got such a seventh-level gem after losing everything. This is the only one. This is the first time that Chen Xuan uses the power of this gem to make elixirs. , the effect is surprisingly good.

"Tonight, we will definitely be able to break through!"

Chen Xuan opened his mouth and swallowed the fire essence pill. Suddenly, a huge energy was released,

Outside the yard.

Even dozens of meters away, one could feel the hot breath coming from Chen Xuan's room. It was obvious that Chen Xuan was refining elixirs. As an alchemist, Feng Yaoyang knew very keenly that this kind of temperature could only be achieved when refining elixirs. It will happen that the higher the temperature, the stronger the effect of the elixir.

"In terms of temperature, it's at least a third-grade elixir. It's a pity that I can't watch Master Chen Xuan make alchemy, otherwise it will definitely be of great benefit to my alchemy skills."

Feng Yaoyang sighed in his heart. In order to thank Chen Xuan, he happened to meet Chen Xuan refining elixirs, so he waited outside the courtyard and felt the temperature generated during the elixir refining. ,

"Yeah, this smell smells so good!"

This time, not only Feng Yaoyang, but also Shen Chenfu and others behind him could smell the fragrance in the air. What on earth was it? It was so fragrant. Even just smelling it casually, the whole person felt... They all came to their senses. I was a little sleepy before, but now I am full of energy.

"Master, this..."

The shocked eyes of some people were filled with curiosity.

"Ahem, although I don't know what kind of elixir it is specifically, but due to the fragrance of the elixir and the heat in the air, the elixir refined by Master Chen Xuan is at least a fourth-grade elixir. There are only a hundred fourth-level alchemy masters. I didn’t expect Master Chen Xuan to be able to create an elixir in such a short period of time.”

If an ordinary alchemist wants to complete alchemy alone, without an assistant, it will take a lot of time just to take thousands of medicinal materials and refine them one by one. If something goes wrong in the middle, he will have to do it all over again. , Therefore, Chen Xuan's strength is really powerful.

"I see, Master Chen Xuan is really powerful."

Shen Fu and others also suddenly realized that although they were not alchemists, they also knew that these fourth-grade elixirs were quite precious, and that fourth-grade elixirs were the most sought-after items and were the favorites of middle-level practitioners.

But Feng Yaoyang had one sentence in his mind that he had not yet said. This elixir was probably not the fourth grade, but the fifth grade. Because the fourth grade elixir could not achieve the effect of invigorating people just by smelling it, and it was still When the fragrance spreads so far.

This Master Chen Xuan must be grasped well.

Those two idiot sons almost shut out such a person.

I was completely offended.

Thinking of this, Feng Yaoyang breathed a sigh of relief. If Chen Xuan was invited by someone from another family, his Feng family's status would be in jeopardy.

inside the room.

After Chen Xuan swallowed the Fire Essence Pill, it turned into a huge flame that burned crazily in the mental space, seeming to burn Chen Xuan's mental power cleanly.

However, while the technique was running, Chen Xuan controlled the mental power bit by bit. Finally, the mental power that had been stagnant at the ninth level of the spiritual level suddenly became enlightened at this moment, as if it was a dust-covered door. The long-standing door was opened with force.


Huge energy gathered in the spiritual space and finally condensed into a transparent crystal.

Of course, only spiritual power can sense it, because this crystal is called the spiritual core.

It is the source of power for spiritual masters. Only after you have condensed your own spiritual core can you become a true spiritual master. All the energy in spiritual induction can be used by you!

"Finally a breakthrough."

Chen Xuan grinned, and at this moment, a roar of thunder suddenly sounded in the sky.

"Breaking through the king level will bring about a thunder disaster."

When the Fengxue Cangshi broke through the king-level bloodline, it was equivalent to breaking through the king-level, so the divine thunder came down. This was a disaster for cultivators.

"Thunder Tribulation...Master Chen Xuan is actually breaking through to the king-level realm!"

Feng Yaoyang and others who were guarding outside the yard immediately realized what was going on.

They were all shocked.

Even Feng Yaoyang himself is only at the ninth-level realm. Not only is he still a hundred and eighty thousand miles away from the king-level realm, but he is still far away from the spirit-level realm.

But the Chen Xuan in front of him, who was able to break through to this king-level realm at such a young age, was really terrifying and infuriating.

"Master Chen too evil..."

Shen Fu and others behind him were already stunned and speechless. Soon, the masters from other families in the city also looked over.

"Hey, that's the direction of the Feng family. Has the ancestor of the Feng family made a breakthrough?"

"Damn it, what is going on? Go and find out for me which old monster broke through on the Feng family's territory."

"King level! Who broke through the king level and caused a thunder disaster!"

Countless experts were shocked, and more people rushed to the area where the Feng family was.

After reacting, Feng Yaoyang immediately ordered the news to be blocked. Hey, this is a good secret that can be used. Anyway, no one knows who made the breakthrough. Even if it was announced that it was the ancestor of my Feng family who made the breakthrough, none of these people would dare. Trust me, this is the real thing after all!

There is a layer of uncertainty here, and these people don't dare to act rashly!

Several angry thunders fell in the sky. Feeling the power of the thunder, Feng Yaoyang and others couldn't help but worry, could Chen Xuan survive such a terrifying thunder.

Then I saw the thick bucket-like thunder in the sky falling straight down. After more than ten times in a row, the black clouds in the sky gradually turned into purple thunder clouds.

More than a dozen purple thunder and lightning fell.

The power is terrifying. If any power leaks out, it will be enough to destroy the entire White Crane City. Therefore, Feng Yaoyang is also worried in his heart whether this thunder and lightning will destroy the entire Feng family accidentally. This is hundreds of lives.

But Feng Yaoyang's worries were unnecessary.

Because those thunderbolts fell into Chen Xuan's room and never came out again. It was like there was a huge black hole in Chen Xuan's room, which was constantly devouring the energy of thunder and lightning, without any leakage.

But there was a big hole in the roof.

The thunderstorm lasted for nearly half an hour, and it seemed that it was finally tired, and then slowly dissipated...

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